Rating:  Summary: Excellent Movie! A must-see epic! Review: As a South Carolinian, watching The Patriot was a very personal experience for me. People need to realize that this movie is not supposed to be an autobiography of a real life Patriot. It is a combination of several of the different heroes who played an important part in the American Revolution. Mel Gibson's character (Benjamin Martin) is a combination of General Daniel Morgan, Pickens, Sumter, and Francis Marion (the Swamp Fox). It is a great honor to me as a South Carolinian to see such a wonderful movie that pays tribute to the brave men from my home state who gave their lives for the cause of Liberty. Like Saving Private Ryan, anyone who does not feel Patriotic and thankful for these brave people after watching this movie, should question their own love for this great nation. The Patriot is a must see movie, and I highly recommend it to anyone.
Rating:  Summary: This movie is FICTION Review: Just in case people had forgotten, this is a movie BASED on an actual historical event. In no way was this movie ever depicted as anything less. Who was Benjamin Martin? Go through your text books people... oh right. He never existed. I suppose Gabriel was based on a true person...wrong again. This movie is a wonderful piece of work, and I'm glad I actually knew that it wasn't trying to accurately portray real-life events. It was a fairly accurate depiction of colonial times, although I am sure that movies 200 years from now will be depicting the time we live in playing Bye Bye Miss American Pie. So put your "inaccurate" criticisms to the side and sit back and enjoy one of Mel's best movies. I didn't even bother renting it, I went right to Amazon and pre-ordered the DVD, just like I will be doing with The Gladiator. Now lets hear the complaints of how that movie is inaccurate. This wasn't a documentary people!
Rating:  Summary: Some muck needed patriotism! Review: I thoroughly enjoyed this fast moving film. Its nearly 3 hours passed like a 60 minute film. For all those who chide the film as inaccurate I suggest they study their American history. The makers of the film have taken the license to combine events that occurred to more than one real life person into the charactrer of our hero who was indeed a real person known to the British as the "Swamp Fox". And yes, the villain was a real person who committed horrible atrocities against American colonists. Hurray for Mel Gibson and The Patriot!!
Rating:  Summary: Good movie Review: This was an overall good movie, but not the best. I thought the storyline seemed to take some expectred turns and frankly I wasn't surprised by the outcomes of some of the battles. If you want a movie with surprising twists and turns this isn't the movie for you, for everyone else, this is a good movie to see.
Rating:  Summary: Thoroughly entertaining historical fiction Review: It's easy to get hung up on the historical controversy, but honestly folks, since when have movies ever accurately portrayed history ? I think this is Saturday night escapist cinema at its best (and I'm British). Find a comfy chair, pop some corn and enjoy the ride, big Mel doesn't disappoint. Warning to overseas shoppers - This disc has enhanced region 1 coding which means it will NOT play on most multi-region players. See the tech chat forums at dvdreview.com for details.
Rating:  Summary: Sheer entertainment, most of the time! Review: Well, I didn't expect a mirror image of the concise and accurate history of the American Revolution (unlike most of the reviews I've seen). If this was set on Rigel VI and had blasters, they would have been raving over it! Aside from some "chick-flick" (a.k.a. unrealistic wartime romance and family junk) subplots designed to widen its appeal, I liked this movie quite a bit. Like "Braveheart", the battle scenes are nice and violent; so horribly violent, they'll have you bookmarking the battle scenes for repeated viewing! You want a history lesson? Watch the History Channel. You want to see elite cavalry mercilessly hack fleeing, terrified men apart with sabers, and see musket balls smash into people's faces? Watch this movie. I'm sort of a sucker for patriotic propaganda like this and Red Dawn and Star Wars and Glory and SPR, etc.. Partially because it is rousing, but also because I admire the masterful emotional manipulation and the skillful propaganda technique. They'll never take our freedom...stay on target...etc. It all gets me going.
Rating:  Summary: Near miss for greatness Review: This movie is strong, but frustrating because I believe the director is clearly at fault for taking the movie into jingoistic and stilted territory at crucial junctures. Had a more thoughtful director gotten hold of the story elements, cast, crew, and cinematographer, a masterpiece may well have emerged. Instead, there are moments of high achievement undercut by sequences that make you embarrassed to watch them. This director's work keeps getting clogged up into some major misunderstandings of what Americans hold dear. Our national icons are fairly important, but the ideas they represent and allude to are by far more inspiring and subtle than mere flag-waving exercises. He should stop grappling with the American myth, because he clearly does not understand it. So, sorry Mel, but you should have directed this one yourself and more Oscars would have been yours!
Rating:  Summary: Fictional Drama At Its Best! Review: Visually stunning and superbly acted,this film is a definite winner. Mel Gibson is Benjamin Martin,a widowed farmer and father of seven. He has seen war before in all of its horror and refuses to fight again. Against his wishes his eldest son,Gabriel enlists. Time passes,with the fighting drawing ever closer to the Martin homestead. When tragedy strikes the Martin household at the hands of the British,Benjamin rethinks his stance and bent on revenge becomes part of the Militia. We watch,his eldest son grow to manhood and in his own right,become better than his father. We watch Benjamins youngest child,full of inner turmoil and pain,utter her first words to her father. We see Benjamin find love again,while Gabriel ultimately loses his. And in the end we see freedom gained and honor to those who were lost. Thrilling and breathtaking,this is fictional history at its best. This is one not to be missed.
Rating:  Summary: WOW! Review: Recently we watched an edited version of this in my 8th grade history class, so as to give us a feel of how life was during the American Revolution. It sure does portray the life of the people and from what I hear of what happens during the battle scenes (remember I saw an edited version) it truly deserves and "R" rating. At one point our "hero" Benjamin Martin (mel Gibson) is inceredibly angry at a Britsh group of soldiers and he goes after them with a hatchet apparently chopping everyone up! Gruesome! Anyways, if you don't mind the gory deatails I'd definately watch this fantastic movie!