Rating:  Summary: An intelligent movie with great performances! Review: Somehow I missed this one at the theaters, so I picked it up on DVD and expected so-so fare. Boy, was I surprised. This is an intelligent movie about two vastly different men who, not being aware of it, both struggle to make sense of life. Affleck is great as the Wall Street attorney whose rush-to-court accident with Samuel Jackson begins a chain of events that prompts both men to ultimately come to face with who they are and where their...boundaries are. Along the way the two get revenge upon one another in very interesting ways. When I read the plot outline on the case, I expected just another action flick with run-of-the-mill, seen-it-before action sequences. Instead, the revenge is on a different level. I am always reluctant to give a movie 5 stars, but this movie drew me in and the characters were so realistic, as were the situations they faced and the crises they dealt with, that I never once hit "pause" to make a trip to the 'fridge or the bathroom. Now that I've seen the movie once, I look forward to the luxury of the weekend when I can watch it leisurely and examine how it was put together in more detail. Wow! I love surprises and this movie caught me by surprise with how very, very good it is! Highly recommended. It's R-rated for language,...
Rating:  Summary: Great Review: I See What All The Buzz Was About. This Was A Great Movie. It Kept You Wondering Even After The End. If You Like Suspense Rent This. Ben Afleck Plays A Good For Nothing Lawyer. Samuel L Jackson Plays The Better Man. They Get Into A Rush Hour Fender Bender And They Get A Serious Case Of Roadrage. This Is One Smart Movie That Will Surely Be In My Collection One Day.
Rating:  Summary: A superb thriller and character study. Review: Changing Lanes happens to feature two movie stars in the lead roles and is funded by Paramount Pictures, one of the top film production studios. So is it with anything less than pure surprise that this doesn't turn out to be an action or buddy picture? Not only does this film happen to be a character-driven thriller, it's also an intriguing look at societal pressures on the human individual, delivering in a manner that is intense, edgy, and perhaps even quite frightening.Ben Affleck stars as Gavin Banek and Samuel L. Jackson is Doyle Gipson. Banek is a high-priced lawyer who is ready to finalize a big deal with will turn over a recently deceased millionaire's entire fortune to his firm. Gipson is a recovering alcoholic who's doing everything he can (mainly by purchasing a house in Queens for them to settle in) to save his marriage and keep his wife from taking the children and moving to another state. Both Banek and Gipson are on their way to court when their cars crash into each other. Gipson wants to get everything done legally, "the right way," but Banek is in too much of a hurry, so he simply leaves a blank check and takes off to court, leaving the other man stranded. However, Banek leaves the most important file at the scene of the accident (which Gipson is now in possession of), and Gipson misses his own court hearing, losing any chance for custody of his kids to his wife. Banek's determination to get the file back and Gipson's anger and frustration turns this cross of paths into a game of cat-and-mouse and revenge which makes for probably the most lopsided day of their lives. Changing Lanes is a film that surprised me almost every minute of the way. There's a lot of plot and theme at work here, but I want to emphasize that this is hardly pretentious filmmaking; it's an honest look at just how far pressure can push normal men, as well as how such pressure can bring out the best qualities in these same people. After a rather clumsy introduction and a chaotically directed crash scene that felt rather rushed, the film settled in comfortably into its main story. On the surface, the movie plays perfectly well as a thriller, certainly enough to satisfy thriller buffs looking for hard-edged suspense. But further yet, the film becomes a character study of two men who lead opposite lives, but perhaps aren't as dissimilar as each may think. Rich and affluent, Affleck's Banek is a man on the top, but despite his seemingly arrogant and impatient behavior, he displays a moral and conflicted center, torn by what's right and what everyone else-namely his boss, co-workers, wife-says is right. Undoubtedly the most complex character Affleck has ever played, this is also the young actor's best performance to date. Samuel L. Jackson is easily one of the best actors around, and his portrayal here is absolutely terrific, perhaps his most substantial performance since his role in Pulp Fiction. Gipson is certainly less priveleged than Banek, and this societal gap displays an interesting effect once things get out of hand. Gipson represents the majority of us, the working middle class that's frustrated when fate hands him a wrong turn. The disastrous day that Gipson endures is affecting, and it's both simultaneously crushing and exhilarating to see a reasonable man go to the extremes. There are far more themes at work here, and I've only touched on the surface. For instance, there's a powerful scene where Amanda Peet (as Banek's wife) delivers a coldly manipulative speech that clues us in as to why Banek would cheat on his beautiful wife with a less physically attractive, but far kinder, more emotionally supportive woman (played well by Toni Collete). Another similarly powerhouse sequence is Sydney Pollack's (playing Banek's boss) diatribe on ethics in business and why the cutthroat method is the only effective tool for pressing business matters. With an abundance of moments like these, there's so much theme at work in the script that the film simply demands repeat viewings. Changing Lanes is always entertaining, thanks to Roger Mitchell's well-paced and sure-handed direction, and the script never falters when it comes to both story and thematic material, mixing both together without ever coming off as preachy. The film has lots to offer, and for viewers willing to take the ride, the rewards are plentiful. It's been a fine year for movies so far, and without a doubt, Changing Lanes is one of the best cinematic offerings to date.
Rating:  Summary: One of the year's better flicks! Review: Changing lanes is a very interesting flick. It has it all. The movie faces up to traditional concepts of entertainment. The movie has a great cast lead by Ben Affleck and a great director (Michell the director of the still loved heart warming "Notting Hill"). It has good sound effects and a good sense-making atmosphere. It's worth a check and is compelling. At certain scenes it can confuse the mind. Still it's a great movie. Unlike the usual Lawyer themed movies and TV shows, this movie is not about a Boston lawyer (it's a lawyer in Manhattan). At various occasions you'll be wondering why the cast made a certain decision that turned out to be the wrong decision. Still in the end you'll think "Ah well, maybe it wasn't that bad of a decision, made the story more interesting". It's made up of both irony and coincidences. The story is very gripping indeed and the two main actors were definitely fit for the part. It's a refreshing new adventurous masterpiece that in a way can be described as being thought-provoking. It's also a little something for most John Grisham fans! The movie revolves around Gavin Banek (Ben Affleck), a young partner in a powerful law firm, and Doyle Gipson (Samuel L. Jackson), a submissive working class man whose cars have just collided on the expressway. Gavin was busy trying to put together a business meeting on his mobile, and so he presents Doyle with a blank check to cover costs. Doyle, wanting to correctly swap records, rejects, causing Gavin to flee the accident site. In his rush, Gavin leaves behind an essential legal folder that Doyle uses to his advantage, setting off a vile sequence of vengeance between these two men. It's solid entertainment with a solid story. It's very appealing and can be called a classic! It's for fans of John Grisham, The Sixth Sense, Kiss of death, and Unbreakable. It's also for fans of most Ben Affleck movies! You shouldn't expect a romantic comedy only because Michell directs it. It's a Lawyer movie (Not a Legally Blonde lovable Lawyer comedy). Although both Ally McBeal and Legally Blonde may be Lawyer movies, Changing Lanes is nothing like them. It's more of a movie for Grisham fans! It is still one of the year's superior flicks!
Rating:  Summary: One word can describe this movie: AWESOME! Review: I watched this movie last night and I loved every second of it. The plot was great, the acting was great, the music score was fantastic (I WILL BE GETTING IT SOON!). Ben Affleck and Samuel L. Jackson have awesome roles in this movie. It is intense that's all I'm going to say. The MPAA rated this an R for language. There is not much language in the movie (I heard more F words in the PG-13 rated "Behind Enemy Lines"), but Oh Well, the public will just have to watch the video and DVD because us 13 year olds can't watch it. Just to let you know, I had to watch the VHS version because the DVD was all out. The video quality is very very well done. It doesn't look like many other VHS transfers I've seen before. The quality looks phenomenal. I hope the DVD quality is good.
Rating:  Summary: Jackson and Affleck give solid and powerful performances! Review: "Changing Lanes" is a film that is nothing short of being brilliant! The direction of Roger Michell ("Notting Hill") is outstanding! And the top-notch performances from Samuel L. Jackson ("Shaft") and Ben Affleck ("The Sum of All Fears") were played with perfection all the way! The film centers around two men: The first man is Doyle Gipson (Jackson), a recovering alcoholic who tries to pick up the pieces of his once happy marriage and tries to provide for his family by buying a house for them. The other man is Gavin Banek (Affleck), an ambitious high-powered attorney involved in a shady deal with his business partners who are biking a charity. Doyle Gipson and Gavin Banek had no reason to meet...until that fateful day on the freeway. The two men are in a rush to get to their court appointments when a fender bender puts them behind schedule. Banek's rushed handling of the situation, including leaving the scene of the accident saying the words "Better luck next time!", has resulted in Gipson not only being late for his court appointment, but he also lost custody of his kids and it looks like he might not see them again. As for Banek, well, not only is he also late for court, he has also lost a very important file of his...at the scene of the accident...with Doyle Gipson! And not only does this mean that Banek has lost the file, it could also cost him his job and his freedom as well! So what started out as a simple fender bender on the freeway became a conflict between two different men...each with two different agendas...and one with a very important file that the other wants back as soon as possible. And the film goes on from there. "Changing Lanes" is a contemporary American thriller that will keep you on the edge of the seat from start to unforgettable finish! With two of the biggest stars today, a great supporting cast (Toni Collette, William Hurt, Amanda Peet, Sydney Pollack, Richard Jenkins, Kim Staunton), and powerful storytelling, "Changing Lanes" is a must-see for DVD!
Rating:  Summary: Totally different from Notting Hill yet highly enjoyable Review: Changing Lanes was surely one of the best action movies to come out during the summer of 2002 . It tells the story of two men , unknown to each other whose lifes are about to take some stormy turns after a non-deadly car accident between the two of them . A missing file which force each one of these individuals to reach his limits . What Michell's film seems to focus on is what kind of horrible things can an ordinary person do when he is in panic . Job , future , peace of mind and family are all at stake here so both of them will do whatever it takes to get over this somehow . Furthermore one of them , the attorney will find a chance to wonder about where he is standing in life and if he is happy with it . About the cast , well Samuel L.Jackson will be 'forever cool' in our minds just for having made Pulp Fiction yet his costar , Affleck had his ups ( Good Will Hunting ) and downs ( Reindeer Games ) and is still trying to prove himself and talent . So , we are happy to see that he chose to participate in an atmospheric , witty thriller such as this . Changing Lanes is brainy , well-made and not boring even for a second . After a romantic comedy Michell tries action & adventure with equally great results . This is undeniably one promising director if nothing more .
Rating:  Summary: 4 1/2 Stars Review: "Changing Lanes" is an edgy suspense triller. It involves a fender bender that interrupts the lives of two men (BEN AFFLECK, SAMUAL L. JACKSON). They (BEN & SAM) exchange no info, because one of them (BEN) is in a hurry. When he (BEN) drops a file containing important information in the rush to leave the scene, the other man (SAM) holds the file hostage. His (SAM) reason for keeping the file from him (BEN) is that he (SAM) was made late for his (SAM) visitation rights hearing. Now both men (BEN & SAM) try to destroy one anothers lives. The film is done smart and convicingly. Both Affleck and Jackson show why they are big stars.
Rating:  Summary: Lousy Movie Review: I saw this movie expecting action and excitment and the only thing I got was sleep. The plot was decent but surrounded by a boring movie. It moved so slow I couldn't wait for the movie to end. I would never see this movie again even if I was paid!!
Rating:  Summary: Good Flick Review: Jackson and Affleck.... Wow! Jackson is a very believable divorcee trying to recover what is left of his life. Affleck is an up and coming high power attorney. Both are on their way to appear in cour for different reasons. They accidently crash into each other on the way. Affleck treats Jackson very shabbily and leaves the scene. However, he leaves behind some paperwork that will change his life forever. Over the course of the remainder of the day, these two fight it out over the paperwork. Affleck finally comes to the realization that what he has done is slightly illegal and the course that he is following will lead to disaster. A very believable film. Definitely worth watching.