Rating:  Summary: odds & ends & the beginning of the end... Review: Rather than an in-depth overview or narrative of the story of Jean-Michel Basquiat, we have here a film composed of odds & and ends taken from both real and imagined events in his life. Some pieces play a larger role (his seemingly childlike approach to living, interactions with a fresh-faced sometime-love interest, his brushes with the ever-ridiculous world of (white) racial politics--"Would you consider yourself a black painter?" "No, I use other colors too."--, frequent drug use, etc., etc.) while others are confined to hints. These hints provide glimpses--some alarming, some endearing--into a more complete picture of the last seven years of Basquiat's life. Watching this film is not the way to find out everything-you-ever-wanted-to-know about Jean-Michel Basquiat. It is, rather, a way to get a sense of part of his essence--some of the things that made him Basquiat.
Rating:  Summary: An exciting movie for the art appreciator Review: Whether you're an artist like myself, or just someone who appreciates and enjoys fine art, you'll enjoy this biographical film of one of the art communities "bad boys". Whatever your position is on J.M. Basquiat, this movie sympathizes with him and takes you on an entertaining journey through his life: from his graffitti days on the streets to his last days of his life. Also check out "Pollock" (this is not as lighthearted of a movie though).
Rating:  Summary: Realistic look at a brilliant artist Review: Jeffrey Wright portrays the artist Basquiat. That should be enough to say! He is amazing. The true story of a man who went from sleeping in a cardboard box to standing next to Andy Warhol showing his artwork in a gallery to dying from a drug overdose. An artist's life is never an easy one, and Wright does a superb job of it all. Showing ever bob and weave he takes from nothing to something. The movie has enough cameos to keep you guessing throughout....from Courtney Love to Willem DaFoe. It's a wonderful movie though depressing, but true of the art scene in general. It's a whirlwind voyage Basquiat takes and like so many he falls and you find yourself falling with him. Fame and fortune came with a price for him, but he leaves behind his work for us to admire. Enjoy Wright's portrayl of this man and his life.
Rating:  Summary: Basquiat Review: This is definitely one of my favorites. This film was the work of a fellow factory artist Julian Schnabel. Julian wrote and directed the film. All of the paintings in the film were Schabel's representations of Basquiat's work. This movie is outstanding. The audience is presented with a very real view of the artist's life. Although it seems sketchy at times, the air of confusion and/or paradox, adds to the film. The only true flaw is that we are not able to see a deeper side of Basquiat. Buit again, this is the interpretation by a man who may not have know him on that level. There are numerous outstanding performances--a brilliant cast--all working for pennies.. Gary Oldman, Dennis Hopper, Courtney Love, Jeffrey Wright and David Bowie. Jefrey Wright's performance is alluring. He captures the essence of the artist which basically distracts you from the flaws of the film. The viewer gets lost in Wright as Basquiat once got lost in himself. Bowie does a wonderful job of capturing Warhol's unique personality. It's almost frightening really. Perfect choice considering Bowie met him on several occasions. Courtney Love's appearance is questionable. Although, I believe she is a representation of several women who came into Basquiat's life. Madonna? The film throws quite a lot at you. The complicated relationships Jean-Michel had with various people and his absorbtion into drugs. He constant battles are not really seen as such but really almost presented in an innocent way. He seems as though he was a guy roaming the streets reacting to his environment. People get angry at him, shun him--yet at the same time call him brilliant. The film depicts his struggle with race issues and class issues which are the most fundamantal key issues of his art. I highly recommend this film!
Rating:  Summary: Stunning film, definitely worth owning! Review: I bought this film on a discount rack in a video shop not having any idea who in the world Jean Michel Basquiat was, only remember hearing that it was an interesting, non-Hollywood art film about an artist. After watching it, I wouldn't mind learning more about the real Basquiat as all biopics take their poetic liberties, but to be honest I don't particularly care how factually accurate this film really is, or how good Basquiat's work may or may not have been. That's because this film simply SHINES and stands on its own as a celebration of true artists everywhere and at any time, famous or obscure. Just about every character is superb, from Wright to Oldman, Bowie, Del Toro, Walken, and especially the drop-dead, knock-out gorgeous Clare Forlani. The cinematography is beautiful (makes you want to move to NYC, 9/11 be damned), the music is perfectly chosen, the dialogue flows and crackles effortlessly. To those who disliked this film because they dislike Wright's character, who dislike the film's lack of a simplistic plot structure, who (perhaps understandably) dislike modern art and late 20th century art scene---I say, go out and rent some kitschy piece of [junk] like "The English Patient!" This film is really not so much about Basquiat but about art and artists, the best of which tend to be gloriously AMORAL and ANARCHISTIC. *Not* clean, cutesy, predictable or "respectable."
Rating:  Summary: Tragic and believable Review: I liked this movie because it showed what it's like to have too much too soon. Highly recommended for a change of pace.
Rating:  Summary: A beautiful and artistic tribute to a good friend. Review: This is among the best movies I've ever seen. Is it accurate? Does it tell the whole story? Isn't it giving a slanted perspective on Basquiat's life? Who cares? Watch Biography on A&E or something for an historical account of his life if that's what you're looking for. This movie is a beautifully filmed tribute to an artist by an artist. There is a scene in the film where we watch old 8mm clips of Basquiat's friend Andy Warhol. I get the feeling Julian Schnabel wished there was a big collection of 8mm home movies with which to make a tribute out of, but lacking that did the next best thing and made a movie. I felt like the whole movie was a film version of friends getting together and saying "remember that time he...." The film does tend to jump around a bit, and not everything is explained fully. Think back on someone close to you who died. Think of how you remember that person. Not as a complete biography, but a collection of memories. Times that make you laugh, times that make you cry, times you wish others had experienced so they can know fully what the loss means to you. This movie captures that feeling and draws you into this close group of friends. It lets you share those times from the inside. Each person is represented by at least one clip. Each person has at least one memory to share. Basquait drifts around the film in a dreamy disconnected way. These scenes are only memories. The character does not grow or change because we remember our friends the way they were when they died. We freeze them and wrap them in a protective blanket that repels all fault we may have placed on them in life. I have never watched a film that captures these feelings so well. This film made me feel like I was invited to Basquiat's wake and allowed to share in the memories.
Rating:  Summary: An actor's movie, maybe Review: Jeffery Wright is, of coure, excellent as Basquiat, but the revelation is in seeing David Bowie as Andy Warhol. OK maybe not a revelation, but a funny, stony experience. Not really written, so much as just there, this movie has all the plot of one of Basqiat's paintings. It's more about essence than story. Which doesn't bother me one bit. And the movie is dripping with essence.
Rating:  Summary: One of my favorite films of all time. Review: Basquiat is a mesmerizing, intelligent, compassionate, and stunningly beautiful film. Jeffrey Wright (as Jean-Michel Basquiat) and David Bowie (as Andy Warhol) should both have been nominated for Academy Awards.. their performances are unforgettable. And if they gave Oscars for cameos, Christopher Walken would deserve one!! I can't think of anyone in the cast who doesn't give a remarkable performance (including Gary Oldman, who I'm not usually crazy about). I had never heard of Basquiat before I saw this film, but now I'm dying to see more of his artwork, and to learn more about Andy Warhol's life. Even if you aren't a fan of Basquiat's or Warhol's art (I'm not sure yet whether I am or not), if you have an open mind you will almost certainly be touched by the incredible beauty in this film. Basquiat is one of the few films I have truly MISSED from the moment it ended. I can't wait to see it again, so that I can absorb Basquiat's art a little better, and experience David Bowie's entirely believable, lovable, and FUNNY portrayal of Warhol again.. one viewing is definitely not enough. I doubt I would ever get tired of watching it, since it's the kind of film you notice many new things in each time you see it.
Rating:  Summary: AN ARTY FILM ABOUT AN INTRIGUING ARTIST Review: Most recently I've had a deep intrest in the art and the life of Jean Michel Basquiat. I started exploring my curiousity with this 1996 film directed by Julian Schnabel-a fellow artist of Basquiat-entitled simply "Basquiat".Playing the execently-acted role of Basquiat is Jeffrey Wright(future star of John Singleton's 2000 remake of "Shaft"). Although this film is hyped as a biopic,it's more an expressionist look into Basquiat's mind. Basquait is depicted as a man-child genius with a troubled family (his mother would get locked into a mental hospital as the films shows in a chilling scene) and a reckless attitude.This is a journey of the mind of a man who knew that success was a given for him. But the one thing I don't like about this film is that it's not really a proper biopic.It doesn't show Basquiat's severe depression to you,it shows it in the mind of Basquiat.That may turn some people off who would like to see a clear narrative of the life of the artist.We see several scenes of Basquiat snorting coke or smoking weed for pleasure while riding in his limo or pondering his next masterpiece.But it's shown in an arty context. David Bowie gives an ingenious performance as Andy Warhol-who Basquait later befriended in the last years in his carrer and his life(Basquiat died at age 27 in 1988 of a herion overdose). It makes me wonder why Bowie doesn't do more acting projects because he's a really good actor. This film features an all-star cast which features Bencino Del Tero,Courtney Love,Michael Wincott,among others and an excellent soundtrack,which features greatly emotional,moody music from the likes of Public Image Ltd.,P.J. Harvey,Tom Waits, etc.("Basquait"'s ending credicts roll to Lenoard Cohen's hauntingly beautiful "Hallejuah". Altough I must complain that with the exception of Miles Davis' "Flamingo Sketches" and some Charlie "Bird" Parker compostions-not much jazz(that was Basquiat's favorite music) is heard in this film. Jean Michel Basquiat,along with Jimi Hendrix,Tupac Shakur,and Miles Davis,was a brilliant,intriguing,mysterious black man that lived and played hard and died young(with the exception of Miles). "Basquiat" is a great -yet at times meandering-film (it's one of my favorites) that gives a bit of insight into the short life of Basquiat and his art but there's even more to this man--that we will never know...