Rating:  Summary: Shocked at the number of bitter reviews Review: I am floored by the vitriol that has been hurled at this film. First, let me state that I am a student of literature and highly prize Nathaniel Hawthorne as one of America's treasured authors. It is perhaps unfortunate that the people involved with this project chose to closely identify it with The Scarlet Letter. That said, if one were to change the title and the names of all the characters---which would be difficult given the device of the scarlet A----I cannot imagine that the reviews below would not be very different: this is a very good, simply told, beautifully photographed story with excellent performances by all of the cast but particularly by Ms. Moore, Mr. Oldman and Mr. Duval. All of the criticisms levelled at this film could also be applied to a similar adaptation of a classic American story, "Sleepy Hollow." That film, however, received (at last count) 465 reviews on Amazon with an average of 4.5 stars. I urge you to see this film and judge it on its own merits.
Rating:  Summary: Gary Oldman!... Review: As a huge Gary Oldman fan, of course i enjoyed the movie. Though it deviates from the novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne, which is not neccarily a bad thing mind you, it still holds itself together rather well. Gary Oldman's acting is the highlight of the film, and though Demi Moore etc, all do a decent job, Gary Oldman shines out is a touching and fresh take on Arthur Dimsdale. Whereas in the novel i felt less of a connection to the characters, by the end of the film i was in tears, though the ending of the novel is better-though no so happy, I still feel that the film version works very well, keeping somewhat true to the novel, and offering up a perhaps more entertaining take on the Hawthorne classic.
Rating:  Summary: Oldman does it again! Review: Not a big fan of Romance movies, but a sucker for anything Oldman stars in, I bought this DVD without ever having read the first thing about it. And once more? I cannot say I was dissappointed.The story is about Hester Prynne (Demi Moore), a young wife who travels to the new world to prepare for her husband's arrival. She ends up in a conservative community, who are rather shocked with her modern ways of dealing with certain things. When Hester's husband travels to the new world, he is believed to be murdered by the Indians. She falls in love with the Reverend Dimmsdale (Oldman), whose feelings match hers. Out of their love, a child is conceived. However, since her husband hasn't been proven dead, the child is seen by the community as being born out of wedlock. The conservative and very religious communion demands Hester to name the father of the child, which she denies. She's locked up in prison and has her baby there, while Dimmsdale is torn over whether to step forward as the baby's father. Hester then is freed but ordered to walk around town wearing a Scarlet Letter 'A', which is meant to belittle her whereever she goes. Shortly after the child is born, her husband (Robert Duvall) suddenly reappears, and tries to incite the indians (whom he befriended) to act against the community. Single-handedly, he manages to offset the fragile peace that was between the two peoples. Moore doesn't do too bad of a job as Hester, Duvall is good as the husband, but Oldman still manages to steal the show. All in all, even though I don't enjoy romances, the movie managed to keep me amused.
Rating:  Summary: Don't think of comparing the book and this movie. Review: Before I begin writing this review, it must be made clear that this critique is based not on the movie's relevance to the classic novel, but on it's own story. To attempt to compare the novel and the film is quite absurd; within the first three minutes, it is clear that the script takes an entirely different approach. But, if you can suspend disbelief and the plot of the novel, and view the movie with a clear and open mind, then Roland Joffe's rendition of the Hawthorne work is a credible film. Big-name actors play the characters, and cinematography, set design and music are all able to carry the movie on their shoulders. Demi Moore is Hester Prynne, who is condemned to bear the weight of the letter "A" on her bosom for adulterous acts, and later refusing to disclose the name of her fellow sinner. Gary Oldman portrays the hypocritical Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale, who must keep his crimes a secret in order to watch over Hester's well-being. Robert Duvall plays the sinister Roger Prynne, whose presence creates an overbearing wave of tension for Hester and Arthur. The movie begins with an Indian burial of the high chief, whose death is laid at the hands of the Puritan newcomers; Dimmesdale is the only one they trust. Soon, a new wave of immigrants arrives at the colony, among them being a beautiful young woman named Hester. No sooner does she arrive that she starts creating scandals around the towm: locating a house for herself on her own and purchasing a bathing tub that soon has everyone talking (remember, these are Puritans we're talking about). One day, while tending to her garden, she spies a small red robin which leads her deep into the woods to a river, where she watches a handsome man bathing. On her way to church that day, her cart gets stuck in the woods, and she is offered help from that same man, who turns out to the Reverend Dimmesdale. This starts a game of stolen glances and lustful thoughts, until Hester's husband is soon believed to be dead in an Indian attack. The two lovers make love that same night, bringing about Hester's pregnancy and incarceration for adultery. She refuses to disclose his name; he wants her to in order to suffer with her. Upon the birth of her baby girl, Pearl, she is branded with the scarlet letter and becomes the target of public shame. And when her presumed dead husband comes to town under a new identity, things can only get worse as he begins his search for the man who he believes ruined his marriage. And there you have it: a story with the skeleton of the novel and new muscles to work with. All in all, this is not a terrible story; there are some instances of disbelief, but not enough of them to keep it from failing as a good story. The Indian subplot seems a bit stretched, but that is the case with a lot in the film, so better to stretch everything at once than one thing at a time. Actors give good performances, even if their accents seem a bit muddled. Moore is a superb Prynne, embodying the true courage that the character possesses. Oldman makes a good Dimmesdale, but his performance could be a bit better in places. Duvall is truly marvelous as Roger, and he succeeds in making us hate the character that brings nothing but mayhem to the lives of the colonists. Bottom line: give it a try; you'll find it's really not that bad.
Rating:  Summary: Scarlet Letter Review: Although the movie veered off from where the book went, I found that, differently from the book, the movie focused more on the intimacy between Hester and Dimmsdale (which for the hopeless romantics out there like me-- is a perk!) I loved the actor who plays Dimmsdale and Demi Moore comes through with a strong performace as well.
Rating:  Summary: Letter "S" for sizzling! Review: Demi Moore is an early American colonist who loses her husband in a Native American attack. She seeks a new soulmate with the town doctor. She gets pregnant out of wedlock which is deemed sinful by the colony & is branded for her adultery by being forced to wear the scarlet letter "A" everywhere she goes. And to make matters worse, her husband wasn't killed in the attack & he seeks revenge on the man who got his wife pregnant.
Rating:  Summary: What a Waste of My TIME!! Review: This movie was absolutely horrible. There's not a better word to describe this so call movie. There are many problems with this film. Let's start with the acting. Demi Moore has no business acting! She couldn't act to save her Life. The others are ok, but Moore being the main character absolutely ruined the film. Why can't these Hollywood people get a real actress instead of a celebrity personality is beyond me. Second, the plot was so idiotic. The book actually has meaning, and contrary to other people beliefs, this is an extremely profound book. This film's plot lacks any meaning or nuances. To Butcher a classis like this is unforgivable. Should have been -5 stars P.S. Demi Moore needs acting lessons.
Rating:  Summary: Hauntingly provocative Review: I've avoided this movie for the longest time because Demi Moore was in it. Isn't that silly? Even though I've enjoyed many of her movies, I just couldn't believe that a movie this important with her in it would receive the historic treatment it deserved. I could not have been more wrong. I was deeply engrossed from the first scene, and could not tear myself away. Demi herself is amazing, but the screenplay and the scenery, the production and the details pulled me right into the story and would not let me go until the very last scene -- and I absolutely loved the ending! This is an amazing work of art -- and I'm glad I finally had a chance to see it. Once I had, I knew I had to add it to my library -- a collection of what I consider to be only the best representations of our culture and our history.
Rating:  Summary: Folks, you all missed the boat...Gary Oldman is the Star... Review: This is an excellent movie, which actually brings alive a book that could be used as a doorstop. I read the Scarlet Letter in high school and it was abismal. Other than my high school professor's undying faith in the book, nothing was exciting about this novel. While there are a lot of inconsistencies in the DVD vs. the novel, it was entertaining. Gary Oldman clearly carries the piece, while Demi is just along for entertainment value. You need to see with for Gary Oldman's portrayal of the character. I imagine that he was trying disgusted by the ending being changed, since he is a competent actor. I definitely would not take this as the "Cliff's notes" version for those in high school, but it was worth seeing for Gary Oldman. You may also like Dracula. Gary Oldman is the vehicle behind many a good movie.
Rating:  Summary: garbage Review: The scarlet letter is a bunch of garbage and nobody should ever have to read the book. Thank God for the movie.