Rating:  Summary: Matt, OH MATT, what were you drinking (thinking) Review: First of all, I can only say that the Cinematography was about the only part of this film that can even get the 1 star that I gave it.You sit and search for a reason why you spent an hour and 40 some odd minutes watching a movie that has no plot, no real theme, and a poor ending. Never thought I would see a movie with Matt Damon that was written and filmed so low budget in all aspects of what a motion picture should be. Not that I don't think there was a twist of the usual motion pictures put out today on this film by the director and Damon, but there sure was hardly any real content. I just didn't catch anything that made me want to go OOH or AHH. Sitting for almost 2 hours watching 2 men walk through the desert, rarely talking, it was hard to see even character relationships evolve, or anything to that extent. I never did figure out why the heck they went out walking in the desert anyways. They were heading to "the spot, the place" where ever? Didn't make much sense, since that was mentioned for a whole 2 seconds of the movie. Putting the names Damon and Affleck doesn't justify forking out over $20.00 some odd dollars for a dvd that isn't worth .20 cents. I'm a huge Damon fan, and I think he should come out with a public apology, or, have Affleck put this film along with his brothers loser with JLo of 2003 into the "don't watch vault" If you must watch just for the shear curiosity, be sure to watch it early in the day, and have a real film on cue to watch to make up for the dissapointment in this one. Putting the directors credits of Goodwill Hunting, and other films that have merit, is a sucker draw in this critic's opinion. They must have spent a whole $500.00 creating this film, and it's worth about that. Even if I was given a free dvd of this movie, I'd remove the jacket, and replace it with a real movie. TWO HANDS DOWN...
Rating:  Summary: It's all been said! Review: Let me start by saying I can agree in some way or another with almost every review I've read on this film. Yes it is slow and a bit hard to sit through, yes it has mesmerizing cinematography and is visually stunning, yes it has very little dialogue and virtually no signifigant plot. But most importantly I agree 110% that this film and it's visuals will stick in your mind possibly forever. I watched it two days ago and can not stop thinking about it. The enchanting opening scene of Damon and Affleck driving down an empty road as the gentle and bittersweet piano plays on the soundtrack is astonishing. And the part that has stayed with me and taken over my thoughts is the haunting scene at the end when the characters are dragging their feet across the endless sand landscape as the eerie sound on the soundtrack predict certain doom. This film may not be Van Sants best film but it goes down as a complete original with his other release this year, "Elephant", and will promise to get under your skin and haunt and amaze any who allow themselves to be immersed in this picture.
Rating:  Summary: Burn it Review: This movie is so bad I can't believe I am even bothering expressing my opinion on it. Burn it!
Rating:  Summary: Burn it Review: This movie is so bad I can't believe I am even bothering with expressing how much I hated it. Burn it!
Rating:  Summary: I'll go on/I can't go on Review: Definitely not one to watch when your patience is at a minimum, but Gerry definitely demonstrates Van Sant's (and Damon's) willingness to go out on a limb. I won't extend that compliment to Casey Affleck, cuz really, what does he have to risk? Anyway, the cinematography is beautiful. The central concept is brilliantly simple. The Beckett-ish lack of narrative and dialogue is... a little hard to take. I found myself wanting just a little more, if only to feel more about these people when I found out how it ended. But I guess I can forgive that, as it's apparent this was the filmmaker's deliberate decision. The Amazon reviewer definitely is right about the experience vs memory thing. Last night as I watched it I found myself wondering why more than once. But a day later I'm still thinking about it.
Rating:  Summary: Look Again, Young Ones! Review: O.K. look, I've read all of your reviews and some of the comments you've made are even a bit interesting. But let us not lose sight of what this movie is truly ABOUT: At first, I thought the film (aptly titled Gerry) was about the human spirit being ridden by the shadow of Geriatrics, which upon the second viewing, I found was wrong. This film portrays God and Devil before the advent of mankind trudging through their divine live's and finally deciding to go different ways. This can be seen (heard) in Affleck's fireside dialouge, and the long walk together where the devil "falls out of step" with god. Also, presumed but never said, is all of the emotions one would associate with "evil" portrayed in Casey Affleck's mannerisms. Now, let's get on the ball and start reviewing this movie from the correct standpoint: God and Devil were once mates until the devil got jealous and deceitful and left. Have any of you reviewers ever really SEEN the film?? Geez!
Rating:  Summary: Amazing piece of filmmaking! Review: This film is a work of art. Do not watch this film if you are expecting some sort of popcorn Hollywood flick. I'm glad to see Gus Van Sant doing some more "indie" films now that's he's had some major successes with more commercial fare. If you haven't seen Elephant, see that as well!
Rating:  Summary: Mind Melding Review: This is a movie to watch late at night or in the wee hours of the morning. Watch it alone unless you have a very special friend or partner who can watch a movie and not comment on it until the end. I was fortunate enough to see this movie at home, late at night, and alone. The cinematography is awesome. Although I kept telling myself I was only watching "Gerry" for the outstanding photography and the haunting music, I finally had to admit that I just loved the movie. For no reason. It gets so completely under your skin and into your mind that you forget there's no plot. No action. Little dialog. And for the most part, no meaning. But there is something there that drags you in and holds you. And I can't help feeling that there actually is a meaning. I just don't know what it is. Your best bet is to watch this movie when the life around you is choking out your soul. Watch it when you feel too self-involved. Watch it when you've lost contact with who you are. Just watch it.
Rating:  Summary: But The Emperor Has No Clothes! Review: I debated the name for this review for quite a while. Runners-up were "Dude, Where's My Plot," "Pretentious Beyond Belief," and "Waiting For Godot...Without the Nail-Biting Tension". To say that this film is boring, plotless, a waste of time, but visually stunning would be simply parroting previous reviewers. So, I'll just say why I personally find this film so intolerable/insulting/unbearable. This so-called movie is the cinematic equivalent of those "artworks" in museums that are supposed to be acid tests for whether you have artistic sensitivity, taste and intellectual superiority. We've all seen them: the perfectly blank canvas that has snobs and pseudo-intellectuals oo-ing and ah-ing about it's stark minimalism and how it reflects the zeitgeist of our sterile society yadda yadda yadda.....If you disagree and say, "It's not art, it's just a blank sheet of canvas!", you will supposedly expose yourself as a low-brow Philistine from the shallow end of the gene pool. Have we forgot the story of the Emperor's New Clothes? Now, I am renowned among my friends for having the patience of a saint; I will stick with a long novel or movie long after everyone has given up on it. And I think I am no intellectual slouch; I do have a graduate degree and my IQ tests in the Superior range. So I think it is saying something when I say that this is the worst movie that I have seen all year. What makes it worse is that it isn't by some art school dropout; it's by Gus Van Sant. We all know he can do better. Incidentally, I happen to be a fan of Gus Van Sant and admire his less accessible films (like My Own Private Idaho and Drugstore Cowboy) as well as his more "commercial" movies (like Good Will Hunting and Finding Forrester). This is a pretentious exercise in self-indulgence.
Rating:  Summary: How bad could a film actually be? Review: A new rating system has been introduced into my life since I saw Gerry. Gerry gets 10 marks out of 10 for being the WORST film I have ever seen. EVERY film I have seen is better than this ego trip and as such gets a rating from Gerry (10) to 1 (being a great film). Yes, it had stunning scenery, but no story at all. It was so annoying and frustrating - I can't even describe the anger I felt at paying to watch it. Do anything with your life than watching Gerry. What a shame Amazon dont allow for zero stars.