Rating:  Summary: Not just a war movie, a truthful masterpiece. Review: "The War at Home" is a terrific movie. Many people would think that this is just a movie about s kid returning from war, but it's not. This is a movie about Post-Trematic Stress Disorder, and a family that is doomed to fall apart because of how they were raised. Kathy Bates plays the part of an over-worked mother perfectly, and Martin Sheen plays the part of a sweet clueless father superbly. Everyone can relate to this movie in one way or another, regardless of their upbringing. A difinite shame on the "academy" for passing this one up for best movie, best adapted screenplay, best actor (Estevez), best actress (Bates, and best Supporting actor (Sheen). Definetly a step-up from Estevez' past directorial tries (Men at Work...yeah.)
Rating:  Summary: Insight to the "other side" of War! Review: A griping story of a families turmoil brought about by a Son's experience of the war. The writer delivers an unusual look at what can, and often does happen when the "prodigal son" returns from Vietnam. The actors,truly captured the essance of the turmoil and bring it to the screen with stark reality. Martin Sheen as the Father, and Kathy Bates as the Mother excell in thier roles, and Emilio Estaves who also directs create an emotional crisis that wrench at the heart of the viewers. Thier powerful performance is only enhanced by the fact that they are Father and son in real life. Kathy Bates is "annoying" as the Mother who simply wont let her "Son" grow up upon his return...yet her performance is outstanding. The entire production brings the audience "into" thier home ... one becomes part of thier "Family" without realizing it.
The timely "flash backs" of the war's actions are well done and allows the audience to see just where the turmoil begins without disturbing the central storyline. There may be many who do not understand this turmoil but for those that do, this small and underated production is a must for everyone's video library. To those who understand,the "War" within the household is far more devastating than the War at the front. The conclusion is the true reality of the piece and allows one to share the heart wrenching sadness that comes with the inablity to cope. The entire cast is a true credit to the acting profession... and Martin Sheen can be proud of his son's ability to continue in the profession he was born into.
Rating:  Summary: Truly intense drama. The unheralded best picture of the year Review: As a peace time veteran I have always been interested in the elements that made up the Vietnam war. No movie spoke to me more than Born on the Fourth of July because it explored the naive patriotism so often held by the young and inexperienced (such as I) and the disillusionment born of societal apathy and disdain as well as the pathetic way our vets are 'cared for' and utterly disregarded by the military itself. That's not an endorsement of the Vietnam war itself but merely a commentary on the condition of our so underappreciated veterans. That being said 'The War at Home' explores (quite adeptly if I might add) many of the psychological effects suffered by those brave men and women who so gallantly served in addition to the heartache and responsibility of the families involved. It's a masterful work. Unfortunately most who have never served or put their own well being on the line for a cause they believe in can not even begin to understand or empathize with the inner plight of the Vietnam veteran. A must see film!
Rating:  Summary: Emilio Does His Vietnam Movie Review: Emilio Estevez does a fine job as both star and director of this overlooked film. His real father Martin Sheen plays his father, and watching the two together is remarkable. This movie really makes you think about what it must have been like for Vietnam vets coming home profoundly changed, to a world that didn't change along with them, and no one really understood post-traumatic stress syndrome at that time in history. And that is the legacy of Vietnam - making it home alive was not the end of the war for those who fought. If you're a vet, you'll want to see this, and you'll want your kids and parents to see it too.
Rating:  Summary: 5 stars......... Review: Excellent movie.......Worth seeing over and over.....One of the most underated films of our time.
Rating:  Summary: speechless Review: i am speechless. this movie is definetly one of my favorites. It might not be funny at all. But it is one of the best acted movies of the 90's. that's all i have to say i am speechless
Rating:  Summary: Great film (minor spoilers herein) Review: I first saw _The War At Home_ by accident on television. I was about 16 at the time. I loved it mainly because I thought it was a true story, since I had turned it on after the first 15 minutes & missed the opening voice-over. (Just to clarify: five million Americans served in Vietnam over the course of that long war, therefore a good chance exists the events in this movie happened to thousands of young vets--so I'm hesitant to call it FICTIONAL) Watching it four years later, I felt very sad at the end. Which I actually DIDN'T feel the first time I saw it. The characters were both likeable & unlikeable; I love a movie where you can resent one character you've known all of two hours, or be on the verge of tears when another is facing a difficult time. Bob seemingly acknowledges his son has changed for the worse when he gives his "draft card speech" at the Thanksgiving day table, but he does nothing to help Jeremy. At the same time, Karen is a psych student, but she can be a little too harsh on Jeremy in certain moments. But the characters are humans, they make mistakes. The only real problem I had was with the ending voice-over. It gave too much away. I would have been happier wondering what became of Jeremy. (I wonder why they had Karen, of all the characters, doing the voice overs?) Still, it's worth 5 stars.
Rating:  Summary: speechless Review: I just watched The War At Home. This story is very well written, acted & directed. It makes you care for all the characters, and understand what each one is feeling and going through. Not just with what is said, but more importantly, what is not said. The movie gives us a small glimpse of what the Heroic and Brave men went through after returning from the Vietnam War. I myself do not care for war movies, but I could not stop watching. I gave this review five stars because it truly deserves it! I also love that the story is character driven, and does not for one minute rely on special effects. There are a few scenes that were VERY tastefully done, and I did not need to look away once. I highly recommend it. Rarely do I cry during movies, but this really touched my heart, as it will yours. Martin Sheen, Emilio Estevez, Kathy Bates & Kimberly Williams really give great performances. Directed by Emilio Estevez.
Rating:  Summary: The War At Home 1996 w/Martin Sheen & Emelio Esteves Review: I just watched The War At Home. This story is very well written, acted & directed. It makes you care for all the characters, and understand what each one is feeling and going through. Not just with what is said, but more importantly, what is not said. The movie gives us a small glimpse of what the Heroic and Brave men went through after returning from the Vietnam War. I myself do not care for war movies, but I could not stop watching. I gave this review five stars because it truly deserves it! I also love that the story is character driven, and does not for one minute rely on special effects. There are a few scenes that were VERY tastefully done, and I did not need to look away once. I highly recommend it. Rarely do I cry during movies, but this really touched my heart, as it will yours. Martin Sheen, Emilio Estevez, Kathy Bates & Kimberly Williams really give great performances. Directed by Emilio Estevez.
Rating:  Summary: This is a great movie....... Review: I really liked this movie and was very disappointed that the studio did not promote it. Everyone in the cast was excellent. The subject matter was handled with honest emotions and reactions. Emilio Estevez did a great job acting and directing. Martin Sheen and Kathy Bates....wonderful. High Recommend it!!