Rating:  Summary: A weak Julia Roberts [remake] Review: Lopez plays a waitress who marries her dream guy, only to find that he is cheating on her and will beat her whenever he feels like it. She decides to bolt with her daughter and he begins stalking her. Eventually she is told there is nothing the police can do and it will be up to her...hence the title of the movie....Billy Campbell was mildly entertaining as her husband a.k.a. the villain but that was about it. Lopez isn't that engaging of an actress and the movie is really hurt by that. Also the editing of the movie was just atrocious. Whoever thought to put up the different titles of the various sections (similar to what you would see in a Frasier episode) was an [dumb]. Any time the movie began to make any attempt at building tension, it was busted up by a black screen with a new title. Say enough is enough and don't see this one.
Rating:  Summary: Not "enough" of a movie Review: This Jennifer Lopez vehicle is certainly not one of the best films I've seen recently. Enough asks us to suspend disbelief in too many ways. First, I never believed Lopez as a mother. Her relationship with her "daughter" seemed more like that of a temporary caregiver than a permanent one. Also, Lopez, in her non-fictional incarnation, presents herself as someone who would never accept the abuse that her character is given here. And it is almost impossible to separate Lopez from her character. Billy Campbell, as her husband, is quite good, but he's in a film that doesn't allow him to shine. This is Lopez's show all the way and, while she makes the most of it, she does not show any of the charm or style that she did in films like Out of Sight (when she was still trying to win us over). Also appearing in creatively cast cameos are Fred Ward as Lopez's estranged father and Juliette Lewis as her best friend. Lopez plays an abused wife who decides to leave with her daughter and then fight back. The first half, which sets up the relationship and the abuse, is nearly laughable. It feels very much like a Lifetime movie-of-the-week. When she learns how to take her revenge, it picks up and the climax--with car chase and fist fight--is rather exciting. But then it end with really no resolution and we are left with little to remember, except a fine performance from Campbell and perhaps a few new defensive Krav Maga moves. Enough seems to me like the writer envisioned the climax and then built a story to go around it, as that part is by far the best developed and was obviously the primary motive of the screenwriter in the first place. It is merely an action scene with a message movie written around it.
Rating:  Summary: Is likely to remind you of a certain Julia Roberts movie.. Review: What are some things that make this movie different from SLEEPING WITH THE ENEMY? Well there is a child involved and also Julia Roberts never wasted time learning to fight hand to hand, she was smart and blew him away. Thats about it. This film is very close, but not as good as SLEEPING WITH THE ENEMY. I like Juliette Lewis (Lopez's devoted girlfriend in the film) but she's wasted in a thinkless role not worthy of her talent. The film might have been a little better if she took Jennifer Lopez's role on. Don't get me wrong I do think Jennifer Lopez is a fine actress. I also think that she should stick to movies like Selena, The Cell, The Wedding Planner, & Out of Sight. "Enough" had a degree of entertainment value, but falls under the catagory (no brainer). 3 stars is all I can give.
Rating:  Summary: A great thriller Review: I've haven't always wathched Jennifer lopez's movies so I was in impressed.It was so exicting watching it, you don't know what's going to happen.I would definitely recommend this to anybody. It's a great movie.
Rating:  Summary: fun Review: i love this movie.. especially the ending, i dont consider it a 5 star movie but i had to counter-act the unfair ratings its getting. as far as the "5 dumb" comments, this must be coming from somone who's never been abused before.. sure you can sit and watch a movie and point out everything thats wrong with the plot but you dont always do the "smart" thing when you're actually in that situation..I loved the fact that when she thought she had nothing, she reached down deep in herself and found that strength to live.. i loved this movie because it has the underdog as the hero
Rating:  Summary: I expected some more fun Review: Ok, when I wanted to see this movie,I knew it would be predictable,un-realistic, and a bit over-dramatic, but I didn't expect this turkey.I really think a good ol' lifetime movie is more entertaining than this junk.Jennifer Lopez is way too over-dramatic, and doesn't have enough sincerety to make this role believable.The plot is more retarded than anything that I could've imagined:This waitress meets this guy at her cafe, and within 1 minute you have a flash-forward:Suddently the two are married, and Jennifer Lopez("Slim")has had the ultimate rags-to riches transformation.Within the next 2 minutes,Slim and her prince charming have a cute little kid, and are the perfect family.Within 5 more minutes (maximum), Slim discovers that her prince ain't so charmin'.He's been cheatin', and she ain't likin' it.The rest is soooo predictable it hurts.The prince turned frog becomes violent, forcing Slim to run away and plan a "scheme" (oooh) of her own.The only expectations I had for this movie, were:I expected a suspensful,predictable,guilty-pleasure flick with a few twist and turns, and some cute lines.This movie would seriously flop on Lifetime,(and no,I'm, not kidding).This movie just blows in many different directions, and no the results ain't good.
Rating:  Summary: WHAT? Review: Just a ploy to make Jenny from the block (lol) a big hero unfortunately it makes her like a big dummy. I agree with the woman in the "5 Dumb Things" review. Donot take your child out of state it is considered kidnapping & donot kill your batterer or it is punishable by prison or death. Then where will your child be without both parents. Movie was unrealistic. It was made just to show her off as some kick butt heroine when it only made her look dumb. I do agree she did one good thing she left that creep after he hit her the first time. Sleeping with the Enemy was much better & Julia Roberts can act circles around JFTB.
Rating:  Summary: Entertaining Entertainment!Does it's Job beyond expectations Review: I agee with the reviewer saying that this movie should be called "5 stupid things you shoulnd't do when being abused by your hubby". However, I found this to be surprisingly ENTERTAINING. And *that's* what movies are for, that is why they are called ENTERTAINMENT and not "THERAPY" or "advice". If ya need advice than seek a therapist, or read a good self-help book. If you want entertainment then see this movie. I especially liked the movie for 2 reasons: -THE AWARENESS IT GIVES WOMEN THAT SOMETIMES A MAN DOESN'T STRIKE UNTIL LATER IN THE RELATIONSHIP (in this case until their child is 5 years old!). -The FAST PACE and gratification in it's entirety.
Rating:  Summary: Five Stupid Things a Battered Woman Can Do When She Leaves Review: As a survivor of severe domestic violence, I was very curious to watch Enough a few nights ago. After watching it, I thought maybe the title should be, "Five Stupid Things A Battered Woman Can Do When She Leaves Her Abuser". Sorry, but I felt this movie, though moving on an emotional level, sent the WRONG message to battered women and about battered women. Here they are, the top dumb things to do when leaving an abuser: 1. Don't report it to the police, even with a huge bruise on your face 2. Don't go to a shelter, stay in a hotel where you are not protected 3. Don't enlist legal help (an attorney, a protective order) 4. Run with your child, out of state, with little or no money. 5. Prepare to and kill your batterer. I'm not trying to be heartless or cruel, but in "real life" , not hollywood, all of these things which she did will land a REAL battered woman in a big pile of doodoo called PRISON or DEATH. I wish that instead of melodramatizing the situation of battered women, they would have showed her being smart, enlisting the police and legal help, and finally winning in court. Battered women that kill their abusers usually wind up with life in prison. Battered women that go out of state with their children also wind up doing time for kidnapping, and losing custody. Battered women that go to a hotel to escape their abusers often wind up dead. Oh, she did do one good thing: she left after she got hit the first time.
Rating:  Summary: Nervwracking Review: This movie is the best. It is extremely nervewracking. It explains the cases of some women today.