Rating:  Summary: kirsten Dunst exposes her talent Review: i was dragged to see this movie, however, i must admit that this movie was excellent. i would probably put it in my top 10 along with my others such as Traffic, Goodfellas and Forrest Gump. As you can see by my other Fav's, im into really dramatic; powerful movies, Crazy/Beautiful definetly has these quality's. the movie does a great job of showing two kinds of life styles, Jay Hernandez the mexican struggling, and Kirsten Dunst, the wealthy white girl taking it for granite, and showing how the two collide, this love story is not typical, its realistic and that is a quality that makes this movie so powerful. I highly recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: Maybe I am just too old Review: This movie was, in my opinion, just too stupid for words. Here is a story of a girl who drives drunk with her friend and serves community service after she is caught. What does she and her friend do?? They get drunk again and drive drunk some more. The whole time they are laughing, having a great time while putting other peoples lives at stake. I found this to be totally irresponsible to be shown to young teenagers (the movies target audience).The rich drunk girl has relationship problems with her dad and step mother, which is one of the major focus points of the movie, but all it takes is her talking to her father ONCE and all is alright and all is forgiven. Is this some kind of dysfuncational situation comedy on television where everything is OK in a span of 30 minutes????? As far as the main plot of a rich white girl and poor hispanic boy falling in love, how boring and cliche. I know I am going to be slammed for this, but I just dont get it. I am glad I got to see this movie for free, the only think I am disappointed about it losing the 1 1/2 hours of my life that I could have been doing something better, like scrubbing my toilets.
Rating:  Summary: I am left shaken Review: ok. where do i start? First of all, i feel that this movie is extremely intense and emotional. in the beggining of the movie, i was like, "ok, its one of those movies again...the ones that you sit and watch, laugh or cry a little, and then go home". For some reason, something metaphysical, i felt involved in the movie, almost as if the movie knew what buttons or corners of my heart to press and go to to make me feel the way i felt. i feel that Jay hernandez played a very good role, and also gave us latinos a very good reputation for playing the role of the school-going, reasonable, healthy ego-driven person. I give him alot of credit. On the other hand, with Kirsten Dunst, i feel that the role she played was very realistic and tragic...she was doomed throughout the entire movie, against all odds, and lonely as loneliness itself (even though she was with him, there was still a sense of isolation.) She also did very well in portraying the personage of the i-dont-know-where-i'm-headed-but-im-going-anyway type of person, someone we all are inside but are afraid of expressing it. I also give her lots of credit. You go girl! At a corner of all this, i also noticed that there was a little bit of stereotype, check out all the stuff in Jay hernandez' bathroom (when she looks in the mirror), it's very disorganized and filled with lots of bathroom stuff. I mean, it's true that we latinos are a little disorganized and jumbled, but i think they overexpressed it in that scene. It was almost like an exxagerated hint to how we live (us latinos). But all in all, it was a beautiful movie. I recommend it to anyone who wants to have a clear understanding of the cultural diffrences and the things we humans do to love one another. In a nutshell, the moral of the movie i think is that we should love without letting anything get in the way (for example, race, color, cultural beliefs, etc...). We should let ourselves be driven by pure emotion. People! put away the diffrences for once. (and no, he was not "there" in the end when she spoke with her father, it was her super-ego finally kicking in, he just helped her use it the right way. pay close attention to the scenes in the hotel, what did he do to her? how did she change so drastically?) Adios.
Rating:  Summary: More Beautiful than Crazy Review: Let me just say that I cried through most of this movie. Mainly because I saw it right after I broke up with my bf who looks remarkably like Jay Hernandez. That aside, I really liked the movie. You want them to be happy with each other, you want Nicole to make ammends with her dad and step mom, and you want her to lay off the smack and comb her hair. But Carlos is the hottie with his eyes on the prize. He's got aspirations, and that's a great quality. Yes, it's very West Side Story/Save the last dance/Romeo&Juliet etc. But that theme's been hot for hundreds of years. It still works.
Rating:  Summary: Not crazy at all, but rather beautiful Review: I happened to know the director and while at his house, I had seen the "dailies" (which are the scenes that they have most recently edited), and I wasn't too sure about it. When I finally saw it put all together, it was great! There was only one scene I didn't like (Carlos' brother telling him that the weight of the world is on him). Also, could you see any other young actress playing Nicole, the messed-up over-privelaged druggie? Dunst's preformance was brilliant. The cinematography was beautiful. The story was smooth and completly relatable. What more could you ask for?
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie! Review: When you see the name of the movie crazy/beautiful and the name of the actress Kristen Dunst you think well another chick flick stupid comedy but here you're wrong!Crazy/Beautiful is romentic drama with a comedy that talks about a racial issue like save the last dance.Kristen Dunst is Nicole Okly a 17 year old girl and the daughter of a congress member.Nicole is a wild girl that takes drugs drink alchol sex/drugs and alchol u name she got it!she's a wild child that don't give a s@$it on school.Jay Harnndez (HOTTIE!) is Carlos Noniez an hyspanic who comes from hard day family he's a straight A student who wants to conquer what any of his family didn't one day he meets nicole and they attract to each other. VERY RECCOMNDED!
Rating:  Summary: boring and clichéd Review: This is your typical Romeo-and-Juliet story, nothing more and...well, maybe less. There's no relationship developed between the two main characters except for when they have sex, which (contrary to popular belief) isn't the only part of a relationship. This movie revolves around Dunst's character's attempts to escape the "misery" of her life with her father and stepmother in a beautiful mansion with a *maid*...poor baby. So she goes out and gets drunk and sleeps around, until she meets Hernandez, a lower-class straight-A student with hopes of being a pilot in the military. They have sex, and then...have sex, and make out, and have sex for most of the movie. Of course, their parents don't want them to see each other. And of course, their "true love" (or hormonal lust) for each other wins out in the end. Gag me. This movie is unoriginal at best and insulting at worst. The script is whiny, clichéd, and contrived. The acting is certainly nothing spectacular. The only think even remotely good about this movie is the cinematography, which isn't enough to make me want to see this movie ever again. If you see this movie, all you'll end up doing is staring at your watch and wishing they handed out air-sickness bags on the way in.
Rating:  Summary: This movie could've been BEAUTIFUL, but it's just CRAZY! Review: "Thumbs Down!" What people seem to miss about this movie, is that the plot is so usual, 'Foreign man and American woman who fall in love but are the complete opposites and the public rejects their relationship', that you don't even need to watch the movie to know what happens. I've seen Save the Last Dance, which basically has the same plot. 'He's black, and she's white, they fall in love, and the public rejects their relationship.'...
Rating:  Summary: Melo-Drama at Best Review: It's hard to say just what went wrong with Crazy/Beautiful. Perhaps it's the static characters, the plot without any peaks or the simple fact that it's impossible to empathize with another rich, white girl. Personally, I expected more from Kirsten. Aside from the fact that she resembles a boy throughout the film, she lacks the personality needed to pull off a character with so many emotional problems. The plot was simple. Boy meets girl. Girl and boy have sex. Boy and girl face challenges. A monkey could have written better.
Rating:  Summary: An encore to an intriging performance Review: Nicole(Kirsten Dunst) is a reckless teenager who deals with her life in all the wrong ways as a result to her mother's tragedy. She feels her life is against her and turns to alchohol and drugs to deal with her constant problems.Along the way she finds Carlos(Jay Hernandes)who is a straight A student from a small family trying to follow his dreams. At first he is just an aquantence, but soon sparks start to fly. The romantic couple help each other in the twists and turns of their lives. Kirstin and Jay were a perfect match! They had very natural chemistry and you really got into both of the characters. The story grabbed your attention and held onto it all the way through.It was touching and romantic resembling the modern day romeo and juliet making you want to see over and over again.