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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Breathtaking Special Effects Film Ever Made!
Review: What a great way to make a story. TITANIC the story of the worlds largest ship in the world which strucks an iceburg and sinks to it's death. The love story in the movie didn't happen at all, but the idea of having one was such a great idea. Set during 1912 leaving off the shores of "Liverpool" and heading for "New York City". The special effects are breathtaking, and it makes you feel like you are also on the ship while it sinks! Many people didn't like the story of this film because of the love story, but I thought it was a wonderful idea because who would want to see a movie that already knows whats going to happen at the end, so this way when you add a love story it's something that you look forward to, to see what happens to them at the end. 5 stars all the way!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Ok for entertainment, bad for substance
Review: This movie is not a film that deserved to win as many awards as it did. L.A. Confidential, As Good As It Gets and Good Will Hunting were all over this thin little love story chick flick. First off, where did the $200 million go? I'm not a special effects geek but both this past year's Star Wars and the Matrix looked a heckuva of a lot better than this movie in that department. The acting was horrible, most of it's characters made out of some cheap cardboard. We have this girl, she's rich, is going marry a rich guy, laddy-fricken da, right? Wrong. She meets this guy (who looks like a girl) who sweeps her off her feet and not even twenty four hours later they're on the good foot and doing the bad thing. I don't think debutantes from 1912 were exactly spreading their legs were they? Maybe so. The thing that surprises me the most is how many people went to see this over and over again. A woman I know's daughter went to see it NINE times. That's over a day in a theater, I mean c'mon people. I didn't even see it in the theater, which brings up another point. This movie has nothing to do with the Titanic. It just serves as a different location for a retread love story. I have always been fascinated with the story and was very disappointed to see the cutesy leads spitting loogies over the side. The script written by Cameron was not even nominated for an Award and was the first film to win best picture for like over thirty years to do so, so that right there tells you that it's not a good story. Then how did it win best picture? My guess is the vote was rigged. Seriously. LA Confidential was so much of a better movie, as was Good Will Hunting and As Good As It Gets, just like I said before. All had good performances (at least one actor from each film won an award), excellent writing (GWH and LAC won screenplay awards) and everything else that stands above this movie. Nonetheless, if you are bored some night and have nothing to do for about three hours then you should watch it if you haven't already.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Another Wildly Popular, Mediocre Disaster Flick
Review: This film was so popular, that I have to ask, "Can millions of people be wrong?"

You bet they can.

The technical aspects of this film were GREAT! Watching the ship sink, the people go flipping off into space...chilling. But the only highlight of the thin love story was Kate Winslett's nude scene. I know, I'm a dog! But it was! Leonardo DiCaprio was a good fit for this movie, but Winslett's talents were wasted, and I'm relieved to see that she has forsaken the big bucks for unique and interesting movies (like Jude, Holy Smoke, Hideous Kinky--excellent movies, all).

This movie presents shallow stereotype after stereotype, offering DiCaprio as the noble, Poor-But-Proud Youth (an artist, of course), Billy Zane as the Evil Rich Guy who is engaged to Winslett, the Naive Ingenue. Gack! You've seen this story many times before, and much better than it is presented here. Most people with any sense of fairness will detest the stereotyping of The Rich in this movie...it is nothing short of bigotry, but, alas, culturally acceptable bigotry.

The sad thing is, all the actors, really, are good actors...clearly, they wanted to be in a James Cameron blockbuster, because, unless they had a coma-like lapse of taste, the script certainly couldn't have been what attracted them to this project.

Great for 10-year-old girls, maybe, but as a movie for adults, ordinary out of all proportion to its success.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: A waste of time and space
Review: We are led to believe an attractive older looking young woman would fawn over a 12 year old little boy (okay, her fiancee is bad too) and the other characters are also a repository for bad acting. The plot is overly sacharine and the best part of the movie comes when Jack bites it

Please do not confuse this movie with reality, there never was a Rose or Jack Dawson on the ship and James Cameron invented 95 percent of the facts up as he went along. I'm just gratefull the radio stations are no longer playing this movie's horrid sound track .

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great story...spectacularly told
Review: If nothing else, Titanic is an excellent example of James Cameron filmmaking in action. In "The Abyss", he films much of the action in a giant underwater tank (almost drowning one of his actors). In "Terminator II", he blows up a whole perfectly good office building. And in "Titanic", he creates a multi-million-dollar replica of the ship...only to sink it.

What's not to love about this style of filmmaking? Absolutely nothing...as long as the resulting film is as good as "Titanic".

This film has a great story to tell, and tells it spectacularly, with a suprisingly human center. It would have been easy for Cameron to just focus on the sinking of the ship (and blow up things real good), but instead his focus is on how the ship's sinking impacts the people on board.

And the sinking itself is harrowing, spectacular and beautifully done, as it should be with a $200 million budget.


Rating: 1 stars
Review: Its incredible that a movie like this could possibly succeed as it has. I have 3 main problems with it, these being: 1)It has nothing to do with titanic, as a child I was always fascinated by the titanic story and its epic maiden voyage as well as its tragic demise. Never felt that this point was portrayed by the director. It seemed as if the title was just used to grab the attention of a larger audience and toi keep the money rolling in. 2)The movies morals are screwed. Here you have a situation where the rich boyfriend has done nothing wrong to his soon-to-be-wife, he showers her with gifts and offers her all the security she will ever need and is portrayed as a bad guy. While on the other hand you have Kate Winslett showing no decency, no respect and cheating on her partner being portrayed as a hero 3)The third is minor and insignifigant to the whole movie but it was something that annoyed me at the time, the old lady throwing the diamond into the ocean at the end was just the dumbest thing I have ever seen, why you would do that really astounds me, even if you did not want to sell the thing for money or whatever you could have at least given it away to charity and helped many starving/sick people that are in despeartae need. Absoloutely a pathetic thing to do and would have served a better purpose. All in all the movie lacked any conviction in what it was trying to achieve, however you have to admire the quality of the marketing in selling the public this garbage.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: I was deeply dissapointed when I first saw the film; the design of the boat, the footage of the wreck and the filming of her last minutes - sensational. But the storyline killed me. Cameron ignored her story completely and made a Romeo and Juliet thing instead. And the stupid "I can fly" sequence? YAAACK. Anywho. I went home and watched Rank`s A NIGHT TO REMEMBER(1958) starring Kenneth More. A sober British version of the story. And supposedly a true account of the event. Naturally I also watched Fox`s 1953 version starring Clifton Webb, Barbara Stanwyck and a young Robert Wagner. Funny, Cameron has even stolen some dialogue from that film as well. These two films combined together made it worth while. U see; ever since childhood I loved the story of the Titanic. But. I sobered up and went 2 see the 97 version AGAIN. Could I be so terribly wrong? Yes, it turned out to be - I was. Now I bought the story and accepted the film as a story - fictional yes - but accepted the terms. Then on these premises did the film appeal 2 me. U see. I accepted that Hollywood was not responsible for making a documentary on the story. As always, they wanted to sell tickets. It w a s a tough one 2 swallow... So that`s why we have ANNA AND THE KING and things like that. They`re great experience, but far from the truth. I guess we all have 2 realise that movies can never ever be truthful because it`s impossible 2 include all points of views and the formidabel elements that do make things happen. In movies; one has to decide WHAT 2 include.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: See the 1953 version and 1958's A Night to Remember instead
Review: Two studios's spent 200 million bucks for this? Overblown and overrated, a blockbuster mainly because Leonardo Di Caprio was a teenbopper heart throb and the adolescent girls paid to see it over and over,many of them numerous times.Hollywood's first version in 1953 starring Clifton Webb and Barbara Stanwyck in glorious black&white was simpler and a not nearly as long and in this man's humble opinion,a much better movie. Even better was 1958's A Night To Remember,an excellent British docu-drama. I have both these films in my video library,and would not want James Cameron's 1997 version. Seeing it once on the big screen was enough. Cameron's screenplay was sappy and trite and there were many mediocre computer generated special effects. The climax was impressive but we had to endure nearly 3 long hours to get to it.(By the way,the experts say a human can only survive about 5 minutes before succumming to hypothermia,unlike the way Cameron has it depicted.)James Cameron, hollywood's top egomaniac,(i.e. conceited jerk), should know less is more.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Wonderful Love Story
Review: Near the end of the movie, the Gloria Stuart character gives us the entire moral of the movie. She says that Jack saved her "in every way that a person can be saved."

This movie is a love story, first and foremost, and on that level it excels. It doesn't ultimatley succeed (simply because of some either poorly written or poorly delivered dialogue), but the characters are people that you care about. I think that all of us identify on one level or another with Jack and Rose. All of us want to find that special someone that was meant for only us. As Jack and Rose develop their relationship we can identify with them, and we become involved in their relationship and eventually begin to care for them as people. That is what makes the sinking of the ship so intense and emotionally dramatic. Sure, this is a manipulation on James Cameron's part, but who cares? It is hits us on an emotional level that you cannot deny.

Visually the movie is stunning. The effects are seamless and add to the story without taking away from it.

One can argue if it really deserved all the Oscars it received, (the technical ones were certainly deserved), but it really is a stunning movie. The acting has been widely critisized(especially that of Billy Zane) but I would point the finger at the writing as being subpar. Billy Zane did the best he could with a truly one dimensional character.

If there is one thing wrong with this movie it is the writing. If it wasn't so filled with cliches, this movie would truly be timeless. As it is, it is still an incredible movie. I thouroughly enjoyed it, and continue to enjoy it each time that I view it.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: Everyone on the planet knows the story backwards and forwards. Who hasn't seen it at least 3 times! I wish to comment on what we can learn.

The first time I saw this I was entralled by the love story on the first tape and horrified by the events leading up to the sinking of the "Ship of Dreams" on the second tape. I just thought "what is wrong with the world today to make money off others deaths!" I almost turned it off right then; but something inside stopped me. I am glad I didn't stop watching because I learned something invaluable.

The souls lost in the Titantic scream out to us! They plead: "You never know when you will die. Quit taking life for granted and cherish it! Realize your own mortality! All of our lives are in the hands of God. They always have been and always will be whether we acknowledge it or not. Get prepared!"

"And it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment."

THE HOLY BIBLE Hebrews 9:7.

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