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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Titanic - Rising To The Top
Review: This is one of my favorite movies of all time. The special effects are excellent and you almost feel like you're right on the ship itself! The love story added in was pretty good, but that's not the reason I liked the movie so much. I am just obsessed with the Titanic! This movie tells the story of not only the two young lovers but also of the ship and what really happened. The 5 Stars that I gave were for the movie, but I have to say that the DVD itself was really really bad! There were no special features except for a theatrical trailer for this movie. They should have made this a 2 DVD set with behind the scenes footage, the specials run on various television channels and a walk through of the Titanic tour with all of the props and stuff. I saw that in Great America and thought it was very cool. Why didn't they do a mini tour of it and show it in the DVD? Besides those complaints about the DVD, the movie is awesome and a 5 Star flick. I watched it again this morning for a total of 4 times, 2 in the theater, 1 on the VHS edition, and 1 on the DVD edition. This is pretty much the VHS edition but with a trailer and only 1 disk. Buy it! It's a great movie (if not a good DVD.) Enjoy!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Magical, memorable and marvelous - a towering achievement
Review: ... Its scope and ambition is so far beyond what most films ever attempt -- and it succeeds on so many levels -- that it's hard to believe anyone could trash it. I've seen it repeatedly, but only on video and DVD, not theatrically, where I would imagine it would be even more spectacular. But more than that, as a novelist and screenwriter myself, I ADMIRE James Cameron's script. Using footage of the ACTUAL wreck itself is emotional enough, when, with Gloria Stuart's narration, he dissolves into the past when the ship was new and mighty. The personal story of the girl who's looking for meaning in her life and the guy who helps her find it before they're both caught in unimaginable tragedy is something we all can relate to... The sequence of the ship's collision with the iceberg -- the frantic calls to the bridge, the shutting of the watertight doors and the men rushing to escape, everything -- is one of the finest and most exciting sequences I've ever seen. The special effects? I've never seen better in ANYTHING ...My only quibble is with the lack of extras on the DVD. While I'm glad to see the trailer, this is one DVD that SCREAMS for a making-of documentary -- who wouldn't want to know how it was done? Wish they'd added it! My quibble with the film? Nothing. See it and revel in another time and another place.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: I think Libby Gelman-Waxner said it best...
Review: ...the love story in this movie is like giving Anne Frank a wacky best friend in the attic to make the story "more interesting." Or words to that effect.

I would rather have seen a broader storyline encompassing more of the real people on the ship (Molly Brown, John Jacob Astor, Isidor Strauss, etc.) than the saga of fictional Jack and Rose. That having been said, however, I must add that the special effects are superb.

Between those two things, it comes out to an "average" review.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Titanical
Review: I thought Judi Dench & Kathy Bates were brilliant. I thought the movie should have stayed on the tragedy aspect & not the love aspect. If we want to see a love story there is Sleepless in Seattle & Hope Floats. James Cameron however did depict very well the cruelness of the rich to leave the poor & servants on the ship. He also depicted with terrible reality the horror of being in the middle of a freezing ocean, no way of escape & knowing your fate of doom. The poor children dying. It was so very sad. The characters could have been written better. The first movie is much better.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Well guys....
Review: Look at it this way, you get to watch Leonardo diCaprio die, that's worth the price of admission. Actually a great movie. You might actualy cry, or get up and cheer when that image of leo floating away to his doom comes on screen. either way endure it with your girlfriend, it will make her happy

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: whats up with this dvd!
Review: Titanic is the highest grossing film of all time but this dvd is the worst of all time.No extras, not animorphic, paramount needs to get with the times. This dvd gets only one star for poor quality.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: All the boring movies get oscars; thats sad
Review: If u really want a good 2 video movie, get Scarface or the Ten Commandments, whoa now ain't that goin' too low? Well Scarface is much better thn this, and if u want a good movie that won a bit of oscars, watch Glory, Forest Gump, or The Godfather. This is the biggest definition of a boring movie u can find. The only good part is when the dude fell of the ship and hit one of the propellers, dat was cool. This lacked everything that could prevent this from being borin', and it's one of the most cheeziest luv storiez ive seen in all my life. Unless u want a mr I'm-a-boring-cheezy-love-story-movie, don't even watch this garbage. It's one of the worst films I've ever seene

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: If There Was Only an Award for Most Overrated Film........
Review: Though I can understand why this film appealed to so many and I can even applaud its technical merits, I am still bewildered at those who claim it is "one of the greatest films of all time." Just as bewildering is the fact that it won so many Academy Awards and even beat out "L.A. Confidential," quite possibly the best film on the '90's, for the Best Picture award.
What you have hear is a film that capitalizes on a tragic disaster, with a script that caters to lovesick teenagers. Put Leonardo di Caprio in the lead role and you've got more than your fairshare of lovesick girls stomping over one another to see this film over and over. And guys get to see Kate Winslet's bare breasts....(one of the few parts of the film I enjoyed).
Artistically and technically, it is a spectacle..I'll give it that! And Billy Zane, as the "evil" side of the love triangle is excellent. But the script is so by the numbers and routine!
It's simple- poor but handsome and talented boy meets wealthy, rebellious, sexy socialite girl. PRoblem is, she's engaged. And, of course, she doesn't want to be! One thing leads to another, they get to know eachother, and she loses her virginity in the backseat of a car (how many times have we seen this?). Fiancee gets wind of it, gets angry, tries to kill the young man. An iceberg beats him to it. Boy saves girl, sacrifices his own life. She lives to a ripe old age and never forgets him.
See what I mean? THIS won dozens of awards and the praise of critics worldwide? I can't help but scratch my head at this. Have moviegoing audiences become so conditioned to accept rubbish and think its amazing?
If you are in the mood for a 3 hour, mindless, overly-sentimental spectacle, then this is the film for you....If not, do yourself a favor and pass!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: THE WORST!!
Review: This was a terrible movie. I've seen it done before (West Side Story). All it was, was a reason to get Leonardo DiCaprio in the spotlight. This movie never should have been made. NEVER SHOULD HAVE WON BEST PICTURE. I saw many movies from that year that deserved best picture, and this wasn't one of them. This movie was horrible. I wasted 3 hours of my life watching this movie. I laughed when Leo died.
What the hell was James Cameron thinking? Stick to action, that is what you are good at. I must agree with T.V. guide:
"This DVD proves that James Cameron kicked ( it ) pre-TITANIC."
-T.V. Guide
Refering to the Terminator DVD

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Big is not always better
Review: Sitting in the dark theater, surrounded by sniffles and cries, I had to bury my face in my hands to control my laughter. Sure, the effects were great, but that is not enough to carry a story, no matter how emotional the actual occurences were. From the beginning I could not "suspend my disbelief" enough to buy that our heroine, Rose, was cutting edge enough to mesmorize everyone with her knowledge of Picasso and Freud, let alone be able to freely run around the ship with hero Jack, escaping from the lower decks when other were forced to die.
I was supposed to buy that these two people found some incredible and enduring love, yet they experienced little more than a one night stand. I think this assessment is justified when Rose shoves Jack's dead body off a raft at the end. That's when the uncontrollable laughter started. I was so aware that this was an act of fiction I couldn't find any symbolism in the act or further acts conducted by the aged Rose.
For this movie to be truly "epic" or great, why not focus on one of the real stories? Why not learn more about the mother who tucks her children into bed, knowing they will die, while the two fools somehow escape the locked deck? Why not star the older couple who lay on the bed together, holding hands, fearfully awaiting death? These people had real relationships longer than a few days.
What burns me is that this movie won Oscars when LA Confidential came out the same year.
If you want to see something romantic and heartbreaking, I would recommend The Lover over this. At least in The Lover the vast majority of the movie is dedicated to the development of the relationship, and character and relationship development is all that matters in heart wrenching material. If Cameron just wants to sink large objects he should stick to his usual boom boom fare.

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