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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Enjoyable film, but ending goes too far
Review: "K-PAX" proposes an interesting conundrum, but then goes too far in solving it. I think it would have been a lot more effective to leave the resolution up to the mind of the viewer. The quandary is whether Prot (Kevin Spacey), who seems to all-of-a-sudden "materialize" in the middle of Grand Central Station, is an alien from a far-off planet called K-PAX or just a severely delusional homo sapien. Dr. Powell (Jeff Bridges) is his psychiatrist who is determined to get to the bottom of the mystery. Prot has an impregnable exterior, and definitely does some impressive things, like describe to some of the Powell's astronomer friends exactly where his home planet is. But during some intense therapy sessions we learn (as you might expect) that there is something brewing beneath the surface.

This movie would have been terrific, would really be a thought-provoker, would cause you to stop and think about how you perceive the world and other people, if it had ended about 10-20 minutes before it actually did. If one sequence towards the end was cut out, and the film ended right after the climactic scene, the viewer would have a lot to ponder, to wonder, "Did what I think just happen really happen?", and the legacy of "K-PAX" as a great fantasy would have been assured. It still is very intriguing, has great writing and a great performance by Spacey. But as it stands, the ending is very unsatisfying, almost as if the moviemakers thought that the viewer wasn't capable of reaching a proper conclusion by him/herself. In other words, they took all the fun out of it.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Sizzle is not Steak
Review: This film started out interestingly enough. Kevin Spacey's "Prot" presented himself as a likable and quite knowledgable visitor from another planet. Of course, Dr. Mark Powell, played by Jeff Bridges was the all too human psychiatrist, assigned to uncover the inner self of his "delusional" patient. But it was however, difficult to explain Prot's rather unusual characteristics such as his capacity to see ultraviolet light, an arcane knowledge of the stars, and to seemingly disappear at will, among other things. These things were all used as beautiful set-up for a fresh approach to an interesting premise, but then the film suddenly bogged down as if the writers were at a loss and said to themselves "okay, now what do we do?" The film, in my opinion slipped badly starting with the hypnotic trance scenes. So in the end, the viewer was free to fill in the blanks with a personal take on the question of the moment. Was he real or was he Memorex?

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Ingenious
Review: To tell you the truth, I really didn't want to watch this movie going into it. I didn't think it was going to be anything that would interest me. I thought it was going to be a cheesy comedy or a run-of-the-mill drama with no craftiness or good film making technique being brought-forth. Well, I was wrong.

K-PAX brings a lot to the table. It's not a kid flick. It has a lot of undertones in it that make you think. But, that's what makes this movie fantastic.

The direction in this film was superb. Maybe some of the best that I have seen in a while. The whole movie gave me a sense of sereness. It flowed eloquently throughout scene to scene.

My one negative response is the ending. I'm not saying that I didn't like the end, but I feel it dragged a little bit. The movie kind of came to a stop for about 15 minutes.

But, besides that, K-PAX is one of the more original films that I have seen in a long time. I definitely recommend it. 4 Stars

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Intriguing!
Review: Is he an alien or isn't he? You never really no for sure, but the plot leads you to believe that he is, at least you're hoping that he is.

The ending doesn't reveal any big truths, either, at least none that hit you like a ton of bricks. But after watching it a couple of times, I believe it provides enough information to allow viewers to tie together the loose ends in their own minds so that it makes sense.

It is - intriguing! And a very good movie.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Sweet and Subtle Tale of the 'Alien' Among Us!
Review: Although it opened to mixed reviews, I was pleasantly surprised by the very positive and entertaining way in which the movie "K-PAX" caught my imagination and subsequently ran away with it. Kevin Spacey, despite his last name, appears to be the most unlikely alien this side of "Star Wars', and his depiction of a simple, forthright and bemused visitor (or is he?) caught up in an acute psychiatric care unit involuntarily steals the screen from the other erstwhile ensemble cast members of the film. Jeff Bridges plays the part of the befuddled and over-anxious psychiatrist well, although I do wish that just once such a film would depict a human protagonist who actually has his or her feet planted firmly on terra firma, who is in touch with his or her surroundings, and who is consciously aware of the natural environment as well as the other people populating his or her corner of the universe. Why is it always seen as a celestial characteristic to out-humanize the human beings, so that only the alien seems empathetic, sensitive, and 'human'?

This is a thought-provoking film on a number of levels, and one is left wondering at the end of the final scenes as to what actually transpired here. There are a number of ways to interpret these final scenes, and, to make things even more tentative and interesting, there's even an alternative ending supplied in the CD version I viewed, which really makes for fascinating table talk. There are a few hilarious scenes in the movie, especially one in which Spacey interacts meaningfully with a dog to the amazement of the picnic crowd, that will leave the viewer with a sense that whoever made this film was bright, articulate, and thoughtful. The film has a number of surprising turns, and by the end I was quite interested and concerned with what would possibly happen to each of the assembled characters. In other words, the film works dramatically, and leaves one feeling glad to have experienced it. I heartily recommend the movie, and hope you find it as satisfying as I did. Enjoy!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Starts out strongs but fades toward the end.
Review: This movie was great in the early stages when Kevin Spacey was, well, spacey. He had a knowledge of astrophysics that only 3 or 4 of the preeminent astrophysicists in the world shared. He gave an awesome display of unexplainable intellect that left the scientists awestruck. He had tremendous insight to the emotional disorders of people around him. Then, it happens. The story just sort of falls apart and leaves a whole lot of unanswered. There is no denouement - no resolution - no tying together of loose ends. If only that were accomplished this would have been an extraordinary movie. As it is, close, but no cigar.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Outshines the brightest star
Review: Everything is wonderful about this film. And for what it's worth, I believe Kevin Spacey's performance out did Bridges' in Starman. The person who brough up Prot as being a "shell" for Robert Porter could've very well hit home. When he left to go back to K-Pax, he left a wounded Porter behind, someone who could not live with the hideous crime in his past. At this point I would believe just about anything. I got lost in this movie; so absorbed that I forgot about Spacey and thought only of Prot. I have never had this WOW reaction before. The only other show that came close was The Truman Show. I'm glad the director/writer did not "tie up the loose ends" and let us do our own thinking and imagining as to what the "truth" really was. This is indeed a wonderful story. One I will watch over and over and over, and falling in love with Prot every time. I would've felt priviledged to have had a conversation with him. His meeting with the astrophysicists blew me away. It's 100% escapism. I heartily recommend this film, along with The Majestic, The Truman Show and The Fisher King. Kudos to the producers who left room for the audience to do its own thinking.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Delightful surprise
Review: At first I wasn't even sure I wanted to watch this movie...hadn't really heard too much about it, but I watched it on the strength of Kevin Spacey and Jeff Bridges' reputations, and, boy! Am I glad I did.

First of all, the story was absolutely riveting. In the first few minutes I was sure I was never going to suspend disbelief long enough to consider the possibility that Prot was actually from another world. But eventually a sense of wonder came over me, and there are some very emotional scenes that finally win you over to the concept. Later, it's very difficult to change your mind even when circumstances seem to suggest otherwise.

Secondly, i would mention that this film is visually stunning. Beautiful shadow and light work and gorgeous landscapes are intermingled with hypnotic slow motion sequences. This is one of those movies where it never occurs to you to leave your seat for any reason whatsoever, or wonder how long it is until the ending.

And lastly, the film's treament of the mentally ill had just that right mixture of self-deprecating humor, wonder and compassion that made it a joy to watch without being too depressing. I was reminded of "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" more than once...although Spacey's and Nicholson's characters are not even close to similar, and Jeff Bridges' patients obviously benefit greatly from their contact with Prot.

This one's definitely a keeper.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Spacey is Good/DVD is loaded w/extras,but K-Pax is Near-Miss
Review: Mining similair territory as "The Fisher King", "Awakenings" and "Starman", "K-Pax" is a close-but-no-cigar film that almost works on the strengh of Kevin Spacey's performance as a mental patient who believes he is a visitor from another planet, but it failed to draw me in as much as Robin Williams and Jeff Bridges did in "The Fisher King" because of plot incontinuity and because the Dr.-Patient relationship is much too one-sided (the worst thing Jeff Bridges has going on is not calling his son).

The film works best early on when Kevin Spacey's character is played straight as being an actual alien. When possible cracks in that story appear, its just not as fun, and instead of being the excellent "Fisher King" it turns into a disappointing "Instinct".

The DVD contains a bunch of extras that unfortunately don't elevate the feature to being any more watchable.
Better films along this line: 'Phenomenon', 'The Fisher King' and 'Awakenings'.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A different view of the world...
Review: This is a review of the movie theatre showing of K-PAX, not the DVD - but essentially we are talking about the same film.

It's difficult to talk about the film without spoiling it for people that have not seen it, therefore I suppose my comments need to be from a slightly unusual perspective...

Imagine you were an alien who had travelled to earth on a beam of light to interact and learn from the people of earth over the course of 5 years. Also imagine that although highly intelligent you are not worried about telling people your story.

Prot (pronounced Proat) does exactly this, and within minutes of the start of the movie is banged up in a psychiatric hospital.

The doctors have trouble diagnosing him because he seems so *normal* - and the effect of his "way of doing things" begins healing long term mental patients throughout his floor of the hospital - and with no drugs...

The rest of the story you have to see for yourself. Throughout the movie you are left repeatedly asking the question - "is Prot really an Alien?" - and indeed the doctors start asking the same question.

Fantastic movie. Very much one for the thinkers among us, and a really refreshing change.

Jonathan Beckett

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