Rating:  Summary: THIS IS SANDRA'S WORST MISTAKE EVER! Review: I rented this movie becuase I thought it would be interesting just because Sandra Bullock was in it. I am so happy that I onlty spent 3 bucks on it becuase the movie is a waste of time. I fast forwarded throughout the whole thing and still didn't get to the end. It dragged on and on, the acting seemed poor (even sandra's) which really surprised me. The quality of the film was low and that wouldn't have made a difference if there was a good plot line. I was so dissapointed and coulnd't belive this was a Sandra Bullock movie. I also couldn't believe that she was nude in the film. After having the girl next door image for so long, I couldn't believe the sex scene. It showed her having sex from behind. Sandra! That's probably the only thing that may persuade you to buy it, but other than that this is the worst film i have seen in a long long time. I cannot emphasize that enough. I rented Frequency too, and that one is a good buy or rental.
Rating:  Summary: Horrible! Review: I rented this movie last night after I read this reviews, to see if it was really that bad. And yes....it was terrible! The movie had a stupid plot that was not interesting at all, the acting was very unconvincing, and the movie was just boring. Not even the sex scene that everyone has been talking about was enough to keep viewers interested in the movie. This movie isn't even worth the $3 dollars I payed to rent it, and I should have listened to those people who said "don't waste your time and money."
Rating:  Summary: A Dubious Debut Review: In this painfully earnest, yet mildly cheesy film, we see glimpses of Sandra Bullock's strong personality to come. However, she is mostly overshadowed by the overacting of the others involved, as well as the film's simplistic, bludgeon-you-over-the head political messages (i.e., "Indians good; multinational logging corporations bad"). Ms. Bullock is pretty decent, but otherwise there's not much subtlety here.
Rating:  Summary: Thank God For Miss Congeniality Review: Not a good start to a career! I bought this DVD a couple of months ago, after reading some reviews, and discovering it very cheap in HMV. So I bought it. And I only just watched it for the first time. Normally I buy DVDs and watch them straight away. This one I kept putting off, and off, and just never watching it today. Finally, I decided I would watch it. It got off to a very slow start, and then Sandra Bullock and the very Heath Ledger-looking whatshisface, Craig Sheffer, appeared. I only really bought this to see what Sandra Bullock was like in one of her very early films. The very porn film style sex scene was not needed, and it could have done with much less & still given so much more. (Did that make sense?) Much too graphic, and my little innocent eyes :) practically popped out my head! Sandra Bullock's character was played v. well, but I read in an interview recently, that Sandy has written into her contract that she will NOT do sex scenes anymore. Any wonder why, after seeing this? Craig Sheffer's character was very much the wide-boy, constantly taking photos, and getting generally annoying.One good thing about this movie ... OK, two! One, is it's only 85 minutes. So pretty short. (Here's me talking, I was getting bored by only 38 minutes!) The second is the song over the end credits. I love it! I'm hunting here trying to find it. The extras on the DVD ... More than I actually expected for a basic DVD! It had the trailer (which showed too much of the film), and a photo gallery, and trailers of other films out at the same time - none of which I've heard of, and most of which I surprisingly want to see! I was surprised that this film received an 18 certificate. Apart from the sex scene, there was really nothing else which deserved it. Hardly any violence. So ... that was surprising. Sandy is not her normal self. In more recent films, she's either playing an action girl (Speed, Speed 2), or being her witty charming self (Miss Congeniality, 28 Days). In Fire On The Amazon, she hasn't found her niche yet. She plays it very blandly, and still manages to put up with Craig Sheffer's character. Something I wouldn't have managed to do, no matter how much he looked like Heath Ledger. Do not make the mistake of buying this DVD. It's very very bad. It's not a film I would consider watching again - along with Murder By Numbers.
Rating:  Summary: Well Worth Watching Review: The beauty of this movie was not in its technical quality, but in its message. I for one was strongly moved by Sandra's character, who made a good cause "sacred" and contributed her heart, tears, and life to this cause - of preserving life. Her acting was unbelievable, and I found myself crying with her for most of the movie. The sex scene, though highly explicit, was tasteful and dramatically artistic. I feel changed by watching this movie, and moved to work for what I believe in. If that isn't the purpose of good entertainment, what is?
Rating:  Summary: Better than average for a low budget film! Review: The most interesting aspect is seeing Sandra Bullock early in her career, and of course the much hyped love scene with Craig Sheffer. (This scene is of course what is driving sales of the DVD) The scene tries to be tasteful, and for the most part is, but lacks the sexual energy of say "The Thomas Crown Affair". Ms Bullock still deserves alot of credit for trying to add some class to the film, and showcased early signs of her career to come. Other interesting aspect of the film included Character actor Juan Fernandez, a case of going "I know I have seen him someplace before"), and the cinematography what is actaully quite good.
Rating:  Summary: FIRE ON THE AMAZON should have been burned Review: The storyline of the movie has plenty of potential, so I was very disappointed with the actual film itself. It is very uneven, particularly the way Bullock and Sheffer - initially at odds - fall into bed together in a jungle hammock. It seems to make no sense, as they go from antagonists to lovers much too quickly. There is nothing in the movie that seems to justify this quick jump from enemies to lovers. (No Virgina, in real life, being lost in the jungle does NOT make one suddenly become attracted to someone they'd found truly offensive 24 hours previously.) That type of shift can be done, if it's done properly - but this is not a love-hate relationship like the one so well portrayed by James Cagney and Jane Sheridan in The Torrid Zone. I don't blame the actors - I blame the direction and possibly the script-writing. I found Sheffer's charachter to be obnoxious - and as a freelance journalist myself, I tried very hard to be sympathetic to the character - not good, when he's the main male lead. I'm a big Sandra Bullock fan, but even that couldn't save this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Good but not great Review: This movie is a good start to a great movie Career. Dont buy this if you are looking to see the star..., just a pg-13 love seen. Over all a good movie!
Rating:  Summary: Not bad, surpising for Bullock, Sheffer. Review: This movie wasn't bad, not great, but not bad, as Bullock and Sheffer are known for lighter weight roles. She was an environmentalist and he a journalist, trying to stop the destruction of the rainforests. The "love" scene was limited, but I had an "R" copy, don't know if the unrated has more or not, but probably "cropped" to fit tv. [Also, what's up with the "nipple" taping for Bullock, according to Craig Hosada's "Bare Facts" guide.] I agree with some reviews that Sheffer was obnoxious and Bullock was ok, and this movie's one scene is about as revealing as she's ever likely to get, but it was ok. I only paid about $5.00, so, I don't think I got "cheated".
Rating:  Summary: 2 Hours of my life I will never get back! Review: This was probably the worst move I have ever seen in my entire life, and I am very open-minded with movies. It was about a woman (Sandra Bullock) who is obsessed with saving the rainforest, and this journalist who is taking pictures for a magazine meets her and they go through adventures in the rainforest together. I honestly can't stress enough just how horrible this movie was. Shame on whoever made it!