Rating:  Summary: Utter Waste of Time Review: I don't even know where to begin here. I will start off by asking "WHY are there so many GOOD reviews for this movie?!" Was anybody paying attention to this thing? It was bad. I mean really bad. This is the 2nd move to ever really anger me. The first being "Dude, Where's My Car?"When I saw the trailer for this movie I was excited, although I didn't get around to seeing it in the theater. So when a couple friends had said they rented it and were going to watch it, I was all for it. We put in the DVD and away we went. Hours later, we were cursing the movie, Sean Penn, and how it was nothing but a big waste of time. Not only was the story and content of the movie pointless, but technically it was very bad. It consisted of horrible editing and pointless shots. At one point there is a slow zoom in on this camera in the interrogation room as if to say "HEY! LOOK!!! There's this other camera still here... see it... you see it?... you still see it?" They try and point out things that anyone over the age of 5 would already notice. There were also pointless "creative" type direction trying to be pulled out of this movie which just ended up being crap. If you want to watch a truely great director, watch Sam Raimi flicks. That is real style, of which Sean Penn lacks. He should stick to acting. So after the movie we end up checking out the movie trailer for the film to see what on Earth possessed us to want to watch such a BAD movie. The trailer misleads the viewer in a major way. So much so, that I bet someone could sue, which is what's happening as of this writing with "The Animal". I curse Sean Penn and everyone else associated with this movie. If horrible movies like this can be made then I think I've just about had it with movies in general.
Rating:  Summary: Not for the average movie-goer Review: I was sadly disappointed by this film. There's an amazing amount of talent that was involved in it, and I had very different expectations. I admit, I'm a sucker for Hollywood endings and neatly packaged films. However, I also like movies that explore characters rather than follow a strong plotline. This film was a character study. The serial killer plot was really secondary to the psychological exploration of Jack Nicholson's character. However, as is a real danger with this type of movie, I found it to be excruciatingly slow and unsatisfying. Penn teases you repeatedly, making you believe that there will be a conclusion, that the killer will be caught (or at least, will kill again), then never satisfies you. By the time the movie ended, I was frustrated and saddened. If you're just looking for a two hour escape from life, you probably won't enjoy this film..
Rating:  Summary: excellence Review: Penn will be remembered for this film. This is Nicholson's best work in years, this makes you remember what a consummate professional and truly gifted and rare talent Nicholson is. His character is built with a deference to language and balanced with a stunning physical presence. The metaphors are layered with a subtlety and grace that simply does not exist in most Hollywood features today. This is a film that explores a life stripped to its morrow. The wet side of the bottom of a rock, that we all know is there, but prefer to ignore. Excellent supporting role from Robin Wright Penn, the rest of the cast is adequate as well, including Tom Noonan and Bennico delTorro, however Nicholson's performance is frankly so engrossing, the rest of the cast seem little more than relief sculpture. Rusty Metty
Rating:  Summary: The way a movie should be Review: This film is brilliant......a powerful story and a twisting plot with plenty of who dunnit....The ending will leave you unerved....Sean Penn is a genius
Rating:  Summary: A true gem in a long list of Lackluster movies Review: In January, 2001, some had grown tired of the pitiful attempts at cinematics which had found itself present in the vast majority of films released in the final quarter of 2000. And then "The Pledge," came along. The movie, which stars Jack Nicholson (and features appearences by Benicio del Toro and Robin Wright Penn), is, quite simply, the most amazing work of genius I've ever seen. Its avant-garde shades of depression and a growing insanity hold the viewer tight for the entire film. Sean Penn (as director), bravely paints his picture using the most glowing and irredescent shades of emotion that have ever been put on film. Several parts in the film (including the aptly titled "Gone Fishin'" scene) have imagery that is so beatiful and free it brings a tear to one's eye. To go along with this amazing work of art comes another: the sountrack. It is graced with the hands of Wazimbo, an African trance-music god (composing the films greatest song, "Nwahulwana.) The verdict: Truly the absolute greatest movie ever made by man, showing the contrast of happiness that grows to the insecurities of onesself, dealing with his promise to Mrs. Larsen that he will find her missing daughter.
Rating:  Summary: The Plede, Unusual and New Review: I've read numerous reviews on The Pledge. Usually reviews have similar content between each other; this is not the case of The Pledge. I've read reviews that say they love the movie, and others that say that it's boring and maybe too long and many people where unhappy with the end of the movie. But there's something similar I found on every review (with what I agree), Jack Nicholson performance is outstanding. So I decided to watch the movie. The Pledge is about a drunk/retired police (played by Jack Nicholson) who makes a promise on finding the murder of a little girl. Even though retired, Jerry Black (the former policeman) continues his search for the murder of this little girl, believing that it is a serial murder. After watching the movie I had some things clear. First, Jack Nicholson's performance is really outstanding (but again, that's something Jack has us used to). Also I believe it's a good movie, which maybe wont be so enjoyable for the ones who are waiting for a police/action/drama movie. I believe the Sean Penn (the director) could've give more to the movie, I think that Sean tried it to be more of a suspense movie, but for many this intent of suspense made of the movie a little slow. I recommend this movie for the ones who liked psychological dramas. About the ending of the movie. To be honest: yes, it made me unhappy. But I think that's actually the best thing of the movie, because it's something you don't expect and it's new. The keyword is new, with no doubt and unusual ending for an unusual movie. This is good considering that for the last years we've been watching movies that seem more like remakes of old ones. The pledge is a new and unusual movie to watch.
Rating:  Summary: An engrossing and powerful drama Review: As a film lover who has despaired of seeing Jack Nicholson ever giving a fine performance again, I can happily report that his handling of the role of Jerry Black in this film is exceptionally fine. Not that 'The Pledge' is a star vehicle, despite his name appearing over the title. The writers and director (Sean Penn) have crafted an excellent film which is part thriller, part psychological drama. Nevada cop Jerry Black is only hours from retirement when he promises the mother of a murder victim that he will track down her young daughter's killer. Over the next two hours we travel with him on a journey of uncertainty as he probes deeply into other related murders (despite the case being officially closed), and even in retirement comes uncomfortably close to another potential victim. The director and writers here wisely avoid two massive cliches that were waiting to happen, namely 'the weary cop striving to crack his last case before retirement', and 'the cop with a hunch failing to convince his sceptical superiors.' They instead tell a very different story, which far from being depressing, is gripping and keeps the audience guessing until the final scenes. Sean Penn has done a superb job in involving the audience in this ultimately poignant and tragic film, and has been rewarded with wonderful performances from Nicholson, Robin Wright Penn, and several other famous actors in small but critical roles (hardly cameos, as their involvement is crucial to the plot). These include fine parts for Helen Mirren, Vanessa Redgrave and Harry Dean Stanton, a superb performance from Mickey Rourke, and a bizarre one from Benicio del Toro, who is sadly underused. The DVD looks superb: a crystal clear and vivid anamorphic 2.35:1 image, which shows off the breathtaking photography of rural Nevada. Virtually a state-of-the-art transfer, in fact. The use of the camera is very imaginative throughout, and the editing is crisply compelling. The sound is also excellent. There are no explosions, car chases or shoot-outs in this film, so the soundtrack merely has to support the excellent dialogue and eclectic music score, and succeeds on every level. Apart from the trailer and cast profiles there are no extras. Sean Penn has made an outstanding film, and with so much dross currently being released by Hollywood, I strongly recommend this DVD to all lovers of powerful cinema.
Rating:  Summary: First rate work. Review: An excellent film that looks superb on DVD, I hope that this latest work by Sean Penn gets a wider audience now than it did in its theatrical release. I'm not overly optimistic though; the wonderful performances, with Nicholson outstanding, serve to reinforce the grim subject matter, and lend a reality that many will find too much to bear. I very much enjoyed this film, and recommend it to viewers who appreciate fine acting and storytelling. Just don't expect easy answers and an ending that warms the heart. Sean Penn is one talented dude!
Rating:  Summary: Amazing film, not too great DVD. Review: This is a 5 star film that is by far the best film of 2001 so far, 2nd best being Memento. The DVD has great sound, and a decent picture. Besides the film there is nothing on the DVD really. If you just want the film, this is the best version so far of course but I was hoping for a little more on the SPECIAL FEATURES. Besides my gripe with the lack of stuff on this DVD, the FILM is fantastic. If you see more films in an art house than a mainstream junk theater, this is the film for you. Film = *****/***** DVD= ***/***** If you liked the film, or want to see it, it is still worth getting since the film is one of the best in years, and most different.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best and most powerful films of the year Review: This was the first excellent film of the year for me. It was a stunning bolt of filmaking from Indian Runner and Crossing Guard director Sean Penn and was acted intensely well by Jack Nicholson. The effect hasn't changed now that it's on the small screen. Penn brings a intricate and sprwaling thriller of a story about a retiring detective, played with calm yet fierceness by Nicholson, who makes a promise to the mother of a child who was killed to find the killer. This leads him into a journey into another woman's life (Wright-Penn) and trying to make sure her daughter doesn't suffer a similar fate. Penn doesn't pounce on his chances to thrill and ponder like other directors do, but presents them in a way that will well up fright up until the shocking end. Nicholson is equally exceptional in one of his best recent roles.