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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Titanic Movie
Review: I had no idea that Titanic would be as good as it was. I never heard much hype about it but I saw it anyway. What sets this movie apart from any other is that it gets you to truly care for the characters and what happens to them. However, I think most movies would do that too if they were all over 3 hours long. James Cameron does a great job directing all of the actors, making them as believable as possible. From Leonardo DiCaprio to Jonathan Hyde (Bruce something-or-another... I forget his last name... he was the guy who designed the Titanic), the acting was excellent. I think this movie really captures was a horrible tragedy the Titanic really was. Of course, this movie is not for everyone. There aren't gruesome deaths or anything along those lines. There are few to none *very* comedic lines. This is just your basic drama but it's taken to the next level. It was a great movie, check it out if you haven't already.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Titanic
Review: It is indeed a movie masterpiece,I havent seen such a good film for a long time.There is only one who could have handled this movie besides James Cameron,God.I want to tell you this,I hate romance movies, expecially emmotional romance films.Titanic is the first film that i actually cried and the first romance film i really liked.I went to the theater just to see what the hell is in it that the public are going crazy about.And now i am a proud to own a video tape of the film of the millennium.I dont think there is anybody who has not seen the film.I dont understand why people have to say trash about Titanic just because of it's heavy budget and huge commercial sucsess.I would recommend it to all even to persons who hate romance movies.

Rating: 1 stars
Review: The greatest. It combines the horrible tragedy of the Titanic with a timeless love story. It makes me cry everytime. The only problem was during a scene with Jack and Rose taking a walk on the deck, there was a little speck or a sort of flicker in the corner of the picture. Considering this, Titanic is definately the worst movie ever.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I reluctantly submit...
Review: Yeah, I loved it. I'm not a teeny-booper...But it truly manipulated the audience. I loved it! I cared about the romance, I cared about the boat sinking, and I cared about Jack's death...I was crying like a baby...I was crying mostly for the deaths of the extras. When they spotlighted all the people settling into their cabins to die... heartbreaking. And the final reunion... that got me too. I'm sorry, but it was designed to get you to like it. The effects were amazing also. The boat is beautiful...

Rating: 5 stars
Review: Well, not excatly, but what I mean is the story of it isn't lost in the dark somewhere anymore. First off, it's such a beautiful story, that it really should be one of the best movie ever made. (If you don't think that,you personally have bad taste in movies-and I mean REALLY bad taste.)True, they're was imperfections, like how Rose and Jack could have fallen in love in two days, and how Rose looked about five to ten years older than him. Also, I didn't like the script THAT much, but it was pretty good. The story was just the best, though. Even though the parts with Old Rose might have been unnessicary, it wouldn't have been what it was if they didn't show them. The filming of it was the best I've EVER seen, and the effects just looked so real. The acting was OK, not the best I've seen, though

I'd also like to say, that "TITANIC" WAS historical enough. In fact it was almost TOO historical. For all you people out there who said it wasn't, what do you want, a man sitting in front of the screen reading out facts about it? Oh, wow how exciting! I'm sure it would have made $600 million too! "Titanic" was WAY historical enough, and besides it's a movie, who wants to concintrate on the facts the whole time? You people have no imagination. The people who said there was no Rose and Jack on it, don't either, and the obviously don't know that most people in movies are made up. If there was a movie made on someone who was on it, it wouldn't half been half has interesting. I recall Molly Brown only being showed in a small amount of scences, because she didn't have enough of a story to tell. (I've forgotten about the movie with that Debbie girl because it wasn't that good.)

Also, the movie DID make sense, and even though Leo was just there for teenage girls, so what? It still had a great plot. Besides more that half of teenagers I know hate this film now, and millions of SMART adults seem to enjoy it.

Also, a tip to reviewers, we DON'T need to know the size of your T.V., or how you've wasted 3 hours of your time on this movie (oh, no my life is over-3 hours!), or how good how good the Matrix is, because you couldn't pay me to see that.


Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Titanic was good movie gone bad
Review: Titanic had the potential to be a really good movie. However It was turned into a teenage flick. It didn't emphasize how people actually died. How can people say that Jack and Rose were in love. They had a fling. It only appeared to be love because they were willing to sacrifice their lives for each other. Romeo and Juliet!!! So unoriginal. The only reason why I gave Titanic 3 stars is because of the music, special effects and some orginality.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Flawed dialog but a great script
Review: Some critics have been complaining about James Cameron's script, and every complaint I've read or heard seems to miss the point. What movie-goers did NOT see/hear is the entire script: a polished, literate and thoroughly professional piece of writing. This includes stage directions, scene and character descriptions, etc. I think this is why so many who participated in the making of the movie vigorously defended the script. They'd read what the audience never heard. What viewers DID hear, unhappily, was dialog that was often inane, anachronistic and unreal. The distinction I want to draw is between a great script as a whole and mediocre dialog. Cameron showed poor taste in some of his choices of literary devices in speech: a mild joke to relieve tension, for example, came across as a preposterous line that wrecked the mood entirely. As for the anachronisms, I'm willing to overlook words and expressions of the 1990s put into a story set in 1912. If authentic dialog sounds fake to the audience, communication is lost. And this point brings me to the one thing that really set me off: Cameron's dropping "the" before the name of the ship. "On Titanic's main deck ..." "We're sailing on Titanic." No one, absolutely no one, ever talked this way, in 1912 or any other time. Dropping "the" before a ship's name is an artificial convention invented in the 1930s by the famed historian Samuel Eliot Morison. He liked it, apparently. His name carried great weight (with justice) and he dictated that the phony usage should be adopted. Some historians followed his lead, but fortunately the the practice seems to be fading from history currently being written. Not, however, from James Cameron's script.... My only real question is this: How could Cameron have researched the Titanic and her period so thoroughly and missed the fact that the splendid liner was "the Titanic" to everyone who ever mentioned her name at that time? ... But he turned out one hell of an entertaining movie.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: 11 oscar's? nooo, el negocio puede mas que el arte, sin duda
Review: Cuando vi la entrega de los oscar y asombrado observe como se llevaba tantas y tantas estatuillas esta pelicula pense que debia ser algo extraordinario, algo que te dejara impactado despues de verla, algo digno de ser contado y recomendado a tus amigos. Es cierto, uno tiene sus gustos y el mio tira para el lado de la accion mas que para el romance, pero pueden gustarme peliculas de muchas clases si me llegan al corazon. Sin embargo luego de gastarme casi 3 horas (sino recuerdo mal) mirando esta pelicula realmente me di cuenta de como el negocio puede muchas veces mas que el arte, porque una pelicula que en algunos puntos (no en todos por Dios, tiene muchas cosas muy, pero muy buenas) es estremadamente cursi e irreal.

Bueno, es una pelicula que hay que ver, porque debido a la gran (y exagerada) cantidad de estatuillas que gano es ya parte de la historia del cine. Sin embargo, estoy bastante ofuscado por haber gastado dinero y haberla comprado en DVD, si la hubiese visto antes sin duda no lo habria hecho.

Al mirarla y ver como Braveheart (siempre la uso como ejemplo porque me encanta) gano solo 5 estatuillas me doy cuenta que el tema de la entrega de los oscar es algo falso y que se mueve mas por el dinero que por la calidad de los films.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Love story with tragedy at sea set piece disaster movie
Review: The full power of modern cinema brought to bear on a story of a ship reputed to be unsinkable. The soundtrack, camera work, production design are all first rate, quite marvellous in its evocation of bygone days. A young man chances his way on to the ill-fated ship and meets the beautiful Rose (Kate Winslet). The story unfolds of how these young people fall in love against the background of the imperilled ship and wishes of a class ridden society. As she is crammed into her corset and cumbersome dress, though beautiful and refined, Rose is unhappy and wants to break free and be herself. Young Jack is fresh from the world and an artist to boot. He offers a view of life denied to the young woman who has everything for the asking except the freedom to express herself. So on the ship of dreams a passionate romance is engendered and tragedy follows as the ship sinks into the icy Atlantic Ocean depths, taking two thirds of the people on board. God rest their souls. A finely crafted picture, over long and sad, this is an engaging story.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: For a ship that sank so deep, TITANIC IS SHALLOW!
Review: Well, Well, Well, where do I begin. Lets start with James Cameron. I admired the guy until now. What can I say, he did some great work, TRUE LIES, THE TERMINATOR SERIES, THE ABYSS, not bad films at all. But there is little good to be said about his latest pile of trash, "TITANIC". (what an original title by the way). Its not exactly the most original concept either, I mean come on, they've been making movies about her for eighty years! Most of which are several times better than this... Leonardo DeCraprio was brought into the picture simply for teen chic appeal...not a very professional descision on Cameron's part. I felt absolutely no simpethy when Leo bit the big one...infact, I was even a bit releived. What upsets me most about this picture is the fact that Cameron simply ignores the many other types of people who lost their lives in the disaster...sure, a few snid bits here and there, but unfortunetly, he fails to go in depth...and do you know why? Because if he doesn't show you how horrific it was, he might even con you into seeing this film again as a repeat audience; anyone who has seen this film more than once should be dragged out into the street and...the makers of this film seem even colder than the waters Titanic sailed in herself. Not one screening was issued for charity, unlike EPISODE ONE, which would remain the number one box office hit, had they not engaged in doing so. The most convincing character was BILLY ZANE, although I liked him much better as a punk in BACK TO THE FUTURE. Kate Winslet's bra size is larger than her I.Q., and is the only reason she was picked for this role, I'm sure. Notice how I refer to the characters as the actors who played them; this is only to prove how unconvincing they were, and that i never once believed they were the characters they played. Titanic should not have garnered the impressive amount of academy awards that it did. Best picture, film editing, director, and screenplay should have gone directly to AS GOOD AS IT GETS, and I'm not just saying that because I happen to be an Opsessive compulsive. It clearly was the better picture. It may not of had the impressive sets or production design, but it had something TITANIC could never have, the ability to convince an audience. What I'm trying to say is simple. Why it appealed to so many people is simply astounishing, and just go's to show you how shallow are society really is. I've had bowl movements more meaningful than this movie! Come on, folks! Anyone mature enough nows this movie is a pile of trash. Titanic got it right on two accounts; one, hiring James Horner (THE MASK OF ZORRO) to compose the score; (even though the award still should of gone to JOHN WILLIAMS for his score to THE LOST WORLD) and for the production design. The only thing convincing in TITANIC was the boat itself! I especially love the fact that the entire plot of the movie revolves around two teenagers jumping and running thru the ship just to make out...simply astounishing...now that is oscar material! A very, very, disappointing film indeed. CAMERON! YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF!

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