Rating:  Summary: gorillas in the mist Review: just wonderful, can't leave the screen, would watch it more then once or twice
Rating:  Summary: Powerful Review: Sigourney Weaver is excellent in this movie. But to me it was an introduction to Dian Fossey, a woman with great courage, confiction and commitment. Some people say she was weird. To me I can only have the deepest respect for her. Without her there would be no Mountain Gorilla's anymore. It is time, long overdue, that people wake up. This movie reminded me what humans do in this world. Dian Fossey payed deerly for who she was. Get the movie and ask yourself what you can do.
Rating:  Summary: A PASSIONATE DREAM EXECUTED Review: Sigourney Weaver is startling as the overly passionate DianFossey, the woman who left behind her life in the U.S. to live in themountains of Rwanda with the mountain gorillas. Fossey was murdered,although the murder remains unsolved. Speculation is that poachersmurdered her, or that the government of Rwanda was so irritated withher that they had her murdered. Whatever the case, Fossey was achampion for the highly endangered silverback mountain gorillas, andthis biopic illustrates her life, her work and her passion. Fosseybasically sacrificed everything in her life, up to and including herlife, for this cause. In fact you could not really call it a"cause" since it went so much further and deeper than acause. Fossey lived among the gorillas, and some say that she wentcrazy. Perhaps so, but she loved her work and died for it. Thecinematography here is beautiful, and the scenes of gorillas are atonce stunning and, in the more horrible scenes with poachers chasingthem, disturbing. I have to admit that I cried more than once in thecourse of the film.
Rating:  Summary: Sigourney Weaver Shines Review: Sigourney Weaver was nominated for an Oscar for this film, and should have won it. This is one of the finest portayals of passion bordering on obsession in film history. Weaver portrays Dian Fossey in a story that sticks pretty close to reality. Fossey, who was an amateur naturalist (as were Charles Darwin and Gregor Mendel), persuades (almost coerces) world-renowned archaeologist Louis Leakey into sponsoring her on an expedition to find, count, and study the mountain gorillas of Rwanda in central Africa. Thus begins Fossey's crusade to study and protect these gentle giants. She has to oppose farmers who want the land for farming, government bureaucrats who don't understand the needs of the gorillas, and poachers, and she will do ANYTHING to protect the gorillas, including staging a mock lynching of a poacher and going along with/feeding the natives' belief that she is a witch. Fossey ended up being murdered, and the movie implies that the poachers did it. Evidence found after the movie was made points in another direction, but that doesn't change the effectiveness of the film.Sigourney Weavers captures the passion bordering on obsession of Fossey who, along with Jane Goodall and Birutai Galdecas-Brind'Amour (I know I butchered the spelling there, and apologize) added to our knowledge of primates as no one else has. These three devoted women lived side-by-side with their subjects (mountain gorillas, chimpanzees, and orangutans, respectively), and completely changed our understanding of the animals they studied. Hurray for them and for Weaver and this film for documenting and portraying this passion!
Rating:  Summary: Sigourney Weaver Shines Review: Sigourney Weaver was nominated for an Oscar for this film, and should have won it. This is one of the finest portayals of passion bordering on obsession in film history. Weaver portrays Dian Fossey in a story that sticks pretty close to reality. Fossey, who was an amateur naturalist (as were Charles Darwin and Gregor Mendel), persuades (almost coerces) world-renowned archaeologist Louis Leakey into sponsoring her on an expedition to find, count, and study the mountain gorillas of Rwanda in central Africa. Thus begins Fossey's crusade to study and protect these gentle giants. She has to oppose farmers who want the land for farming, government bureaucrats who don't understand the needs of the gorillas, and poachers, and she will do ANYTHING to protect the gorillas, including staging a mock lynching of a poacher and going along with/feeding the natives' belief that she is a witch. Fossey ended up being murdered, and the movie implies that the poachers did it. Evidence found after the movie was made points in another direction, but that doesn't change the effectiveness of the film. Sigourney Weavers captures the passion bordering on obsession of Fossey who, along with Jane Goodall and Birutai Galdecas-Brind'Amour (I know I butchered the spelling there, and apologize) added to our knowledge of primates as no one else has. These three devoted women lived side-by-side with their subjects (mountain gorillas, chimpanzees, and orangutans, respectively), and completely changed our understanding of the animals they studied. Hurray for them and for Weaver and this film for documenting and portraying this passion!
Rating:  Summary: gorillas in the mist Review: This is a stunning film, in terms of cinematography, subject, and acting. Weaver is phenomenal, her best performance yet. The honest depiction of Fossey makes the film more amazing. It is a heart-wrenching account of the protection of the mountain gorilla and should be viewed by everyone.
Rating:  Summary: Honest, beautiful, and tragic. Review: This is a stunning film, in terms of cinematography, subject, and acting. Weaver is phenomenal, her best performance yet. The honest depiction of Fossey makes the film more amazing. It is a heart-wrenching account of the protection of the mountain gorilla and should be viewed by everyone.
Rating:  Summary: Gorillas in the Mist Review: This is the real life story of Dian Fossey, a woman with passion and conviction who dared to live her dreams. Weaver does an exceptional job of bringing the character to life and is very convincing as the gorilla-loving mountain lady. It is wonderful to watch the transition of the character from the beginning of the movie and see how she develops into the obsessed anger-driven person at the end. Right or wrong in her efforts to save the gorillas, this movie is truly an inspiration for anyone with courage and passion.