Rating:  Summary: Fabulous Review: I am 32. I knew the Temptations by name and by some of their popular songs from my studies of music. This movie was a wonderful story of the "ups" and "downs" of a popular music group from beginning to end. I have seen it twice now and have purchased the DVD and will probably watch it again a few more times. It really made me a true fan of the Temptations and of Motown. David Ruffin was just so talented and his voice just seemed to be a perfect fit for the harmonies provided by the group. It made me sad to see him struggle with drugs. Melvin's arthritis, Paul's suicide and Eddie's Cancer were real heartbreakers. Otis tried to keep it all together through thick and thin. A group that had so much talent and energy and they all had to leave us except Otis. Again, the songs and performances were fabulous. A must buy for any Motown or Temptations fan.
Rating:  Summary: VHS-Should not have been edited!! Review: I have seen this movie several times, the latest being last weekend--The acting was superb, as well as the music--I grew up listing to temptation music--I had several of their singles on 45s, as well as some of the albums!! I am now collecting CDs of their music--The young actors who portray the original tempts were excellent!! They played their parts of the different personalities quite well--I especially liked the actor that played the role of David Ruffin [Leon]--I also read some of the reviews and one of the reviews mentioned that because Otis Williams was telling the story from his point of view, it made him out to be the better man of the group--I saw Otis more in control, but not necessarily the better man--He had flaws as well, and it showed in the movie--For example, the scene where they were coming back from one of the Motor Revues, as Otis was getting off the bus, he was holding hands with one of the other female performers, and his wife caught that brief affection and that was actually the beginning of the end of their marriage--I read the book, and it did cover more than the movie--Even though the movie was good, I only gave it "4" stars because they cut about 30 minutes from the TV version, which was REAL DUMB of the producers, or whoever decided to do this--Some of the scenes that were cut, like the picnic scene and the part where otis goes to visit paul at his home , and paul is begging to get back in the group, but we see that the alcohol has taken its toll on his cordination and movements, he couldn't even stand up straight!! Those scenes put more drama in the movie and a better understanding of why things occurred the way they did--I would like to have the uncut version whenever possible!!
Rating:  Summary: Great music, great acting Review: This is a surprisingly excellent made-for-tv movie. The story of the mighty Temptations is told in an entertaining and informative way. The movie packs a strong emotional punch, too. The music sounds incredible, and the actors do a great job bringing it to life on-stage. The performances from the actors is what really makes this an excellent program, everyone is fantastic.
Rating:  Summary: One of the Only Movies that Makes me Cry...EVERYTIME Review: Back in 1998 when this movie came out, I was lot younger and didn't really have an appreciation for great movies like this. I was in and out of the room, so I missed a great deal of it. One day when it aired on VH1, I finally sat down and watched it, and man was I mad that I had missed out on a phenomenal movie!! After that day, I've been hooked. I watch this movies faithfully once a week, and I have gotten my 9 year old niece hooked too. Whenever she comes to visit, we watch it at LEAST 3 or 4 times. And once you get hooked on the movie, you get hooked on the music as well. Between the two of us, we have at LEAST 15 Temptations cds. And not the new stuff, I'm talking about the original. Anything after the departure of Eddie Kendrcks and Paul Williams we don't listen to.The only thing that I did not like about this movie was how it was only told from one Tempts point of view, but of course that cannot be helped, so I can live with that. Not to sound fanatical, but I have fallen in love with the movie, and the actors portrayal of the Tempting 5. This was truly an allstar cast. I fell in love with Christian's soulful voice,dancing and smooth good looks, Terron's beautiful falsetto and boyish charm,Leon's brashness, badboy attitude, and fabulous voice,and D.B.'s engaging smile, booming bass, and beddroom eyes.True to the title I wrote, it makes me cry everytime I watch it.The Temptations influences a whole generation, and will keep doing so for many, many more. This movie is exceptional and I plan to watch it faithfully for a LOOOOONG time to come.
Rating:  Summary: One of the Only Movies That Makes Me Cry..Everytime Review: I don't even know where to begin. When this movie first aired I was younger and didn't really have the ability to truly appreciate this movie, so I was in and out of the room and missed alot of the movie.Then one day a couple of years later it aired on VH1 and I decided to sit down and watch it. I was so mad that I hadn't payed attention the first time!! This movie is phenomenal, it had me wishing that I was born back then so that I could have been at the actual concerts and meet the real Temptations. I too only have one grip: It was told from Otis's point of view so we might not know the ENTIRE story. But other than that, it it great. I fell in love with the whole cast and each of their portrayals of the Tempting 5. I now watch it faithfully at LEAST once a week. And true to this heading, it makes me cry everytime. I've even got my 9 year old niece hooked on it. Whenever she comes to visit me, we watch it at least 3 or 4 times.We've become so hooked that we went out and bought the Cds. Between the two of us, we have around 15 Temptations CDs. And not the new Tempts, the original ones. We also spend time looking up site dedicated to the Tempts to learn more about the group that influenced a whole generation...and still doing it to this day.
Rating:  Summary: This may be my favorite movie of all time! Review: I watched this movie with my two daughters and it moved us all. We went out and got cds of the early Temptations that we listen to all the time. The acting is awesome - we especially loved the portrayal of Eddie Kendricks and David Ruffin. You will not be disappointed -- get this movie today! I had it taped but ordered it on cd! The TEMPTATIONS will never die!! Almost forty years later my mom, me and my girls (three generations) are still loving them -- how many groups can say that!!
Rating:  Summary: Great Biopic. Review: As someone who grew up listening to The Tempations from their beginnings to the present it's great to read how much the youngsters enjoyed this movie. I didn't watch this movie when it originally aired on TV remebering how laughably bad The Jacksons' boipic was. I finally caught it on VH1 this past holiday season, once more this past Febuary and plan on watching it again when it airs again this coming Sunday. While the movie is told from Otis Williams' perpective it has moments that deals with his struggle to keep the group together, the group's frustation with Motown and producer Norman Whitfield, David Ruffin's inflated ego and cocaine addiction, Paul Williams' frustration, alcoholism and depression over taking a back seat to Ruffin and his eventual suicide, Melvin Franklin's battle with arthritis and Eddie Kendricks' frustation with the direction of the group after Ruffin and Paul Williams' depature. The actors who portrayed the five original members were great especially Leon who looked and sounded like David Ruffin. And they can actual sing too. And although some music performance were lip-synched they more than held their own when they did their own singing. A must-see for any Temptations fan and a great introduction to anyone who is not familar with a group who paved the way for groups that followed like The Dramatic, The Stylistics, Harold Melvin and The Blue Notes, etc. I heard that Motown's next TV movie project will be a boipic on Marvin Gaye. I can hardly wait.
Rating:  Summary: WONDERFUL!!! Review: I watched the movie when it first aired on NBC and was hooked! I bought anything that had to do with the Temptations and my daughter became a fan and she's only 14 years old!
Rating:  Summary: Ever heard of artistic license? Review: I saw this miniseries only recently, having purchased it on DVD, and think it is a tremendous piece of entertainment. Like many of the other reviewers, I watched it over and over again the first month or so after I purchased it. The music and acting are just great...There were some things in the miniseries that made me want to know more about the Temptations, so I got an updated (2002) copy of Otis Williams's book to fill in some of the gaps in the history of the Temptations (keeping in mind, of course, that this was Otis's version of the Temps history...) I was amazed at the number of discrepancies between the miniseries and Otis's book (Remember, the miniseries is "based" on the book.) Some of them are relatively minor and harmless, and a certain number are to be expected in order to increase a production's appeal (and to be able to squeeze the 40 year history of the Temps into a 2 1/2 hour movie!) But there are a LOT of major discrepancies/inaccuracies. The bottom line is, don't accept everything you see in the miniseries as the gospel truth about the Temps. ..... Despite the discrepancies, I highly recommend both the miniseries AND the book... And remember, I'm not claiming Otis's version is accurate. I'm just comparing the miniseries to the information in his book, which was supposedly the basis of the movie....
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful, Simply Wonderful Review: I love autobiographies. When the mini-series first aired, I was 25. I knew about the Tempts, but did not really know much about them. I thought that Dennis Edwards was the original lead singer. I never knew any one member by name. After seeing this biopic, I was hooked. I wanted to learn everything about these talented men. I wanted find out things about them that the movie did not reveal. I am now a bigger Tempts fan than my mother. I wish that I was alive to see the "classic 5" live in concert. I recommend this movie to anyone who would like to learn more about this magnificent group. I also recommend reading the book that it was based on. I am now a Temptation fan for life!!!