Rating:  Summary: You loved it or hated it. Review: Some of the worst movies are the most successful; some of the best are criminally ignored by moviegoers. The fact is that American audiences like their movies relatively simple and straightforward- nothing too philosophical lest their minds be too taxed. Hence the enormous success of films such as Phantom Menace, Charlies Angels, etc. I can't blame them, in a way. We like to go to movies to be entertained. We get impatient and frustrated with anything remotely complex or incomplete. I admire Malick for this masterpiece, and that he's not on the bandwagon with all the other directors that continually release unsophisticated movies with no real depth.
Rating:  Summary: Thin Red Whine Review: Absolutely boring. This one makes my Top 10 "Golden Turkey" list. Pointless, boring, over naturalistic, hugely overly long art cinema, that starts nowhere with too many confusing characters and agonisingly terminates in a big ball of crap. The only effect it may have on an audience is to go to war after the film is over to get their money back. This is a dog where even the fleas fell asleep. Highly recommended if you suffer from insomnia.
Rating:  Summary: One of the WORST movies ever. Review: (I would have given this 0 stars, but you have to put at least 1) Simply put: This movie was long, confusing, boring.... and well, it just tried to be too "artsy." And the worst part is, when you think the movie is finally over, you get a whole hour more to suffer. I almost walked out on this movie, but I went on opening night, and I sure wasn't going waste my money. I kept thinking that maybe in the end I would at least get something out of it. Well, I was wrong. This movie was a waste of time.
Rating:  Summary: Thin Red Garbage Review: My father fought bravely in the Battle of Guadalcanal during World War II. And together, we went to see the "Thin Red Line". He walked out of the movie in thirty minutes. The only comment I heard him make about "The Thin Red Line" was this: "If I ever meet the sonofabitch who made that garbage, I'll kick his ...!"Terrence Malick is the most over-rated, under-talented person to ever have any success in Hollywood. I think he knows this, that's why it took him twenty years to rear his ugly head and make this offensive, over-indulged Calvin Klein commercial called "The Thin Red Line". Terrence, do us all a favor -- go away again.
Rating:  Summary: This is Guadalcanal???? Review: Anything in this movie resembling the battle of Guadalcanal is purely coincidental. When I go to see a war movie I want to be enlightened about a period in history and not be bored out of my mind. Why were we at Guadalcanal? Why was it important for the Japanese to conquer this island? This movie makes no attempt to answer these basic questions. This is more about what T. Malicks "version" of the common soldier's internal struggle. I stress on his "version", because it has little real basis in reality. I've read many books and seen many documentaries on WWII. Never did I hear any veteran state that he was wondering about war's effect on nature or the "good and evil" of war. So, I don't see how he can envision young men in their twenties as being philosophers on the battlefield. His movie was just too abastract for me to enjoy. As far a realism goes, just forget it. How can it be that the U.S. was the attacker in this movie? The marines arrived before the Japanese and dug in. Historically, we were on the defensive. Why is there no mention of Henderson field? That was the main objective of the Marines. Since when did the Japanese become cowering soldiers? Did Mr. Malick ever hear of the Code of Bushido? Japanese sodliers rarely surrendered and they certainly didn't cower like frightened children. And, to top it off, Woody Harelson gets killed by the weakest grenade in military history. Who was the technical advisor on this movie? Well if you want to learn about a historically important battle, then you are wasting your time. If your into philosophy, you might get some message out of this waste of film. I don't know what it could be though...
Rating:  Summary: To Hell With Art...GIVE US CARNAGE! Review: Okay, I can appreciate a director attempting to make a bold statement about war and it's effect on the human condition. But trigger time in battle should be a prerequisite. I'm not sure if the director has ever seen war first hand, but really, showing the audience a wounded bird flapping it's broken wings while Americans die in battle is asking a bit much on the part of we the audience. This movie performed poorly box office-wise in the states because Americans don't care about what is going through the mind of a soldier in war. They want to see the enemy die and die in mass quatitites - as it should be.
Rating:  Summary: beautiful questions Review: An excellent film. Perfect for anyone not feeling omniscient.
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant film. Review: This film is the best war film of the last few years (Black Hawk Down not included). It is far better than Saving Ryan's Private's. I hadn't seen this film before I got this on video (which is what usually happens anyway) and I wasn't dissapointed. This film is one of my all-time favourite war films. 10/10.
Rating:  Summary: Horrible Review: Horrible movie. Among my top five worst, along with The Crying Game and Talented Mr. Ripley.
Rating:  Summary: A phenomenal film to say the least Review: I'll be honest. I read the reviews of this movie that gave it one or maybe two stars and I just get the feeling these people are missing the point. The cinematography of this film combined with Hans Zimmer's wonderful score is extremely powerful. Yes, it's a long film. No, it doesn't have the action of "Saving Private Ryan." However, in many ways I feel it is far superior to "Saving Private Ryan." The cinematography, score, cast, editing, and acting are all better, in my opinion. This film is not an action film. It operates on a higher level. I'm not surprised that it wasn't as successful as "Saving Private Ryan," but I'm not disappointed either. It's a great film and those who really appreciate it will get the message no problem.