Rating:  Summary: NOT GREAT HISTORY - BUT PRETTY GOOD ENTERTAINMENT Review: The key critical question to ask about "The Patriot" is this: Were there no American-born actors rugged or handsome enough to take lead role in a film about the defining moment in US nationhood? It is not even as if Gibson is a particularly flexible actor: He spends most of the film with the facial expression of a man suffering from an impacted gallstone, but when he really has to convey grief and anger it is unconvincing. The film is also littered with anachronisms and straight historical inaccuracies. Most of these are minor, however. The only moment that really jars is right at the end of the film (I'm not giving any of the plot away) where we are presented with a patronising and anachronistic picture of racial harmony - as though the worst years of oppression for African-Americans were behind them (when in fact the tragic worst still lay in the future). That final, hopeful image is almost certainly well-intended. Less justifiable, and perhaps more damaging, is the way this film perpetuates the myth that the British military leaders all were corrupt, incompetent or both. That some of them were a disgrace to humanity and/or their profession is unquestionable, but to tar them all with the same brush is to belittle the astonishing achievement of the state militias and ultimately the Continental Army in wearing down a military command of greatly superior fire-power and experience. This was part of the magic of the Revolutionary War - what kind of historical revisionism needs to cheapen the victory by making it look easy in either military or moral terms? Finally, having got these quibbles out of the way, I can say that "The Patriot" spins a believable and fairly moving story about resolve and heroism with some brilliant action scenes. The photography is outstanding and the pace is well-judged from start to finish (essential for such a long film). It's a touch gruesome in places, but strongly recommended. Just don't watch it as a substitute for real history!
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie Unless You're A Snob Brit On Losing Side Review: Interesting story with a number of historically real characters rolled into the one Benjamin Martin. Does stretch the truth about the brutality of "The Butcher" Tarleton. He probably didn't roast town folk in the local church but, did have a reputation for killing wounded soldiers. Thus the nickname. Otherwise an enjoyable movie that a war movie buff will most certainly enjoy. It's sad to see some British folk still haven't gotten over this defeat. At least we didn't hold any grudges and gave them a hand during the 40's. The phrase "Bloody Good Show" just doesn't have the same ring to it when spoken in German.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful and Inspiring Review: Don't listen to anyone who trys to tell you this movie isn't good! It's a great display of patriotism to our country, even though it strays just a little away from reality. It is the best depiction, I have seen, of any war with tomahawks, muskets, swords, and plain out action! It accurately describes what war was like in those days; brutal and hard. It is such an awesome movie, and I actually cried at the end!!!!!! It is an aweinspiring film and I reccomend it for any fan of any kind of movie. It was sooooooooo great!!
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful and Touching Story! Review: The Patriot is a really amazing story that is directed and acted out well. It is a story that portrays the love of family and country. Mel Gibson plays Benjamin Martin, a father who was a hero of the French and Indian conflict. Now when the Revolutionary War is coming closer to his home and his family, he tries his hardest to stay out of it. But his son, Gabriel(Heath Ledger), wants to join the army and, against his father's wishes, he does. Then, when conflict from the war comes close to his home and he suffers a great loss, Benjamin Martin takes up arms for justice with his son. The Patriot is a very sad, sweet, and funny movie. It is a very awesome story about a man who finds that to protect his family, he must protect a young nation's freedom. If you haven't seen this movie, you really should. For my personal rating I give it a 9 out of 10, only because it seemed to miss something. Can't put my finger on it though. But just the same, please see this movie. You won't regret it.
Rating:  Summary: Historically innacurate movie. But pretty good story. Review: This movie is perhaps about as accurate of a storyline as Titanic. But that doesn't mean its a bad movie. However, anyone who comes off believing it's accurate probably failed history class... It's kinda like how Elizabeth makes you all happy and googily that Elizabeth is this grand queen. (which she was) but other than that movie with Geoffery Rush... I seriously doubt I would have liked Elizabeth. Considering the English mistreated Ireland and Scotland. I found The Patriot to be more of a tear jerker than it needed to be. (Spoiler) Like who doesn't die in this movie. Mel's the hero and the kids dead... they burn his girlfriend. Mel's son's killed. It's really depressing. At least with Braveheart (another historically inaccurate movie) Sophie gets the good ironic twist. All mel gets is a new house.
Rating:  Summary: I Wish I Could Give This a 0 Review: Anyone who thinks that this movie has any basis in fact or any remnants of reality should read a few books. I recommend "The Birth of Whiteness- Race and the Emergence of US Cinema" by Daniel Bernardi for starters. Films like these only promote a blind ignorance of American history, one which contributes to the racism, bigotry, and nationalist superiority sentiments which are at the root of all our domestic and international troubles. This movie attempts to be a feel good film for anyone who has ever felt disenfranchised because of their race or economic status. If you fell for it, that's too bad.
Rating:  Summary: The Patriot Review: For the true War movie fan, this is a must own. In my opinion the first modern epic to depict the War that created our great nation, and do it well. With an all star cast who bring this picture to life, you get a sense of what it must of been like to live at this time. The battle scenes are awesome, but Emmerich also keeps us intuned with the lives of the family, Benjamin Martin (Gibson) left behind.
Rating:  Summary: We Were Militia Men Review: Mel Gibson stars as American Colonist Benjamin Martin, a veteran of the French and Indian conflict, who denounces going to war with England. But when British soldiers arrive on his South Corolina plantation and endanger his family, he decides to join the fight for independence. Along with his oldest son, Gabriel (Heath Ledger), both men lead a militia to take on an entire army of enemy soldiers. The film was produced and directed by the team that brought you ID4 and the most recent GODZILA flick. The movie's main characters are fictional but are placed against the backdrop of history. The script is written by Robert Rodat, the author of SAVING PRIVATE RYAN, and relies more on emotion than history , to tell its tale. It isn't that the facts presented are wrong, it's more that the facts take a back seat to characters and situations. Overall. the film is OK. Although, you could see the ending from a mile away. Gibson is his usuaul heroic self. Very few actors can show pain, grief, and a crazed giddiness, on their face with one single look, the way Gibson can. The film is just a crowd pleaser that tries to be more than that. Somewhere along the way it falls short of that. I think if you like Gibson, you will still find the film enjoyable and worth your time. The Special Edition DVD has only 2 good extras. They are "The Art Of War" featurette and a few deleted scenes for the completist in me. All of the other extras are pretty average. If you like the film without all of the extras then I recommend the Superbit version DVD, instead of the Special Edition.
Rating:  Summary: A great blend of historical fact and fiction Review: If you're a fan of Mel Gibson, you won't be disappointed by this film and his performance in it. The DVD version is much better than the VHS tape; it has additional features that show how the movie was made and give more information about life in 18th century America. The characters in the film are fictitious, but they are based on real-life historical figures from the American Revolution. Viewers get a great vicarious experience of living in South Carolina circa 1780 when all was not going well for the American cause. Gibson's character of Benjamin Martin is loosely based on that of General Francis Marion (aka the "Swamp Fox"). Jason Isaacs' character of Colonel Tavington is based on British Colonel Banastre Tarleton (aka the "Butcher"}. The battle scenes are so realistic looking; they can be compared in quality to those shown in "Saving Private Ryan". "Patriot" renders a much better depiction of the war than the earlier film "Revolution", starring Al Pacino. Overall, "Patriot" is worth a look-see.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie. Review: The Patriot is a really good movie. It's very well done, and the story is great. The cast is fantastic as well. Mel Gibson and Heath Ledger are awesome working together. The period in time is truly fascinating to me, and should be of some interest to every American who wonders about their country's past. The way this film intwines the war for freedom with personal stuggles that had nothing to do with war is excellent. The war scenes are captivating. It's just an excellently well done movie. Go Watch It...Now!