Rating:  Summary: Cheap, Cheesy, Contrived and Batty Review: All horror movies are not the same, we know. Some entertain us because they are, in their own way, as good as any other kind of movie. This group includes classics like The Exorcist and Alien. Some, like Scream, are topflight commercial entertainments. Still another group is those movies that are so bad they are good. Bats, I fear, is just plain bad. I think it would have been better if the people who made it had senses of humor, because the plot has all the elements of comedy.It is a warm summer night. Two Texas teens are making out in a car in the middle of nowhere. Suddenly, they are attacked by a thousand bats that look like winged gargoyles. Meanwhile, Dr. Sheila Casper [Dina Meyer] is in the Arizona desert with her goofy assistant, Jimmy [Leon], doing whatever a bat scientist does. As she says, "I'm a scientist! That's what I do!" Before she can get any bat research done, she is hauled off to Texas by the Center for Disease Control. There, she views the remains of the aforementioned teens and, of course, announces that bats are incapable of doing such a thing. What she doesn't know is that these bats have been genetically altered by an Evil Scientist. Now it is up to her and the local sheriff, Emmett Kimsey [Lou Diamond Phillips], to save the world. Does any of this sound familiar? I must admit that I am not afraid of bats. All summer long they can be seem flying around my neighborhood at night. I am more fearful of mosquitoes, which they eat, than I am of them. But even if bats did give me the willies, the ones in this movie wouldn't cause my heart to race. It has some of the worst computer generated effects on record. When they swarm through the sky, there is no illusion of depth, which means they don't look real. When the bats attack the town, it is obvious that the townsfolk are just actors wildly running around. The scene comes off as simply silly. Lou Diamond Phillips was once a promising actor. I don't know what went wrong. Based on her performances in this epic and in Starship Trooper, Dina Meyer needs to settle down and marry some fabulously successful movie executive. Leon, who stars in the HBO series Oz, needs to consider his next movie very carefully. Bats is the kind of movie whose true horror is the havoc it reeks on the careers of the people who were involved in it.
Rating:  Summary: Much more Fun and Campier than Anaconda. Review: When a Small Time Texas Sheriff (Lou Diamond Phillips), A Scientist (Dina Meyers) and her Assistant (Leon) investigate the Murder of a Young Couple, which the "Perps" are Mutant Bats. This fun is very Fun, a lot of Action Scenes, Pretty Good Visual Effects (Which some Scenes are Cheap Looking) and Fast Paced. Only Complain is Graeme Revell lousy film Score. Which the DVD has the Isolated Music Score. DVD has an sharp anamorphic Widescreen (2.35:1) transfer and an Strong Dolby Digital 5.1 Expanded Surround Sound. This DVD has an often funny Commentary Track by Director:Louis Mornear and Actor:Lou Diamond Phillips. This is a Well Made, Campy Action/Horror film. Clairmont-Scope. Grade:B+.
Rating:  Summary: PURE ENTERTAINMENT! Review: I am not one to be critical -- I either like it or I don't! I bought it because of Lou Diamond Phillips but I certainly loved the acting of Leon. Myers associate. Hilarious! Between Phillips and Leon [and our mad scientest] - they made the movie worth it. And those bulldog ugly BATS! Another government experiment that they had to clean up. [grin] Why does everything have to be gory for people to like it? Really did like [grin] the cave scene. So much bat do-do. The effort was made [and turned out not that bad] so view it for yourself and form your own opinion. It was great, decent entertainment. I will recommend a second and a third viewing as you tend to miss something [sometimes the great humour] the first time around. If you can't laugh, -- half the time it is not worht seeing, a fun movie.
Rating:  Summary: scary Review: dont listen to these people bats is a scary movie a suspense action movie.the bats go in to cars attack the town goes and brakes windows kills half the town goes in to grocerie store under cars kills all the people who go in to the cave kills probly 200 people in the movie literly.if that doesnt exie you i dont now what will.great movie scary sugested 9 and up do to voilent bat attacks scary momments and cuse words.if you get the directors cut.suggested 11 or 12 and up do too very bloody bat attacks gore scary momments and cuse words
Rating:  Summary: Why? Review: I caught this movie last night on HBO. Unfortunately, I soon came to realize through my side-splitting laughter: This is NOT a comedy. It is actually an attempt at a horror movie. As my laughter slowly subsided, I concluded that this movie would have to make my list of 'all time worst movies'. From what i could gather from the rather drab and non-existant plot, a cave of monster bats have been awakened by a military operation with some sort of super cooling unit. Now, they are mad and hungry and killing people. One thing leads to another, with events that you can see coming a mile away. The ending fits nicely between predictable and utterly stupid. And now, on to those vicious, scary creatures....THE BATS! (Hint: sarcasm) First of all, if you know anything about bats, you know they use sonar to see. And if you have ever seen the movie Predator, my favorite movie, you will notice the rip offs right away. The bats see in what looks exactly like the Predator's Infrared, not to mention they make the EXACT same clicking sound that was one of the trademarks of the Predator. These 'monster bats' were about 8 times the size of a normal bat, and had to be probably the most poorly animated, goofiest looking puppet work i have ever seen. The 'special effects' were non-existant. Must have been a low budget film, because when the flock of bats would fly by, it pretty much looked like a mudslide with a few flapping animations thrown in for good measure. What would posess someone to make a movie like this is beyond me. Don't get me wrong, every now and then i enjoy watching a bad movie, just for the sheer appreciation of the work that went into making it so bad. But this movie...I don't think i can ever watch it again. For the first movie i've seen Lou Diamond PHilips be in for the past 5 or so years, you think he could've done something better. The bottom line is: Whether you are a horror fan or an action fan, a suspense or thriller fan, whatever it is you like about movies....then you will NOT like this movie. It was clearly aimed toward the impulsive desires of every 12 year old kid out there, which is senseless blood and gore. The acting is terrible. The plot is non-existant. The special effects....well...actually....there were none, unless you count the computer effects that an unskilled computer tech could throw together in about 2 hours. Just AVOID this movie if you know whats good for you. Young kids may enjoy it, but if you have any sense and have the capability to determine the qualities of a decent movie, then avoid this at all costs. Go see The Birds or something similair instead.
Rating:  Summary: A Glorified Straight-to-Video Monster film. Review: I usually Love these sorts of movies, no matter How [bad] they are. Bad Special Effects, Worse Dialogue… I Expect that going in, what I Also expect is a few Laughs (at Jokes or at how [bad] everything is, I’m not Picky), a Liberal amount of Blood and Gore and at Least a few Shocks or Jump scenes. Even with an Expectation level around my Ankles, I Still came out Disappointed. Imagine If I went in expecting “Alien” level Thrills. The Acting is even Worse than I expected. What has Happened to Lou Diamond Phillips, I hoped he would take a Bad role and make it Fun like he did in “The Big Hit”, but here he takes a bad role and Leaves it that way. Dina Meyer Hardly has the skills to carry a film, but Alas, the Makers throw the Whole Film on her shoulders and leave her to Gasp and Stare her way out of Danger. Leon and Bob Gunton also give Lousy performances, Leon plays the Cocky Assistant Annoyingly and Bob plays the Mad Scientist Boringly. Half the film is filled with Over-Explanatory dialogue. Example: A: “Are you Saying some kind of Bat did this”? B: “Yes I am”. A: “How could a Bat do this”? B: “You could Never Understand”. Then five minutes later we get something like This Dull little Exchange: A: “Let me get this straight… Bats did this”. B: “Not just Ordinary Bat.. Advanced Bats, Bats like none you’ve Ever Seen”. Please, a Couple of Monkeys with Magic Markers could produce better dialogue. The Other half of the film is filled with Over-Edited Bat Attacks that are So Edited down… We see Nothing, Nothing. A bit of Screaming, some “Blair Witch” camera work and a dead body, that is what we get, I’m Sorry, but that doesn’t satisfy me. What Did satisfy me were the Bats, when the camera gets close enough, without shaking or jump cutting, the Bats look Really cool. Some scenes they look like the toy rubber ones you put down you sisters back, but Most of the time they look Quite Real. It’s Also Mercilessly Short, so it never gets boring, and a Few Chuckles can be had as the dialogue gets Mind-Bogglingly Bad at some points. If all this sounds Appealing to you, then you are a True Bad Movie fan, as am I, yet I Still could barely stomach it all. If That doesn’t prove that “Bats” is a Sub-Par Horror flick, Nothing Will… Except Seeing it for Yourself.
Rating:  Summary: They pay people to make this stuff!! Review: Once again, Hollywood ruins it's name by dishing out a low-budget movie with a larger budget. This movie had everything that makes you want to hate it. A sherrif in a hick town fighting mutants with the assistants of a psycho doctor, beautiful lady, and the comic relief guy who, let's face it, wasn't that funny. The typical everyone is struck stupid by these monsters and the army is totally ineffective. So much for the best army in the world. This movie had way to many stupid things it. People doing things that any sane person wouldn't, mutant bats created by the government that turn on their creator, a crazy scientist, and the government failing to destroy its own creation and leaving it to a bunch of idiots. They get decent equipment to fight off the bats, (which looked a little like the Gremlins that Gizmo was responsible for) and they don't use it. The race against the clock in the end, and they make. The movie could've been better with the nuking of the entire town.
Rating:  Summary: TRASH ALL ALONG !! THIS IS FUNNY !! Review: COme n, guys,, this movie can't be taken seriously. It's a joke, a B-movie, a trash horror movie. The old cliche of the local sheriff fighting the "monsters" made me laugh ( I never expected Lou Diamond in a role like this ). The reason I'm giving it two stars is that, even taking the reasons above as explanation, the movie is very bad.
Rating:  Summary: A stupid and very chessy (and gory) horror movie. Review: This is a very prdictable horror about crazed bats attacking a small Texas town. A zoologist must stop them before the whole town dies. The special effects are terrible. We see an up-close of someone's guts after the bats have eaten him, and they look like spaghetti. All the other special effects are bad too. It also rips off other movies like The Birds. All in all, don't see this movie unless it's on tv and you've got nothing else to do.