Rating:  Summary: Yet another patented Mel Gibson anti-British propaganda film Review: Oh dear! And I thought that Braveheart had plumbed the depths of Anglophobia.If you want to believe that the British are all unhinged maniacs bent on baby-eating and barbarism, by all means see this movie (you might want to see it as part of a Mel Gibson anti-British marathon along with Braveheart, Gallipoli, Pocahontas, and Chicken Run - yes, Chicken Run, where evil English farmers are shown running what amounts to a concentration camp for Chickens). On the other hand, if you want more for your entertainment than cardboard cut-out villains, thinly-veiled racism and xenophobia, historical inaccuracies galore, and rampant jingoism, you should look elsewhere. Even the horrible 'Revolution' (starring Al Pacino), with its awful dialogue, was better than this tripe. At least that movie didn't feel the need to demonize the 'enemy' in order to gain the audience's sympathy. Where 'The Patriot' fails to show much historical accuracy at all, and opts for the most politically correct version of the American Revolution (yes, you read it right - when the British are unfairly demonized in a movie about the American Revolution that's intended primarily for American audiences, that is political correctness), 'Revolution' did at least attempt to portray some of the more unpalatable political realities of the Revolutionary War in a more accurate and fair way.
Rating:  Summary: An Excellent Movie Review: I think this movie is a very well made movie.All the actors who acted in this movie were excellent.I recomend this movie to all Americans who would like to see how they gained independence from the British.
Rating:  Summary: Mad Mel: Lethal Tomahawk Review: I cannot confirm or deny the historical accuracy of "The Patriot" - I am not a scholar of the war of independence. However, I can comment on the film as a piece of entertainment since this is what Mel and the "Godzilla" boys now claim it to be, rather than the serious, Oscar-worthy docu-drama they were probably aiming for. Mel plays a man with inner demons, haunted by memories of his own brutality in a previous war against the French. His character is a bit like the kinda guy I imagine William Wallace of "Braveheart" would have been in middle age, had he not been cut up into little pieces by those dastardly Brits. In this movie, Mad Mel finally gets to have his revenge. After a sadistic English general (note that he is not "British" because that would imply a Scottish involvement in the war!) kills one of Mel's sons, Mel goes on the rampage. Um, that's about it as far as the plot goes. After that, it is pretty much as the Algerian philosopher Albert Camus said: "the same thing over and over again". Mel kills Brits, Brits kill Americans, Mel kills more Brits, etc. etc. Is it entertaining? Hmm, yes, it is mostly, perhaps because Mel and Jason Isaacs - the guy playing the evil general - are fun to watch. Plus it has some gorgeous cinematography and suitably spectacular battle scenes. The major weak spots are the sub-plots involving Mel and one of his sons wooing fair maidens, plus the Hollywood depiction of Mel's family as having 'voluntary' black slaves and the enemy as being either hopelessly incompetent and foppish or else evil incarnate. If you are looking for a mindless action movie with good production values, this is a movie worth seeing.
Rating:  Summary: The Patriot Review: I LOVED this movie.....I've seen it 3 times. I was around as the movie was being made and watched it put together bit by bit. The outcome was well worth all the time and effort that was put into it. It made me laugh, it made me cry, it made me angry, and every emotion in between. I'd advise anyone to see it. But everyone DOES need to remember...it IS just a movie...not a documentary or a history lesson. It's a FICTIONAL portrayal of the screenwriter's imagination. That said...go see it....
Rating:  Summary: Amazing and Emotional Review: I thought that 'The Patriot' was a great movie. I believe it was probably the best movie representation of the Rev. War. The war scenes were very graphic and true to the point. Aside from that the storyline was great. I thought that the young aussie Heath Ledger, who played Gabriel, gave the best performance. Heath is very well known for his tv and movie roles in Roar, Two Hands, 10 Things I Hate About You-as well as others. All the cast members we wonderful and this movie will go down in hollywood history as a major part of Americas past.
Rating:  Summary: The BEST War Epic Ever Made!!! Review: I went into the theater to see The Patriot thinking, there is no way this will be better than Braveheart. My opinion had changed by the end of the film. This movie is packed with action, romance, drama, etc. The film was shot in Brattonsville, a couple of mile from where I live in South Carolina. A lot of my friends appeared as soldiers in the film. (Gibson's oldest daughter in the movie lives right down the street from me). This film is a definite buy on DVD, I mean look at all the special features............
Rating:  Summary: Mel Gibson get's to kill the english.... AGAIN? Review: Mr.Gibson slaughters plenty of englishmen again. AGAIN? Well,many people had this argument, that this movie was far too cruel to the English, as was Braveheart. WAKE UP! What were the crusades about? What was England's Colonization plan about? All I can say is, thank you Mr.Gibson. But don't let me turn this into a political discussion. This movie, was an obvious attempted blockbuster ressurection of Braveheart. Not to say it was not enjoybale. But I read someone earlier comparing it to Last Of the Mohicans and Braveheart. Those two movies had something, this one misses. A GREAT soundtrack. Other wise the action satisfies any testostorome pumped male. The cinemetography is above average. The acting is good. The story... is well.... a bit too unbelievable. Especially about the english burning down a church, with people in it. Someone an expert on history tell me if it's true or not. All those who belong to former english colonies, may enjoy some of the bashing. All those whose ancestors were behind the english colonies, may be anger beyond belief, or ashamed of the past. END
Rating:  Summary: Voice of Dissent Review: I had to be the guy who just didn't like this movie. It is not the fault of Mel Gibson, although I would have prefered to see his efforts elsewhere than this tepid Braveheart rehash. Can't blame the supporting actors, Heath Ledger to T. Karyo to Chris Cooper. Where does the blame go? Clearly on the shoulders of the most overrated director (ok Peter Hyams is a close second) and producer team in Hollywood, Roland Emmerich and Dean Devlin. My list of complaints are long for this film, but I will just share a few. 1st: One of my little rules, never build up a villian to large, that whatever death comes to them, you are not satisfied. Moviegoers love revenge, and when Col. Tavington finally meets his maker, it is both hokey as heck, and completely unsatisfying. 2nd: The film gives no sense of Geography. It is near impossible to understand how far away towns are, why people never bump into eachother, why the brittish will not search the swamps, etc. Becasue of this, we feel no build of tension when we see any of the Charaters riding along. Are they going to run itno each other? Probibly not, but it would help to know how far things are from eachother. 3rd: Damnit, why do we have to have old glory as the rallying point. Men apparently cannot get motovated to fight for their freedom, their homes, etc, but one little peak at old glory and they are rarrin to give their lives. This is just one of a million cliche's that Emmerich uses to manipulate the audience into feeling for the charaters. I could go on and on (the F/X had the usual Centroplis grainy feel to them, the sterotype characters, the token african-american actor, how the heck the "star-charm" still had bits of lace on it that were not burned off, yet there are no skellital remains to be found), but then I would be just like this rambling mess of a movie. It just goes on and on, pointlessly and aimlessly
Rating:  Summary: BraveHeart in the American Independence war Review: I've noticed peope dislike bad criticism.I try to avoid it most of the time.In this case I find it necessary to warn potential buyers from wasting their money. To begin with,I'm a true fan of Mel Gibson ,I like most of his recent works. Not this work.I've seen this movie on the wide screen ,and I tell you - don't see it. It's a waste of time and money. When I had first seen the poster and heard about the plot ,it blew my mind. I thought to myself "Five years have pasted since the last spectacular epic (BraveHeart)-it's time for another great historical performance of the man !" Soon enough I realized how far and at the same time "close" to the truth I was. As I was watching the film I could notice, although seeing it for the first time, how many motives of BraveHeart were copied to the movie ,changing only names and dates. For example ,(I'm not going to ruin the film to those who would see it anyway!)Gibson in this era of the pre american independence day war doesn't wanna fight! what a surprise! Exactly like in BraveHeart-not for long...Someone of his dearest must die in order to completely change his mind and heart. The story continues as he succeeds to gather the crumbling militia forces,causing heavy loses to the enemy and so on,as was the script in BraveHeart.Even the love story is lame ,childish and dissatisfying,very far from the original "Model" of this film. Not to mention the battles ,in which blood is seen everywhere ,wounded and deceased scattered ,maybe like in the original battles , but you can't help the feeling that something is wrong or missing. It actually made me angy to witness the shameless mimicry that surroundes the entire movie.I'd come to see someting new and intelligent ,to discover this dissapointing consequence. I would'nt want to burden you any further with descriptions or analysis,just to say again - spare your time. There are a lot of better films to see. If you haven't seen BraveHeart by now,it's high time,because it is so much better than this one - it's the original. (P.S,I've given the second star to honor Mel Gibson for his effort despite the lousy script).
Rating:  Summary: Overall very well done Review: I reluctantly went to see this movie with the oft mentioned "Braveheart" comparisons in mind. What I found was a very well produced and directed movie with good acting by all. Not once did I think of Braveheart while watching this movie. It was a delight on an entertainment level as well as a patriotic one. This is also a dramatic way to remind us of our roots. It's rekindled an interest in the Revolutionary War for me and my family.