Rating:  Summary: Conan Like Whole Wide World Review: Congratulations Dan Ireland for finally achieving the DVD release of the greatest romance film of the 1990s. Speaking as one who shares his sobriquet with the barbarian (though actually named after a character from the Irish Fenian tale cycle) I savored this sensitive exploration of the troubled life of one of my favorite childhood authors. Oh, and Howard Dean for president in 2004!
Rating:  Summary: At long last, it's finally coming out. Review: After pestering numerous people for several years, The Whole Wide World is finally getting its day on DVD, July 29, 2003! Along with a widescreen transfer, a Dolby Digital soundtrack, we have a commentary with Vincent D'Onofrio, our screenwriter, Michael Scott Myers, our composer, Harry Gregson Williams, and our co-star Benjamin Mouton -- who brought the project to me initally. Also, we have an new interview with Renee Zellweger and myself, just filmed last Monday, May 19th. So, if you have only seen our film on television, do yourself a favor, see it this way. It has never been available in such a beautiful condition since the theatrical release. Thank you to all our faithful fans enjoy who have written in and been so generous. For me, this is a dream come true. Finally... Dan Ireland ..................
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Review: I had wanted to see this for a few years now, but none of the video stores in my area had it available for rental. So, I followed director Dan Ireland's advice and bought the DVD from amazon.ca. I'm really glad I did. This is a beautiful love story--sad, funny, and intelligent. The performances by Renee Zellweger and Vincent D'Onofrio are amazing and utterly convincing. I'm happy that I have this in my DVD collection now and can watch it again whenever I want. I recommend purchasing this DVD. You won't regret it.
Rating:  Summary: An unconventional but captivating love story Review: I find most love stories in film to be overly sappy so I wasn't expecting much. I've also never been able to get into Conan the Barbarian. The character has never been my cup of tea. But I decided to watch The Whole Wide World when it came on televison one day.Wow. Five minutes into this movie, I was totally drawn in. Director Dan Ireland takes what could have been a wimpy story about unrequited love and breathes life into it by infusing the characters with color and feeling. Until watching this film, I never had a desire to see Texas but Ireland makes it seem so breathtaking, I may have to take a trip. Thru their acting, Renee Zellweger and Vincent D'Onafrio convince us that these characters are real. We feel Novalyne's frustration with Bob but still understand why he appeals to her. Her intelligence and sassiness for the times obviously drew him to her. Both actors make the story of unrequited love come to life. In a total contrast from his better known Men In Black character, D'Onafrio shows his range. And in one of her earliest lead roles, Zellweger displays an acting talent that has not always been apparent in her latter movies. This underrated gem is a real find. I hope it comes out on DVD.
Rating:  Summary: This movie is like oatmeal. It sticks with you all day. Review: I bought this DVD from amazon.ca. I initially purchased it because I knew that I would enjoy the acting. However, I will say that once I saw this movie that I was hooked. I couldn't stop thinking about it for several days, and had to watch it again. In my mind, this is the mark of a truly excellent film. The acting in this movie is amazing, and the scenery shots are breath-taking. The quality of the production is obvious and shines through in the finished product. I recommend this movie to anyone.
Rating:  Summary: Neglected Masterpece Review: I am constantly amazed that this brilliant film has remained largely undiscovered. Even many ardent fans of Vincent D'Onofrio have never heard of it. When they list the best films of D'Onofrio it is missing from their list. All of Vince's films are excellent. He never misses his mark! And WWW is his very best film as he was given a lead role and never let down for a second!!! Everything wonderful about WWW has been said and said again. I can only implore you to see this movie. It is first in my list of all-time favorite films--for so many reasons-- best leads, Vincent and Renee, best director, story, screen play, music, photography, editing, best screen kiss!, and on and on. Open up your world and buy a dvd of The Whole Wide World.
Rating:  Summary: This movie will haunt you. Review: This was one of the best films I've seen in many years. I didn't see it in the theatres because of the poor reviews, yet when I look online, I see that most who viewed it felt the same as I do. I want it on DVD. I don't understand why it ever received a single negative review. You will never forget either character. It's almost as though there has been some conspiracy to keep this film quiet. When it was on TV and nothing else was showing, I watched it and fell in love with the photography, the script, the direction, the actors and the whole production. Five HUGE stars. Both actors should have won Oscars.
Rating:  Summary: The best love story I have ever seen Review: Usually I treat "love stories" with a thinly veiled contempt. Call me cynical, but most are contrived, sappy, and predictable. The Whole Wide World is anything but, and like most stories that break your heart, it's a true one - not something created by the overactive imagination of a Hollywood exec. Other reviews have covered the basic story: based on the memoirs of Novalyne Price, The Whole Wide World is her recollection of the relationship she had with Conan creator and pulp fiction writer, Robert E. Howard, before his tragic suicide. The performances in this film are outstanding. Vincent D'Onofrio practically leaps off of the screen. His character is infuriating, heartbreaking, yet so fragile. Renee Zellweger filmed this movie just before she got the call to appear in Jerry Macguire, and she shines as Novalyne Price. Price was a smart, witty, and stubborn lady - in a time when such things were not considered very ladylike. Novalyne and Robert were introduced by a mutual acquaintance, and thus began their disjointed and devoted friendship. There was obviously so much love between them, but circumstances, Howard's mental illness, and his unreasonable devotion to his mother prevented their relationship from ever reaching it's potential. It's a tragic, very real human story and more than worth two hours of your time. Just make sure you have a tissue ready because it is a tear jerker. It never lowers itself to petty sentimentality though. The Whole Wide World will touch you via pure emotional storytelling - kudos to the writer who adapted Price's novel. It's criminal that the DVD and video are not available in the United States! Various cable channels are playing it regularly, yet I can't come to the American amazon.com to purchase it?? Please follow the director, Dan Ireland, and his advice - go to amazon.ca.com and treat yourself to this wonderful love story!
Rating:  Summary: On my lifetime top ten list! Review: I don't know if I have the vocabulary to adequately describe the joy this movie has given me. It is note perfect. My husband has been a Robert E. Howard fan for decades. I rented the movie only because of his interest but found it absolutely riveting. I've had to rent it from a mail order company and am very grateful to Dan Ireland for posting where the DVD is available. I have already bought it from Amazon.ca. The movie does lovely justice to a Texas few see. The performances have such nuance; each one is a gem. D'Onofrio and Zellweger have done many great roles but I think this is my favorite for each. I've worked as a psychiatric nurse and was moved at the care with which mental health issues (both Howard's and his family's) were portrayed. Overall, this movie is a diamond. Now that I know where I can buy it, I will be giving this DVD as gifts to anyone I know who loves wonderful movies.
Rating:  Summary: I love it, but then again, I'm predjudiced. Review: Yes, I love The Whole Wide World, with all my heart, but I spent five years trying to get it made so... to see all these wonderful comments six years later is enormously touching to all of us involved in making the film. But... what is extremely distressing is the fact that the distributor of OUR film has thus far refused to put it on DVD, even after our numerous attempts to get them to do so. And now to see that it is NOT AVAILABLE on video is an outrage and unacceptable. So, for all of you that want to buy it and see it in it's true LETTERBOX VERSION and on Dolby Digital 5.1 - the DVD is available on Amazon.ca.com (that's Canada, folks),so I hope they put this on the review website for you to see. I am saddened by the US distributors decision to ignore our continual requests to release our film on DVD, but for those of you that want to own it, buy it on Amazon.ca.com. The Canadian distributor has done a first rate job on the transfer. And hopefully after Renee gets her second Oscar nomination this year for CHICAGO, the U.S. Distributor might wise up and do likewise. I have been holding my tongue far too long not to let you know what's up. I hope Amazon.com will be generous enough to run this for their readers. Thank you for your wonderful comments, everytime I get depressed about the distribution fiasco all I have to do is log on to Amazon.com and read all these wonderful reviews to know it was all worthwile. - Dan Ireland, Director, The Whole Wide World.