Rating:  Summary: If someone knows how to get one, please e-mail me. Review: I saw the original broadcast from Oceanview, CA, in 1989 with some friends (25) at my father's home and via satellite. My gratest musical experience without take in count the tours of 98 and 99. My VHS video was stolen 3 years ago and I need to get one, so please if you know someone or you want to sell it, please, send me an e-mail. In my opinion it's the best concert video in the history of VHS. Chris Squire was the great absent of the night, but the rest were excellent. Yes music like angels. I'm sure that if heaven have a soundtrack, Jon Anderson will be on vocals. Amazon, if you can get it, contact me soon as posible.
Rating:  Summary: Does Amazon really have it? Review: I was at this concert at Shoreline Ampitheater on September 9, 1989. It was a pay-per-view and I paid to tape it because our seats were in the first row, right in front of Steve Howe. When Jon Anderson comes across the stage at the beginning of the concert, he stopped right in front of us! We were the two in the 2 seat front row! The concert was a birthday present and we lucked into the seats. I still have my video of the pay-per-view, but it would be nice to have a DVD. Great concert! It was a musical feast.Cate
Rating:  Summary: I was there! Review: I was at this concert at Shoreline Ampitheater on September 9, 1989. It was a pay-per-view and I paid to tape it because our seats were in the first row, right in front of Steve Howe. When Jon Anderson comes across the stage at the beginning of the concert, he stopped right in front of us! We were the two in the 2 seat front row! The concert was a birthday present and we lucked into the seats. I still have my video of the pay-per-view, but it would be nice to have a DVD. Great concert! It was a musical feast. Cate
Rating:  Summary: The best live Yes I've seen Review: If you are a guitarist who appreciates Steve Howe, this is worth having...if for no other reason, just to see him play Mood For a Day.
Rating:  Summary: The best live Yes I've seen. Review: If you are a guitarist who appreciates Steve Howe, this is worth having...if for no other reason, just to see him play Mood For a Day. DJFAKE's comments on the performance are right on target.
Rating:  Summary: The best live Yes I've seen. Review: If you are a guitarist who appreciates Steve Howe, this is worth having...if for no other reason, just to see him play Mood For a Day. DJFAKE's comments on the performance are right on target.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome !!!! Review: If you like YES music, you MUST purchase this DVD. The performance is magnificent. You'll rediscover how beautiful YES music was.. and still is. Anderson's voice is exceptional and flawless, Howe's playing is flawless and Wakeman's playing is magnificent. Howe's solo is out of this world. Jeff Berlin's bass playing is OK. He's a good bass player but on this recording, he looks like he's out of place. We miss Chris Squire a lot on this recording. He's the heart of YES. He's not there, and it shows. Had he been there would have qualified this DVD as a 6 stars rating!! This is the best DVD release of YES music to this date. I'm lucky I purchased this DVD right when it was released. Right now it is not available. Sorry guy's !!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: What's with the sound mix Review: Is it just me, or was there no Steve Howe in the mix after the first couple songs. I saw the pay-per-view and noticed it to my utter frustration, and so bought the VHS hoping that the foul up would be fixed. It wasn't. How can you have this band playing these songs and have Steve Howe almost inaudible? It's inexcusable. I haven't seen/heard the DVD, but came here looking for some review alluding to the problem and hopefully a fix.
Rating:  Summary: On Film... This is Yes at their BEST Review: It is interesting to note that the very finest film document of YES' music was by a group that wasn't YES. Not calling the group YES was a tribute to a co-founding absent member: Chris Squire, Yes' bass guitarist, but we watch this show to get a taste of YES. I remember watching the concert on live broadcast a number of years ago -- and there was speculation that they might not even perform YES songs, butthey did, and they performed them very well, even without Chris Squire. Jeff Berlin, with a background in Jazz, steps in and performs Chris Squires Bass parts very well -- no not as well as Chris Squire would have...but who can? What really makes this film special is that it is a good film. The only film of the band that comes close is the live recording of 90125. The sound is well recorded and they did a good job of photographing and editing it Live. And that is where YES happened -- LIVE in concert. Maybe there is something to be said for a film technique that matches the method of musical presentation. It was all done live. I saw YES three times in the late 70's -- and on two out of three occasions -- they were amazing. To experience a good YES concert-- and by that I mean: 1. to have the right seats, 2. to see them in an arena with good acoustics, and most importantly 3. to see them on a night where their music connects with an audience in a certain magical way, is to experience something unique and inspiring. I have never seen anything quite like it before or since. I saw Yes twice in the Bay Area at the Oakland Coliseum Arena and once in L.A. at the L.A. Forum. I saw them on Their Going For The One album tour and twice after Tormato. They had a way of connecting with a music loving Bay Area audience, and fortunately for us this was filmed in San Jose -- in the Bay Area -- where they were loved. Unlike every other YES concert I have seen on film or live, they start out slowly, bringing out one member at a time until Anderson, Bruford, Wakeman, Howe are all on stage. And the musical selections focus on the music that these individuals originally recorded together. And that is remarkable because Bill Bruford, the drummer in this concert, hadn't performed with them in 17 years. And almost every song played here, Brufford was the original drummer. Bruford always brought a looser, Jazzier style to the group. He showed that these were songs that he not only helped shape, but he knew how to master their live performance as well. This is not the best version of Roundabout I have heard, nor Heart of the Sunrise -- but they are the best versions I have seen on film. And as for Close to the Edge -- maybe their greatest composition -- this is possibly the best version ever recorded. If you like Yes - you gotta see this. The best thing about DVD -- is that you can skip the parts that aren't YES: all the Anderson, Bruford, Wakeman, Howe stuff and get right to the meat. No fast forwarding, just a press of the button. The best live recording of YES music yet: or should I say Anderson, Bruford, Wakeman and Howe. No...this is YES.
Rating:  Summary: On Film... This is Yes at their BEST Review: It is interesting to note that the very finest film document ofYES' music was by a group that wasn't YES. They were called Anderson,Bruford, Wakeman, Howe and they recorded one album and this was their concert presentation of that album. Not calling the group YES was a tribute to a co-founding absent member: Chris Squire, Yes' bass guitarist who was presumably under contract some place else. The concert was billed as Anderson, Bruford, Wakeman, Howe. But we watch this to get a taste of YES. I remember watching the concert on live broadcast a number of years ago -- and there was speculation that they might not even perform YES songs. Well they did. And they performed them very well, even without Chris Squire. Another bass gutarist, with a background in Jazz, steps in he performs Chris Squires Bass parts very well -- no not as well as Chris Squire would have...but who can? Jeff Berlin - a star in himself - pulls it off and he knows it as you can see at the end. What really makes this film special is that it is a good film. The sound is well recorded and they did a good job of photographing and editing it Live. And that is where YES happened -- LIVE in concert. Maybe there is something to be said for the film technique matching the method of musical presentation. It was all done live. I saw them three times in the late 70's -- and on two out of three occasions, they were amazing. To experience a good YES concert-- and by that I mean: 1. to have the right seats, 2. to see them in an arena with good acoustics, and most importantly 3. to see them on a night where their music connects with an audience in a certain magical way, is to experience something very unique and inspiring. I have never seen anything quite like it before or since. I saw Yes twice in the Bay Area at the Oakland Coliseum Arena and once in L.A. at the L.A. Forum. I saw them on Their Going For The One album tour and twice after Tormato. They had a way of connecting with a music loving Bay Area audience, and fortunately for us this was filmed in San Jose -- in the Bay Area -- where they were loved. And it was filmed by pro's -- the King Buiscuit folks -- who were in the habit of recording concerts on a regular basis and who knew how to capture a concert event. King Biscuit had a previous relationship with Yes. In the late 70's, they recorded in a concert, which, among other things, included the very best recoding of YES' signature song, Starship Trooper. Ant his was a song they had recorded many times. It was quite a feat. Previous attempts to film YES -- and there have been many -- have all been undertaken by amateurs, and no matter how good the band is...if you don't have a competently recorded film...you don't have something worth watching. These guys are not Matin Scorcese or Jonathan Demme -- but they had what it took to capture these enthralling musicians performing live. YES was always surprising it's audiences. Their music evolved from album to album. They would change their members -- work with different -- usually better musicians, and their music would grow well with the changes both on record, and especially in concert. Each concert was surprisingly different from the last, and this concert was no exception. Unlike every other YES concert I have seen on film or live, here they start out slowly, bringing out one member at a time until Anderson, Bruford, Wakeman, Howe are all on stage. And the musical selections focus on the music that these individuals originally recorded together. And that is remarkable because Bill Bruford, the drummer in this concert, hadn't performed with them in about 15 years. And almost every song played here, he was the original drummer. Bruford always brought a looser, Jazzier style to the group. I always thought Alan White - who came along later with a faster, almost more YES-like approach was better. I though he tightened them up and helped them drive home the live presentation. But in this concert, Bill Bruford was fantastic and he showed that these were songs that he helped to shape and he know how to master their performance as well, not simply their creations. This is not the best version of Roundabout I have heard, nor Heart of the Sunrise -- but they are the best versions I have seen on film. And for Close to the Edge -- maybe their greatest composition -- it is possibly the best version ever recorded. If you like Yes - you gotta see this. The best thing about DVD -- is that you can skip the parts that aren't YES: all the Anderson, Bruford, Wakeman, Howe stuff and get right to the meat. No fast forwarding, just a press of the button. Encourage the producers of this performance to get it together and get this DVD reissued. With today's audiovisual technology -- it is very worth having. The best live recording of YES music yet: or should I say Anderson, Bruford, Wakeman and Howe. No...this is YES.