Rating:  Summary: "Be Lookin' Good Warriors..." Review: This film is an insane hybrid of "Clockwork Orange", "West Side Story", and Greek mythology! More than typical action fare, "The Warriors" is really a dystopic thinly disguised as an update to a classical tale, Xenophon's "Anabasis." To the more casual viewer, it's one of the most underrated action films of the late 1970s.Set in a bleak, alternate New York circa 1978, "The Warriors" almost instantly immerses its audience in a bizarre reality. It is, of course, a gang film. The plot is simple; a gang separated from its leader treks through dangerous territory to return to their home turf. Complicating matters, they are falsely accused of murder and are pursued by every rival gang in the city. There do not appear to be any adults or "civilians", or any other non-gang faction. There are police, but they are just another gang themselves. What is really unusual is the depth of this alternate world, and how quickly it engages the viewer. Three minutes into the film, the viewer is led to believe that a 1970s New York gang would willingly dress up as purple pimps! Another gang is made up as mimes, AND look menacing at the same time. The most over-the-top gangs are the multiracial skinheads (!) and the clown-faced baseball-bat wielding Baseball Furies. The language is almost completely invented for this film and by the end is second-nature to the viewer. There are many references to the classics - from the "chorus" (a faceless DJ calling the action) to the aforementioned "furies". It sounds bizarre...but it works, and it's very engaging. Unfortunately, "The Warriors" did not achieve widespread recognition due to an inexplicable campaign to suppress it during its theatrical run. Rumors about alleged gang violence at theaters led to a quick demise, only to be resurrected as a cult film at midnight showings and on cable during the early 1980s. Anyone who thinks "The Warriors" resembles modern youth culture has clearly been asleep for the last 20 years. One only needs to witness the jaw-dropping Purple Pimps and the Menacing Mimes to realize this. It's violent, but relatively bloodless. The most lethal weapons are fists, bats, and chains. It's one of the most creative films, and Walter Hill's vision was risky. It works, and it even holds up well after 24 years. Watch for the extensive use of NYC subways (though not always geographically accurate), and the 1978 anachorisms - in the background a sharp-eyed viewer can see posters for "Foul Play", "Heaven Can Wait", and "Grease". Great DVD and a fascinating film, hightly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: You Warriors Are Good!... Review: In my opinion, "The Warriors" has made its mark as a classic. It is an entertaining representation of gang life at the end of the seventies. The story line is simple which adds to the film's good flavor. The Warriors are wrongly accused and sent on the run. They must dodge and go through several different gangs and police to get home. The leader of the Warriors is played by Michael Beck(Alcatraz-The Whole Shocking Story,Triumphs of a Man Called Horse) who delivers an excellent performance as the quiet yet tough Swan. Also adding a lot to the film's attraction is the trouble-hungry character, Ajax, played convincingly by James Remar. Swan and Ajax provide an excellent contrast within the Warriors. Mercedes Ruehl also makes a short yet memorable appearance. The many different types of gangs are really fun to watch. To me, this movie has it all, action, drama, and even a small touch of romance. I highly recommend this film. If you haven't seen this film, I suggest making a night of it. I first saw this movie when I was 8 years old. I'm 23 and the words "Warriors....Come out to play-y" still are stuck in my head along with those Warriors' vests. This is one of those movies that will have you cheering for the "good guys."
Rating:  Summary: Can you dig it? Review: This is a fun and entertaining movie. I enjoyed it tremendously when I first saw it (I was in middle or high school). Enjoyed it just as much many years later when I rented the VHS tape (first job out of college) and now I'm in my 40's and get to own the DVD and enjoy this gem again. Oh, how I enjoyed the "can you dig it" that someone chose to use in their review before mine. Watch the movie and you'll understand why. I give the movie 5 stars because in my humble opinion it is very entertaining and fun. One of my all time favorites. Can you dig it???
Rating:  Summary: The best gang flick ever. Review: OK suckahs, it goes down like this. This flick has it all goin' on. See there's this dude, calls himself Cyrus, who get all the big gangs of NYC to send a group of nine soldiers each to a big powow in Central Park. See, Cyrus thinks that if the gangs all band together, they can form a SuperGang and take over the whole city. Cyrus has the chops, but one crazy dude, Luther (played by David Patrick Kelley, a familiar heavy if you like this kind of flick) shoots him. Dead, can you dig it? Then chaos erupts and during it all, Luther spots one of the Warriors and screams out it was the Warriors who japped Cyrus. This leads to the meat of the flick which involves the Warriors trying to make it back to Coney Island, their home turf, alive. Michael Beck, in what arguably was his only intelligent decision in his acting career (Megaforce, Xanadu) plays Swan, the sudden leader after The Warriors' warlord goes down in the park. James Remar, who has become a familiar face over the years plays Ajax, a single-minded lackey to Beck. One of the best scenes in the movie, IMO, is when Ajax gets his due. The other gangs are a mix of believable gangs and some gangs who like that stepped off of a chorus line in some Broadway gig. I refer here to the Baseball Furies, who wear white pasty make-up and Yankee threads. The climax of the movie is worth the wait. Jimjam sez check it out.
Rating:  Summary: COME OUT TO PLAAYY YAAA! Review: I remember when I first saw the "Warriors" back in 79, I was hooked on the realization and authenticity of NYC gang life that was portrayed on screen.It isn't your average gang movie where a bunch of punks is menacing innocent folks for 94 minutes. This cult classic gives you: a superb story plot,real NYC locations especially Coney Island(no Hollywood movie studios),creativity in the wardrobes of various gangs(some scary/funny),great fighting scenes(no guns-good ole fashioned punches,kicks,bats & switchblades) and very memorable one-liner dialogues."CAN YOU DIG IT,COME OUT TO PLAYY-YAA and CAN YOU COUNT SUCKAS" is repeated still to this day from us average folks and even some of todays rappers.I'm from NYC and I enjoyed the scenery and grittiness of this movie-subways stations and cars sprawled with graffiti & the huge corridors of the IND lines.The subway scenes cannot get any more real than that.From Cyrus's magnetic speech,the shooting which started the pandemonium,the twists and turbulent flight home and the final justice given to the Rogues the "Warriors" is magnetic and fascinating to watch.I just bought the VHS copy today and I'm gonna watch it over and over again! It's also good to watch with a couple of friends especially if they grew up in that time.Generation X may think it's funny/corny compared to the violence and gangs we have today.Finally,the beginning of the movie where they are being introduced is cut out unfortuna tely but this collectors' item is good enough to place in my "Movie Hall of Fame".can you dig it,Can You Dig It,CAN YOU DIG IT!
Rating:  Summary: A Cult Classic Supreme ! Review: One of the most horrifying experiences I've ever had in my life was playing the English langauge version of this DVD at my club in TOKYO and suddenly a bunch of customers doing the WARRIORS... COME OUT AND PLAY-AYYYYYY... WAHHHHHHHRIORS... COME OUT AND PLAY-AYYYYYYY... thing, even with the bottles... in Japanese... aside from being strange though it made one thing clear... Even in Japan, where action type films and animation are taken very seriously, THE WARRIORS is considered a classic... Though its true that the DVD lacks many extras (*commentary would have been great, or even alt takes, deleted scenes, making of info, or even the news reports about the "riots" and controversy the film ignited) the fact that you can actually watch your favorite scenes at the flick of a button even without many extras, makes the Dvd well worth the purchase... (*Can youuuuuuuuu dig it !) - - Though I'm still disappointed that dispite all the ridiculous gang get ups and uniforms they didn't have a gang dressed up like Orthodox Jewish Rabbis or Ballerinas... The Riffs, Lizzies and Turnball ACs more than made up for it... not to mention the rockin' soundtrack. The Warriors is more than just a film... like THE WALL and ROCKY HORROR its just one of those late night films you watch with your buddies over... and over... and over... and over again... (or even annoy them by quoting from whenever the opportunity arrives...) If you dig this film, keep your fingers crossed and pray that the late 70's (or was it early 80's) NYC gang documentary "120(?) Blocks from Tiffany's" eventually makes it back to print !
Rating:  Summary: COME OUT TO PLAAYY YAAA! Review: I remember when I first saw the "Warriors" back in 79, I was hooked on the realization and authenticity of NYC gang life that was portrayed on screen.It isn't your average gang movie where a bunch of punks is menacing innocent folks for 94 minutes. This cult classic gives you: a superb story plot,real NYC locations especially Coney Island(no Hollywood movie studios),creativity in the wardrobes of various gangs(some scary/funny),great fighting scenes(no guns-good ole fashioned punches,kicks,bats & switchblades) and very memorable one-liner dialogues."CAN YOU DIG IT,COME OUT TO PLAYY-YAA and CAN YOU COUNT SUCKAS" is repeated still to this day from us average folks and even some of todays rappers.I'm from NYC and I enjoyed the scenery and grittiness of this movie-subways stations and cars sprawled with graffiti & the huge corridors of the IND lines.The subway scenes cannot get any more real than that.From Cyrus's magnetic speech,the shooting which started the pandemonium,the twists and turbulent flight home and the final justice given to the Rogues the "Warriors" is magnetic and fascinating to watch.I just bought the VHS copy today and I'm gonna watch it over and over again! It's also good to watch with a couple of friends especially if they grew up in that time.Generation X may think it's funny/corny compared to the violence and gangs we have today.Finally,the beginning of the movie where they are being introduced is cut out unfortuna tely but this collectors' item is good enough to place in my "Movie Hall of Fame".can you dig it,Can You Dig It,CAN YOU DIG IT!
Rating:  Summary: This is a classic! Review: I remember watching this movie over and over again when I was a kid. I even have the laserdisc. Now I'm glad it's finally coming out on DVD! "The Warriors" is a story about the street gang subculture in New York, circa the early 1980's. The point of focus is a street gang called "The Warriors", who were unfairly blamed for a rival gang member's death and who must fight their way back home amidst a "jungle" of gangs out to get them (e.g. the bat-wielding "Baseball Furies") Many gang members, fratmen and other tough guy "wannabes" will find something in this film they can relate to: from the feeling of loyalty, of being social outcasts, bravery and the like. Particularly powerful non-fight scene: when the Warriors board a train, encounter a group of obviously high society teenagers out having a good time. The exchange of looks, body movements and the like, until the time the "socs" step out, conveys a lot. Based on the novel by Sol Yurick, the film features what'r probably the best performance of Michael Beck. Why only 4 stars? Well, for a film of this age, I would have expected more extra features, i.e. interviews with cast perhaps. Still, this is an excellent collectible particularly for the film's cult following. Now I wish they also come out with "The Wanderers", another cult fave of mine!
Rating:  Summary: Why yes, I can really dig it! Review: It's hard to imagine it now but when The Warriors first came out in '79 it was hugely controversial. Some theaters refused to show the movie because they feared arson and gang activity. Others were afraid that it might give disaffected teens crazy ideas but the word of mouth on the movie was so strong people just had to see it. Okay, it's got some flaws. Most gangs weren't muliracial back then and they certainly aren't now. NYC is a tough town but even back in the 70s it wasn't the absolute hell hole depicted in the movie and since when do gangs get their marching orders from thelocal radio stations? Those are just tiny quibbles. Sit back and enjoy. Michael Beck played the role of his career as Swan, the leader of the Warriors a small Coney Island gang who head way up town to attend the city's biggest gang summit. Cyrus (Can you dig it?) wants to put aside petty differences and form one big super gang but he's cut down but a vicious and annoying little weasel who blames Swan's gang for the killing. The rest of the movie has the Warriors trying to get home. They run for their lives through what looks like miles of empty(!) New York streets pursued by every gang, large, small and minor league in town. At one point the trip started reminding me of Odyseus coming home from Troy. They run into one danger after another including two traps in the forms of females. Ajax, like the Greek fighter from Troy is strong, brave but dumber than a box of rocks and he blunders into one of the biggest surprises of the night. Other members of the group run into a group of cute girls and go merrily to a party that almost turns out the be their last and Swan, like Odyseus ends up with his own version of the ever faithful Penelope. I was 10 when I saw the Warriors and came away with a couple of useful tidbits : 1. Don't take the subway. There's a war zone down there. 2. If you see a guy in a heavy makeup and a baseball uniform at midnight, run for your life. 3. Listen to the radio. They might be talking about you. 4. On big gang movement nights the citizens of New York go to bed early and don't come out again until the next morning to clean up the bodies. 5. That red spot in the sand really is blood. The Warriors is funny, a little sad and still after all these years it's the movie equivalent of an amusement park ride. It's not War & Peace but it is a cult classic and once you watch it if you have any kind of sense of humor you'll really dig it.
Rating:  Summary: .....awesome! Review: Picture this: West Side Story - Leonard Bernstein and Stephen Sondheim - Dancing - Singing + Gangs who look cool + actual fighting. Thats....sorta the warriors. also take out Shakespeare. There you go. The Warriors finds a gang attempting to get across 27 miles of enemy gang territory until they reach their home of beautiful Coney Island. Also, every other gang in New York is on their tale (having been set up for murdering the leader of a conference trying to establish peace, so the gangs can overtake the cops, and rule the city - don't worry, this is all during the opening credits). Considering how different each gang had to be, the director just went nuts. My personal favorite is the "Baseball Furies" (think of the Yankees + Kiss). And while it is actually filmed in New York, it isn't 100% geographically accurate (the 72nd st 1/2/3/9 line is used as 96th st - but it comes pretty close. Union Square actually is Union Square (he's running up the steps of the 4/5/6 platform - I should know, I live there....no, not on the tracks) All in all, this movie is awesome and cool. Very cool. CAN YOU DIG IT?