Rating:  Summary: Fantastic Movie Review: This movie is EXTREMELY entertaining and suspenseful. The only reason I'm only giving it 4 instead of 5 is that FD2 is superior in every way...but please NOTE: You must watch #1 to get background information on many charcters and events before seeing #2. So in that light, FD2 being an essential movie automatically makes FD1 an essential movie. Plus, you'll like it, too.
Rating:  Summary: FINAL DESTINATION ,THE USED BIN Review: Final Destination is a super natural thriller about well death,so how could it be so bad,let me count the ways. First off the movie starts out with a plane like we have never seen one of those turn on the news. Next the movie drags slowly with kids that decided to get off the plane get questioned which drags on too long. Finally some dies by falling in the tub from water seeping under a toilet(this scene could have been so good,but instead its got a supernatural feel to it)and next more deaths continue kinda of boring a guy on a bus gets hit,like we have never seen that either. Lastly at least the movie could have some sex appeal to make up for the slowness but the movie fails again Ali Larter looks like a poodle,I don't understand in Varsity Blues she looks pretty darn good but in this I didn't even recognize her. HOPEFULLY FINAL DESTINATION 2 WILL MAKE UP FOR MY LOST TIME WITH THE FIRST ONE
Rating:  Summary: Worth watching , but nothing fantastic Review: I felt these were some of the drawbacks to the movie: 1) Seeing the repititous "signs" coming up again and again of premonitions was a little exhausting. It's as if they were trying so hard to sell that point of the movie and keep it in the viewer's mind.***** If you haven't seen movie, skip the rest of this paragraph because it's a possible spoiler... 2)What is up with the electrical cable from hell attacking the girl? This scene is totally unrealistic (I know it's not suppose to be real, but sheeesh)and was dragged out entirely too long, which makes it lose it's effectiveness of being a thrilling moment (I mean, how long do we expect someone to continually scream before we start looking at our watches and begin impatiently whistling). That being said, I still say this movie stands above some of the so-called thrillers out there of this type (Scream, I Know What You Did Last Summer, etc). The notion that this movie promotes is that one probably shouldn't mess with fate because, in the end, it will eventually catch up with you. The high school student who sees the tragic events before they happen just does a little too much to try to secure his fate once he figures out he has this power and, before long, he is helpless against it because he has altered things. Overall, a so-so movie. It does have some suspenseful moments and it is likely to entertain you. I would recommend this movie to anyone who enjoys a good thriller.
Rating:  Summary: Not horrible....not great Review: I will sum this up in a sentence or two. The plot was good....I loved the idea of what they wanted to do. But they didn't do a good job of it. I can't see how it was "scary" though...it's really not that type of movie. More suspense than scary. It is worth watching to kill (no pun intended) an evening, but it won't leave anyone with much other than "oh...I've seen worse as well as better."
Rating:  Summary: surprisingly good Review: An excellent movie and different from the typical teen slasher flicks except in this, you minus the slasher. Final Destination is entertaining with lots of thrills. Good cast equals good performances and the story may not be real like non-existant, but seems so realistic and is clever. The entertaining and unsuspecting thrills makes the whole movie fun including the gruesome elaborate deaths. And how the story falls in2 place, it's smart and interesting. The dark humor in this movie also makes the film worthwhile. It's worth the cash. After 5 students (on their way 2 paris for a class trip) gets kicked off from Flight 180 after one seeing a premonition of a brutal plane crash. From their on, survivors get offed one after another unepectedly. As "death" has a plan and is out 2 get the rest of the survivors. These signs and weird feelings appear before the deaths of these lives which makes the movie interesting and more fun. Soon they realize that they can't cheat death. This is a ride you want 2 take. Thrills around every corner and loads of fun. A little violent but hey, it's not as gory as the sequel! Turn the lights off and get ready 2 be on the edge of your seat. ***** (5 stars)
Rating:  Summary: Scary Movie Not Much Plot Review: This Movie is Scary and Surprising at most moments. It is a little bloody and frightning. I much recemend it over FD2, that one has no plot at all. Just Killing, even this one mostly has just killing but it is an awesome buy.
Rating:  Summary: Best teen horror movie in ages Review: It's about time they made a good teen horror movie. A good cast with an original premise makes for an enjoyable thriller. Finally the killer isn't some deranged psycho that is too predictable like scream or i know what you did last summer (two movie franchises that suck by the way) In this film death itself is the taker. Cool special effects and death scenes. I can't wait for the sequal
Rating:  Summary: The Feces Of The Species Review: My sister dragged me to see this awful movie when it first came out, telling me how good it would be and how it was going to be as scary, if not scarier than "Scream". Yeah right. Maybe if you're a 12-year old Slaughter fan who's never seen anything more adult than "Lilo And Stitch" it would be scary. The long and short of it is a stupid, spoiled rich (I think he was rich...shows how much I paid attention to this stinker) brat who goes to Paris with his equally useless, boring and bratty friends and sees their deaths or something like that. I wouldn't know anything else about it because it was such a turkey that Butterball could cut it up and sell it as lunch meat and that's probably the reason both my sister and I fell asleep partway through it. I give this floating log of a movie 1 star only because it can't go any lower! I want my [$$]back!! Avoid this at all costs!
Rating:  Summary: Move over Scream Review: I only saw this a little while ago, so it's still fresh in my memory. Final Destination is a new line of Teen slashers, only without the freaky slasher dudes. Devon Sawa and Ali Carter are great leads, and the death scenes are fantastic. Ii could never tell how it would happen, except for a couple of instances where it zooms in on the weapon. I liked this because it wasn't routine person is left alone and dies thing, it's more of a supernatural slasher, where anything can kill you, even seat belts...
Rating:  Summary: suprisingly good Review: Thrilling and different. Good slasher flick minus the slasher (as critics agree). Recommended. Score: 98/100