Rating:  Summary: Not a very believable war movie. Review: Once you've seen Band Of Brothers a movie like this is just not very believable. Neither the acting nor the story are very convincing. A lot of details that made BoB so realistic are over looked (but remember, this movie was made a few years prior to BoB).[I'll leave the synopsis up to the other reviewers.] This is a 'When Trumpets Fade' style of movie though WTF is better in my opinion. If you like WTF you might like this. But if BoB is what you judge all war movies by this one will probably disappoint you.
Rating:  Summary: A good, but not great, war movie. Review: I am a bit of a war movie buff. After hearing good word of mouth and reading the glowing reviews on this website, I rented the movie. I was slightly dissapointed. The movie was good and the characters were interesting but the acting seemed a bit flat. The story also seemed a bit strained and at times pushed into the "unbeleivable zone." The end was dramatic and tragic but I didn't feel inspired or enlightened by the story. I can't believe all of the reviews claiming that this is the greatest war movie of all time or how this film could be anyone's favorite movie. It has the look and feel of a B movie. So rent it before you buy it and there are many other war movies out there much better than this one. I'd recommend Gallipoli, Stalingrad, When Trumpets Fade, Band of Brothers, Private Ryan, Blue Max, All Quiet on the Western Front, Come and See, Das Boot, shall I go on?
Rating:  Summary: Beyond Praise Review: For most of us, the movies are a source of relaxation, escape, fun. There is the occasional film that provides uplift,inspiration, but it does its work and then is by and large forgotten. "A Midnight Clear" is not that kind of movie. Every time I see it, and I have seen it often, it stays with me for days afterward. Its imagery is haunting, its characters real, and its tragic conclusion burns deep into the memory. It is one of a small group of war films that occupy a privileged place in the pantheon of this genre. Others in this class include for me "Gallipoli," "The Thin Red Line," and "Platoon." Of course, to mention these "war" films is to say at once "anti-war" because their whole point is to illustrate the brutality and futility of military action, to decry the ultimate human folly of settling differences by killing other human beings. It is impossible to single out individual performances in a film where individual ego has been left behind in favor of selfless ensemble work. Each and every actor sculpts a unique, believable personage and all have conspired to leave a legacy of unforgettable artistic achievement that is beyond praise. See if this movie does not touch the deepest part of yourself and fill you with a sense of awe before the mystery of good and evil that forms the stuff of which we all are made.
Rating:  Summary: Still "Reformatted To Fit Your TV" (FULLSCREEN) Review: The latest DVD release (Fall 2003) is *still* presented in fullscreen/pan'n'scan format, despite technical information to the contrary on Amazon. Twice released on DVD, twice modified from its original widescreen format. Shameful. This is especially appalling, given that the packaging utilizes *widescreen* stills from the film alongside its synopsis -- scenes you will never see in such state should you view the enclosed disc.
Rating:  Summary: A Moving Tale set during the Battle of the Bulge Review: I highly recommend this movie to anyone who has never seen it before. I have a problem though with the butchered version that appears on the DVD. This film truly deserved better. The VHS version is wonderful. I did a lot of research on my uncle who was killed Christmas Day, 1944 in Luxembourg. I was very happy when this movie was released because it gave me a better idea of what the mood was on both sides at the time. We have several letters he wrote home and we can only imagine the wide range of emotions these young men went through. I think the best thing about it is that it shows just how human the German soldiers were. A great movie, but if you're only into the "battle" scenes, this won't be for you. It's a thinking movie -- very thought provoking. Another great WWII movie that I'd love to see done right on DVD...Battleground.
Rating:  Summary: DVD FYI!!! Review: This is not a review of the film, which is excellent, but the DVD is advertised as widescreen, the version I received was pan and scan..and I did order this new release expecting the widescreen presentation.
Rating:  Summary: seamless masterpiece Review: A Midnight Clear ranks as one of my all time favorite war films. The World War Two, Battle of the Bulge, drama unfolds on a scale far diminished from giant films like Saving Private Ryan. A Midnight Clear effectively works its scaled down production to full advantage. In place of intrusive special effects, the viewer is rewarded with spell binding performances from all members of its twenty odd cast. Ethan Hawke is utterly convincing with his youthful, detached, yet traumatized narration throughout the film. Hawke's performance should be a model to follow for any young actors preparing to do a World War Two period piece; for the simple fact that men and woman of that era did not speak in the tones, nuances, and slang common today.Hawke's narration is innocent and devestating to experience through-out this heart breaking, was is hell, film.
Rating:  Summary: Horrible...a travesty Review: Oh please. If you're going to make a movie out of an amazing book, please do it right! If you want to buy this video, be warned...the book is 100 times better. Buy it. Read it. Fall in love with it. And by the way, Gary Senise made a horrible Mother.
Rating:  Summary: A Different Look at War Review: Instead of focusing on shooting and killing, "A Midnight Clear" takes a different approach. Set during the Battle of the Bulge in the Ardennes forest, a squad of six green American soldiers is sent on a mission to do reconnisance on enemy activity in the area. Fear and tension build as the greenhorn recruits search for the enemy. But when they finally discover the German camp, they find a small band of soldiers not unlike themselves; scared, cold, and wondering why they are fighting this war anyway. A tentative truce is formed between the Germans and Americans, and they even celebrate Christmas together. But soon the truce explodes into horrifying violence. An all-star cast graces the screen in this film. Ethan Hawke stars as Sgt. William (Will) Knott, the leader of the squad. The viewer also hears narration of the movie through his voice. Gary Sinise plays "Mother", a twenty-six year old vet who has just found out that his two-day old child has died. Frank Whaley is "Father", a seminary school drop-out who still harbors his religious training. He even forged an agreement with the squad not to use profanity, but you'll see how far that goes. Arye Gross stars as Shutzer, the soldier who first encounters the Germans and helps formulate a plan for their surrender to the Americans. Peter Berg is Miller, and Kevin Dillon stars as Avakian. John C. McGinley stars as Major Griffin, the commanding officer who everyone in the squad hates, and the one who nearly gets everyone killed in the end. I enjoyed this movie a great deal. I thought the premise was good and the acting, especially by Hawke and Sinise, is first rate. I had a little problem with the way the Germans and Americans so readily accepted each other, but the botched surrender helps clarify things a bit. World War II fans should enjoy this fine film.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent! Review: What a excellent movie! Midnight Clear is the story of a group of American Soldiers, led by "Will Knott" aka "Don't, " who are entrenched behind enemy lines in war torn Germany. Sent to occupy a rural farmhouse, the soldiers soon discover they are not alone. They share the sector with a small group of enemy soldiers. Over time, boredom, fatigue, and anxiety get the better of the soldiers, and they begin to contact with eachother. Eventually harmless pranks turn to friendship. After exchanging Christmas presents and Christmas Cheer, the American's and Germans hatch an unlikely plan to bring peace to their small region of the Ardennes Forest - with life-changing consequences. I really loved this film! It was poignant, moving and tragic. I loved the acting by Ethan Hawke and Gary Sinise. This movie is a must for fans of character-driven drama.