Rating:  Summary: 125 entertaining minutes Review: I saw this movie at the cinema when it was released a few years ago-it got me then and it got me when I watched it these days on video. Don't ask for an intellectual reason why this movie appeals to me so much. I just like the story and I like the actors-especially Kevin Gage, David Vadim, Viggo Mortensen. Whether the story is realistic or pc is really not the question-its fiction like all Hollywood Movies. So just enjoy 125 Minutes of best entertainment that are over just a little too quickly.(PS:would like to contact "navyaircrewman" who also wrote a review.)
Rating:  Summary: Good View of SEALS Training Review: I really like this movie and admire the guts "G.I. Jane" has to go toe to toe with the men and not be treated any differently. The acting was very good. I don't know how realistic it is that women could do as well as men in combat but it made a good movie. The scene where the senator has set her up and Demi Moore confronts her is great. My objection to the movie is the idea they had to ruin her SEALS training after all she achieved, but she overcomes this. Sadly it is the opinion of many people, if she doesn't make it, it's because she's a woman. If she does make it than she is a lesbian and bigoted people think lesbians aren't "real women".
Rating:  Summary: Rather Effective Movie Review: Directed by Ridley Scott. Rather effective story of a woman (Demi Moore) who shows that a woman can make it in the military, and that the term "It's a Man's World" is about as out-dated as stone knives and bear skins.
Rating:  Summary: One of the Boys Review: The major theme in the movie....the military's attitude toward women in the military is well handled. Demi Moore's character is screaminly competent( women have to be twice as good). But the deck is stacked against her. Her sponsor, a highly political woman Senator really does not want her to succeed. The drillmaster does not want her to succeed because it would damage the battle effectiveness of any unit she was assigned to. Her boyfriend does not want her to succeed beause as he says, "I love you, and want you safe and close. Intense, brutal training scenes are a highpoint of the movie. My respect for Navy SEALS skyrocketed. The scene where Moore cuts off her hair to signal her deetermination to be treated as an equal left me cold. It really represents the triumph of men that women want to be just like them. Who converted who here? I had great hopes that the fair treatment of her male superiors, and the drill master would prevail. Alas, no, the sexist men go bad. Unfair, treatment prevails. I tried to overlook the overt feminist agenda in the film....hoping for a "can't we all get along resolution. Not to be, Demi ended up being "one of the boys." I was hoping she would not succeed
Rating:  Summary: The best man for the job? Review: When G.I. Jane was released, anti-feminist crusaders gave it a scathing review, proclaiming it "politically-correct propaganda". Apparently, they failed to look deeper than Demi's sinewy physique, and her character's grim determination to complete the rigorous SEAL training. Jordan O'Neil, an outstanding Naval Intel specialist and accomplished triathlete, clearly has all the "right stuff" to become the first female operator. But how will she affect team-cohesiveness? From the start, she is an outcast, segregated because of her gender. To gain her teammates' acceptance, O'Neil must become, not their feminist "sister", but a brother-in-arms. This is the theme of the film. She begins by shaving her head, symbolically shedding her femininity to the sultry lyrics of the Pretenders "the bitch is gone..." She bunks and showers with the guys, and is made team-leader for a brutal SERE training exercise. She gamely endures abuse as her Master Chief attempts to demonstrate to her teammates how her presence could imperil a mission and their lives. It is during the simulated rape -- intended to demean her to the status of female "victim" -- that she fights back ferociously. In what has become the defining moment of the film, she challenges her tormentor with that uniquely masculine vulgarity which draws cheers from her teammates (and the movie audience). She has seemingly successfully transformed herself into a brother warrior, but will her Master Chief's warnings prove prophetic when her team is deployed? As he admits: "She's not the problem. We are." The tighter her bond with her comrades, ironically the stronger their instinct to "protect" her. Can it ever be overcome? Demi Moore and Viggo Mortensen give terrific performances in this entertaining, yet thought-provoking film. A powerful soundtrack really enhances the explosive action.
Rating:  Summary: Big Disappointment. Feminism, not SEAL training Review: G.I. Jane is a movie that was made for feminists. I thought that a movie with the plot of a woman becoming a Navy SEAL was interesting. I began to laugh at certain points because it got so ridiculous. After watching this movie I can now understand why some real life members of the SEAL Teams consider this movie a slap in the face of what they do and the training they go through. This film is about a woman going through the Navy SEAL basic training (known as BUD's- or CRT in the movie). This training is known by many as some of the most demanding training in any military in the world. Jordan O' Neill (Moore) is an intelligence officer who gets pulled into this program by politicians. She ends up ... To those of us that have an understanding of what goes on at BUD's, this film is an absolute joke. Aspects of this film were entertaining, but the film really ends in a terrible way. if i was a Navy SEAL, who has worked so hard to gain the right to call myself that, I would be insulted by this movie and its portrayal of SEAL basic training. On the plus side, certain aspects of SEAL training seem to have been caught pretty well. The intensity of BUD's was protrayed pretty well. This film was made for feminists. if you want to make a realistic film, then do it. Don't make up a fantasy character that has superhero characteristics. I stopped watching unrealistic military TV when GI Joe went off the air.
Rating:  Summary: An Interesting Movie, But,,, (Yes, there is a But...) Review: Okay, the premise of this movie is simple enough: a woman (our gal, Demi) is selected to become a member of the elite, formerly males-only Navy Seals. However, even though the star of this movie is female, this is not exactly what I would call a "woman's movie" as you might expect. The film focuses more on personal achievement than on dialogue or character development. That being said, this movie is interesting insofaras it's realistic portrayal of the rigorous training they put these guys through in the Navy Seals! It's absolutely amazing, and must be seen to be believed! G.I. Jane is a very watchable movie that will hold your attention - I just wish they could have added more depth of character. (Then again, there may not be ROOM for individual personalities in an organization such as the Navy Seals!
Rating:  Summary: A Good Adventure Yarn Review: A good video transfer, but not the best. As noted above, the sound is exceptional. But what you watch this for is to see Demi become an elite Navy Seal, and how Viggo, playing the chief training officer, deals with having a woman in his group. Four hours a day of pumping iron turned Moore's body into something never seen in a big Hollywood star: the body of a professional athlete. The softness of 'Striptease' is nowhere seen here. But can she act? Is the Pope a bear? It doesn't matter here. Scott keeps the pace up at such a rate that you never focus on implausibilities or weak performances - not that there are any seen under his superb direction. And it's not all that implausible. Seal advisors say that the only thing in the film that wasn't real was not removing a trainee with a compound fracture suffered in an exercise. Even the diversion of the trainees to a real battle situation - the final, very violent, theme of the movie - has happened. Seals are very violent, very profane, and you are washed in this in the movie. That said, it's a hell of a good adventure yarn. Make no mistake, it's Demi's movie, and Scott has not allowed any extraneous elements. But she's well matched with the deadly serious Lt. O'Neil character, and the motion is always forward. It came out in a year of blockbuster adventure movies, and was the best of the lot that I saw (and I saw too damn many). It holds up on video. You like adventure, guns, noise, tough women? Give it a shot.
Rating:  Summary: The Best! Review: This is the best film. I saw it in my life...Demi Moore was acting very good and she know to act a solider and she was very storng in this film and wish her all the best in her life! Good Luck Demi Moore in your life and continue in your life and in your wonderful films............
Rating:  Summary: Poorly made and thought out. Unrealistic and pure Hollywood Review: This movie was designed to make pure fiction appear realistic. The charactors were unrealistic and over all poorly acted. It was a cookie cutter action/drama which has no value.