Rating:  Summary: Organized Religion vs Personal Relationship with God & Jesus Review: I was raised in the Catholic church and my thoughts and feelings towards the church or any other church for that matter is portrayed in this film. Stigmata is fiction based on historic fact. It doesn't deserve the "horror film" category. I actually don't know what category it belongs in, and it doesn't really matter. What matters is the message in this film. If the entire population of this world we live in would believe (as I do) that God is not restricted to the four walls of some man-made building, organized religion would cease to exist. God is where you choose to find Him, which means He's everywhere you need him to be, and most importantly, He lives inside each and everyone of us which makes the search for God and His love an easy task. Look past the surface of this movie and instead, look to understand the meaning behind it.
Rating:  Summary: A great Religious Thriller??? HORRIBLE FILM Review: Pointless and Bland. Two words that describe this movie to a "T". If you want to see Gabriel Byrne in a horror flick, that is a real horror flick, grab "End of Days" - a MUCH better film (Yeah, the Arnold's film is better than this mess).
Rating:  Summary: One of the best movies of this type! Review: This movie surprised me, I watched it twice before I had to return it in the morning. Weeks later I had to pick up my own copy.A great Religious Thriller. If you liked the Omen (way back when...), or more reciently the Prince of Darkness - then you'll love this movie!
Rating:  Summary: Well done supernatural thriller. Review: When a priset finds out a secret and decide to commit suicide from South American. An atheist pittsburgh (Patricia Arquette) hairdresser receives rosary beads in the mail that were stolen from the dead priest. She experinces seizures and bloody wound associated with the crucifixion of Jesus. A Priest-Scientist (Gabriel Byrne) investigates while a Cardinal (Johnathan Pryce) emphasizes public-relation spin over the truth. This supernatural thriller plays at times like an Big-Budget MTV long music video but it's a very stylish film. DVD's has an sharp anamorphic Widescreen (2.35:1) transfer and an Strong Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound. The best extra of this film, you could watch this with the Original theatrical ending relase or the Original altertive ending. An running commentary track by the Director:Rupert Wainwright. Super 35. Grade:B+.
Rating:  Summary: Not for everyone, but excellent all the same Review: I was with a group of friends and they picked the movie, I then went back to see it four more times. A visually stunning and emotionally stirring movie it can't all be taken in in one viewing. Also having seen the video, I can tell you it had more effect on the big screen. I wouldn't compare this movie to anything else as that does a disservice to Stigmata and to the other films it is compared to. This movie is haunting and spiritual at the same time as being thrilling and terrifying. I don't give it five stars only because the ending left me unsatisfied, The characters had all been through life changing events but you didn't see any final evidence of those changes. The old stories of an atheist, an unsure priest, and the paranoia of the Catholic Church, are all brought to a younger audience through this thriller.
Rating:  Summary: Warning Review: To Whom It May Concern, I don't know where else I can indicate that the person who has ordered this Rated R video (Nat Bondy) is 16 years old. I'm disturbed by the possibility that she can get her hands on this sort of stuff and order it.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing Movie!!! Review: I got interested in this movie in the first place because they filmed the opening scenes (Belo Quinto) here in Mexico, close to where I live and I got to see the production team working there, so I was curious about the movie they were making. That was what made me go to see the movie in the first place. But when I saw the movie I thought it was REALLY good, better than expected actually. I know it was attacked by some Catholics in some places, but I -as a Catholic- found it very interesting, something to think about it, really. One of my teachers in college is an Italian priest, a teologist actually and he recommended us to go and watch the movie, he thought it was very insightful and very good material for a debate. So, under his point of view I liked it even more. The DVD is wonderful, specially with the comments from the director, which is a very interesting way to understand the movie and its symbols a lot better. I wouldn't say this is a horror movie, I wouldn't compare it to the Exorcist or to any other movie. This is special on its own. The performances from the actors are great and very believable and the locations give a very special feeling to the whole movie. I highly recommend this movie to people who wants to see an intelligent movie with a deep theme and that -most definitelly- will make you think a lot afterwards.
Rating:  Summary: B-Movie Transcends its Material Review: First of all, let me say that even reviewing this movie is a guilty pleasure. I watched it only because I was impressed with the way people reacted to it, based on other user reviews. They seem to have a much stronger response than to your average B-movie. It evidently makes people think, and that's unusual for a horror flick. I agree with other reviewers, however, that say it seriously lacks character development. I could have done without the bloody, overly dramatized visitation of each successive stigmata on Frankie, too. If I rated this movie on its violence alone, it would get one star. Graphic and mostly unnecessary. However, the producers of the movie obviously figured that was what their audience was paying for, so there it is. I enjoyed Byrne's performance, though I sometimes wonder why, with his talent, he wastes so much time in mediocre material. There is a truly embarassing example of product placement in one of his scenes, for example. I'll be charitable and assume he liked the message of the story. He certainly gives it a unique presence. I also liked Patricia Arquette. I have never paid much attention to her before this, but she projects intelligence, and is attractive in an off-beat, not-just-another-Hollywood-clone way. It's interesting the split camp here on her performance. People seem to either love her or hate her. On to the story: Well, frankly, this is one of those movies that makes you talk to the screen. If you enjoy that, it's a must-see. Everytime I saw snippets on cable, I caught myself talking back to it. Seeing the whole thing was finally irresistable. I'd love to hear what the theatre audience had to say! Example: Father Kiernan flirtatiously tells her: "You know, monks invented alcohol." To which Frankie promptly replies, "Everybody knows that!" Sure, every 20-yr old Pittsburgh raver knows THAT. Which is even more interesting when you consider the biblical miracle of Jesus turning water to wine. (Of course, Father Kiernan debunks miracles, so maybe he's making a covert theological statement here;) Actually, I almost *like* the movie for this blooper. (Obviously they meant champagne, which WAS invented by monks.) Since Father Kiernan is also a scientist, he ought to know that both beer and wine predate Jesus. And since Byrne was apparently once a theological student, you'd think he'd remember that little miracle. I sometimes wonder whether he did, but the director didn't care and wouldn't change it, or whether it just slipped by him, too. Unfortunately they don't include the answer to that in the DVD extras. Other fun things to consider are the size and style of the apartment Frankie, a hairstylist, can afford. Not to mention the number of candles she burns--surely at least a month's salary worth? Add that to all the candles burned in the church, and the budget for candles in this movie must have been impressive. Other reviewers have pointed out how the movie recycles Exorcist symbolism. However, I do give the screenwriter credit for finding an original way to connect the doves to Frankie through Francis of Assisi. It is believable because of the story about Assisi's wild youth. The only thing I disagree with is the filmmakers encouraging viewers to believe there really is some kind of conspiracy going on. Quotes from the "suppressed" gospel posted by other reviewers show that it reads more like something written by aliens than a serious theological document. And for a movie that flirts a lot with the issue of celibacy and the church, it takes a strangely non-subversive turn at the end. Although we can assume Father Kiernan has left the church behind, the movie makes certain he and Frankie are kept apart. To me, it would have been more in keeping with the movie's message to have them end up together.
Rating:  Summary: Spirtual story meets horror Review: One of the best contributions to the bloody world of spiritual horror flicks. A must see for any horror fan.
Rating:  Summary: Catholic Church is REALLY REALLY good? Review: Well. All I have to say is: This movie has an only one message. Religion (...). God and Jesus are in our HEARTS. Catholic Church (...)TOO. So, Let's LIVE as we should and deserve. Let's EAT, DRINK, MAKE LOVE, SMILE, FEEL THE LIFE INSIDE OF US. JESUS WANTS US TO LIVE LIVE LIVE and LIVE.