Rating:  Summary: Alright, but a good start for Eminem, a sequel? Review: 8 Mile, while brilliant at times, is only alright for the majority of the movie. Following a low level plot line for most of the film, 8 Mile portrays Jimmy "B Rabbit" Smith (Eminem), a young, poor, struggling laborer living in a trailer in Detroit with his alcoholic mother (Kim Basinger) and primary school aged sister. Jimmy is also an aspiring rapper, a rather obvious part of the movie as it is somewhat based on Eminem, who creates electrifying rhymes on the streets with friends and against rival crews. This movie takes a more sophistacated look than I would have expected at inner city life in a rough neighborhood and actually creates a sense of sympathy and hope for good will upon Rabbit that you would not expect to have for a gangster rapper. Urged by his friends to battle in local rap contests, Jimmy keeps refusing until he meets a girl at work (Britanny Murphy) who changes everything. At first Rabbit has trouble in battles and is swayed not to try again. But the movie is capped by a fantastic battle scene in which Eminem is spectacular. A better job than I would have expected from Eminem and a deeper look into life than just rap in this movie, but a poor conclusion in that a sequel appears imminent just by the ending, and a low level plot contribute to why this is not exactly an academy award caliber film.
Rating:  Summary: enjoyable film debut for rapper eminem Review: I watched this film for two reasons: to try to understand the popularity of rap and to see if Eminem could act. The film succeeded on both counts. First, I learned to respect the musical genre more than I had before, coming to appreciate the essential character of the lyrics and picking up a basic vocabulary. As for acting, I thought Marshall Mathers did a fine job. While on paper the plot is a familiar one, about a young person wanting to move beyond their surroundings and better themselves using their own talents, the film still worked because Mathers aka Eminem aka Slim Shady has a charismatic screen presence. Like Sean Penn or Frank Sinatra, he is a thinking presence and fun to watch on the screen. The entire supporting cast is excellent, with Kim Basinger as B-Rabbit's troubled mother, Brittany Murphy as fellow traveller Alex and Mekhi Phifer as the friend we all wish we had. The B actors are solid and the club extras play a big role, bringing a real heartbeat to the rap battles at The Shelter. Which brings up the music. It's an excellent soundtrack -- a mix of classic rap by Old Dirty Bastard and many others, battle songs by street rappers, and a sense of the title song as a work in progress. I defy anyone who loves music to listen to the song 8 Mile and not enjoy it. It's strong, it's hopeful, and besides, it rocks.The dvd extras are terrific, especially the 23-minute rap battle between Eminem and the four winners of a competition between 130+ extras; it was fun to listen to what the street rappers came up with slamming Eminem and what Em improvised back. He's very funny. One also appreciates that he is hard working and a decent guy. Also interesting in the extras is hearing from director Curtis Hanson (LA Confidential) which makes me especially sorry there's no commentary track. There is, however, a 10-minute featurette featuring Hanson and Mathers, song information and the "Superman" music video. All in all, if you're interested in Eminem, rap, coming-of-age stories, films about urban America, good acting or films in which music plays a large role, this is a film you could definitely enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: 8 Mile SUCKS Review: This movie sucked. Eminem sucks at everything he does. His 'music', if it can even be called that is just pointless ranting and everything and everyone that has done him wrong. Worthless actor, worthless rapper, worthless person. DO NOT BUY THIS MOVIE! It is a waste of money.
Rating:  Summary: A Wiggers Paridise Review: He sucks at acting he's so bad ow the plot is ok but em go the heck away
Rating:  Summary: Not for everyone, certainly not for me.. Review: To some this movie may be as deep as the Atlantic Ocean, to me it's about as deep as a pot hole full of brown water. Frankly the rap battles became tiresome early on, Brittany Murphy was wasted in a boring role in which she displayed morbid facial expressions while being hunched by Eminem, also Kim Basinger's melodramatic part didn't help matters. As for rap superstar Eminem's acting, it was fine. Believe me I wouldn't have any problems bashing it if it wasn't. I was under the impression that this was sorta based on Eminem's life, it's not. Or if it's supposed to be, it's simply dishonest. So in closing.. if you like rap music with an undying passion or aspire to be a rap artist, "8 Mile" may be worth your while. Otherwise ~just say no~..
Rating:  Summary: Liek starting mid-season Review: I liked this movie much more than I thought I would. Eminem did a great acting job. I was intrested throughout the entire movie. For me, it felt like catching a really great drama show mid-season. I always had this feeling like I didn't know everything that was going on and was left with a lot of questions at the end. The basic plot (the rap-off) was wraped up, but there were a lot of loose end. Just like real life, which I suppose was the reason behind it. All in all this is a good movie.
Rating:  Summary: pretty good movie Review: This was better than I thought it would be. There is a plot, and it is more than just gangsta talk and hip hop. Eminem shows some acting skills in this one as well as his top-notch rhyming skills. This movie is a cool mixture of humor and hard knocks. A couple things bugged me though. The amount of fist-fighting...whats up yo?? Seems like every 5 minutes somebody is beating up someone else. Also, Brittany Murphy's scene-entrances were really odd...she just walks up, seemingly out of nowhere, into whatever situation. She looked kinda hot though.
Rating:  Summary: What was all the hype for??? Review: I know that I'm going to get a lot of crap from the ever loyal eminem fans out there - but I didn't see the appeal of this movie. It's been told a million times before - young guy from the wrong side of the tracks trying to make something of himself and get the hell out of dodge. I've heard over and over again about how amazing Eminem's acting is - he is pretty good in the movie... but come on - anyone can act out their life. I say give him a challenge. Put him in the role of a gay guy living in the upper east side and see how good of an actor he really is! Anyway, the movie isn't horrible- it's even worth watching once. But it was predictable, somewhat boring, and uneventful. The only outcome of the ending is that he was able to beat the other guy in the rap-off. He didn't get a record contract, he didn't get the girl, he didn't get out of dodge. It was disappointing.
Rating:  Summary: It was okay but... Review: Okay who hasn't heard this story before. Boy is good at something, people try to make him do it, he resists, but he ends up doing it anyway. I mean it's in just about every movie nowadays. And of course the plot is about a rapper who tries to get a deal. I'm sorry but this plot is so unoriginal. I mean I could've guessed the plot by only seeing previews. Well as many of you know 8 mile is about a youn Detroit rapper who tries to basically get a record deal, while trying to balance out his life, and having a love intrest (Brittany Murphy.) While the movie has an absolutley boring plot, I liked this movie alot. The freestyles were hot and the acting was excellent(mainly from Eminem and Mekiah Phifer - they seemed to have good chemistry). The slums were well done and the direction in the movie was great. Plus there were alot of crazy things that happened (I wont mention them now because they change up the plot) that changed the course of the movie. While 8 mile was a great movie, it lacks an original plot. However the movie was a strong debut for Eminem.
Rating:  Summary: 8 Mile-Eminem Wins by A Mile Review: 8 Mile, a new film from Curtis Hanson and starring Eminem was actually quite good. I saw this film nearly a year ago, in theatres during its opening weekend and I must say, I wasn't displeased. Though Emimen never will be someone I admire, I must say that he does have talent and that he can, ok hear me out on this, ACT! The premise of 8 Mile is nothing incomprehensible, essentially Eminem plays Jimmy Rabbit, a guy from Detroit who has nothing going for him, but wants to be a rapper. He has some good pals, including David Porter aka "Future" played nicely by Mekhi Pfiefer. Rabbit lives in a trailor with his dissoluted mother played by Kim Basinger, they're relationship seems to be volatile and unsteady. Gorgeous Brittany Murphy plays Alex, Emimen's love interest. The film is nicely directed by Curtis Hanson also featuring a good screenplay from Scott Silver. Hanson who made other great films including "Wonder Boys" and the excellent "L.A. Confidential," makes another wonderful film here. The true, exciting parts of this film are without question the rap battles, which are masterfully done. Though I was sort of anticipating a nomination for the song "Lose Yourself", I didn't expect it to actually win. I also thought that film might receive other nods, but oh well. All in all, 8 Mile features a good cast. Some things which I'm still uncertain about is how accurate is this movie in accordance to the real life of Emimen?I'm sure some of it is, but how much? The sex scene between Murphy and Emimen's characters seemed gratuitous, it didn't seem like there was any chemistry between them and the scene didn't seem to have any special meaning or purpose. It was also a tad long, or so it seemed, but not specifically hardcore or graphic, as demonstarted in one scene inMonster' Ball. 8 Mile is rated R for Strong Language, Sexuality, Some Violence and Drug Use. The language well, sure that's obvious to expect and is the main reason for the "R" rating. It's fairly strong, and is also included in rap lyrics besides dialogue. The sexual content includes three fairly explicit sexual situations including the Murphy/Eminem sex scene. No nudity, which they could've thrown in there cause it wouldn't have hurt or lessened the rating, and surprisingly there isn't any in the "Uncensored" edition on the DVD. The violence isn't all particularly graphic or brutal, mainly some fistfights and a non-lethal shooting. There is also some marijuana smoking. All in all, a fine movie, worth owning on Video or DVD.