Rating:  Summary: Incredible movie!! Review: Mel Gibson shines extraordinarily in this film about the Revolutionary War, and whether this "actually happned" or not is still part of the controversy. Nevertheless, the film is excellent and Gibson's portrayal of the reluctant hero is incredible. There is a lot of violence, so be warned, but there is a beauty in this film which goes beyond the pale. Highly recommended, and I'm not going to give this film away!!!
Rating:  Summary: a good film Review: please let's take this for what it is a good film, it is not a history lesson therefore we should not take this to be a.) a doccumentary or b.)historicaly accurate. yes i liked this film and yes i am english i was not offended because this was after all just a movie, but saying that i can unsterstand how some fellow brits maybe offended. like i understood how some americans could be offended at pearl harbour. history is always a delicate subject to tackle in movies etc. because sompeople feel they make light of their country's history, but please people let's take these things for what they are good entertainment
Rating:  Summary: An Entertaining (If Inaccurate) Historical Thrill Ride Review: The Patriot is really good and exciting fun. Forget the uproar about the inaccuracies of this film (If you're going to a Hollywood movie looking for an accurate portrayal of history, you've got bigger problems than the flaws in the movie).Mel Gibson and Heath Ledger deliver great performances in this roller coaster ride through the American Revolution. The cinematography is beautiful, the battle scenes believable and thrilling and the story is good (if fantasy) fun.
Rating:  Summary: A Great Revolutionary War Epic! Review: Mel Gibson is back and gives one of his best performances ever as Revolutionary war Fighter and Patriot Benjiman Martin. It has a great story, a great cast, great f/x, a great score, it's just spectacular! It's only slight downfall could be that it is just a little bit too reminiscent of the extradinary Braveheart. But that's alright, Braveheart was better but this is more of a popcorn movie and is not so much all serious and isn't as epic as Braveheart was. I would recommend this to history lovers as well as Mel Gibson fans and those of you just looking for a good movie. In my opinion this ranks as the third best movie of 2000. Behind only Gladiator and Cast Away. You most definantly will want to check this out!
Rating:  Summary: Never let the facts get in the way of a story Review: ...The film falls flat on its face because: 1. It contains much that is myth, or complete fiction made up by Hollywood that loves to rewrite history. 2. Us Brits have carried out our fair share of atrocities, there is no denying that. However, I thought the slander of perhaps Liverpool's finest war hero to be shocking and an outrage. 3. If you want a look at real scum, i.e. Jackobyte psychotics, try a more realistic portrayal of the French army of the same period. 4.Mel Gibson is a useless actor. Being an Australian (that also played a murderous thug in Braveheart - another example of anti-British propoganda) one wonders if he is in danger of becoming typecast. 5. Large sections of the film are set as a backdrop to the central character's past. Did nobody else find this in the least bit boring? 6. The entire film, historcal innacuracies to one side, is tired, cliched, boring and an insult to the intelligence of anyone who can outwit a glass of water. Oh, the slave trade is never mentioned by the way.
Rating:  Summary: all school age children in america should watch this movie Review: i'm not sure why this movie has created such hard feelings among many reviewers, especially europeans. i haven't seen a movie that is 100% historically accurate. that's reserved for the history channel. the fact is that this movie does teach us about devotion, self-sacrifice, and duty. while we can break down all the technical faults, the fact is that it's riveting, powerful, and heart wrenching entertainment (why i gave it 5 stars). as far as historical innaccuracy, i invite the naysayers to examine the following: 1. most of the revolutionary fighting in the south was done by south carolinians. 2. mel gibson's role was loosely based on the "swamp fox", frances marion. 3. cruel colonel tavington accurately depicted colonel banastre tarleton, who not only led the dragoons in the south and was cornwallis' favorite officer, but was also well known for his cruelty towards civilians (and yes i know he didn't die in the war). enough with the soap box....just enjoy the movie.
Rating:  Summary: Sure it has some problems, but hey, it's a movie! Review: OK. I've read tons of reviews on this movie and it seems to me that alot of people (mostly Brits) have serious problems with this movie and it's historical accuracy. Overall, I liked this movie (sappy and cheesy in many places though it was!)and even though I am a student of history and a HUGE Southern history buff, I thought it was a good start to get people to find out about the REAL American War for Independence. In answer to some historical complaints: 1) HELLO! Most British Dragoons WERE quite vicious and cruel and why do you think that character that Tavington was based on was called "Bloody" and "Butcher!" To those Brits out there, get over it. We won and not because the colonials outnumber the English 10 to 1. (Where on earth did you learn that?!) 2) All states at that time and most of the world were "slave" states and if you think that a black man wouldn't fight for his state and home even though he was a slave, you are woefully ignorant of the history and feelings of the people in the past (who didn't think and act like 21st century wackos.) There were a number of Africans who lived free or were treated fairly, as there were a good number who were not! And please stop this racist and rapist drivel! Again, to those Brits out there, how dare you point fingers and acuse us! How about you find out what's going on right now in South Africa, eh? I don't want to go on and on, so I'll just leave it at that. I just have one request. PLEASE learn the true facts about history before you parade your stupidity before the whole world!!
Rating:  Summary: Colonists Vs Great Britain! Review: The Patriot is a wonderful movie about a family torn apart by war, and how, at the end they once again reunite, amid the loss of two of their family members. The British however, in reality, did not call the to-be people of America "Militia Men", rather colonists: a word, not used in the movie. The quite farse aspect of the movie was that how easily the British were defeated by the colonists. This was not the case. This movie was actually made to cause patriotism amongst the American public, not entirely based on true events. Lord Cornwallis once said, "The enemy(the colonists) are merely a hallucination" Proved wrong ey?
Rating:  Summary: The Patriot Packs a Wallop......Sort of Review: The Patriot would have been a five star movie had it not been for how historically wrong it was and how corny some of the dialogue was. Movies are entertainment and usually I don't care when I movie gets some things wrong, but I guess I care when the movie is about the most important event in American history. It's mostly just small details that Roland Emmerich completly screws up but the fact that he allowed the line about a free country in the final cut amazes me. No one talked like that, and when they do this kind of stuff it ruins a movie that could have given Gladiator a run for its money a the 2000 Acamedy Awards. In this emotionally charged movie-Mel Gibson stars as Benjamin Martin, a reluctant hero who is swept into the American Revolution when the war comes to his front porch. When the war does reach Benjamin Martin's home and family he decides to take up arms against England. Benjamin Martin was a hero of the French and Indian conflict, Martin had renounced fighting forever to raise his family in peace (sounds like Braveheart doesn't it). When the British do arrive at his South Carolina home and endanger the things that he holds closest, and his son joins the American army, Martin finally does decide to go to war, leading a militia into battle against an overwhelming English army. Martin eventually finds out that the only way to protect his family is to fight for America's freedom. The Patriot will make you proud to be an American. It is also like Braveheart set in a different time. I don't know if the militia really fought like that but who really cares? The Patriot is a really entertaining movie and that's what counts. Sure the Americans look like warm-hearted heroes and the British look like cold-hearted pagans, but in a way that's sort of the way it was during the Revolution. As far as I know, this is the only Revolutionary War movie out there so I would call the Patriot a must-have movie. And like I said the movie is very entertaining despite it's few faults.
Rating:  Summary: England Expects....... Review: I realise that most Americans are aware of the fearful historical liberties taken by this movie and I realise too that this film has a big budget Hollywood entertainment value that has nothing to do with history as it actually happened. It was a fairly popular film on this side of the pond too and we're all quite used by now to being portrayed as the half witted, pitifully inept, cold blooded spawn of Satan, some of us (like some of you) are actually beginning to believe the bad press....so mission doubly accomplished there Mel. I would like to state the obvious though even as I doubt such clarity of critique will register Stateside, that the entire premise of this film is racist...from the frankly evil (reminiscent of NAZI scum) portrayal of my countrymen...and yes I take great offence...to the cute and pure portrayal of the slave keeper...Colonel Benjamin Martin. To even pretend that blacks anywhere were decently treated and valued for their characters is too unfunny even to be categorised as a joke. Sublime racism of this sort that basically says blacks have been far luckier than they like to tell, and 'good' people recognised their worth...so that's alright then, is only akin to holocaust denial. A statement of so obvious fact I am frankly dumbfounded that it should be necessary to point it out. As to my countrymen...racism against the English is prevalent enough in the world...for no good reason when our record is held up against just about anyone else...but then that is probably the very reason isn't it...and that cold and acrid fire needs no stoking thanks very much by the likes of Gibson. This is complete obfuscation of your history...and our history, something we at any rate cherish...yet instead of livid America demanding that the central events in the birth of that nation should be sacrosanct for posterity...the response...a box office smash. I have one morsel of comfort with regard to this film...that it would not be allowed to be made anywhere else in the English speaking world...telling isn't it. Why...simple...because by our example and our history Great Britain as a whole and England certainly has more than earned the right to expect better.