Rating:  Summary: I stumbled on this amazing film Review: I was surfing and I came across Reis Witherspoon looking like a perfect John Water's Lolita - and I watched for a few minutes, intrigued. What should have been a simple satire built around a fairy-tale structure, emerged as the perfect example (like Pulp Fiction & True Romance) of the B-movie elevated to AAA, by the collaboration of a great script (real, street-gritty, with sly, black, mordant humor) and actors who took the script and breathed a kiss of life & death - and directed with a very mature, though cynical, and deft hand. Sutherland was amazing, and Witherspoon, was so mature in her honesty & technique, that in 1996 it should have been obvious that she would join true young greats, like Kidman, Rene Zel...er, Sean Penn, who became big-leaguers at a young age - with talent galore. All this film needed was Christopher Walken in '99, and it would have been unbearable. I bought some DVD's and will pass them around. A true, very offbeat TREAT - but violent, socially critical, and certainly not Politically Correct.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely HORRIBLE ! Review: I find absolutely no good qualities in this movie. Every other word is a curse word, it's so violent it made me ill, the acting is B class at best and the editing is so choppy I felt like was watching a film at the movie theater that has been taped together dozens of times from being so worn out. It was a challenge just to get to the end of this movie. I believe if this film was given the time to produce it right, to re-shoot some of the acting flub-ups and perhaps re-write some of the scenes this could have been an okay movie. To say it is a bad film is a sad understatement. It is horrible at best and I don't recommend this movie!
Rating:  Summary: bleh, bad movie Review: one of the worst movies I have ever seen! seiously the plot is incredibly weird and doesnt make any sense. Its supposed to be little red riding hood in present day or something but it just gets weird after the first couple of scenes. I wouldnt recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: WILD at heart Review: Reese "I-could-eat-her-Witherspoon" says in an interview that it is a comedy, and the violence is not serious. Could'a fooled me! Yes, I see it in retrospect, and it is indeed so wild as to be sort of funny. Think Pulp Fiction and Wild At Heart. The last part of the story is different... actually the story changes all the time from what you think it is. It gets very, very intense in parts, and actually has something to say about... I dunno, desperation and wildness... Oh, and the acting is excellent. Not the least Reese's. You'd never know she had that in her.
Rating:  Summary: Ignore the hype Review: This is one of those movies that has achieved marginal cult status but I think people like is solely for the fact that it is the "in" thing to do. Many people compare it to Tarantino film and his name is on the production credits but that might amount to no more than him suggesting the obvious while cruising for Sutherland groupies! If I was him I would of avoided this mess to be with the gimp instead of getting involved. The only redeeming factor is Reese Witherspoons taking her turn as "beutiful white trash" which she does with the skill of a pro (big surprise?). Her biting wit and trigger happy backhand give inspiration to the inbred although her intelligence didn't correlate realistically with her decisions. It's a shame Witherspoon doesn't do anything besides senseless romantic comedies and one joke blond movies. Sutherland is fine although after seeing his performance in 24, I could of exected more. Bottom line is that this movie bored me. I sat through it once but would never pick it up again. It doesn't have that "thing" that say Pulp Fiction, Natural Born killers, True Love, or Kalifornia has which it seems to be compred to.
Rating:  Summary: Hello Ms. Witherspoon.... Review: ...and boy what an introduction. This was my first time seeing Ms. Witherspoon and she blew my socks off. The movie is like a white trash/thriller/comedy roller coaster ride. The end got a little intense but you cannot ignore the talented young lady that held my interest through all her trials and tribulations. From trailor park to prison cell to killer of a serial killer, it won't let up for a moment.
Rating:  Summary: GOOD LORD. Review: I couldn't believe how great Reese Witherspoon's performance was in this movie! A friend recommended this film to me, so I bought it for five bucks in a bargain bin. Well, I can say that it was five bucks well spent! Every performance is glowing, and the writing and direction by Mr. Bright is also great. It's a modern day "Little Red Riding Hood", but this loosely based version of the tale is NOT for the weak. It is very graphic and leaves nothing to the imagination. DO NOT let your young kids watch this one, no matter how much they like Reese Witherspoon. This is one of her grittiest performances. If you are a mature adult who wants to see something different and original, go right ahead and rent it. You won't be dissapointed! I loved it!
Rating:  Summary: One of the best movies ever made. Review: "Freeway" is the story of a girl who's drug-dealing, prostituting parents are shipped off to prison and she decieds to flip her social services advisor the finger and take off on her own. After getting into a car with a strange man, the adventure goes on and on... "Freeway" is a highly original, well acted, and well written movie starring Reese Witherspoon and Kiefer Sutherland. It is funny, disturbing, scary, and clever all at the same time. "Freeway" is quite possible one of the best movies ever made. The direction is stylish and sophisticated, the acting is award winning, the writing is even better, and as a whole, "Freeway" is one hell of a fun movie that lures you in for a ride on a rollercoaster to hell and back. I highly recommend "Freeway" to anyone, and for the low list price of [$$], I recommend that you buy it and enjoy this genious piece of film forever.
Rating:  Summary: Worst movie ever!!... Review: A movie... full of profanity and violence. A lot of good actors, but they cant save an unbelievable (in a bad way)plot. First movie I ever threw away after buying in a bargain bin.
Rating:  Summary: Sleeper Hit City! Review: I discovered this film on cable a few months ago and had to rush right out and buy the DVD. A young Reese Witherspoon gives her best performance in my opinion as the daughter of a white trash prostitute and her sexually abusive, drug addicted step father. In an attempt to escape from this situation she runs away to live with her grandmother, who didn't even know she existed. Along the way she's confronted by a local serial killer, Kiefer Southerland, who offers her a ride and befriends her as a clinical psychologist. That's when the story begins. . . If you like suspense, comedy, horror, controversy, and bad-ass prison women, then you'll love this film. It holds nothing back. It didn't receive the attention it deserves and is a definite must see for all Reese Witherspoon fans.