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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: one of the best movies ever made
Review: what the hell are these people talking about. this was a excellent film and i just can't believe that some people on the reviews rated this a one star movie. they have to be CRAAAAAAZZZZZZY. well my opinion is that this was a great story of action and drama. it had one of the best, saddest love stories ever put on film. i also thought that kate winslet was a knock-out in this movie. she was very attractive. there was noyhing out of place in this movie. it was done with perfection.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Shoot me!
Review: I know a lot of you out there will hate me for saying this, but I am entitled to my opinion, not yours. I thought this movie sucked!

Three hours for Lord of the Rings? No problem, I can understand the need. The pacing was good enough to keep those hours from becoming tedious. Three hours for Star Wars: Attack of the Clones? Kind of a stretch, but it's a guitly pleasure of mine. Granted, I had some problems with it, but that's another story. But three hours for Titanic? No! It didn't work for me.

Now I'm not going to diss Mr. DiCaprio as many others have. He really can act, but the problem here wasn't him, it was his character. All the characters in this movie were hackneyed and trite. I just couldn't bring myself to care about any of them. I just sat there waiting for the cockamamey boat to sink!

And the love story was painfully trite. A lower-class boy with an upper-class girl, real original. You can take old concepts like that and make them work, but this movie wasn't able to in my eyes. I much preferred the love story of The Princess Bride, but I'm not here to make comparisons.

The visual effects with the sinking of the boat were decent, but that was the only good part of the entire movie. Frankly, there was nothing else worth considering in this movie aside from the sinking of the eponymous boat.

On the whole, I found Titanic to be boring, trite, and painfully uninteresting. But like I said, that's my opinion. None of you have to agree with me, and you certainly don't have to like what I say, but I'm certainly free to say that this movie is one of the worst I've ever seen, and as a fan of Mystery Science Theater 3000, that is saying something.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Overrated, Over-long, badly-acted drivel.
Review: Titanic is, quite possibly, the single most disappointing moment in motion picture history. And I've sat through most of Leslie Nielsen's pictures, so I know what I'm talking about.

Jack is a penniless artist who wins his passage home to the States in a poker game. Rose is a spoilt upper-class socialite, who is being forced into a loveless marriage in order to avoid financial bankruptcy. The Titanic is a magnificent ocean liner, more opulent than many palaces, more diverse than many cities. Thus the scene is set for the greatest romantic epic of all time.

Except, somewhere between Rose and her Hat stepping out of the taxi at the dock, and Jack getting made over in Kathy Bates's husbands' old Tuxedo, it all goes horribly, horribly wrong, and what we are left with is over three hours of terrible acting, overstated sentimentality, and really, really cringeworthy melodrama.

The problem with Titanic is that the Boat is the true star of the picture, and to this end, the movie works well, with some beautifully realised shots of a very convincing ocean liner. Strange, then, that the idiot writers decided to tack on a mawkish and simplistic poor-boy-meets-rich-girl 'human interest' story, the mundanity of which unfortunately eclipses the majesty of Cameron's direction and colours the entire mood of the film. Leonardo diCaprio and Kate Winslet are very fine actors (see 'What's eating Gilbert Grape?' and 'Sense and Sensibility' for proof of that) but their capibilities are lost in a terrible script that mixes contemporary dialogue with unrealistic period situations and the whole performance never quite manages to be realistic or believable.

A doomed love story in a historically epic situation could have been a masterpiece, but instead, thanks to the Hollywood Machine's endless underestimation of the intelligence levels of their moviegoing public, 'Titanic' descends into something embarrassing and over-long. It could have been so good, but it's not. Simple as that. For blockbuster romantic epics, check out 'Gone With The Wind', 'Moulin Rouge' and 'Chinatown'. For an exercise in how to jazz up a half-baked script with some lovely special effects, get 'Titanic'. But remember, it's more than three hours of your life that you'll never get back.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Better then I expected.
Review: Ever since I was a little kid I read every book I could find on the Titanic. So I was waiting for this movie for a long time and was extremly dissappointed to find out that it was going to be made into a love story.
Titanic isn't the best film ever made but it's pretty close. The film offers something for everyone. For the guys it'a a top notch disaster film and there is female nudity. For girls there is the love story and Leo. The cast, with the exception of Billy Zane (as Cal)is superb. The music, special effects and especially the sets are amazing. The movie won eleven Oscars including best picture they don't just hand those out to anyone except to Chicago which sucked. Give Titanic a chance its worth your time.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: No interest--Zero stars
Review: why on earth was this movie ever made, and how did it become such a megahit? The perceived average american psyche that made this movie so popular really frightens me.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: The Most Overrated Film In History
Review: This was not even the best version of Titanic and because a bunch of lovesick girls flocked to see Leo Dicaprio ( why I don't know ) it became a huge blockbuster. I don't care how much money it supposedly made overall, Titanic is a big waste of time.

I admire Cameron's approach with the Gloria Stuart rehash, but that got tiresome after the first two hours. Soon it was as if they forgot Gloria was telling the story and flew through too many instances after dragging on for two hours. Cameron made this movie not to entertain but for an Oscar because whenever a boring film drags on for more hours than it needs to, the director is looking for an award.

Cameron didn't stick to any facts about the Titanic. I'm talking about historical facts mind you. He got a bunch of insignificant things from other films and some books but he must not have done first hand research because everything he didn't know, he made up instead of questioning historians who knew first hand what the Titanic was like and how it was handled. This is a big part of our history and Cameron made fun of it to rake up money. He disrespected the families of the victims when he turned the story into some idiotic western at the end when Billy Zane ended up chasing people with a gun! By that time I was already upset for wasting my money at the theater, but I was sickened from that point on.

The only great character was Kathy Bates. She is a wonderful actress and I love her wit and wisecracking nature in everything she's in. Kate Winslet was terrible. She might be able to act in other films ( I don't know because I don't watch her ) but she wasn't " Rose " at all. She was not convincing at being weak. I kept waiting for her to strike back at Billy Zane's temper tantrums instead she just sat there like a lump pretending to be a frail helpless creature. She whined and I was hoping she would have died at the end. Too bad she didn't.
Leo was dry. He's usually good but the only thing he did well was draw girls to the movie theaters. Where are those faithful fans now? He could use them. Billy Zane was excellent though the part sucked. He never gets the recognition he deserves. Everyone else was wasted and not needed. Gloria Stuart may have been a good actress in her day but she wasn't too impressive here. Neither was Bill Paxton ( but then again when was he? ).

The computerized downing of the ship was entertaining for two seconds. Compared to the special effects these days, it isn't anything to fall over about. I found it tasteless to use the special effects the way Cameron did anyway. He was too busy trying to impress the industry instead of making a film worthy of retelling history.

Now that I've said all that...here it goes. If you are one percent of the world who hasn't seen this movie, don't feel you have to. Some people pump up this movie but others know the real deal. If it was so great how come you haven't heard of it in years? It was hyped up by executives and the studio. At first I thought it was just me and my family who thought the film sucked. But as I found out, millions of others felt the same way. Don't believe the hype. It was obvious that the film was only made to boost up Cameron's career after he stalled from the Terminator sequels. Everyone knew it was a joke when Kate Winslet walked away with an Oscar nomination. She was the most unnoticeable and least interesting character in the entire yawn!

This is a wasted effort and not a WONDERFUL film at all. Cameron trades in good story telling for cheap thrills. No wonder the momentum didn't last. Have fun on the top Titanic because your days are numbered.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: Titanic has been written off as a fad thing of 1997. It is a great tragic love story, a great historical film and a great piece of filmmaking.

James Cameron did one amazing job. And, to you, skeptics out there.... You're all dope-heads. You should stop being so narrow-minded.... Look at Titanic for all its good qualities.... DON'T be so negative.


Rating: 2 stars
Summary: The history is better
Review: Titanic is a good movie and has good historic parts. But the love story is way too cheesey.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Why couldn't they just leave the Titanic sunk?
Review: This has got to be one of the crowning atrocities in teeny-bopper, chick-flick cinema. A movie comes out, consists of three hours of cheesy love drama and camera shots of Leonardo DiCaprio's face, and suddenly teenage girls around the world rise to a frenzy sufficient to earn this movie $1 billion and make everyone proclaim it's a masterpiece? Something's not right here. This doesn't prove it's a masterpiece or even a good film. If anything, it just proves that a pretty face sells to teeny-bopper girls. Next they'll be declaring the Backstreet Boys one of the best bands ever.

Aside from turning this tragic event (which is depicted well in the foolishness of the captain) into the backdrop for his stupid romance, James Cameron has taken all the focus off of what it should be on. The sinking of the Titanic was a tragedy, and the memory of it should not be so infamously defaced as it was by this horrible movie. After 2 hours of such a horrible love story and utterly uninteresting plot, I was actually CHEERING for the boat to sink, just so the movie would end.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: In my humble opinion...
Review: ...quite simply the worst film ever made!!!

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