Rating:  Summary: Great Movie, Terrible DVD Review: This is a really good movie. Too bad the did such a bad job of putting it on DVD. The video quality is not up to par with other releases and the sound quality is just OK. The A/V quality of the DVD is no better that that on the VHS tape. The cinema release was crisp and sharp and clear. Not so with the DVD. Also, due to copy protection this DVD will not play on older players and will probably not play on computer DVD's. They really ruined what could have been a most excellent DVD.
Rating:  Summary: A movie that deserves the conduct of a gentleman... Review: Well, the Patriot is a good show, and I had fun watching it. Although, this movie has it's ups and downs. Lets start with the up. The DVD is great, but the special features with director's commentries gets dull.Are these directors sleepy or something?Besides this, the DVD is packed with enhanced pictures, and I really like it in wide-screen. This is a great DVD to own. Now Im going to explain what I thought about the film in general if you dont mind. The Patriot is acted well, and Mel Gibson and Jason Isaccs work well together.The other chracters act well also, and interact with Mel well.As far as the plot goes, I have to credit the producers and directors of this movie for providing a well written story line that really expresses the main idea, which is REVENGE. The down of this movie is that, as often done in Hollywood,the villain is too much of a "villan". Colonel Tavington played by Jason Issacs is a typical no-good cruel villan that you love to hate. And, Mel Gibson; didnt I see that same acting before in Braveheart? Mel's performance is a carbon copy of the blood-lusting William Wallace in Braveheart. As far as the backdrop is concerned, I understand it's only a backdrop, but the directors should have spent more time in the history books. Let's look at the inaccuracies here:as always, Hollywood makes the enemy, in this case the British, look EVIL. This is not the case, the British in fact were just like the americans in that they are people and not just perfect toy soldiers as The Patriot depicts them.And, the british army was NOT made up of all redcoats, not ALL British soldiers wore RED, as in the case with Tavington's "Green" dragoons. And, the most important inaccuracy is the weapons. But that is another story... Anyway, I will credit the directors with a job well done, and I am glad someone finally brought the story of the American Revolution out of the dust. Overall, this film deserves a good bit of credit, although the directors could have made it more accurate.This DVD is a must-have for people who want to learn about our country's greatest hour.
Rating:  Summary: The Most Racist Film Ever Review: Ridiculously racist and historically inaccurate anti-English rubbish -aptly describes The Patriot. As a even more anti-British remake of Brave Heart this deeply offensive film should be made illegal on the charge of racism. The actions of the Nazis have been transposed onto English in a typical Hollywood distortion of history.In reality the British lost America, the Americans did not win it. As a result of the madness of King George III. More to the point the British soldiers-much more well trained and elitie than any Americans- were outnumbered 10 to 1.
Rating:  Summary: A DVD worth your time!!!! Review: OK, this is one of my favorite movies. It was incrediable! Not only were the actors perfectly chosen for each role but the plot of the movie was sensational. Yes, I have heard that the movie was not very accurate. However, it is not a historical documentary...it is a movie. There were a few things that were inaccurate but when you compare the movie to many others it was fantastic!!! I found it to be an extremely moving film. This film contains all the necessaries--action, suspence, and some romance and comedy (without going overboard). Not only was the movie fantastic but so was Mel Gibson =). His acting was sensational (as always). This movie also does not contain the overpowering language and sexual content which is in most movies these days. This is a great movie!!!
Rating:  Summary: Why Widescreen!?!?!?! Review: In my opinion this is a great movie, but it's hard to watch when I'm only seeing the picture half the size of my TV. How many people out there have widescreen TVs or enjoy watching a movie with 2 bands of black on the top and bottom? I have several other DVDs with both versions on it, why doesn this one have both? This seems to be a royal waste to me.............
Rating:  Summary: Why'd they spend so much just to remake BRAVEHEART?? Review: Of course, Braveheart was so good maybe you don't mind seeing it again in a different time period. but you gotta admit the similarities are startling: Mel Gibson = Jesus. Supporting cast = poor downtrodden masses whipped into shape and driven to unbelievable against-all-odds victory by said saviour. So instead of a goofy irishman for comic relief you have a goofy frenchman. The bad guy kills Mel Gibson's nearest and dearest, forcing him to behave out of character. Instead of yelling "freedom" he waves the american flag. I started to get annoyed, however, when some of the battle scenes were almost identical. this after rewriting the screenplay three times!!
Rating:  Summary: A VERY UNDERRATED FILM, NOT BAD, LIKE SOME SAY Review: Some say that The Patriot was just a Braveheart wannabe, but they are wrong, this film is very different, sure not as good as Braveheart, but still good, first of all, Mel Gibson is great, sure, he is not the best actor in tinsel town but hey he is not bad, in some scenes he is quite good, plus ha made Braveheart. But enough of Braveheart, let's talk Patriot, the movie is great, the soundtrack is very nice, it was nominated for an Oscar, which proves my point. The acting is quite good, Heath Ledger really surprised me, and after seeing A Knight's Tale, a movie he made after The Patriot, it confirmed me that he is a very good new-comer actor, he really helps the Patriot. And yes, the movie is a bit bias when showing the British as this very bad and evil soldiers that only wanted to kill, watch as in the film a corneal Tavington kills and kills people just because they looked him bad. But hey, don't take it too serious, this is an action film, it's purpose is to entertain and it does it very well, like the Mummy, not a to take it seriously, although this movie has some very disturbing images and scenes, like the church, or the battle scenes with gruesome violence, but that really does not make this movie bad, actually it adds more tension to it, plus, there are not many movies about this period, at least not recent ones, so spend a few bucks and buy this movie, is not bad, it is not a little shadow of Braveheart, it is good, plus it comes in a great DVD, nice special features, although the special features menu is a bit tricky, but nothing to worry about, when you get it you can see trailers, special effects, deleted scenes, talent files, decent special features, the least Paramount could have done for Braveheart. Plus the picture is very clear and the sound, well, let's just say that the muskets have never been as clearer and realistic, plus the soundtrack is pretty well heard and does not alter the dialogue like in some movies, when you get to the first battle you will be hooked to the story, which is not bad in any way. This is a good film, take my word.
Rating:  Summary: Could have been a great classic... Review: I had high hopes for this flick. I was hoping for a Saving Private Ryan style movie set in the Revolutionary War. This is not even close. You may say it is my problem it is not like SPR. Well it is not, since the studio portrayed it as such for a good 6 months before release. It is an action movie dressed out in historic clothing. I do like the movie though. There are some very good scenes in it, like the ambush early on and some of the battles. The things that reduced the quality of the movie was the fakeness of several episodes including the showdown between the good guy and the bad guy towards the end.
Rating:  Summary: The patriot's review Review: This film Patriot unfairly portrays the Americans as universally noble, fair, kind, heroic, gallant, patriotic warriors who are even nice to their slaves and bravely endeavouring to shake off the yoke of British imperialism. On the other hand, the Brits are depicted as being little more than pompous, civilian-slaughtering Nazis who shoot little children and burn innocent people/ the British are always cowards and on top of that either naive (Cornwallis) or evil (Tavington) King George III's favourable treatment of the native Americans was one of the major grievances of the ambitiously expansionist colonial merchants. Another major grievance was the Quebec Act, which allowed the French Canadians to preserve their institutions and language, (while Francophones in USA territory were forcibly assimilated). A black man who fights with South Carolina for the cause of freedom. Does it make sense to anyone that a black man would ever fight with a slave state? It was ridiculous and unconvincingly that Mel Gibson somehow single handedly kills 20 men,mostly hand-to-hand combat with the help of his sons. If you like this movie, then you like U-571 in which the Americans take credit for a British operation. There is more 1) The British were trying to abolish the practice of slavery in the American colonies, and in fact were actively fighting wars against the slave traders in Africa. 2) The British had signed treaties with the Indians agreeing to stop taking anymore of their land. 3) The British wanted to stop the practice of bearing arms. After the Americans had won the war they continued trading in slaves until almost 100 years later, they drove all the Indians off their lands, and they wrote a clause into the declaration permitting the carrying of arms. Kind of makes you wonder which side really was fighting for freedom don't it?
Rating:  Summary: The Patriot Review: I love this movie and I am just starting to get into DVD's. What I don't understand is why they can't all be released in either Widescreen or Full Screen formats. This reveiw pertains to all DVD. Some of us prefer the better quality of DVD's but do not like the black bar format. Is someone out there realizing that not all of us can appreciate the Widescreen Aspect Ratio thing but do appreciate the better quality of veiwing on a DVD rather than a VHS.