Rating:  Summary: Postman Rings Twice -- Jack and Jessica Ring up FIVE Review: A movie much overlooked by the critics simply as it was not the original; the fate of a remake! Jack and Jessica steamed the camera lens, dusted it with flour (see the film), cooking more than biscuits, giving a glimpse into the possibilities of the depravity of human existence. Sex and Violence drummed at a pace to shame most of today's movie industry output. Nicholson and Lange are completely natural to their portrayals causing one to wonder if they were acting at all. If they were acting, it was a preternatural performance; If they were not, it was a preternatural chemistry. A chemistry worth viewing! The story is timeless, cinematography is excellent, Direction is perfect and Jessica Lange is beautiful enough to be believed.
Rating:  Summary: Smoldering, sinister & sexy - stellar performances! Review: Agreed, it's not a classic - but I really enjoyed this. And I enjoyed it not just for the stunning performances by Nicholson and Lange. The whole movie had a hopeless, depression-era feel to it. I think this movie says that nobody is ALL bad. Granted, Frank comes close to it, but look what happens by the end of the movie. I think it's about second chances, and that there are 2 sides to everybody. And what's with all the "2"s in this movie? Twin Oaks had 2 signs. There were 2 cats, Frank had 2 women, Cora had 2 men. Nick was killed on their 2nd attempt. Two people were trying to expose Frank (D.A. and Kennedy). Two insurance companies. Two car accidents. Twice they swerved to avoid an oncoming car. Two deaths (Nick, Cora's mother). How many times does the postman ring? You get the idea. I think there's a message here. The ending was a total surprise for me.
Rating:  Summary: What happened to letterbox? Review: As much as I love this faithful version of James M. Cain's classic novel, this DVD is flawed and useless. Warner Brothers, who released the DVD, failed to include a letterbox side... What gives? Wasn't the whole point of creating DVD to make EVERYONE happy: the Pan And Scan People, as well as the Letterbox People? Wasn't it about choice? We've already seen what POSTMAN looks like Pan and Scan: LOUSY. The film was shot anamorphically(2.35:1 aspect ratio), so that means approximately 42% of the picture is still hiding inside your TV somewhere... POSTMAN hasn't ever been released in a letterbox format. So until it is, I wouldn't reccomend this DVD to anyone... ... unless NOT seeing what the director intended is your bag... END
Rating:  Summary: No letterbox option Review: Believe it or not, this dvd is not in letterbox format. I was surprised and very disappointed. This is a great film, moodily photographed and features outstanding performances by Jack Nicolson and Jessica Lange. This was Lange's breakthrough performance and finally shed her "King Kong" image. It is still a great film but this one begs to be shown in letterbox format. Why did they bother with this dvd?
Rating:  Summary: Good Film Noir. Rough, torrid sex and murder mystery. Review: Darn good Film-Noir if you've never seen the 1946 original. This version stars Jack Nicholson and Jessica Lange. Jack is a drifter who comes upon this backroad cafe. Here he meets Jessica Lange who is the wife of the owner of this cafe. She cooks, she serves and then has fast, rough, torrid and spontaneous sex with Jack. The sex scenes are way too hot for broadcast television and will be edited for content. So see this movie on DVD to see it all. This murder-mystery is fast-paced and has many twists and turns along the way. (Incidentally, Angelica Huston (the circus lady) and Jack Nicholson "knew" each other at the time)
Rating:  Summary: Good Film Noir. Rough, torrid sex and murder mystery. Review: Darn good Film-Noir if you've never seen the 1946 original. This version stars Jack Nicholson and Jessica Lange. Jack is a drifter who comes upon this backroad cafe. Here he meets Jessica Lange who is the wife of the owner of this cafe. She cooks, she serves and then has fast, rough, torrid and spontaneous sex with Jack. The sex scenes are way too hot for broadcast television and will be edited for content. So see this movie on DVD to see it all. This murder-mystery is fast-paced and has many twists and turns along the way. (Incidentally, Angelica Huston (the circus lady) and Jack Nicholson "knew" each other at the time)
Rating:  Summary: pleasently surprised Review: I actually enjoyed this movie. I agree with most of the previous comments. It's not a classic, and Jack certainly makes this movie come alive. The scenes look right out of a 40's black-and-white movie. The ending was a bit abrupt after all they went through together. "I want to have your baby Frank". Jack (Frank): "Well how about that. You want to have my baby". Don't expect too much, and you will be surprised. Jack bore those same kind of looks from the Shining.
Rating:  Summary: Dreadful! 0 starts would be better! Review: I am in awe how people can think that this rubbish is a classic film! I am never fond of "anti-hero" films at he best of times, but there is no one in this film I could possibly care about. This is a big mistake on the part of the writer and director. You have to have someone you can like and identify with - someone you can feel sorry for, at least, but in this film, you haven't got anyone! He is the dregs of society, she is trash. What are they actually trying to show here? Murder is OK, is it? I think not! Unnecessarily long! You could do the first hour and a half in ten minutes, and tat would still be too long! What is the point in the title? It has nothing to do with the story - well, maybe in a vague way at the end (when it finally and thankfully arrives!), but to me, it is out of place. Well acted? Well, yes...but these good actors are wasted on such a shallow and "waste of time and good money" movie. Avoid at all costs!
Rating:  Summary: It was a decent movie. Review: I enjoyed the movie. I didn't think it was Nickelson's best movie, but it is worth watching.
Rating:  Summary: Story Falls Short Review: I saw this movie hoping to see a steamy love story involving Jack Nicholson and Jessica Lange. It fell short to me. While the performances from Nicholson and Lange are both good, I thought the story just didn't back them up. Basically Nicholson, a con, wanders into this gas station/resturant where Lange is working, he thinks she is hot so he hangs around. Her husband is the owner and a good provider, but he and Lange don't have much in common. She hooks up with Jack(who is now working for them), things start to go wrong, and they end up on the wrong side of the law. To it's credit the end of the picture did surprise me. Nicholson can put a picture on his back and carry it, but in this case there is just not enough going on for him to do it. The movie is painfully slow and the characters while well acted are really not very interesting. Two stars for the two stars.