Rating:  Summary: A good Rob Reiner film Review: Bruce Willis did a great dramatic job in this Rob Reiner directed tale about the upside and down side of marriges. It was realistic. Paul Reiser appears in a short cameo as with Rob Reiner as well.
Rating:  Summary: Don't expect a romantic comedy Review: This film jumps back and forth between genres, which is a good thing. The whole point of the film is to depict the highs and lows and mediums of a marriage. Accordingly, there are funny momments in the film, dramatic momments, and just plain normal momments. What I'm trying to say is, if you just sit back, relax, and watch the film you won't be disapointed. If you're waiting for the punchline every five minutes, or waiting for candlelight dinners and sonnets, you will be disapointed. To sum it up, this is not a film for people who are looking to be entertained. This is a film for fans of 'reality' films. The acting is wonderful, the directing is great and the ending is solid. If you can handle the previous things I mentioned, you'll love this film!
Rating:  Summary: Better than I thought it would be Review: I expected this movie to be terrible by the way the critics ripped it to shreds. Instead I found it to be an engaging emotional roller coaster and was crying by the end of it. I think this is a movie that might not stand up to critical scrutiny as a great piece of cinema, but as human beings, it hits us where we live. Even if you're not married, or have only been for a short time, if you've ever loved anyone or been in a relationship, you can understand it and recognize yourself in it, because the people that we love sometimes are the ones that make us the most crazy. Many of the comments I have read stated that they didn't understand why the two of them got back together in the end, that Katey Jordan's reasoning didn't seem to mesh with her original complaints. But it seemed right to me - it was obvious that although they had many problems, they loved each other very much and it would have been a tragedy if they couldn't have stayed together. The separation was necessary to prove that to them, prove how much they still wanted to be a family and to be together. There's something to be said for a shared history of love and struggle, and as Katey said, every relationship has its problems, the one that you're in or any other new one you might start. I think that as a society we see marriage as the be-all and end-all, and as soon as we hit any problems or difficulties, we assume there's something wrong with the relationship or our partners or us, and that we should wipe the slate and try for "happily ever after" with someone else. The truth is that every relationship is work. There are gobs of movies about the beginning of love - which is nice, but there ought to be more stories like this - stories about what happens *after* happily ever after. My only complaint with the film was the attempts to be funny. I can understand wanting to leaven the intense emotions with some comic relief, but the sequences with Rob Reiner and especially Rita Wilson (who have both been better in other things) were downright painful to watch they were so unfunny. I always have to fast forward through Rita Wilson's shrill and cliched diatribes about husbands and marriage. The scene with all the sex and masturbation jokes with Reiner and Willis and Paul Reiser wasn't offensive, but it wasn't funny at all. Those scenes needed to be rewritten, and someone should have told Rita to take it down a notch.
Rating:  Summary: a realistic and heart felt portrayal of a couple whos marria Review: I recently saw the film, "The Story of us," I loved it! In this film Michelle Pfeifer and Bruice Willis play Katie and Ben Jordan, a Los Angeles couple whos 15 year marriage is falling apart. I liked the way that the director put in comic scenes between the couples bitter, and ugly arguments. The films upbeat ending proved to me that sometimes things work out, despite the odds. In my mind the high light of the film occured at the end, when Pfeifer took the viewer through an emotional sequence of events which occured during her marriage. I thought that the actors monologs made the film better then it would have been. I thought that one of the best sceens came when Pfeifer and Willis went to Venice to try andrekindle some of the spark that difined the beginning of their relationship. While in Venice they come across the Curveys from Clevland who are the oposite of themselves in many ways. I would recommend this film to anyone who is looking for a film which tells life, and romance like it really is.
Rating:  Summary: The Story of us is actually the story of every couple! Review: My name's Arkadiy. I'm from Khabarovsk, Russia. I've recently wantched this movie and added it at once to my movie collection! You know this movie reflects the reality almost every couple faces sooner or later. People, living together for quite a while seem to conceal many aspects in the relationship which must be revealed all the time, demonstrated or just shown to each other every day. Bruce and Michelle proved with their professional play and I would like to thank them for it. "Love is power", and to my mind if two people do really love each other, then no everyday burden, no hindrances which life usually offers us, no emaciation or difficulties will ever break one of the best feeling on the earth called LOVE.
Rating:  Summary: Better Think Again Review: This was perhaps one of Rob Reiner's worst. Here I expected a nice pleasant film to watch tonight, and much to my amazement, I was presented with a movie filled with filthy language and with sexual overtones. Much disappointment to a Rob Reiner film, if choosing to buy or rent, please think twice and choose something more pleasant and clean.
Rating:  Summary: How real is this. Review: This movie was the closest thing to a real marriage portrayed in a movie that I have ever seen. That is one of it's strongest points - realism. Bruce and Michelle also put out great performances and the movie has a very inspirational ending.
Rating:  Summary: This is a " MUST OWN" Review: My Husband & I watched the DVD, the next night our niece came over and the three of us watched it AGAIN! I went out & bought the DVD. I have seen it at LEAST 15 times since we bought it. Bruce Willis is wonderful in this movie, he should do more like this. Michelle Pfeiffer is so real in this movie. THEY BOTH ARE! It really makes you think about your own marriage in such a positive way. I L O V E I T ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Rating:  Summary: On my shelf next to the Dictionary... Review: This was one of the most honest and moving films about relationships I have ever seen, spattered with riotous, When Harry Met Sally-esque humor. I plan to own it because I want it on hand as a reference whenever I am confused about relationships. The best acting performances I have ever seen from Michelle and Bruce.
Rating:  Summary: Is it ever going to end? Review: This movie is about a couple's rocky marriage that is about to fall apart. It is one of the most depressing movies I have seen in a while. It is one of those annoying movies that allows the characters to do some narrating, then shows a lot of flashbacks. It was too boring for me, but maybe that's because I can't relate to it. If you want to watch a married couple fighting throughout a movie, this one's for you!