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Rating:  Summary: political propaganda Review: Even though this is an entertaining work of fiction, be aware that there is a lot of political propaganda in it. People and groups have words and actions that would never occur in real life. One example is a Christian women's group who refrain from condemning adultery. Another is a man who has never told his wife about his mild romantic horseplay desires. There is a political party that cannot shuffle people between appointed offices.
Rating:  Summary: political propaganda Review: Even though this is an entertaining work of fiction, be aware that there is a lot of political propaganda in it. People and groups have words and actions that would never occur in real life. One example is a Christian women's group who refrain from condemning adultery. Another is a man who has never told his wife about his mild romantic horseplay desires. There is a political party that cannot shuffle people between appointed offices.
Rating:  Summary: Just like TV--all promise no substance Review: I rented this turkey based upon these glorious reviews here. And I was had. Yes, Juliet Stevenson is a fine actress, capable of much by doing very little. But no one else in this tepid tale of betrayal and revenge comes close. And the plot is very hard to believe. Very. I am no politician, but movies about things I know something about (schools, offices, restaurants) are all very unconvincing. I suspect this would cause real politicians to laugh as well. It just doesn't ring true.
The changes in her husband's behavior seem remarkable. He was a caring, compassionate man before she finds out, then he is a rat, not even "for the children." He was loving and kind to her, then becomes eager for rough play in bed. He was a skilled orator and on the fast track to success, then his wife out maneuvers him.
And the pious conclusion made me wretch. No, no, this isn't about revenge. Oh no, nothing so low as that. He needed to be stopped. But she didn't know he needed to be "stopped" before she found out about his cheating. But she never felt he needed to be stopped before that. Sorry. She takes him down. And the audience (primarily female, I would guess) cheers.
Rating:  Summary: Hell hath no fury..... Review: I suppose it's too corny to say the truth can be stranger than fiction, but when THE POLITICIAN'S WIFE was first aired in 1995, the unfolding scandal concerning the American White House lay in the future making this film a bit prescient as it forcast events that could and do happen, almost daily in the US. With few exceptions, sex scandals involving politicians rock Progressives not Conservatives. The wayward husband (Trevor Eve) in this tale is a Conservative member of Parliament(UK) with a loyal following of fellow conservatives played by actors who regularly appear in BBC/Masterpiece productions (i.e.the late Ian Banning).
I suppose my favorite Juiet Stevenson role must be the heart-broken lover in TRULY, MADLY, DEEPLY, but she has appeared in countless other roles (which will make her face very familiar to fellow Anglophiles) including officious characters in various dramatizations of 19th century novels including a Jane Austin novel or two. Stevenson is good at looking and acting like a skin-flint up-tight member of the upper crust comes as naturally to her as it does to Dame Maggie Smith. In this film she demonstrates once again she is also great at playing the heart-broken wife of one who has gone off the rails.
The sex scenes between Stevenson and Eve are quite risque for a family-values oriented household, but those who are devoted to Masterpiece Theater know that PBS has been airing adult fare for a long time (reality tv for the educated class). Viewers who waited for Eve to make a move on Susannah Harkins in HEAT OF THE SUN may be disappointed that he waited until this film. The bedroom scenes between Eve and Stevenson are oppressive as they are between a man who is trying to cover his tracks, and a wife who has been "passed over". Just how does one get over the effect of hearing audio-recordings of a spouse's indiscretion- especially as it was not a one-night-stand, but a long term affair? At first it seems Ms Matlock is going to rise above it all, but in the end, she succumbs to the urge for revenge. The result did not leave me feeling "lifted" but rather sad that folks spend so much time getting even, especially when death is all around. The end proves the old adage about hell having no fury like a woman scorned.
Rating:  Summary: A Rare Treat Review: Seldom willl a political thriller rise to the level of The Politician's Wife. Having nearly worn out my videocasette version, taped from PBS some years ago, I am overjoyed to see this program finally reach DVD. The story is as watchable today as it was when first shown on Masterpiece Theatre.The story is old as time, yet fresh and new in the hands of Juliet Stevenson and Trevor Eve, with the help of an outstanding supporting cast. At first, Stevenson's Flora appears, for all the world, like a mousy political wife. Yet when her husband's [the ironic Tory 'Minister for the Family'] affair comes to light, she reveals new and formidable strength as she moves to seemingly support yet actually undermine her husband's political career. What follows is an engrossing character-driven tale of one woman's ephiphany in the face of a faithless husband and a collection of political operatives who believe they have her where they want her. The truth, you will discover, is something quite different. Do not miss this one!
Rating:  Summary: The missus could've given Machiavelli lessons Review: THE POLITICIAN'S WIFE is further evidence that even talented men are ruled by gonadal impulses and should leave the heavy mental lifting to the ladies.
Flora (Juliet Stevenson) is married to a junior Cabinet minister in Her Majesty's Government, Duncan Matlock (Trevor Eve). Duncan gets caught up in a scandal, which, because he's a Tory in a Conservative administration, is sexual in nature - he's linked to an escort babe (Minnie Driver). Though Duncan declares to Flora that it was a one-off affair, it becomes apparent to the latter and the audience during the first installment of this three-episode telly miniseries that the trysts continue. Indeed, Flora has her nose rubbed in it when she comes into possession of tapes of Duncan and his tart having phone sex. It's devastating stuff. So, while pretending to be the loyal wife standing at her husband's side during damage control efforts by the local Conservative organization, and while Duncan himself strives to get a piece of controversial legislation through Parliament, Flora stage-manages his political downfall with the unwitting aid of a powerful Tory Mr. Fixit, smoothly played by Ian Bannen (the schemer of WAKING NED DEVINE), since deceased.
The performances by all actors involved are top drawer. Indeed, Duncan is the male pig you love to hate, and he's a politician besides. Eeeuw! But THE POLITICIAN'S WIFE is a one-woman show, and Juliet Stevenson is the one you pay to watch as her Flora persona picks herself off the floor - kicked while down - and gives hubby his just desserts. There are times when, as Flora gazes at her spouse as if he's an interesting lab specimen, you can almost hear the wheels in her head turning, turning, turning, and you know the man is doomed. In a final scene, it appears that even Duncan admires his wife's Machiavellian talent.
My only criticism - a trivial one - is that Duncan's Whitehall department, the Ministry for the Family (or some such), didn't project the grandiosity that warranted the attention provided by a juicy sex scandal. I mean, if the U.S. Secretary of HUD was caught flagrante delicto with a bimbo, who would care?
THE POLITICIAN'S WIFE is perfect small-screen entertainment for those nights when the spouse is off at ... work?
Rating:  Summary: The politican's wife is a force to be reckoned with. Review: The Politician's Wife plays out in three installments, each lasting a little over an hour. This playing time is needed to allow for the intricate plotting of this complex drama. In the first part Flora Matlock, wife of Tory minister and rising star Duncan Matlock, learns that her husband has been unfaithful to her. This infidelity is ironic given that Duncan represents the family in the conservative English government. At first Flora is surprised and angry. We watch as she packs her bags to leave her husband. Before she finishes her packing she gets pressure from all sides to support her husband. She gives in to the manipulations of the men who want to keep Duncan in power. A little later on Flora learns from Duncan's assistant that the affair with an escort girl, Jennifer Cairn, lasted for a year or so. She is given pictures and an audio tape documenting Duncan's infidelity.
In part two Flora, an exceptionally bright and capable woman, plots Duncan's downfall. Whenever she begins to question her motives, she listens to the audio tape to steel her in her resolve. Flora is as clever as Iago in Othello. We marvel at her political astuteness as she makes her plans and lays her traps for her husband, who deserves everything she does to him. In part three we hold our breath as she springs the trap and sets in motion a string of events that should keep all viewers watching closely to see what will happen next.
The Politican's Wife represents the best of television drama. The acting is first-rate by all participants, particularly Juliet Stepenson as Flora, Trevor Eve as Duncan, Ian Bannen, unfortunately now dead, as Sir Donald Frazier, confidant to Flora, and Minnie Driver as the escort girl. A large cast supports these principals superbly.
The story moves quickly and inexorably to the finale. The only mild violence in the plot happens in the bedroom as we watch Flora begin to take control over her wayward husband by playing to his many sexual weaknesses. Duncan is a manipulative villain and Flora is every bit his equal when it comes to scheming. Flora can lie and cheat with the best of the men who surround her.
Is lying ahd cheating what it takes to succeed in government? The Politician's Wife suggests that honesty is for losers and those on the fast track to political power need to learn to manipulate the system to their advantage if they are going to have any chance at success. The Politician's Wife demontrates dramatically that women are not the weaker sex -- quite the contrary. Highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: A Strong, Satisfying and Amusing Story of Political Revenge Review: This is an enormously satisying British television program involving political hypocrisy, personal corruption and revenge. It's a mixture of cynical humor and serious political observations. And it features great acting all around.
Duncan Matlock (Trevor Eve) is an up-and-coming Tory politician who's specialities are family values and ambition. He's married to Flora Matlock (Juliet Stevenson), who loves him and who has supported his climb up the Tory ranks for years. She's the epitome of the perfect political wife...smart, wealthy, loyal, socially adept but with a human touch, great at looking entranced at her husband on stage while he gives his speeches about values and family. When it's discovered he's had an affair with a former prostitute (Minnie Driver), she is devestated, but he pleads for forgiveness saying it was only a passing weakness. The Tory damage-control team, headed by Sir Donald Frazier (Ian Bannen), after weighing things for a bit, decides to swing behind Duncan and convices Flora that her husband is a changed man. She agrees to stay with him.
Then she learns Duncan's affairs go way back, that they are continuing, that he has a habit of using people, which includes her and the people who lead organizations trying to help battered women and familes, for his own ends. Flora sets out to seek her revenge...and does so with great subtlety. Duncan doesn't know what hit him until it's too late, and she gently forces Sir Donald and his inner-party big wigs to make some cynical choices. I'm not sure there's a male politician in the bunch who comes off very well -- they all seem to be self-satisfied, self-serving members of the same club. Flora beats them at their own game.
Juliet Stevenson is a first-rate acrtess, and she does a superb job. She moves from devotion to hurt to forgiveness to a strong, smart woman setting up hidden revenge with immense believeabilty. Her short speech before a group of Tory wives who call themselves The Conservative Christian Wives Club (this is after she has discovered the truth about her husband but is playing the loyal wife) is a funny, ironic piece of subversion. Trevor Eve is just about as good as the charming, believable, ambitious, hypocritical politician on the make.
"The Politican's Wife" was shown in three installments and runs just over three hours. There's not a dull moment. The DVD transfer, on one disc, is very good. This is the unedited UK version. The program was trimmed a bit when shown in the US to eliminate a flash or two of breast.
Rating:  Summary: A Political Morality Tale for All Times Review: This is one of the great revenge stories of all times. Paula Milne has written the script to a three-part miniseries seen not too long ago on Masterpiece Theatre called "The Politician's Wife." The Minister for Family (of all people) is caught in a love nest scandal. And like a certain President's wife of recent memory, his spouse is expected by The Party to stand behind him. Well, she does-and in the most original way possible. As all the Old Boys rally behind this despicable lowlife, the wife uses that very system of disinformation to get back a bit of her own. Just how she does it and with what results I refuse to say, because I want you to savor this jaundiced view of inner-party workings and how they destroy whatever traces of humanity those concerned might have had once. Well, this show is now yours for the viewing on an Acorn Media DVD (AMP 7117), and I suggest you grab it. It is due to appear on July 6, 2004; but I wanted to give you lots of warning. The disgusting conservative minister is played to perfection by Trevor Eve, while the equally evil (but just possibly unwitting bait in the trap) femme fatale is made very believable by Minnie Driver. But the show belongs to Juliet Stevenson as the wife who does what is considered (by men, of course) to be her duty in the most beautiful Iago-like way. My favorite part is the speech she gives to the wives of other conservative politicians, in which she thanks them sincerely for showing her that personal morality and feelings and family and true devotion must all be put aside for the sake of The Party. This Swiftian moment is nearly matched later when she tells someone about how her husband is such an accomplished liar that he has started to believe his own lies-as long as he is still speaking them. Do governments ever really change? In fact, the only sympathetic characters other than the wife (and that is a matter of opinion) are the two children. All the other male characters are smiling, foul Party-beings to whom "conservative" means nothing more than conserving their power and "truth" means nothing more than the most effective lie that will serve their turn. The three episodes have a total running time of 187 minutes and every minute is riveting. True to what television executives think the public wants, we get our usual quota of nipple shots (why do these actresses put up with this?) and the F-count is under 10. (Remember when they had to get special permission to say Damn at the end of "Gone With the Wind"?) There are some film-biogs at the end and an interesting essay by the author that you will have to read off the screen. But the play itself is top-notch. Again, grab this one.
Rating:  Summary: Great Story! Review: This movie proves what I've always said. "Revenge is sweet", and "Revenge is a pie best eaten cold". Found the actors great, the tale intriguling and the writing excellent. The British do it so well! Bravo to them.
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