Rating:  Summary: Jennifer Love Hewitt flops as Audrey Hepburn Review: Jennifer Love Hewitt doesn't look a thing like Audrey Hepburn. I truely believe that the producers and casting directors made a terrible call casting Hewitt. The actress who I believe reminds people of Audrey as well as looks like her is Natalie Portman (who is an exceptional actress). Natalie would have made a much mcuh better Audrey Hepburn.
Rating:  Summary: Can we give something zero stars? Review: Didn't anyone have the courage to tell the puzzlingly popular Jennifer Love Hewitt that she was just wrong for this role? By the way, Audrey Hepburn's career did not end after Breakfast At Tiffany's. Zero stars! ZERO!
Rating:  Summary: Flawless! Review: Jennifer Love Hewitt shines as actess and humanitarian Audrey Hepburn. The flashback techniques is really quite empresive, and Hewitt brings charm, grace, and real drama to this part. It shows all important moments in the actress' life and tells you more about the actress.
Rating:  Summary: A beautiful re-telling of a true Hollywood Heroine Review: I watched this on ABC, when it aired and most definitely will purchase it. Audrey Hepburn was a beautiful, thoughtful woman and she was masterfully portrayed my Jennifer love Hewitt (my all-time faovrite actress). Its definitely worth it.
Rating:  Summary: Great Story, but Jennifer is no Audrey Review: Jennifer did a good job portraying the beautiful and legendary Audrey, but again she is no Audrey Hepburn. I enjoyed the story very much and was able to get passed the fact that the resemblance or voice was not exactly like Audrey's. I do recommend it for the story itself, which was heartwarming, but if you are expecting to see an exact duplicate of Audrey, then rent some of Audrey's old films. .
Rating:  Summary: Disastrous, Boring, Cheaply Made Hatchet Job! Review: The Kind of Disaster That Can Destroy A Legend's Reputation.Oh where to begin? The casting was beyond reproach, I do go on the record right now as saying that Miss Hewitt made a valiant "attempt", but failed miserably. Nobody with any sense of who and what the real Audrey Hepburn was could sit through this debacle without becoming ill. The characters (I use that word, because any passing resemblance to William Holden, Bogart, Mel Ferrer,Kay Kendall, Billy Wilder , William Wyler, Truman Capote, etc is so pale and insulting, that all that is left is a "character" type, not a real person) all react to this fictional Audrey as if she is eminating the most extraordinary Star Quality, but WE NEVER SEE IT! Miss Hewitt is hopelessly unable to generate any lustre or vivacity as Hepburn. The dates are screwed up, the design elements are amateurish, the faux costumes draped on Miss Hewitt make her look like a five year old playing dress up in a drag queen's closet, and the attempts at recreating scenes from Roman Holiday, Breakfast at Tiffany's et al are so pathetic they don't even merit examination. STAY AWAY FROM THIS TRIPE!! If you are an Audrey fan, you will be scandalized, if you know nothing of Audrey, go rent some of her movies, this one will teach you NOTHING about her. This has to rank up there with previous horrible choices like Cheryl Ladd portraying Grace Kelly, or Lynda Carter failing miserably at portraying Rita Hayworth. If you want a good or at least decent recreation of old Hollywood stick to movies like Chaplin (flawed, but at least a good performance by Robert Downey Jr.), or even Marilyn with the Emmy nominated turn by Catherine Hicks (who gets most of it right), or heck, even Ann Jillian as Mae West (gutsy attempt). BUT NOT THIS MISERABLE FAILURE!
Rating:  Summary: this movie is delightful Review: I think that jennifer love hewitt is agreat actor and she shines in yhis movie. I think this is one of her better movies. I recommand this movie to everyone.
Rating:  Summary: I Loved the Story if nothing else Review: I thought that honoring Audrey Hepburn was a wonderful idea and ever since I found out about the special, I had wanted to see it. Although, in the beginning, I did not particularly like Hewitt's interpretation of Audrey, after I watched it a few more times, her performance grew on me. I now find myself watching the tape weekend after weekend, hanging on her every word, waiting to see what happens next.(even though I have it memorized.) The story is amazing with all the different love struggles that she goes through. My favorite moments are all her proposals and break ups. I think that anyone who likes a good Romantic flick would love this movie. It is definately worth the watching.
Rating:  Summary: Hewitt shines as Her Majesty Review: When I first heard about this project I was a bit skeptical. The thought of anyone trying to portray Audrey seemed wrong to me... even the beautiful Ms. Hewitt. I gave it a shot, though, and was pleasantly surprised. Hewitt pulled of the part as well as anyone possibly could and that's a huge compliment considering her subject. She looked stunning in the roll. I'll admit that her accent wasn't dead on, but it passed well. If nothing else, she captured the fun that was attributed to Audrey. Quite a few people have critisized the movie and her roll. I honestly feel that the reason for this is because they're so used to watching Audrey that they expect that someone portraying her can be as charming, elegant, and beautiful as Audrey herself. As a severe Audrey fan I will be the first to tell you that this isn't possible. If you go into the movie knowing that Hewitt isn't the reincarnation of Audrey then you'll enjoy this movie.
Rating:  Summary: What Viewers must understand Review: No doubt, Audrey Hepburn is one of the greatest actoresses of all time and it is because of her legend and mistique that most Hepburn fans will find a biography portrayed by an actoress such as Love Hewitt both inaccurate and insulting. However, this would go for any actoress who dares portray Hepburn. The fact that Love Hewitt is a "teen-sensation" is not exactly helpful to the reputation. However, there are a slew of ideas people must keep in mind. #1 To be fair to Hewitt, anyone who tried to portray Hepburn would receive bad reviews. #2 The movie wishes to portray Audrey Hepburn's life. I am much younger than most people are and obviously Hepburn was before my time. However, I feel exposure of such classics is very important. If this special can accomplish that, whether or not it's "perfect" is trivial in comparrison to the attention it can bring to Hepburn and her revival. #3 In regards to accuracy, although it is important, we must view it with the mindset that this is Hollywood and sometimes things are changed for different reasons. #4 Although there are many other ideas necessary to keep in mind, ultimately, viewers must watch this movie with an open-mind. The movie as a whole is a touching and moving movie--but not Hepburn. The movie, in and of itself is a good movie and you'll see what you want to see. If you want to see this movie, give it a chance. If you are just completely against the idea of this movie, don't watch it; but the world does not need you bashing on a perfectly good movie either.