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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Give This Film Its Due
Review: Granted, teenage girls went nuts over this film due to a sappy love story, but give TITANIC its due. Utilizing state-of-the-art CGI and a relentless attention to detail, James Cameron successfully captures the human tragedy of April 15, 1912, when over fifteen hundred people perished in the icy waters of the North Atlantic.

Look beyond the contrived "poor-boy-meets-rich-girl" love story (wow, like that's never been done before), and even the annoying class warfare pitting the noble, hardworking poor against the arrogant, greedy rich (standard staple from the Hollywood left). Focus instead on the numbing pathos of this disaster, which really happened. Cameron brings the sheer terror of the event to the screen in all of its tragic dimensions, from husbands and wives being separated to countless bodies floating face down in frigid waters. The magnitude of the tragedy, of the largest luxury liner in the world sinking on its maiden voyage, is vividly conveyed.

Incidentally, Billy Zane stands out wonderfully from an otherwise mediocre cast, but the strength of this film is not in its characters, but in the actual disaster itself.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Posh? No!
Review: This was a very popular release in the UK.It has both happy and tragically sad parts,Based on the real thing almost 100 years ago
this made many people weep.So you can get my drift,this is a touching movie and is exciting.I guarentee you'll love this
so do go and buy it.
And I am English and we arent posh at all! We like skateboarding and going to the cinemas so u anericans leave us alone!Anyway why do americans drink soda all day?We invented spiky hair!England=Moshi's americans=Sodaholics

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: A few thoughts from a 40 year old mom...
Review: There are so many reviews already, I need not go into much here. I am 40 yrs. old, mom to a 19, 10, and 4 yr. old. For 12 years we did not own a TV. It was a blessing in many ways, to be sure. Last year, we decided to get a video player (still no TV, still a blessing!), the main reason being I wanted to see some documentary videos on Elvis, whom I was studying at the time(I am not an Elvis fan; my mother was).Anyway, we then went through the Alfred Hitchcock classics, studying those, and recently I have discovered Fredric March (a GREAT actor, most popular in the 30's and 40's)and so now I have been studying Fredric films, and have seen over 35 to date. We love the old classics best, and waste little time on modern cinema offerings...so why did we watch the Titanic video?

Well, my mom, the Elvis fan, died 2 yrs. ago and my 19 yr. old brought home her Titanic video, even though at the time we had no way to watch it. Finally, last night, I felt like seeing it, to see what the hype was all about (also I am out of Fredric March movies right now!)back in 1997.

Overall: my opinion is that while it wasn't HORRIBLE or AWFUL or anything similar as other reviewers have called it, it wasn't really good either. It was just "okay". I don't think modern movies can even come close to the old classics that Hollywood gave us back in the 30's, 40's, and 50's. Why? It's hard to describe...there was more decency, more class, something. Sure, there were bad films and acting jobs back then too, but I don't think modern actors and actresses have what it takes anymore. In saying this, I go to Leo and Kate...I felt they were very shallow in their acting, I felt they were miscast. They were too modern, even in period clothes. Leo is not the romantic, manly, leading man the film needed. Kate was not the woman to portray the inner beauty, the inner turmoil, that I think the Rose character needed. Her hair color was VERY awful to me...honestly, it distracted me a lot during the movie! It was just too weird. Because these 2 were miscast, and because their acting abilities were lacking in depth and sincerity, I could not feel for them in the film, hope for them, or anything. And a good film is supposed to get you into the heart of the characters, and get you caring for them. None of this happened for me with Leo and Kate. I felt the characters on the whole were not developed...I think it would have helped to know more about Cal, and why he was as he was, and why he and Kate had gone this far in a relationship. I felt the supporting cast were not very good actors either...Molly Brown could have had a lot of potential, but it seemed the actress was not into the heart and skin of her character...like she was just parroting lines. I am not trying to be unkind here...I just feel disapointed when the characters appear as actors and do not become the characters. The only supporting actor who I felt "became" his character was Victor Garbor, who played Thomas Andrews. You could feel his feelings along with him. And along with this, I say that the dialog seemed too modern for the most part...the people spoke 90's lingo a lot. Better writing would have helped here.

I was mildly offended at the crude language throughout this film...believe me, you CAN enjoy a film without everyone speaking gutter language. I couldn't believe even old Rose had a bad mouth! The bad language was a negative to this film. I also did not feel the nudity was necessary...Kate was beautiful, but noone but her husband and doctor need to see it! I did not appreciate the sex scene either...was totally not needed and anyway it was not like their love was beautiful and pure...it seemed just a lust thing, a heat of the moment thing, a "let's do this because it's exciting" thing. A man who really loves will wait to be married before becoming physically one with her. I felt their kissing was even lustful...not truly loving and meaningful like you see in the old movies. The language and the nudity/sex would keep me from letting my young children see this film, and also the scene where the one officer puts a gun to his head and kills himself.

I think the filming was pretty good...there were some good visual moments. I think it was an awsome task to film some of the scenes in this film, and the Oscars won I am sure are very well deserved.

I have read much about the Titanic, and while this film is okay, I must say I got more out of my reading, and felt more of the tragegy in my heart for the disaster through books than through this film.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: What to say
Review: When this movie came out I was sixteen. I didn't see the movie because I didn't go to theatres and we didn't have a TV. But that didn't stop my friend and I (especially I, because I had a crush on the Leo guy) from finding pictures on the Internet, reading books about the movie, so forth and so on. Later on we found the movie in my grandma's stuff after she died and brought it home.

I've seen it now two times all the way through - once last year, once just last night.

No longer being sixteen and swayed by baby-faced leading men, I look at this movie with more mature and calm eyes and my honest opinion is, it just isn't that great. For one thing, there is too much bad language/swearing, which I don't want to hear. Everyone knows about the nude scene and the car scene. One of the officers shoots himself in the head near the end. And this movie is rated PG? Some Shirley Temple movies are rated PG and there's not a thing wrong with them! I mean get a grip - this should be R!

As for the characters - Rose's hair (something my mother pointed out and which really bugged me this time) is far too red. I know that's not her natural colour because it did not look like that in Sense and Sensibility. She also wore far too much makeup. A more natural look, with her hair neatly up, would have given me a much more "period" feeling about her. Also she didn't have much power to me as a character because she's such a tramp. She's disrespectful, can't make up her mind what she wants. I couldn't feel much sympathy at all for her.

I couldn't really feel anything for Leo's character either. It's funny the things that appeal to you as a young weird teenager, because I see nothing now in Leo that's particularly wonderful, in looks or in acting. He didn't have what it took to make it worth Rose's running after him.

The dialogue between Rose and Jack seemed particularly strange to me as well. Except for Molly Brown, the other characters in general seemed to have a quieter, more refined way of speaking, while Jack and Rose just talked like 90's Americans. Totally wrecked the feeling.

Cal had a lot of potential as a character, but like most of the others, was sadly undeveloped. Interesting how his voice sounds a lot like James Mason's (Mason played in "North by Northwest", "A Star Is Born" with Judy Garland), something I did not notice before.

The only one of the set of main characters that evoked any feeling in me was the Thomas Andrews guy. He talked like a decent, respectable Irishman and outshone everyone else in the cast for the simple reason that he, obviously, knows how to ACT. I remember the first time I saw the movie particularly, I cried for him - not for any of the other leading characters.

Let's see what else should I say... Oh, yes, the special effects. At times I thought the moving water was no better than the old method of rear projection - it looked incredibly fake. But the sinking scenes I felt were done as well as could be done. I would agree that it was a great achievement on James Cameron's part, but it did seem like the movie was built around special effects, and everything else took second fiddle, really. Perhaps that's why the actors were so bad and the script so poor.

The music is very nice too. I still enjoy listening to my soundtrack CD sometimes, and I fell in love with I Salonisti - the group who played the first class music. (They did an excellent recording called "And the Band Played On" which you should listen to if you want some good music that is Titanic-related.)

I give this three stars because it isn't utterly AWFUL. I just think there is so much that this movie had the potential to be and wasn't.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Awesome Special Effects
Review: I loved the effects of this movie, and the "history" of the story itself is worth a lot. I reserve a raving review because I just don't care for the acting in this movie at all. Another deterrent is the length, and the plot does not sustain it. I'd still call this movie a "must-see," but it's certainly only a "one-timer."

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: DVD is not anamorphic!
Review: As the new owner of a digital widescreen, and anyone reading this review will soon have one, I have gone through all my DVD's and weeded out those which are not "anamorphic" or "enhanced for 16 by 9". Without those words, the black bars on a widescreen movie will take up 1/3 of a picture's available resolution. Once you get a widescreen TV, the only way to fill your screen with these movies is to "zoom in" - a great loss in resolution. Paramount really blew it with the creation of this DVD, as most all of the new crop of DVDs are anamorphic or enhanced for widescreen. It's a great story, but I just can't bring myself to watch it anymore knowing it could have looked so much better.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: One of the Worst Movies...
Review: "Titanic" won so many Academy Awards, but why? Everything about it makes me sick. The direction, script, acting and music! Sirens to my ears! I was disappointed that James Cameron directed this overblown 'epic' about two lovers whose love survived the sinking of the great ship. You know what? It would've been great if Arnold Schwarzenegger was in this because he would've defeated the iceberg. Forget the two hundred year-old woman and her necklace. That's obscenity. An insanely disappointing movie!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: The most OVERRATED film of all time!
Review: I have said it before, and I'll say it again, Titanic, along with Gone With The Wind are two of the most OVERATED films in history, with no plot, stupid characters, and irritating dialoge!
Think Romeo and Juliet aboard the Titanic and that best sums up this three hour plus film.

Titanic continues to be one of the biggest movies of all time, (why on Earth did moviegoers pick this mess to be a hit?) It involves a very spoiled and irritating girl known as Rose, played by Kate Winslet, who goes aboard a state of the art ship known as the Titanic with her snotty finacee, played by Billy Zane. She doesn't care for him so she hooks up with a drifter/artist named Jack played by Leonardo DiCaprio. The majority of the film is about Jack and Rose trying to avoid her fiancee while the ship itself hits an iceberg and sinks, killing many of the passengers aboard. The reason why so many teenage girls went crazy for this film is because it has a story that only a teenage girl could love with it's simplistic dialoge and cliched characters. I was hoping by the end that Rose herself would be hit by an iceberg as her character was really becoming annoying fast!

Now, what bothers many moviegoers is that instead of being about the ship itself and the people who died, the film focuses on another silly 90210 teen romance. We have seen this type of romantic film hundreds of times before, and the romance in Titanic is about as interesting as a can of flat soda.

While there are some nice costumes, and effects work done on the sinking of the ship, audiences must endure over two and a half hours of some of the most irritating and cliched dialoge ever written ("I'm just a tumbleweed blowing through the wind?!") as well as a lot of boredom waiting for the ship to sink. I had to be woken up by my wife when the ship sank while seeing it on DVD (I never saw it in theaters, because no film could live up to that amount of hype and after finally seeing it on DVD, I was right) Everyone I have talked to says that seeing the movie on the big screen makes a bigger difference in the special effects, well I have a HDTV big screen and that's about as close to a motion picture screen you can get watching a home video DVD.

All in all, Rose isn't a woman searching for herself, but rather a spoiled brat looking for attention, and I never related to Jack one bit. I guess the only characters who I felt any real sympathy for were the captain and the ship's designer, as the film doesn't really focus on any of the real victims of the event other than the ficticious Jack and Rose.

I enjoy some of James Cameron's films, (True Lies and Strange Days, which he wrote, are two of the best action films of the 1990's!) But, Titanic wasn't the "classic" many have hailed it to be!

A 1 on a scale of 1-5. If you want to see a real film about the Titanic rent the original, not this awful mess!

Sure, most teenage girls will go crazy over this, but, I'll take Good Will Hunting anyday over this mess!

The Titanic DVD has no commentaries or any other "goodies" found in other premium DVDs, just the standard film in widescreen format, a couple of trailers and THAT'S IT! Thank goodness me and my wife rented rather than bought this film. If you absolutely must own this film, then, wait for a deluxe version DVD with a commentary and other features first!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Awful
Review: This movie is awful. Yes, the special effects are good, but that's the end of the story. It's about two kiddies from the 1990's running about on the Titanic. Dialogue is trite. Acting is atrocious. Will be pretty much forgotten in 20 years except for the 12-year-old girls who fell in love with it and remember it for nostalgia's sake. Will be completely forgotten in 50 years.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: An Atrocious Waste of TIme!
Review: TERRIBLE. I went to the theaters to watch this film, and could not wait for it to end. A terrible rehash of a cliched love story sold only by its special effects. This film is not worth ten minutes, much less three hours! Nothing can save this film from being placed on my list of WORST CINEMATIC EVENTS OF ALL TIME. Its difficult to believe that in an age of such movie diversity, this title could be so highly recommended and praised. I must say that even my fiance, who enjoys romance films, thought Titanic was a monumental disappiontment. With all the great romances available, leave this one on the shelf and spend your money on somethign worhtwhile. I gave this film one star, although it is considerably lower than that!

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