Rating:  Summary: It Doesn't Stop Here! Review: Actually, I enjoyed the movie, and I loved Kirsten Dunst in it. I didn't think it was a low-budget film at all. I thought it was well-done and simple enough for anyone to follow. The message to teenage mothers is quite clear, and I think that should be the main focus of the film. It just seem all too common when young females get pregnant they expect their boyfriends (or potential husbands) to stick by them, and the girls believe everything the guy tells them. Being a single mother of 2, I already know the game. It is always mama's baby, daddy's mabye.I just wish that society would put less emphasis on concealing the truth about sex, which is advertised everywhere, and put more emphasis on telling the truth about it along with other things. Sex education in the school system would be a great start, but parents shouldn't leave everything up to the teachers either. I find a lot of parents are against sex education because they feel that it would encourage their children to "do it." We can't always watch over our kids and/or make decisions for them. Parents can only guide their children. How can we get our children to make the right decision if we don't educate them about the things that they will encounter such as sex, drugs, and other harsh realities in the world. I don't think sex education would encourage children to engage in sexual behavior. I think that it would, if it ever came down to it, encourage our children to make wise decisions about sex. For example, condomn and birth control use. Or, even better, abstinance (sp?). I think that misinforming or not informing our children about sex leads to risky sexual behavoir. Even though I didn't start having children until I was 20, I feel what the teenage mothers go through. It is hard enough being a single parent, but I think single teenage parents have it the hardest. Some of them can't obtain financial means because they are too young to work. The teenage mothers who are of legal age that can find employment often work at low-paying jobs with very little opportunities for advancement. It is not just teenage mothers who have a hard time. It is also single mothers from across all socioeconomical and ethical backgrounds. In today's world, it is so hard to find a decent job without the education and/or experience. I am glad that I am one of the lucky ones because I have my mother to help me. I am a senior in college now, and I am about to graduate. I can't say it is a common story. Sure, there are probably plenty of single mothers who went to college and graduated, but I run into so many single mothers that don't, and they want to complete their degree. I don't want to end up as a statistic, and I want to prove to others that it can be done. I also don't want my kids to follow in my footsteps, so I am going to educate them about sex and it's consequenses. I want to let them know that they do have a choice in the world, and I hope other parents do the same. We must educate our children.
Rating:  Summary: Only for Kirsten Review: As the title above says, I saw this movie only for Kirsten Dunst. She brings a certain class to the "After School Specialness" of this movie. If you love Kirsten as much as me--you should get this movie, otherwise try somewhere else.
Rating:  Summary: Good Movie Review: First of all,I think the other reviews are wrong, because this movie isnt just about "Kirsten Dunst", its deals with her whole family in the movie. It's a great movie about a girl who is 15 and she gets pregnant by a boy who leaves her and she ends up going to a school for young pregnant girls, and then she has it all on her own without her boyfriend. It's a great movie but its only for Mothers and girl teens, because they can learn from the movie if a mothers young daughter ever gets pregnant early. yes, Kirsten does give a great performance but its not just about her,the mother in the movie goes through a lot too. Great movie for a mother daughter to sit down and watch together!!
Rating:  Summary: Good Movie Review: First of all,I think the other reviews are wrong, because this movie isnt just about "Kirsten Dunst", its deals with her whole family in the movie. It's a great movie about a girl who is 15 and she gets pregnant by a boy who leaves her and she ends up going to a school for young pregnant girls, and then she has it all on her own without her boyfriend. It's a great movie but its only for Mothers and girl teens, because they can learn from the movie if a mothers young daughter ever gets pregnant early. yes, Kirsten does give a great performance but its not just about her,the mother in the movie goes through a lot too. Great movie for a mother daughter to sit down and watch together!!
Rating:  Summary: very helpful movie to teens Review: i first saw ths movie on lifetime when i was 14 and it truely helped me out . i have taped it off of tv and i watch it every time it is on, i showed it to a friend of my who was getting ready to have a baby and i saw that it help her choose to keep her baby it showed her that she could do it and that she wasn't alone on her hard time . this is why i think that any person that is haveing a hard time with makeing a choice about there baby or anyone who knows someone you should get them this movie
Rating:  Summary: A fan Review: I know its like an educational film to say no to sex for teenagers, but I really thought this movie was well done! Realistic and sad. Glad I watched it in health class. I didn't want to ever end up like Tina. She was just too young to go have a baby.
Rating:  Summary: Only if you're a seriously big fan of Kirsten. Review: I saw this movie for Kirsten Dunst, and this is just for those who are big fans of hers because it is just plain awful. It is very low budget, the quality of filming is- let's just say there is no quality to the filming. The directing is poor, as is the acting- except from Kirsten of course. You may like to note that Julia Whelan who would go on to appear in "Once And Again" is here as Kirsten's kid sister and she manages to get to the pain of the character that she plays as always, but she just doesn't have much to work with. There is so much that could have been done with this film based on the concept, but those chances were wasted with this. Avoid!
Rating:  Summary: Thank you Review: I think this movie is great for teens cause I am 15 to and I was thinking about having a baby until I watched this movie and relized I was not ready. To take a big responsibilty. My friend who watched it had a different theroy. She is the same age as me and now going through a pregnancy just so she can have someone to love. I would like to thank the director for making this movie its really made me stop and think before I react.
Rating:  Summary: SAD Review: Many girls around the country each year find themselves in these horrid positions. Kirsten Dunst did a superb job as Tina in this shockingly realistic film. I felt sorry for her as she had to put her young life on hold-- but then I didn't because she was like any fifteen-year-old girl: naive, vulnerable and harmfully impressionable. Any girl should watch this movie before giving herself away to any carnal, uncaring, hormonally imbalanced boy.
Rating:  Summary: Scarily true Review: My mum loves these true story DVDs, which you can buy dirt cheap in many places, but I only watched it because it starred Kirsten Dunst, plus it was something I could review on here. The film jumps pretty quickly from the morning sickness in the early months, to the full-blown big bump with days/weeks to go. It's also a very short TV movie, 87 minutes, but feels a lot longer.
Kirsten Dunst plays the spoilt brat who sleeps with her boyfriend (who you can tell right away that he's just after getting into her pants), and proceeds to tell him that she doesn't want him to tell her he loves her if he doesn't. I'm sorry, but many guys will say that just to get you into bed - I'm not talking from experience here though. I thought Kirsten played the role very well, although the labour scenes were a bit OTT, but aren't they always in these type of films? She makes the adult (although she's only 15, and very immature I found) decision of not giving the baby up for adoption or abortion.
There are also some outright lies in this TV movie, but I think it's more to scare the viewing audience than anything else. Some of the characters discuss how many women die in childbirth and mention that it's 20%. And nowhere in the show are they ever corrected (it's more like 0.8%).
To make this film better, it should have been extended, and showed how Tina got on after giving birth, rather than seeing her leaving hospital all smiley. She plays a character that would shout, scream & walk out on her baby to be with her friends more than be affectionate towards it. However, it is a good movie, and thankfully, I've passed that stage, to have unprotected sex, with a guy looking like that!