Rating:  Summary: Rose McGowan has great potential as an actress! Review: Ok, so I really did'nt want to see this movie! I thought it was going to be really horrible but it actually was'nt! Rose McGowan was great as the over physchotic teenager! The story was good! The screenplay lacked alot! Rose McGowan made the movie! I would see it again just for her! She is great!
Rating:  Summary: Rose does It again... Review: Once again,Rose McGowan took a flop of a movie and turned It around.The plot Is a bit contrived.But worth watching.Only for the performance of Rose.If you're a fan of the lovely starlet,You must watch this one...
Rating:  Summary: This should be a camp classic. Review: Rose McGowan is so hot as Debbie, a Poison Ivy chick-Lolita wannabe. Although this offers no surprises, this is a campy great flick.
Rating:  Summary: good premise, bad turnout Review: Rose McGowan(Tv's Charmed, Scream, Southie) has problems..she gets beat alot where she lives..she has this mad obsession with her teacher and other little things..Devil In The Flesh is a good title, with some good ideas but then it socks down by the ending where we dont really care for her character..followed 3 years later by Devil In The Flesh 2 starring Jodi Lynn O'Keefe(Tv's Nash Bridges)....kinda dissapointing really
Rating:  Summary: Rose McGowan is pure evil - I think I'm in love Review: Some men in this world, one Peter Rinaldi (Alex McArthur) in particular, would apparently prefer that the hottest woman on the face of the earth (Rose McGowan, who plays troubled teen Debbie Strand) not fall in love with them far beyond the point of simple obsession. I know - it's hard to believe. Sure, the guy already has a girlfriend he loves, and granted, Debbie is a "minor" who also happens to be one of his students, but come on - this is a consistently scantily-clad Rose McGowan we're talking about. Right or wrong, Rinaldi eventually finds out that refusing the love of this gorgeous young woman really does no one any good whatsoever. Okay, I'm going on a little bit, so I will state for the record that teachers should not have any sort of personal relationships with any of their students, even if that student is Rose McGowan. The thing to do would be to wait for Debbie to graduate, of course, but young Debbie has nothing but green lights at the traffic stops of her trouble mind. She takes what she wants, getting rid of anything that gets in her way, and what she wants is creative writing teacher Peter Rinaldi.Luckily for us, the viewing audience, Debbie's new high school does not have a dress code. If girls were allowed to dress the way Debbie does, the number of male high school dropouts would go immediately to zero. I know I should talk about the plot, and I will, but for me this movie is first and foremost about just watching the entrancing Rose McGowan; gorgeous doesn't even begin to describe her. Alas, though, her character Debbie Strand is not perfect. She has a tendency to fall madly in love and stalk a school teacher from time to time, she is not above stealing, and she is just deliciously vindictive, jealous, and - well - evil. Oh yeah, she also kills people sometimes. It's not all her fault, though. Her childhood was not a happy one, and when we first meet her, her house has just burned down (with her mother and one of her teachers inside). Off to grandmother's house she goes, into a new environment that frankly just doesn't suit her or meet her needs. Grandma is apparently related by blood to Carrie White's mother, as she is a puritanical woman determined to turn Debbie into a good Christian girl, even if she has to beat the devil out of her to do it. The rest is pretty simple. Her flirtation with young Mr. Rinaldi quickly snowballs into the kind of obsession that leaves a trail of bodies in its wake. The predictable ending is something of a let-down, but this is for the most part a darn good movie. Some of the peripheral characters could have used some building up, especially the detectives investigating the big fire and slowly putting two and two together; it's hard to take two guys seriously when all they do is quiz each other on the spellings and definitions of difficult words. Really, though, this movie comes down to two characters, and we do get to know each of them pretty well. The fact that Rinaldi can resist Debbie's increasingly forward advances makes him either a sort of superman or an incredible fool. As for Debbie, we get a pretty good handle on her early on, long before we learn all of her secrets - these secrets, plus the unfriendly reaction toward her by certain people, actually make her a sympathetic character of sorts. The story sort of plays it loose early on, but once the climactic buildup for the conclusion begins forming, this story of obsession, love, and derangement shifts into overdrive and takes us down cinematic curves that leave us screaming with excitement despite the imminent danger always there in front of our eyes. Take away those stupid vocabulary quizzes by the two detectives, and I would probably have given this film five stars. Even if this were the worst film ever made, though, it would still be worth watching just for Rose McGowan. She is simply stunning in this motion picture, exhibiting acting skills that nearly approximate the depth of her unique beauty. Believe me: evil never looked so good.
Rating:  Summary: You'd have more fun watching a fish tank. Review: The only reason this movie has such a high star rating is because there are so many people out there who actually like Rose McGowan. If you are one of the sane, stay away from this movie! And don't listen to the people who call it a thiller/horror because it isn't; it's soft porn. Really bad soft porn. The plot is shiftless, boring, unorignal and the only time it is really interesting is when some skin is shown--and even that is done badly. Everything in this flick is lacking. Do yourself a favor and ignore the other reviewers; they spent the entire movie looking at Rose's chest.
Rating:  Summary: A great Rose McGowan Movie...that's it! Review: The ONLY thing I liked about this movie was the DELIGHTFUL performance from the REAL Scream Queen- Rose McGowan. (Come on, who cares if Jamie LEe Curtis starred in so many movies? Rose is dating Marilyn Manson- now THAT'S scary!) The plot was pretty original and the deaths were interesting yet not surprising. Overall, it is a movie that belongs to the 80's B Horror Movie Crypt...or at least B+/A-
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie Review: This is another one of my favorites also including The Rage Carrie 2. This movie deals with a girl who if gets pushed to far goes out of control. Rose McGowan was wonderful for this part. She was innocent, sexy, loving, but in a way lethal. I would recommend this movie. This movie isn't really a horror film more of a thrilling one. The school parts are great, but when Rose get's pushed to far with her strict grandmother things start to get tough. Rose McGowan would be a perfect teenager, but just for one thing is how people just use her. You see her emotions during the ending of the film which are surprising and quite sad, but it worked out well.
Rating:  Summary: I love Rose Mcgowan! Review: This movie could best be described as being in the middle of a really bad movie and a really good movie. I think the difference is all in the film quality and lack of character development. There are no hollywood recipes for success here which makes it all the better. This is not the type of movie that most people would pay attention to, but if you apreciate bmovies and the like, you will apreciate this one. It's like a well made bmovie, yea, thats it.