Rating:  Summary: Shallow and Unfilling Review: BODY SHOTS is the kind of film that, probably, speaks to a generation. The real question is, "What is it saying?"A group of four males and four females (Amanda Peet, Tara Reid, Sean Patrick Flannery, Jerry O'Connell, and more) get together for a night on the town, and, as is rarely the case in reality, all of them manage to 'hook up' (think 'sexually' here) in one way or another, but to what end? One part art film, one part twentysomething film, one part point of view testimonial film ... BODY SHOTS never answers any of the questions it poses, nor does it honestly attempt to. None of the principals appear to be even remotely committed to a serious exploration of relationships, and the characters randomly speak out of scenes directly to the audience ... trying to expound a view on relationships, intimacy, and ... well, just about everything. What's overwhelmingly disappointing is that four-fifths of the way into the film, an actual story develops, but the director and screenwriter have spent so much time exploring the nature of sex that there's little believability in such an 'engineered' situation. And, even the corner the filmmakers paint themselves into receives no resolution. Without one unifying voice to tie the disparate threads together, BODY SHOTS sadly ends up being about little more than 103 minutes of wasted film ... with some gratuitous sex throw in to keep you interested.
Rating:  Summary: poor brad Review: body shots played in only a handful of theatres and one can see why. not only is the story bad but the acting is terrible. brad rowe proves once again he cannot act and producers are obviously losing money on anyting they put brad rowe in. this is even worse acting by brad rowe than in wasteland.
Rating:  Summary: Body Shots Review: Foul language was use for its shock value rather than supporting the film. The plot was very jerkey and did not flow very well. It was so boreing that I could not finish watching it. It fails as a comedy and as a porn flick. Not sure what it was trying to accomplish. Truly a waste of money.
Rating:  Summary: NOT QUITE Review: I have the movie Body Shots it started out just about them having sex. About the middle of the movie the plot just changed It suddenly became about a mystery and trying to solve it. Great acting (Tara Reid, Amanda Peet) TERRIBLE ENDING does not even have an ending you expect the movie to start after the credits. I liked what they were doing with the movie at the beggining but then it got jumbled and confusing. If you like rape sex movies with bad plots then this movie is for you if not dont waste your time.
Rating:  Summary: ...to get in the mood for a night of hard partying... Review: I love this movie. Not only do you get to see Tara Reid naked (not only naked but hardcore grinding on Jerry O'Connell), you get to see these actors boozing like all self-respecting ex-fratboys do. Thanks for giving me a new movie to psych me up for getting wasted. Less than Zero gets old after 200 times...or does it?
Rating:  Summary: Interesting Movie... Review: I recently saw this film, and I was pleasantly surprised with it. I agree with other postings about the film not catering to the average person. The movie is a fantasy land of super hot women, buff and hot guys and rich yuppies, but what it does touch on are some of the 'issues'-(sex, love, relationships, fitting in, happiness, friends) that are universal to everyone. I do agree with other postings that alcohol abuse and drugs are key themes of this movie too and seem to get overshadowed by the date rape angle. And...Like other so called generation movies, this movie seems to focus on the "hard partying, superficial, yuppyized twenty somethings of the generation, and not the average person. Having lived through my 20's in the Los Angeles Area and having experienced some nights eerily similar to the night portrayed in this movie...I could actually relate. Yes the characters portrayed are shallow, wild, and make insane choices that seem utterly impossible to most people, but what I got out of this movie is kind of what I got out of my experiences with my friends in my 20's when we would hit up the LA Clubs. We too were young, shallow, mis-guided, wild, and desperately trying to figure ourselves out. I think anyone...who hasn't been a complete boyscout or nun all their lives, can at least relate to that.
Rating:  Summary: Empty and Shallow Review: I rented this movie because It was from the screenwriter of American History X. American History X was one of the deepest, shocking, and terrifyingly relistic movies I've ever seen. I was looking into this film for a bit, but I never did rent it, one night though, I did, and went into it with very high hopes. However, right off at the first five minutes of the film, I could tell that this was not going to be half as good. When the film ended, I was extremely dissapointed. From someone who wrote American History X and went on to write this, I can't believe it. Not only does this film pale in comparision, it's altogether sloppily made, full of shallow situations and undeveloped characters. I still can't believe this screenwriter. American History X was one of those films that stays with the viewer for many days after viewing. This film is so forgetable that I don't even remember the character's names. The movie dosen't exactly start out very smoothly either. In the opening scene, we are shown a girl's aftermath after she got raped. The movie then abandons this for the next 45 minutes and goes to the night before, breifly introducing the characters. When I say breifly, I mean it. We only get segments of each of the characters here, there is barely, if any character development. American History X built up it's characters extremely well. Here, there is pretty much nothing behind any of the characters. We only get to hear their inane comments about sex, and that's about it. The movie then shows the characters going to a club. There's about four girls, four guys, etc. They all meet, seem to know each other, and one of the girls goes with the craziest guy, and (gasp!) she gets raped. However, the film drags so much and barely gets into any of the characters, that it doesn't even give a sense of reality to the viewer. You can't feel sorry for undeveloped characters. The movie then goes on to a he said she said portrayal, leaving the viewer to want to turn the movie off. I still can't believe this is from the screenwriter of American History X. The fact that this is his follow up to it is so underwhelming, that it's unbelieved. He even knows he's running into trouble with the script, so he puts in things to try and keep the viewer's attention. He includes a fist fight between one of the characters and a bouncer over a pushing dispute, and he even includes unneeded sex scenes including handcuffs and other various "tie ups". This feels unneeded and only bogs the pace of the film from actually having a main plot. The end result is a bunch of segments not leading to anything at all. Just a waste of time and a disapointed viewer. This isn't the worst movie I've ever seen, so i'll give it two stars, however, it is probaly the most underwhelming movie i've ever seen. From a really promsing screenwriter too, it's such a shame..........
Rating:  Summary: My New Favourite Movie Review: i rented this movie the day it came out on video.. i know the movie flopped in theatres, but that may just be because the reviewers are old and not in tune with the younger generation.. i'm 21, and i found this movie very truthful.. alot of what was going on in the movie IS happening in real life.. the dialogue they used was also very acurate.. i loved it.. plain & simple..
Rating:  Summary: Worst Movie Ever Review: I saw this movie in the movie theatre and was disgusted by it. I think it is hands down the worst movie I have ever seen. This movie doesn't even deserve one star. Don't waste your money or your time watching this.
Rating:  Summary: Does not deliver Review: I saw this on the big screen and I was very disappointed. The producers were going for a film which would leave it's audience questioning their own views on sex and love, but it did not. Throughout the movie the cast remarked about life, love and sex trying to sound profound but succeeding in sounding fickle. The most interesting part, and the reason I gave it 2 stars, was the way the cast protrayed the recollection of the same event by two different people of the opposite sex. The film should have focussed on that plot and developed it further. The rest of the movie was actually a waste of time.