Rating:  Summary: "Once upon a time, there was a man with scissors for hands". Review: Edward Scissorhands is an amazing film on so many levels. It has comedy, drama, fantasy, suspense, and that little bit of extra magic. The magicians name is Tim Burton. He waves his cinematic wand at full force with this classic tale of tolerance that one guy that didn't fit in. The incredible Danny Elfman score to this film is split into two parts, "Edward Meets the World" and "Poor Edward!". That was appropriate because for the first hour the people in the "pastel paradise" of Suburbia were kind of like "Ooh, aah. Who's he?" They found out and they became completely enchanted by him. Then, as the film went on, they discovered the negative aspects of him after the town whore, wonderfully played by Kathy Baker, tells everyone that he tried to rape her. Everything about this film was pure Burton at the top of his game. The color, how it just split from bright, chipper (for lack of a better word), solid yet pastel, into dark, creepy, shadows. The trees were full of life and deep green in Suburbia, but near the Inventor's mansion they were bare and brittle. The curves of the gargoyles on the bannisters of Edward's dark lair, pure Tim Burton. Winona was great as Kim, the girl who saw him for what he was. Innocent, pure, looking for his place in the world...not the freak that everyone said he was. Dianne Wiest was Peg Boggs, Kim's mother. I don't really know how to describe her but when I saw her, I just felt like I needed to help her. She was the cliche, clueless, suburban mother. Anthony Michael Hall was the one reall villian in this movie. He was Kim's insanely jealous boyfriend. His whole scenario was "If I can't have her, no one can." That is extremely pathetic but what can you do. And of course where would a Tim Burton film be without.....Danny Elfman. His fansite "Music for a Darkened People" called it his masterpiece. They were right. It wasn't just like other composers scores (*cough* John Williams) that made music to stand next to the film. Elfman made it intertwine with every single emotion (see "The Grand Finale" and then you'll know what I'm talking about.) Let me tell you...that song almost had me reduced to tears. I was like, "No, Edward don't go back! Kim loves you!" Unfortunately, he had to. One tear came down my cheeks. Just one. But it had the emotional power of a thousand. If this review has been of any help (*fingers crossed*), PLEASE buy this film. Its just....incredible, emotional, sad, joyous, breathtaking, witty, poignant but most of all it is pure Burton magic.
Rating:  Summary: Touching Film About The Outsider Versus Society Review: 1990: Tim Burton's introverted film is touching and tragic. The music by Danny Elfman is appropriately haunting and the acting is even Oscar worthy. Tim Burton's most personal film, Edward Scissorhands is an extension of the director himself and his feelings of alienation from society, his not fitting in, as we have all felt or feel many times as people governed by a regulated society, a society of people who are biased and judge others before getting to know their soulful humanity. Edward Scissorhands is a great commentary on outsiders, foreigners and people who are not mainstream- it can be applied to different cultures and races, people of different sexual orientation and people of different religious faiths.Edward is the invention of an eccentric, lonely scientist (played by Vincent Price) who lives in a Gothic castle which looms on a great hill over a small, suburban 50's idealistic town. Peg (Diane Weiston) is the local Avon lady, who is married with a husband and kids (her daughter Kim is played by Winona Ryder). She sells her cosmetic products to bored housewives that live in pastel houses whose husbands go to work in a synchronized order. She meets Edward Scisshorhands and takes him in as her house guest. He begins to win people's affections at first, especially because he has great talent with his scissor, especially making lawn statuary and great haircuts. But eventually, when Edward falls for Peg's daughter Kim, the town turns against him, not wanting to welcome this still very strange man. The modern fairty tale is moving, appropriately scored by Danny Elfman's chilling, haunting and romantic style of composition. This film is worth watching and worthy even of some Oscars. I don't recall whether it won anything. That year, Silence Of The Lambs or Misery won the Best Picture.
Rating:  Summary: Poignant Fairy Tale Review: Tim Burton brings to life a rare combination of elements that create a wonderfully poignant story that brings tears to my eyes every time I watch it. On the surface the story is the tale of Edward Scissorhands, created by inventor Vincent Price in one of his greatest roles. "Edward Scissorhands" could have been another story completely, a horror story, or science fiction, or a comedy. Instead, Tim Burton creates a beautiful fairy tale set in an idealized suburbia of the 50s. Edward has lived in a Gothic house that is intended to evoke Frankenstein's castle since his creator died. Edward's house sits perched above a stereotypical suburban neighborhood, and one day the local Avon lady, Peg Boggs (Dianne Wiest), comes calling. Peg gets Edward to come home with her, where he immediately becomes the darling of the neighborhood's housewives, and the bane of all the neighborhood men, because of his skill with topiary and hair styling. Of course the manly men of suburbia are not going to put up with the women of suburbia heaping their affections on Edward, and soon tensions begin to arise. Eventually Kim Boggs (Winona Ryder) boyfriend Jim (Anthony Michael Hall) comes to blows with Edward, leading to a gorgeously sad and beautiful ending that clinches the fairy tale theme. "Edward Scissorhands" plays on so many levels. As the alien outsider Edward is confused by the rituals of suburbia, which director Tim Burton has taken to excess to ultimately highlight the hypocrisy and paranoia of suburbia in a unique way. At first Tim Burton indicates that his suburban neighborhood is perfect and the epitome of the "middle class way." Once the illusion is established, Tim has the women attracted, yet repulsed by their own attraction, to the less-than-perfect Edward. There comes a point where the women of the neighborhood want Edward, but since they can not truly possess Edward, they join in helping to cast him out. Jim becomes the tool that allows the women of the neighborhood to do what they can not, cast him from their midst. In the midst of the irony, Edward and Kim Boggs develop an innocent and beautiful love for each other. Edward represents innocence, beauty, and perhaps the potential we all have. Kim sees all this, and wants it, and her decision becomes the ironic capstone of this story. Tim Burton has created a tale with an ending that causes my eyes to water every time I see it, in spite of the many times I've watched this movie. I suspect it always will. The contrast between the world as we think it should be, and the world as it could be, will always provide fodder for our art. In this case Tim took that fodder and created cinematic and emotional gold.
Rating:  Summary: Beauty and the Beast Meets Goth Frankenstein Review: This dark and odd fairy tale is an interesting and somewhat original watch, but calling it a masterpiece is a bit too much. It`s not very surprising once it shows its main premise, showcasing the innocent and naive outsider entering a new and "beautiful" world. "Edward Scissorhands" is just another movie about an outcast who doesn`t quite know how to connect because he`s "different". Director Tim Burton presents a captivating and well-crafted atmosphere here, surreal, oniric and gloomy enough to catch one`s attention. Johnny Depp provides a solid performance as the fragile and curious protagonist, and the rest of the cast is good as well. Overall, this is a poignant and absorbing offbeat effort, one that proves Tim Burton`s uniqueness and creativity. A memorable cinematic experience.
Rating:  Summary: Cutting Edge..... Review: This review refers to the Fox Video VHS edition of "Edward Scissorhands"..... I cannot think of a trio more suited to work together than Tim Burton, Johnny Depp and Vincent Price.This film really proves it.Vincent Price leaves us with a gift in his last feature film role, as a good hearted inventor who dies before he can finish his last project. Edward(Johnny Depp) was his masterpiece, now left to live alone in a big dark castle on a hill, and what's worse with only multi sheared hands to fend for himself with. His face is battered with the scars from scratching himself. He's really in need of help and a good makeover! It's his lucky day,...Peg(Diane Wiest) the neighborhood Avon Lady has come to call.She takes pity on him and decides to adopt him.The neighborhood gossips are abuzz, but eventually come to accept him because, well, he's just so good with his hands! But..Can he survive life in the real world? Will he find love? Tim Burton's film will have you thinking you are watching a fairy tale out of a beautifully illustrated story book. The neighborhood is wonderfully done in beautiful pastels that are in sharp contrast to the dark castle on the hill.Edward is like a Knight come to save the fair princess(Winona Ryder) from her evil boyfriend. Diane Wiest could be the fairy-godmother trying to transform Edward into a handsome prince.It's a wonderful story with wonderful characters. The cast includes the always perfect Alan Arkin, and Kathy Baker is terrific as the neihborhood sex kitten.Danny Elfman's score is put beautifully to the story. And of course the effects and make up created by Stan Winston are marvelous. The VHS sounds great and has a nice picture.It definatly falls into the PG 13 catagory. Parents of pre-teens may want to view it first. And they lived happily ever after..or did they?.....enjoy....Laurie
Rating:  Summary: Incredible an genuinely moving Review: Edward Scissorhands is a masterful piece of work. The screenplay itself was pretty well-written, but Burton did a perfect job in directing the world and Danny Elman composed a musical score that is a wondrous work of art on its own and lends a beautiful touch to the film. The actors seem to have been made for the roles they inhabit, creating one of my favorite movies of all time. Edward is a creation of an old inventor who lived in a castle on a hill. However, he died before he could complete Edward, leaving him with scissors for hands. Edward lives alone up there until Peg comes calling as the Avon lady and takes Edward home. Edward is first loved by the neighborhood, then despised, then hated. He wins the heart of Peg's daughter, but earns the ire of her slimeball boyfriend. Burton does an excellent job in showing the contrast between Edward's dark world and the bright pastel suburbia. He keeps the pacing going at all the right moments. He knows exactly which parts are funny, moving, and saddening, and he portrays them perfectly. Johnny Depp, known for his acting in kooky roles, plays the childlike innocence of Edward to the letter, and the other actors do a great job of playing their own unique personalities. Danny Elfman's musical score sets the mood for each scene and compliments the film beautifully. I don't know how many awards he may have recieved for the score, but I know he doesn't have enough of them. On the whole, this movie will make you laugh, cry, and most of all, feel. It sets a perfect stage for showing how poor, innocent Edward cannot fit in a society that preys on innocence. A man untainted by the world cannot survive in the world. The colorful suburban neighborhood seems like the American Dream, but this movie masterfully shows the corruptness of it's denizens and the dark rivers of ignorance that flow beneath it. The residents should know better, but they choose not to. The love story is actually believable and the ending will make you cry, regardless of how big or tough a guy you may be. This film is definately worth owning. This is a great film, and it's a shame Hollywood can't make more like this.
Rating:  Summary: a sad artsy monster flick Review: johny depp is like a frankestein with metalhands his master dies so hes lost until he founds out his hands are popular cutting hair etc and the monster becomes popular and loved but soon they all hate him cause he loves winona ryder they turn against him and try to hurt the monster a sad movie with a hidden meaning and 1 of johny depps finest it has the traditional grey pastel painted look of director tim burtons movies some like it some dont i myself think its pretty cool
Rating:  Summary: i still don't know exactly why this movie chokes me up Review: i love this movie. it's a wonderful and haunting fairytale. anyone who claims it's "too strange" is being narrowminded- the weirdness of this movie enhances its charm. edward scissorhands is about a person (if you can call him one) who has scissors in place of hands. left alone in a crumbling castle after the death of his creator, he is taken to live in your typical suburban neighborhood by an avon saleswoman. edward attracts a lot of attention very quickly, with his ability to trim hedges and hair to perfection. but as he begins to see that he is being used as a puppet, the people in the neighborhood turn on him. johnny depp is fantastic- no one could reproduce his facial expressions and few but well-performed lines. he is definitely an underrated actor. watch this movie and you'll see that it's a classic. i can't believe that one of the major points in a negative review was "how would edward use the bathroom? i mean, number one would be painful..." if you pay too much attention to little things like that you miss the point of the movie. i highly recommend watch this funny, touching, and eerily beautiful film. whether you like it or not, you won't forget it.
Rating:  Summary: An excellent story Review: Tim Burton, in my opinion, has never made a bad movie. Edward Scissorhands is no exception. Delightful, comical, and profoundly moving, Edward Scissorhands is a fairy tale unlike any other. Not only does it present us with images that are brilliantly creative and representitive of the world we live in, it also taps into our emotions; everything from lonliness to love to betrayal. Because we as human beings can relate to those emotions without much difficulty, it makes it all the more easier to understand and have sympathy for the characters, especially Edward. The music in the film is both beautiful and haunting, thanks to the talent of composer Danny Elfman. The artistic quality and overall look is striking, from the dark, gray castle of the Inventor to the bright pastels of the suburbs. The acting is wonderful, with Johnny Depp as Edward and Winona Ryder as Kim, just to name a few. If you have a loving, gentle heart, as Edward does, you'll be captivated by this work by Tim Burton.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful!!!!!! Johnny Depp is Fantastic in this! Review: This is one of Johnny Depps best films. Its about a man who was created by an inventor who lives in a large old castle above a Florida suburb. The inventor gives Edward scissors for hands until he can give him normal ones, but the inventor dies before that happens. The local Avon lady comes and takes him home because she feels sorry for him. Edward falls in love with the Avon ladys daughter. Then Edward is shunned for being an outsider. This is a wonderful movie. It made me cry and I RARELY cry at movies. Go out and rent this or buy it today. Its DEFINITLY worth it!!!!!!