Rating:  Summary: Butterfly Effect Review: This is a damn fine film. I can't say too much b/c I don't want to give even a single frame away. It's THAT good. Film says a lot about fate, destiny, the price of a single event... Ashton Krutcher is truly impressive. I'm not really a fan, but he impressed me. He changed his walk and his accent ever so slightly during the movie. Just a really good job. There was not a single person in the film who didn't truly deliver here. Elden Henson does a great turn in a small part. Eric Stoltz is just great. Ethan Supplee is a scene stealer as usual. You leave the theatre just replaying the film piecing it all together hours later, sifting through the scenes. Great film. Worth the ticket.
Rating:  Summary: The Butterfly Effect +++++ Review: This movie is amazing due to the concept of the "butterfly effect". Many times, alone in my bed, I have wondered what my life would be like if one minor detail would have changed. This movie takes that concept to another level as you watch Ashton Kutcher change minor details in his life to make a better outcome for his friends and family. The love of his life, played by Amy Smart, is Kucher's motivation in changing the past to save her. This movie is a thriller, drama, love story, action packed perfection that everyone must see. The reason I give this movie five stars is because of its originality. I have never before watched a movie that made me think back to my childhood and wonder if fate is only little details.
Rating:  Summary: The Lonely Darkness of a Butterfly Review: Of course, as we all know about the Butterfly Effect, if you don't, well let me inform you. The Butterfly Effect is when you change something from the past and change something, by stepping on something or just change something that happened. To for an example, the Simpsons, when Homer found a toaster and then realized it was a time machine, and he went back in time and stepped on an egg, and when back in the present and the there were no doughnuts. Well, this is the same thing. Well, I liked the idea that he reads his journals to go back to his memories, and no I am not giving any pieces of the movie away that are not in the previews because that spoils the movie. He has to read his journals to go back in his memories and then he can change something from his memories, but he has this power to where when he changes his memories, it alters the future. Of course, if you don't know this yet, then you need to watch the preview buddy. At first I didn't think Ashton Kutcher was going to pull this off because, come on, it's Ashton Kutcher. I wasn't really fond of him on movies, just on tv on That 70s Show. Now come on, when you said Ashton Kutcher, you just automaticly think, Kelso from 70s Show! But I was really surprised that he did acttualy pulled it off. Then after that, it made me realize, "Wow, he is a good actor". I really recommend this movie because of his acting skills. I know much of you are saying, "No, because it's Ashton Kutcher. I don't like preppy guys." But no. Because this is a good movie. I am one of those people who doesn't like any movie. I like those gothic-horror types with a sad ending at the end, or just a unpredictable fate from the charater. But somehow, this was a good movie that I liked. Amy Smart was a perfect role for Kayleigh. I mean, she is a good actress. She did play a person who is in love with a college guy in Road Trip. She did look like a person who looked like she was on drugs(no, this is in the preview also, when you see her turn her head out of a door). There is no doubt in my mind that she is a good actress. I love the idea of a scientific idea or theory made into a movie. Resident Evil was a good movie. I like those action packed movies that are based on a scientific theory. But I really recommend this movie to anywho likes scary movies, horror movies, gothic genres. I guess that ends the darkness of a butterfly.
Rating:  Summary: highly entertaining Review: This movie is very good and does not drag at any part. I do wish that they had included a short 5 - 10 minute scene at the start where students are in the philosophy class discussing the butterfly effect with a bit more detail. Other than that one little change I'd make, everything else about this movie is great, especially the score. Great acting from a mediocre cast... I never thought I'd see it.
Rating:  Summary: This is a bad movie with an excellent trailer Review: Why is the trailer excellent? It decieves you into thinking that certain events happen out of order and at least that mislead has brought some attention to the film because otherwise this fish is dead in the water. The biggest reason that I can point to the directing. It's absolutely terrible. I never had a sense of place within this film whether it was outside, inside, obviously on a set. These places didn't feel like anything. The film doesn't establish moods, or opinions about much of anything and that is the fault of the director. I didn't sense any kind of importance, or relevance to the events that happened within the first five minutes and within ten I was passively wishing this was over. The editing was cold and mechanical when the only way that this would've worked would've been as a personal study (it doesn't the script, or brains to put off a competent sci fi, I'll get to that later). Sound is the only thing the directors did partially well. I say partially because when the actors couldn't keep attention on the screen the sound jumped out and got it, but after awhile it became revealed as a cheap trick to simply replace emotional development. What's worse is that in some scenes which are meant to be disturbing, they have surround sound of a crowd laughing and it's so loud that it actually sounds like the crowd in the theater is laughing at the film, just plain bad. As for the acting, I think that the direction does the performances a disservice, but the casting director is just as much to blame for some obvious miscasts, or maybe they wouldn't be miscasts if the script gave them something interesting to say, or if it was plausible and the actors were being directed by good artists. There are some whole within the plot and I'm sure that they're intentional. 1) If his father had this power to travel back in time than why is it that the blackouts that Kutcher's character indures within his life are only his own tamperings later in life. 2)If he simply goes back by concentrating on the events that happened in his journals which are actually his memories then why can't he go back by simply remembering? 3)what seven year old boy keeps a journal in today's day and age? 4)If he wrote all of these old journals for such a long time, why is it that he never reads them until after the blackouts stop? 5)If he can go back through time and change events, therefore changing history and his memories then it's not possible that he could save those memories of himself changing, or that they had been changed at all. He might even forget about his ability to change things, otherwise, it doesn't make sense for his brain to be bleeding. 6)The quote at the beginning suggests that the butterfly effect can be catstrophic and because its effects are limited to the lives of only a few people and not the surroundings and/or entire world it really doesn't fulfill its potential. Ditto on the movie, but Kutcher was a passable actor in the main role. Also, the movie is an empty nuggett because it goes out of its way at the end to say that certain talents are better left unused, if that's the lesson then why waste my time showing them being used haphazardly and only having them work out at the end in service of the plot? On the plus side, I didn't hate it and just felt empty at the end, in a sedated way.
Rating:  Summary: The critics bomb again! Review: Once again the critics bomb a movie, but the people ignore them and make it a success. This movie is fun, entertaining, romantic, touching, sad, inspiring and of course the critics do not like it! I was a little reluctant to waste 2 hours in a theater because of the negative stuff, but having had experience with the idiot critics (like the guy from NY Newssday) I read Yahoo and this site to see what the real people said. I saw a some people knocked the movie because of the history that Ashton had with "Punked" and his hi-jinks with Demi, so I think they were pretty fed up with him. To tell the truth, I saw him on Leno the other day, and, yes he is an ....... But in this flick, he is great, as is the rest of the cast and movie itself. See it and enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: give this one a chance Review: From what I'd read, I had admittedly low expectations when I went to see this film. And the truth is, there are inconsistent performances and some lazy shortcuts in the construction of the story, but all in all, I really loved what the writer/directors were trying to do here, and I especially loved how they chose to resolve it. So, file it under guilty pleasures maybe, but I dug it.
Rating:  Summary: See It Review: Great flick, disturbing at times , but very good, i give props to Ashton, who knew the guy could play a serious role, well he does a great job in this movie, i have to say i was impressed. theres one thing that bothers me about this movie tho, but i'm not gonna give anything away so i'll keep quiet, well worth the money to see it, i'll be waiting for it on DVD.
Rating:  Summary: engrossing and touching... Review: I really enjoyed "The Butterfly Effect." That may have something to do with the fact that every review I read ahead of time panned it, so my expectations were low. Critics seem to take issue with Ashton Kutcher's celebrity, and the movie is bearing the brunt of it. Critics are supposed to judge the product, not the people behind it or their lifestyle/politics. I'm reminded of reviews last year for 'The Life of David Gale' another good movie that was panned because it affronted critics' taste. To my surprise I found myself fully engrossed in the story and impressed with its theme and resolution. I completely disagree with reviews that said the movie had no point. It actually has a very interesting point to make, and pulls it off with a touching flourish. The movie poses an interesting question: what do you have to change in order to make things better, for yourself and others? Evan (Kutcher) is haunted by guilt over events in his past, and attempts to reset the present by changing the past. The movie takes its time setting us up for the time travel events, but once they begin the story takes off. Although Kutcher isn't much of actor, he has an appealing intensity that works for this role. Amy Smart shines as the catalyst for many of these events -- she is an attractive, appealing actress who adds spark to almost everything I've seen her in. Stories like this sometimes collapse in the last act, but in this case the final events, and final scene, are one of the best things about it. I appreciated the touching, bittersweet ending and the several different conclusions one might draw from it. Although "The Butterfly Effect" probably won't be remembered by many, for some it will be an absorbing, effective experience.
Rating:  Summary: great movie Review: the butterfly effect was a great movie. It was scarry, suspenseful, and full of excitement. The next time I can I will go see it again with my boyfriend since it was a scarry movie. I will definately buy the movie and I would like to congradulate all of the actors they did a marvelous job