Rating:  Summary: Denzel the ACTOR gives the performance of his career Review: In the movie DISCLOSURE, with Michael Douglas and Demi Moore (based on the Michael Crichton screenplay), a high-powered, very ambitious and very sexual woman sexually harasses Michael Douglas in a software company. The resulting chaos this causes in his personal and professional life forces him to accept the irony of his circumstance--him, a man, being harassed by a woman--and take her to court, or in this case, arbitration, to save his job. So much controversy was engendered by the plot of this movie and its relationship to the serious issue of sexual harassment (then a fairly new one) that most people ranting on either side about DISCLOSURE's true social significance forgot the actual plot of the movie, and as such, missed its real message: Demi Moore's character was brought to the software company Douglas' character worked for for the sole purpose of getting rid of him in the first place, so a pretty immoral and essentially illegal business transaction could go through, making the principal stockholders rich. The movie really begins when the sexual harassment subplot ends. Like ERIN BROKOVICH or WALL STREET, DISCLOSURE was really a window to the architecture and life-destroying immorality of corporate greed.I was slightly put off by some of the publicity surrounding the treatment of the subject matter that is the life of boxer Reuben Carter before this movie came out. But after seeing it in the theatres and subsequently realizing the actual reason for the controversy, I am perplexed to the point of amused as to why everyone still rants about every aspect of the film's subject matter but not the actual film itself. Just as people still talk about DISCLOSURE as a sexual harassment irony movie, missing the actual point Michael Crichton was making about the business world, people have missed the fact that it was a rival movie company's publicity staff who paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to see to it that all this historical controversy would make it to the news in time to prevent this movie from winning the many Oscars it probably would have won; damaging the biggest competition before the race like shooting the odds-on favorite horse in the leg before the beginning of the Derby. The Oscars have so much money at stake for the studios that they are almost as political as Washington, D.C, and mud-slinging on the competitors is a convenient political tool. So here's the real News Flash: it wasn't the Smithsonian or Cornel West or Mike Wallace that broke this story, *it was the corporate greed of Hollywood, Inc. itself, doing so as part of a ruthless and pretty immoral business deal against a competing movie studio*. The very debate of Reuben Carter's actual historicity is as much a symbolic morality play on the corporate greed of Hollywood as the plot of the movie is about the triumph of the human spirit. THE HURRICANE in the end is a drama, not a documentary. By the same token, virtually every movie made in Hollywood before 1978 and God knows how many afterwards, from BIRTH OF A NATION to GONE WITH THE WIND to DRIVING MISS DAISY to FRIDAY AFTER NEXT, shows the African-American community in such an absurdly one-dimensional and offensively inaccurate light that if we commented only on the historical/social inaccuracies inherent in the depicted subject matter we'd never know what the art form of film actually consists of, let alone what represents it well. MISSISSIPPI BURNING (1988), for example, so enraged the family members of the Black main character of the civil rights drama that they held many a lecture in many a college regarding its blatant historical inaccuracies; historical inaccuracies obviously designed to whitewash history such that it would be more palatable to the dominant culture of the Reagan Era 80s (as racist apologia usually gets in a strong white audience for civil rights films and did so quite well during his administration). Yet no one, however, not even them, argued that Gene Hackman and Willem Defoe weren't incredible in it, and probably deserved Oscars for their portrayals. It is not history; it is art. What made me see THE HURRICANE is why everyone should see it. Here is the reality of this film: minor flaws notwithstanding (in construction, not research), director Norman Jewison creates a completely magnificent film. And the incomparable Denzel Washington gives what is undoubtedly the greatest performance of his career. From the very first moment the screen is filled with an image of Denzel as the boxer, you have no choice but to believe him and believe in him. Even the downright eerie way Washington completely became Malcolm X in Spike Lee's masterpiece is SURPASSED by the degree to which he took on and magnified the soul of Rueben Carter. I've seen most of Marlon Brando's work; I've see James Dean's; I've seen the best of de Niro; I have never seen acting like this before, ever. Kevin Spacey, who by all accounts is one of the most talented men in Hollywood, did an absolutely wonderful job in that macabre comedy/drama AMERICAN BEAUTY--THE HURRICANE's biggest competition for the Academy Awards. But make no mistake, Denzel was robbed of the most deserved Best Actor Oscar in recent memory, because in no way did Spacey's performance come close to that of Mr. Washington's. The Oscar given to Denzel for his essentially phoned-in performance in TRAINING DAY a year later was as a "Sorry we screwed you over THE HURRICANE" Oscar; as much as Al Pacino's SCENT OF A WOMAN Oscar in 1991 was little more than an apology for the Academy's repeated dissing of his work in the GODFATHER trilogy. Denzel Washington is not a historian. He is an actor. And if you love the kind of acting that makes history, you will want to own this film. A strong supporting cast and Jewison collaborate to create the story of a troubled boxer's story. But THE HURRICANE is Denzel Washington's tour de force.
Rating:  Summary: big talka is right Review: Though no offence you shouldnt have come out so aggresively against " A viewer". Though I can fell your anger as a dedicated fan of Rubin Carter. I did visit that graphic witness site and at first it seemed as though Rubin was wrong. Then I read Big Talka's angry review and thought hang on he could be right. So I visited other sites that supported Rubin and found out there is more evidence FOR Rubin then against. Though the case is still a very hard one. Besides that little argument between big talka and a viewer lets get back to the actual movie. One thing is for sure, whether you support Rubin or not the movie is in actual fact not actually real. ALthough Denzel doez superbly and the production is wonderful.
Rating:  Summary: Lets start over............. Review: Ok, those who did not take my other review seriously because of my grammar and spelling mistakes, I'll type it correctly this time. 1) Rubin had been in jail before. Why did he refuse to wear the uniform if he had committed the crime. 2) When Rubin was in jail, he committed over 16 years of his life to reading books on law. He appealed and appealed. The Judge said NOT GUILTY. Saying the state based thier argument on racial hatred rather then facts. 3) Any one who knew rubin closely knew if Rubin would hurt someone he would use his fists. PS. no murder weapon found. 4) Why would Rubin attract so much attention/media, if he was the clear-cut criminal www.graphicwitness.com/carter says he is. I'm not hiding it, please visit that site, see for yourself. When viewing just take a second to think, why would so much be written about him, why would his court case proceed for more then 2 decades and why would he capture the hearts of a nation, if thats what he was and is, a brutal thug. Nothing more or less. 5) Rubin is not as violent as some think. Yes he had a temper problem, but when asked about his sport (boxing) he said it was just a way to get paid. He didn't like it or hate it. It was just what he did. Also, now, Rubin is leading a protest to BAN boxing as he sees it as barbaric. PLEASE, think about what you write about Rubin and whom it may affect, i wrote my other review in anger because i would picture Rubin reading all the disgusting things written about him. He rotted in prison for what, to be doubted and dismissed as a thug. I didn't write my review in anger this time, I still believe what I said in my other review, and to those who havent read it, plese read it, (excuse the grammar and spelling mistakes)and just take heed to some things I've mentioned. Stop stepping on this great fighters legacy.
Rating:  Summary: A "Crock"-umentary Review: After viewing "The Hurricane," I felt both outraged and inspired by the story of Rubin Carter (whom I'd never read or heard about) as played by Denzel Washington. I couldn't wait to read more about the guy. Then I happened upon the site graphicwitness.com and found out that the guy is actually guilty, at least as found by two separate juries, one of which contained two blacks. Furthermore, he was never found not guilty but released on a technicality. At any rate, he's not the martyr saint the movie makes him out to be. I had been played for a fool by the movie, which shamelessly distorts the facts of the case in order to further its propagandist message, including a completely unflattering depiction of New Jersey law enforcement. Even without the site, though, the Della Pesca character should have tipped me off about the manipulation being wrought by the film. Characters like that only exist in fiction, which is what this film is (Della Pesca is just on example). Some would say the character, the gloweringly evil racist cop who relentlessly hounds the movie Rubin Carter throughout his life, is a "composite" character, meant to represent the New Jersey police force (going back to that unflattering depiction mentioned earlier). But of what use is such a character in a film based on a true story? Regarding the graphicwitness.com site, a certain poster apparently would like to think it's all racist propaganda and that anyone who chooses to believe the site is an idiot or a racist (by the way, I refuse to take seriously any insults by a person with such serious grammar and spelling issues). So we're to take Rubin Carter's word at face value (I hope nobody takes the word of "big talka" at face value) and dismiss all the evidence, pages upon pages of documentation, meticulously compiled on the site by a journalist, Cal Deal, who's been the case almost since the beginning and who has in fact interviewed Carter? Are we to believe it was all made up? Or that the State of New Jersey spent time and resources on convicting a man they knew to be innocent; that it had some lifelong, unexplained vendetta against him? As it is, I still confess to a shade of doubt as to whether Carter is guilty or innocent, despite all of the evidence. But the fact is the graphicwitness.com site has the documentation to back up its claims. Its detractors seem to have nothing to go on but the word of Rubin Carter. The case proving Carter's guilt is stronger than that proclaiming his innocence. I'm more inclined to believe the former. The movie, "The Hurricane," is BS either way.
Rating:  Summary: Lost cases..get ur facts straight..... Review: TO the people who cant get enough of biting rubin First off, this movie was not supposded to be a factual account, it was supposed to make money in hollywood. And if that means twisting some facts then so be it. This is the reason why the Hurricane received 3 stars, it wasnt ALL facts although it first off- wasnt supposed to be and second off there wasnt as many lies in it as some say there was......... But u idiots who ACTUALLY THINK RUBIN COMMITTED THE CRIMES are not just stupid but should be slapped and told to think twice. U idiots who actually believed fact for fact the disgusting www.graphicwitness.com/carter site are dumb beyond belief. U rejects.......... That stupid site claimed the jury had 2 blacks in it. WRONG. it HAD a black jamaican in it then he was coincidently ( cough), voted off by the all white jury. And thefact u say rubin failed the lie detector test iz as dum as u people are. HE PASSED IT FOLKS. Just think, if the rubin is a clearcut criminal/liar/thug as much as u think he is, why tha hell would he have websites dedicated to him, movies on him, books(which unlike the movie have the facts, which actually STATE rubins actual prison records and the fact HE WAS no1 contender) Rubin DID lose the last fights he fought, though HE STILL WAS the no1 contender, all of u hataz are jus word fo word repeating the travesty of bullcrap wrote on that "website" i Hope rubin payz no attention to u jackasses, n REAL people apprecitate the fact that RUbin fought for so long and got his credit. What pisses me off most is that u actually think u KONW that rubin iz guilty. a trial which proceded for 20 odd years, n u retards think u KNOW the all tha court documents and facts. Go get ur facts straight and stop reading racist sites and publishing on other respected ones as these...... congratz to denzel fo his fantastic performance, although we all knew he wood, he always doez
Rating:  Summary: NO NO NO NO NO!! Review: This film is WRONG WRONG WRONG... the glorification of this man should not be allowed to continue unabated. The historical "inacuracies" are not limited to just the "compression of a few characters" or the "cutting of a few corners". It instead attempts to convince an increasingly gullible film going public that a twice convicted triple murderer was an honourable and gentle, scholarly "buddha". This is not a mere distortion of the truth to make the story more watchable but a complete misrepresentation of the truth in every single part of the film. The Bob Dylan song in the film (which incidentally, rather tellingly, he has not performed since carters second conviction in 1976, shortly after he beat the hell out of the woman who led the campaign for his release) is as much of a work of utter fiction, but was inspired and written in a time when the civil rights movement in America was at its most fiery. There is however NO excuse for making a travesty of a film like this. I advise anyone who "liked" or "enjoyed" this film as entertainment or was taken in by the ludicrous portrayal of this savage brutal murderer to visit www.graphicwitness.com/carter/ to see the REAMS of evidence that runs contrary to the twee hollywood nonsense in this film. There have been PLENTY of civil rights heroes that could and should be glorified ahead of and above Rubin Carter. People like to believe the warm fuzzy story of a wrongly convicted man getting justice in the end, but the facts are being ignored. 1. Rubin carter had lost 7 of his last 15 fights and was in no way "number 1 contender for the middlewight crown" 2. Rubin Carter, as a young lad, did not stab a paediophile to protect his friend, he bottled a guy to get his wristwatch and $50 3. Rubin Carter was discharged from the army after 4 courts martial, involving violent conduct. 4. Rubin Carter beat a woman almost to death after his first release. She had been the leader of the campaign for his release 5. Rubin Carter refused to take a lie detector test 4 times, even though he was promised he could walk free if he passed 6. Rubin carter had in previous interviews admitted to firing guns at people for fun, and to numerous incidences of unrepented and severe public violence There are so many more facts about him..... not including the evidence aginst him with regard to the lafayette grill murders. This film leaves me feeling physically sick and reeks of all that is wrong with Hollywoods greedy championing of any "cause celebre" that they can make a fast buck out of. DO NOT BUY THIS FILM.
Rating:  Summary: A Great Fantasy Flick Review: There is a simple way to explain why this film is so bad. Ruben did it. Thats right, thats the real story of the Hurricane, the man the authorities correctly blamed !!
Rating:  Summary: HOAX Review: I am astounded that so few people understand that this movie was a shameful distortion of the facts. Carter was never exonerated, was not the #1 contender for the crown, was not robbed in the Giardello fight, was not hounded by an evil, racist cop, was not in another part of town when the murders took place and finally, was probably not innocent of triple murder. Read some balanced accounts of his case and you will dismiss this movie as the piece of garbage that it is.
Rating:  Summary: In this corner..... Review: What a fantastic movie of Reuben Carter's life.... if this movie doesnt do it for you, you've been spending too much time reading reviews and not enjoying life!