Rating:  Summary: Ok they ruined what could have been a great movie. Review: Sleeping With the Enemy is much better. Nothing can top that film. First Enough isn't a totally sucky movie. They could have done so much better. If only the acting wasn't so bad, and why J-Lo. You know who could have played the part of Slim, is Ashley Judd. She was spectacular in Kiss the girls (the woman who is kidnapped and knows kickboxing and she is a doctor) And the abusive husband could have been played by someone who is a great actor. Like Tommy Lee, who in real life is a woman beater. Ok that was a joke, tee hee. I keep hearing how unrealistic this movie is, but the end isnt totally a fantasy. What you people don't realize is woman beaters ARE cowards. They are weak. If they were so tough they'd pick on someone their own size. They hit their wives because they know or think they wont do anything because they arent as strong. If it was a fair fight, like if someone DID work out to the extreme, learned every defense techinque, which would take more than a month, it COULD work. Accept the possibility. Stronger doesnt necessarily mean you could win. Most of it is mental, not physical. And like she said, you could hit me before when i wasnt expecting it?? You see what I'm saying. And I know chicks who have worked out for years and even women who bodybuild can actually be stronger than the average man. There is no rule that guys are and always will be stronger than all women. I think guys felt inferior after watching this film, but it COULD happen. Not everyone is defenseless.Second, that one guy said there were too many unexplained incidents. First off, JOE WAS DEAD. Remember? When mitch broke into the house and started beating on Slim he said IF I CAN'T HAVE YOU KNOW ONE WILL. AND YOU KNOW THAT JERK YOU WERE WITH LAST NIGHT? WELL YOU'LL BE FISHING FOR HIS GUTS IN THE LAKE. NO BODY, NO MURDER SLIM"!! And at the end when the cop said, "you were one of the lucky ones." It's obvious he meant she is one of the lucky abused wives who had it turn out in her favor. In most cases, statistics show that 40% of abused wives end up dead, either trying to fight back or escape, or the husband goes too far because he is a sick freak. So yeah i liked the end sue me. She had to do what she had to do. You do have the right to defend your own life. Face it guys, you don't own us women. It COULD happen.
Rating:  Summary: Surprisingly rewatchable Review: Yeah, I know, it's a predictable, forgettable, trifle. And that it's an excuse for Jennifer Lopez and Bill Campbell to get really dramatic and play an abused wife and an abusive husband, and hopefully score some Oscar buzz. It's also an exploitation flick, utilizing Lopez's rapport with female audiences and her booty-obsessed men as a means of making a few dollars for a film that's been told before. But the movie has a message, guys. Yes, it does. The movie is really a cautionary tale. Yeah, girls will learn much from this film. What, you ask? Well, about being independent, that's what. You see, Lopez's character, Slim, was abandoned by her rich, unfaithful father, and loss her mother to death. Slim would later go on to attend college, but only temporarily, since she was unable to pay for tuition and everything else that girls love to empty their pocketbooks with. So she works as a waitress for a fast-food diner, wishing that she would one day meet a nice fellah with a bulging pocket. Slim, be careful what you wish for, 'cause you just might get it. And boy does she get it. Her "prince charming" comes in the form of a handsome, affluent man, named Mitch Hiller, who also happens to have a phobia for monogamy. Most women would cry out-right that he is nothing but a low down dirty dog. Which he is. And like most men, he uses the "men have needs" excuse, hoping to maybe calm Silm's embarrassment and sense of self-worthlessness. Actually, he figures he has the right to do whatever he wants in this relationship because he is the sole provider. Which he is. Slim of course quit her job as a waitress and is now a housewife; as dependent on her husband as she was to her father, and her mother to her husband. Talk about regression. What's sad about this story is the fact that Slim isn't responsible for the path her life has taken (what, you think so?). Who knows beforehand that their boyfriend or husband has a penchant for cheating? Slim, not some lazy bimbo dreaming of one day living totally off her beau, was actually determined to go to college, get an education, find a suitable, high-paying job, and independently support herself. But as a character reminds her late in the story, "the universe has a way of working against us." Which it did. But I suppose she should have expected at least a wrinkle or two to rear its ugly head, what with her life being so perfect and all, living in a epic lap of luxury. Yes, she should have. But as she says, "I'm not the sort of woman that men just beat up." Which is true. Why a guy would want to abuse and cheat on a woman with such a face and bodacious body is totally beyond me. Ultimately, the film becomes a minor feminist piece about a once weak woman gaining at least the physical strength to dominate her chauvinistic husband. Yes, this is what you all expected, as the film is a product of crowd-pleasing Hollywood and all. Jennifer Lopez revealed herself to be an effortlessly charismatic, confident, wholly sympathetic, and cool actress in such films as Selena, Out of Sight, and even Anaconda. In this film, she's required to be ten-times more emotional, a thespian calling attention to herself, during the early confrontational scenes between her and her beau. Only as the film continues, where Slim is desperate to escape her hubby's evil clutches and must think up ways to avoid his wrath, does she replace the over-the-top acting for a reserved cool. Bill Campbell, in the role of the abusive husband, relishes every minute of playing this character. He's kind of effortlessly intimidating and creepily chilly. This actor, too, is playing against type. Television buffs might remember him from the critically-acclaimed Once & Again, where he portrayed, well, a saint. The film, while not flawless, is certainly better than it should be. Everything you expect to happen happens. But it's only because the heroine is a sympathetic character that her travails mean anything.
Rating:  Summary: Not bad. Review: Enough is not a bad movie. Jennifer Lopez is not the greatest actress in the world But not bad either. She can be caught overacting at times. The reason why I like this movie is because it's about courage and it captures the reality of marrying a psychopath and the power he can have over you especially when a child is involved. She obviously had to take matters into her own hands, which was the last resort. Women beaters are cowards. They are. They need to beat on defensless women to feel like a real man. Which they are not. It's all about power and dominance. No woman should have to deal with that because that is not real love. I guess we all should work out and learn kickboxing and defense techinques. This film is basically a different version of Sleeping with the Enemy, except there is a kid involved and she trains to defend herself.
Rating:  Summary: Way to go Slim Review: Jennifer in this movie reminds me of my mother in a way and it just touch home when I saw this movie. I have to say my mother would of love to see this movie and she would tell me that Jen is great in this movie. I cry only because it touch home but Jen really out did herself in this movie. I love this movie and any mother and child should see this movie together.
Rating:  Summary: Funny because it's so lame Review: I have to say, this is by FAR one of the most camp movies I've ever seen in my life. Well, J-Lo fans would probably like it. The acting is so melodramatic, it's ridiculous. Entirely predictable, cheesy to the extreme, this film is only good for one thing...a laugh. Seriously, it's that dumb.
Rating:  Summary: A Hilarious CAMP Classic Review: . I seriously urge anyone who might be viewing this film to recognize it for what it is -- an absurd, hysterical romp -- as opposed to some sort of serious drama or thriller. The film was panned by the vast majority of the critic's circuit, but I think its enjoyment lies in the very ridiculousness it was deriled for: non-sensical plot happenings (that car chase?!), terrible acting ("I am sick and tired TO DEATH of moving" says the little girl), and exploitation of what should be very serious subject matter, in order to thrill the masses. The entire project should be taken as one huge unintentional comedy and nothing more. And on this basis, my friends, it is a true classic and a great moviewatching experience! J. Lo's performance is spectacularly over the top, and her final kung-fu battle is truly hilarious... all hail this magnificent masterpiece!
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie Review: I'm sorry, but I don't kno what you ppl are talking about. This movie was SO good, and I think jLo was a star in it. She acted great and the movie never had a boring part throughout the whole thing. When I heard about it, I wasn't too sure, I thought, "JLo in a movie??" But I am really glad I saw it, because it is one of the few movies I would buy and watch over and over again. Keep up the good Work JLo!!
Rating:  Summary: Enough already!!! She's got no talent. Review: This movie, albeit fiction, is a complete insult to anyone who's ever known someone in an abusive relationship. I liked this movie much better when it was called "Sleeping with The Enemy." An estranged parent that never gave you anything let alone money would suddenly put out serious money for your escape? You'd take kick boxing classes to kick the stuffing out of the man that wants to kill you? How on god's green earth is this even PLAUSIBLE for fiction? It's watered-down, derivative, middle or the road GARBAGE that truly insults any intelligent movie-goer, but then again stupid is as stupid does. She can dance, and that's it. This Christmas the best gift anyone could give me would be the heads of the executives on a stick that green light her movies and granted her a record contract. That would be the gift that keeps on giving. This movie is NOT a guilty pleasure, it's just guilty. Guilty of being a complete and utter WASTE OF TIME. Hopefully Ben will pull out of his downward spiral and find someone worthy of his talent and looks.
Rating:  Summary: THE BEST MOVIE! Review: This movie is about a young woman who marrys the man of her dreams. But finds out that he is not who she thought he was, and ends up on the run all the time with little help. It's sort of a sad movie because Slim get the crap beat outta her and she was just a inocent person trying to live her life. But Everything about this movie is great. Your on the edge of your seat almost the whole time. It's a great plot,great great ending, great actors (everybody that they picked was perfect). Jennifer Lopez (Slim) was unbelievable she did every little part perfect. Bill Campbell (Mitch) was perfect he had that sort of evil charming look and he was a great bad guy. Tessa Allan (Gracie) was so adorable she has so much talent for her age. Juliette Lewis (Ginny) was really good at giving poor Slim bad advise, but she is perfect for the part. This is just a great thriller and it's not given as much credit as it should of had. This is a have to see movie,I've seen this movie about 50 times that's how good it is.
Rating:  Summary: Enough is enough Review: Here's a classic Hollywood case where Ms Nobody - Lopez - is quickly transformed from a diner waitress into an abused wife of a wealthy husband who in spite of JLo's refusal, insists on imposing his extramarital relationships into their marriage. Lopez dares to abandon him together with their 5 year old daughter, but since the legal system is inadequate in offering her protection and her ruthless husband finds countless ways to harass her, she decides to become a proud combination of James Bond and Bruce Lee and extinct her abusive husband. Pros: J.Lo in tights Cons: Everything else