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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: This film certainly isn't the best in history!
Review: Titanic, for certain, is not the greatest film in motion picture history...There was a little film in 1939-what was it-oh yeah-that multi billion dollar classic-Gone With The Wind. Have we forgotten what excellent acting and an intelligable screenplay are? OK, I give Titanic 2 stars (although I don't know why) because the historical aspect of this film was documented well. I will admit, Cameron almost touches upon Selznick's historical accuracy when he made Gone With The Wind. What Selznick did in that film when he recorded the events of the Civil War-ah, that is pure and simply-untouchable, paramount splendor. But as I said, Cameron does a pretty good job of recording the story of the Titanic. That was what facinated me but this supposed love saga-what love saga? There may have been some sort of a mockery of a love story but no saga. The only true love saga that ever came out of this country was...yep, you guessed it...Gone With The Wind. Yes, Titanic deserves 1 or 2 stars for its historical representation of the the RMS Titanic but the fact that the screenwriting was awful ruins this film. Now as for the actors-they could have been far better...Leonardo DiCaprio-a worldwide star-come on, folks. And Kate Winslet-WHO? This film in no way deserved 11 Academy Awards-maybe a few for its special effects and its history lesson-but it in no way deserved eleven. I do recommend that you see this film so that you may better understand the story of the RMS Titanic but if you want to see a truly good love saga, not this immoral trash, rent a copy of the world's greatest film: Gone With The Wind. END

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: A big movie that's a little above average
Review: This is one of the most visually stunning movies ever made, with the mega-bucks being put to good use and the sepia film enhances the experience incredibly. Unfortunately, no matter how much money was spent on, or was generated at the box office by this movie, this movie is merely the most extravagant Mills & Boon adaptation ever. This movie is written at a primal level: To appeal to the 'dumb' public who want style over content. This movie is about as historically accurate as the Flintstones (the number of people trying to take the film makers to court for misrepresenting loved ones is proof enough), and I doubt many women at the time would have said "F**K" in front of society, or used the middle finger salute. Despite the awful script, it is beautifully made, and lives up to James Cameron's original pitch of "..Romeo and Juliet on a boat.." except without the intelligence of course. The acting is first class (despite the 1 dimensional characters) especially DiCaprio - who deserves a bit of Hollywood fame. All said and done, this movie is above average, though not quite worth 11 Oscars. It's like a Beverly Hills Girl - pretty, stupid, with far too much money spent on her. END

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Too Thin and Too Long
Review: Using one dimensional stick figures on a special effects ship, Cameron continues to tell a story about one dimensional people. A far superior product,"A Night to Remember" (in black and white), is available at your local video shop. Much shorter, better action and is historically more accurate. It is a bit dated due to its age but is certainly more interesting than Cameron's version. END

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: One of the worst movies every made!!!
Review: Titanic. Even the name makes my skin crawl. This is the most irratible movies of all time. Girls just go to see it because of "cute ol' Leo." Boys just go to see Kate Winslet naked. This movie should very well've been rated 'R'. Flipping off your elders? A lot of swearing, and a good amount of nudity and violence?? Come on... 'PG-13'??? Something has gone terribly wrong with the minds of movie raters.

This movie is an all out 'chick-flick'. When it hits the stores, it'll pretty much be sold out in a snap. This is not a good historical movie to watch AT ALL, neither is a movie that you SHOULD watch at all. You want a wholesome Titanic movie? Watch one of the older remakes (that's right, I said OLDER). This contemporary version is P.A.T.H.E.T.I.C. They took the real Titanic and turned it into a work of ficiont. That's probably a main reason people go see this movie.

The only good part of the whole movie is when all the people die. And all I can say is, good riddance, Jack. END

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Fantastic - Get the widescreen version
Review: While Titanic is not, in my opinion, the best movie ever (that honor goes to Schindlers List, Titanic is the 2nd best), it is certainly my favorite. I will definately be getting a copy of the widescreen version, and I hope all of you will as well. It's an extremely visual film, and seeing it with a 3rd of the movie cut out (pan and scan) simply doesn't cut it. See you at the stores come September - hope you enjoy it as much as I will! END

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best Movie Ever Made
Review: Titantic is the high water mark in the history of movie making. Kudos to Cameron et. al. for the masterpiece of a lifetime. END

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Almost a great movie
Review: The movie had incredible visual effects and really pulled the audience into the tragic events building up to the sinking of the Titanic. It could have been the one of the best epic films in history if not for the hollywood morals exhibited by the main characters. I felt they were terrible role models for younger people -- displaying the sort of flash-in-the-pan lust that typifies most movies today. The real emotional impact came from the love shown by the man on the deck of the ship saying good-bye for the last time to his wife and children as they boarded the lifeboat; the older couple holding each other in their arms while the ship was sinking; and the mother reading one last bedtime story to her young children as she tried to ignore the inevitable. All of these visuals made a deep and lasting impression on me of the true love that people share for one another. This was a good, but not a great movie. END

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The most beautifully detailed movie I have ever seen!
Review: O.k., there has been quite alot of hubbub about Titanic. We all know that. With it's massive budget, huge scale sets, and costume and prop budget that could supply all of Chicago for a year, I found it to be the most detailed and beautifully filmed movie I have ever seen. Barring the fact that the story is fiction (hey, who knows?......), the drama and intensity are mirrored by the technical and digital effects that are just as beautiful. How 'bout the shots with the ship in the open ocean? - all computer generated. New software had to be written just to accomodate that effect. Or how 'bout the shot where the actual ship, 12,500 feet down, blends smoothly with the recreated set? James Cameron and his Digital Domain team have outdone themselves; even surpassing the fabulous effects in "True Lies". People like Titanic specialist Ken Marschal was on hand during filming to be sure that accuracy was in top form. After seeing the movie twice, those details, in my opinion, are perfect.

There are those who say the movie is 'cheesy' or even 'plastic'. That's always a matter of opinion. Remember that James Cameron wrote the screenplay himself and took out about 2 hours worth of extra footage in the final print. The movie is set to be re-released in December at its full 5 and a half hour running time. That's where the $200 million budget comes from.

Anyway, I think the experience of seeing this movie will be even greater by viewing it in the widescreen format. Shot in 70mm format, the only way to view Titanic IS in widescreen. Pan and Scan (or Standard Format) will only diminish what James Cameron invisioned when he began plans in 1996 for a movie about the sinking of the Titanic. I loved it in the theatre and I will surely love it on video. A definite 5 star movie. END

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The Most Romantic Movie Ever Made
Review: Before I saw Titanic, I had heard all these wonderful things about it. When I finally did get to see it, it wasn't as good as I expected it to be. In fact, I was kind of bored. It wasn't till after the movie was over that I realized what a big impact it had on me. I love romantic movies and Titanic is by far the most romantic movie I've ever seen. I got the feeling that their love for each other wasn't only an immediate feeling of passion (though there was plenty of that). I felt that Jack and Rose truly loved each other. I cried during the whole movie, and I like movies that make me cry. So even though Titanic isn't my favorite movie, I think it's one of the very best. END

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The best movie James Cameron has made by far.
Review: Myself and my wife saw TITANIC on the big screen and both left feeling as though we were actually transported back to 1912 and the disaster itself.The underwater photography is superb and never before did I vere expect to see the real wreck on screen like that! When the flashbacks came, the period costume, sets of the ship's interior and the computer-generated effects could not be faulted. Kate Winslett(and in a wet white dress) gave the best performance, Leo diCaprio is OK, but Kate's my preference! The special effects during the sinking sequence are out of this world. James Cameron has directed many of my favourite movies, i.e. T2(special edition), The Abyss(special edition) and Aliens(also the director's cut), but this one ranks as his best by far as it takes him away from the much-plundered sci-fi genre and into something totally different. With the possible exception of DEEP IMPACT, this is the best film of 1998, if not of all time. END

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