Rating:  Summary: A COLOURFUL, FUN-FILLED TRIBUTE Review: Disney may have set the standard for animation, but Warner Bros. also gave us some wonderfully kooky characters, most famously, Bugs Bunny, whom this lavish, fun-filled disc lovingly pays homage to. All the famous shorts are here, including many of the "wascally wabbit's" jousts with Marvin the Martian and everyone's favourite hard-luck hunter, Elmer Fudd. Best of all, the disc features some of the lesser-known, (but no less classic) 'toons Bugs starred in, many of which have rarely been seen, (due to propaganda concerns), since WWII, as well as some interesting, behind-the-scenes documentary footage that examines the material from a historical perspective. Some may find the 136-minute running time excessive, but for fans of classic animation this is a treasure-trove of riches.
Rating:  Summary: Intense and smooth as a good cocktail Review: For the pluses: 1. This movie has an excellent sense of timing 2. The supporting cast is first rate 3. The dialogue is sharp and interesting. For the minuses: 1. Beatty's ever-present good-natured smirk makes his character appear less dangerous than he actually was 2. There was surprisingly very little romance between Ben and Virginia, so it was just a little unclear what created the obvious spark between them. Overall, a very good film depicting a different kind of mob we're used to see (e.g. Casino) and a believable depiction of a man with a Dream.
Rating:  Summary: best movie ever Review: Hell YEAH Bugsy is totally the best movie since The Godfather(1,2 & 3)!!!! It may not be better (you can't get better then The Godfather) but it is atleast just as good! Bugsy rocks!
Rating:  Summary: What Can I Say? It's Perfect! Review: I can't remember the last time I rented a movie sat down and enjoyed a picture as much as I did with this one. Just renting it yesterday I'm left with one thing to say: ABSOLUTELY PERFECT! I'm not really a Warren Beatty fan. I enjoy his work in some films but not all of them. While I thought he turned in a good performance I have to admit I was much more taken with the performances by Annette Benning,Harvey Keitel,Joe Mantegna,and of course Ben Kingsley. A perfect ensemble of characters all directed very stylishly by Barry Levinson. Not to mention a screenplay equally as effective. This movie just isn't for fans of "mob" movies,but more so for people who enjoy watching great movies in general. Keep your eyes on the prodution and costumes designs which deservingly won Oscars. A feast for the eyes of movie lovers!
Rating:  Summary: One of the Best... Review: I heartily agree w/ the above: "Bugsy" is as good as "The Godfather"...I'm partial to mob films featuring non-italian ethnic groups such as "Once Upon A Time..."(Jewish), "State of Grace"(Irish), "Miller's Crossing"(Irish),etc...Warren Beatty gives an oscar caliber performance as Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel, Murder Inc's hot-headed enforcer and prolific lady's man. Beatty's portrayal of Siegel's legendary, volcanic temper tantrums are incredible. Harvey Kietel's portrayal of the brash, West-Coast heist artist Mickey Cohen is a pleasant supprise as well. I think one weakness is that at times Beatty's demeanor comes off a little too "human" (for lack of better word)...the real Bugsy was a sociopath who specialized in "rape and murder", according to a recent biography. At time's it's a bit of a strech between between w.a.s.p.y. Warren Beatty and the real Bugsy: an unrefined street kid from the tenaments of Brooklyn.
Rating:  Summary: again, no Oscar for Warren?!?! Review: I loved this film! It is crime drama at it's best and Warren Beatty's best performance since "Reds".
Rating:  Summary: The Wooden Mob Review: Key components to this movie - 1, The Mob 2, LV 3, Seigel&Hill 4, Beatty&Bening The screen play is of the highest calibre, with a detailed retelling of the Seigel story. Further the acting of certain characters is excellent, Harvey Keitel and Ben Kingsley. Sadly I fear Beatty's performance falls, at times, into slapstick - more of the vein of Stallone in "Oscar" than one of the most feared players of Murder Inc. I summary I'd say if you are a fan of the genre watch this movie despite Beatty, and if you are a fan of Beatty watch this movie despite the genre!
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Review: Pros: *Warren Beatty was as cool acting and looking as it gets. *Harvey Keitel was BRILLIANT(as always.)Especially when he gets angry. *Anette Benning was terrific.Very convincing. *The movie's got that sweet Italian-mob atmosphere in it. Cons: *Might be a little confusing. The bottomline:You should definitely see it.This is one of the movies that you would brag about watching it in front of others.
Rating:  Summary: Average At Best Review: Saw Bugsy yesterday and after 14 years of being released, it doesnt hold up. Beatty isnt bad as Bugsy Siegel, in fact he actually does a very good job IMO. Benning on the other hand, i could not tolerate her character at all, and kept wondering why someone as clever as BUgsy would let a Harlet let Benning be his downfall.
Ben Kingsley and Harvey Keitel are excellent as always with every film. The set design is beautfiul, but i wont give Barry Levinson points for that. He has been working on the set for over 20 years if you go back to "Diner" and such movies.
The violence in this film is badly filmed as well. A fight between Bugsy and Johny A is horribly filmed and for the most part the sounds of the punches/knees dont match up and it doesnt even look like Bugsy is hitting him.
Plot wise, I kept waiting for more. No mob violence, no huge plot arcs, no character development. You could see the ending coming a mile away even if you didnt know the history of Bugsy. IMO Bugsy came across as a medicore talented man. I think his "vision" is played up too much. Hes easily wrecked by some two bit tramp and he has no feet grounded in reality. My only dissappointment is that when he gets his in the end, Benning isnt right there to get it with him.
And upon hearing Bugsy is dead, Bennings character actually goes into tears. All this after she has stolen 2 Million in Bugsy's and mob money. Yeah I feel sorry for her.
Goodfella's this aint.
Rating:  Summary: A cinematic masterpiece! It's what movies should be. Review: The sets, costumes, cars, clothes, hairstyles, and music were perfectly chosen to take you back to Los Angeles in the 40's. Nuff said. The dialogue was absolutely brilliant and Ms. Benning's performance is reminiscent of the glamour, style, and crassness that i'm sure was characteristic of many of the Hollywood actresses of the day. I remember thinking when I saw her... Now that's a movie star! And her delivery of many of the classic one liners was fabulous. Unfortunately I couldn't repeat the vulgarity online but it was classic. Barry Levinson's direction is as always fabulous. His use of camera angles, lighting, depth of field, setup, and overlays was perfect. The scene where Ms Benning first comes over to Bugsy's house was beyond perfectly shot. I would also highly recommend Avalon and Mr Levinson's television work Homicide for quality viewing. Warren Beatty's performance as Bugsy Siegel was masterful. It's hard to imagine that someone as complex as apparently Bugsy was could be personified so flawlessly. Bugsy was a man of many passions. How one man could be so brutal yet compassionate, stylish yet crude, brilliant but foolish, selfish yet concerned is amazing. And Beatty brings all those elements to his portrayal of Bugsy. An incredibly complex individual. Just check it out. You won't be disappointed. One of my 10 favorite films of all time!