Rating:  Summary: Chilling, Freaky, Creepy...But Brilliant Review: I was a bit nervous about seeing this as one of my close friends was so freaked out by it she had to leave the cinema, but after seeing this last night, I offer a round of applause to all who were involved in the film. An intriguing plot with a chilling theme compliments fantastically the superb acting seen from all in the movie, and definitely a film I will want to see again and again.Well done guys!
Rating:  Summary: Great movie with a very unique plot Review: First of all, this movie is nothing like the trailer portrays it to be. In the trailer, it appears as if they had always been together and she dies in an accident and he goes back to try and save her. Well, it's not really anything like that. I really liked this movie. I thought Ashton Kutcher did a fine job acting. I have heard so many people ragging on him and saying he cant act, but I think this should prove them all wrong. The other actors is a virtual cast of unknowns (except Amy Smart), but they do an awesome job. It is a very intense movie with several pretty disturbing scenes and a lot of surprising moments, but that just adds to the power of the movie. Overall, an enjoyable film that I had no problem paying $8 for.
Rating:  Summary: One of those movies that make you think, "What if" Review: The Butterfly Effect was a great movie compare to what the critics might say. I thought the plot,actors,and storyline were excellent. A movie,I thought at least,made you think "what if". What if you weren't the same if you went back in time and righted your wrongs, What if you could honestly say you have No Regrets in life. Ashton Kutcher did an excellent job with his shifting of moods and intensity throughout the movie for each different sceneio of him going back and trying to right the wrongs in his life. Compared to his Punk'd and Dude, What's my car this film from Ashton Kutcher was What I think the world needed from him some new and some fresh. A great movie for any Ashton fan and a complishment on his part in his acting career.
Rating:  Summary: Don't Listen to the Critics - Good Movie Review: Because most of the critics slammed this movie, I went to see it expecting a lot less than I got. I thought the movie was fine: rich plot, good pacing, intense drama, and solid performances by all of the actors. Ashton Kutcher, who has a great screen presence (I've never seen him before; don't watch much TV) played the role with just the right degrees of intensity, bewiderment, and desperation. Amy Smart's performance fluctuated convincingly from loyal lover, to air-headed ingenue, to hardened prostitute, etc. And I loved the way the other supporting characters changed personalities with time shifts. The kid actors looked very much like their adult counterparts, especially in Kutcher's case, so that the constant transitions between pre-teen, teen, and adult versions of the characters were very smooth... this was important to keep the audience suspending its disbelief. The screenplay delved into taboo subjects fearlessly, which I think added to its richness and made it all the more riveting. Most of the critics didn't like this film, and I suspect a lot of that has to do with their personal disdain of Kutcher. That's neither relevant nor fair. Roger Ebert tried to be fair in his review and did say some good things about the movie, but he was bothered a lot by the inexplicably artistic quality of the drawing and the note-lettering penned by the Kutcher character. I agree that this high quality this was kind of odd, since the character was never portrayed as an artist, but I think that's a minor detail that detracted only slightly from one's enjoyment of the movie. Overall, Butterfly Effect was a handsomely-filmed, "sci-fi" movie that didn't rely on special effects to hold my interest and entertain me. It was a great ride. What more could the critics want?
Rating:  Summary: What an amazing effect..... Review: Synopsis : Having experienced black out session when he was a child, Evan Treborn (Kutcher) tries to relive incidents of his childhood to bring back his memories. Using the journals he kept as a child brings the moment back to play, more realistic than a dream. Plot : Please note first and foremost, this movie was billed as a Horror/Drama but it falls into the Sci-fi/Drama category to me. I classify anything dealing with some form of time travel to be considered science fiction. Now, on with the show......This was an amazing movie filled with all forms of emotions; sincerity, disgust, betrayal, hopefulness and the neverending question - should one person play "god" over everyone else's lives? Cast/Characters : I know what you are thinking, oh my, Jekyll actually sat through an Ashton Kutcher movie. Trust me, I amaze even myself. But in all honesty, he does a fantastic job in a dramatic role. You don't even realize who the actor is you are swept up in the moment. Powerful performance also by Amy Smart as we get to see her in different stages and "lives" - how she can be beautiful and glamourous in one scene and a totally wasted out drug addict in the next. Pace : The beginning of the movie was a bit slow, but did well in building up the story of each character and allowing us to get into their heads for a moment. Once the main character was grown and in college, the rest of the movie went pretty fast, jumping from "life" to "life" smoothly. Overall smooth sailing to the end of the movie. F/X : Not really a special effects type of movie, other than the sequences of Evan going from present time to past time. I WAS impressed with the use of sound and colors though in the movie. Depending on which person he would meet up with would determine the colors used to surround that person, wether they were happy or sad. In one scene we have a very happy, well adjusted girl surrounded by pinks and yellows and a very sunshine-sort-of-day and then within the same scene a very depressed, hurt and angry boy with just minimal colors of grey, white and black surrounding him. Truly an amazing sequence to me. Jekyll's Final Thoughts : This was definitely a surprize movie for me. Low expectations for me entering the film in having to sit through 2 hours of Ashton turned out to be 2 hours of an emotional roller coaster of a movie. I plan to watch this one again just to grasp on some moments that left me wondering. This is a must see movie - 5 stars! Just remember that it isn't a horror movie......
Rating:  Summary: Despite bad Reviews, I loved it Review: I thought this was an excellent movie, at least way better than what the critics said. I would go as far to say that it is oscar-worthy, but an all-around good film.
Rating:  Summary: AWESOME! Review: I too, totally disagree with the crazy critics, this film was great. I was so shocked when I read people's reviews on Yahoo, because from what they said I was expecting some gory horror flick...erm..what the heck where they talking about?! I would only classify this movie as 'intense.' Please get this, the story is good, the acting is terrific *especially the little boy* and the images and the overall way it's presented is outstanding! Two thumps way up! P.S. I only gave it 4 stars because I don't think that Ashton Kutcher is an incredible actor, although I was very pleased with him.
Rating:  Summary: A Beautiful Film Review: This was a magnificent movie. I am astonished and shocked that it was not well-received in by film critics, as I thought it was beautiful, extremely well-acted, and incredible. As a survivor of child sexual abuse, I was very triggered (which means being forced by outside stimuli to re-experience the abuse) by the harsh flash effect employed in this movie. But unlike other triggering books and movies, it was worth it to sit through this film. It was amazing and I would recommend it to all!
Rating:  Summary: One of the best of 2003! Review: When I saw the preview for this movie, I knew I wanted to see it. I was not disappointed. It really makes you think about "What if I went back and changed...." and the possible consequences. Ashton Kutcher is great in this movie..when he cried so did I....if you like time travel movies, you'll love this one...I cannot wait to get the DVD!
Rating:  Summary: I Definitely Disagree With the Critics. Great Film Review: I have never seen Ashton Kutcher in any of his films or on his television show, so I had no opinion of his acting skills, which are great. The pacing of the show kept me spellbound and this was the only movie I talked about for an entire weekend. From opening night I have waited for the DVD, just so I can revisit it and catch all the clues I missed. Don't miss it.