Rating:  Summary: WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?! Review: My god this movie is overrated! Okay, so it has an intelligent story. That's only part of what makes a movie great. The other parts are script, cast, believable character reactions, and direction. In one scene, a guy gets the top of his head chopped off. Instead of the characters screaming or showing some empathy for the dead guy, they simply discuss the design of death. Hello? A guy just got KILLED! Oh, and in another scene, the main character (who is, by the way, really annoying and unlikeable) learns his best friend has apparantly killed himself, and he is blamed for the grief which apparently made his friend kill himself. So, is the guy sad because his friend is dead? No, he's angry because he was blamed. Oh, and the whole movie he talks about how death is inevitable. Well, after a period of time this seems right. Well, somehow him and his girl and this other jerk are able to avoid death. Let me explain: THIS IS DEATH THAT'S AFTER THEM, NOT A SLASHER KILLER! YOU CAN'T JUST DODGE DEATH! WHY? BECAUSE ANY OBJECT IS A TOOL FOR DEATH TO USE TO KILL! AND THESE PEOPLE CAN JUST PROTECT THEMSELVES FROM SOMETHING THAT CAN USE ANYTHING TO KILL?! In one part, the main character makes this house in the woods as safe as he can on the inside. So he's safe? The movie would like to make you think that. See, there are still 5 billion other ways he could get killed! To name a few: Tree falls on house, wind breaks glass and glass flies into face, or even slips on floor and breaks neck! I mean if death can make computer chips fly out of computers and stab people, he can certainly do that. If it were done the right way, this could be a classic. Instead, it's another teen horror flick.
Rating:  Summary: THE GRIM REAPER IS COMING Review: Who is the most effective serial killer in film, and life. Freddy Krueger, unlikely, Jason, please. But what do you think of the Grim Reaper, Death itself? He kills people every day, and will NEVER be caught. Or will he? After Alex Browwning, a seventeen year old student going on a trip to Paris with his class, has a premonition, a vividly frightening one, he begins to freak out and gets himself, as well as several other students and a teacher kicked off of the plane. BUt moments after take-off, BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! Volee Flight 180 explodes, in one of the most realistic fireballs in cinema. But now that they've cheated death, everything's fine and dandy. Or is it? A survivor dies. Then another. Alex and his new best friend Clear Rivers discover something sinister and horrifying. They've screwed up Death's ultimate design for everyone, and now he's finishing it. Alex makes a connection, and now they know who's next, and they begin to take measures to protect themselves. BUt then, once you think it's all figured out, Death throws in one twist, and a killer of an ending. Final Destination is the third best slasher movie I've ever seen, behind Scream 2, and Final Destination 2 (Which in fact is an oxymoron, how can there be more than one final destination?) Extremely good, third-best movie ever!
Rating:  Summary: Watch The Second One and get 2 for one Review: I said that because...well, if you watch the second one they tell you exaclly what happens in this one so why bother whith the first when the second tells you the plot of the first
Rating:  Summary: Great Concept, Gruesome Fun Review: Well, what do we have here? A horror movie that really delivers the scares. Looks like the filmmakers took one look at the mess of slasher films of the past 20-30 years and said, enough already, we'll come up with something different.And they did. The story is intriguing, to say the least: six students and one teacher cheat death by getting off a plane before it takes off. Sure enough, it promptly explodes. But you see, death doesn't take too kindly to being cheated. So he goes after the seven, taking them in the order they would have gone if they had stayed on the plane. The deaths are as bizarrely creative and freaky as they come. They have to be, to drive home the point that the grim reaper himself is really after these seven. Strangely, with each addition to the body count, we react with amusement almost as much as terror. Admit it, you did chuckle at these ridiculously low-probability accidents. And that's just the reaction this movie wants to elicit. This is not the jump-out-of-your-seat, screaming-good-time type of film. It's more in the way of oh-my-God-look-at-the-way-that-poor-sucker-got-done-in fun. The producers planted their tongues firmly in their cheeks and said, let's all have a gruesome good time with this. So they did. And they succeeded where few others have succeeded before: they struck that delicate balance between terror and humor. That's what makes Final Destination so much fun. It can be terrifying, but in the end, it's really just a joke. A morbid one, sure, but a joke just the same. And when we're done laughing, we can smile and say, hey, that's one cool movie. And then go about our merry little lives.
Rating:  Summary: DEFYING THE FICKLE FINGER OF FATE... Review: This teen scare flick is a cut above most others. Here, it is not some crazed killer who does away with most of the cast but, rather, the fickle finger of fate that selects the next denizen of the great beyond. The movie starts off happily enough with a class of high school seniors about to depart for Paris. Once they board the plane, our main man, Alex, cannot quite overcome his fear of flying, as he has a premonition that the plane is going to blow up upon takeoff. His hysteria is such that he, as well as four other students are escorted off the plane and accompanied by faculty members, one of whom returns to re-board the plane. No sooner does the plane take off, that it blows up in mid air. It seems that fate has snatched these lucky individuals out of death's clutches...or has it? Their relief, at having escaped being blown up on the plane, turns to terror, as it appears that fate will not have them cheat death. The lengths that these young people go to evade fate, and the steps that fate takes to hunt them down one by one, makes for a crafty and clever thriller. Teens and adults alike will enjoy this flick.
Rating:  Summary: DIFFERENT! Review: This movie had quite an edge to it in my opinion. A class of young people are on a plane waiting to take off for a trip to Paris. Alex, one of the main players in this thriller has a vision of the plane exploding and being burnt alive. Horrified he makes a ruckus to get off the plane and a fight begins causing 7 to be grounded. Before their eyes Alex's vision comes to pass. Too terrible! However, this was only the beginning of this tale. Death seems to feel as if it were cheated and one by one the young people and their teacher begin to die. Creepy! This one is definitely a thriller and I'm sure teenagers would go wild on this ride.
Rating:  Summary: You can run, but you can't hide from Death Review: Final Destination manages to find its own little niche among psychological thrillers such as Scream and The Sixth Sense. With X-Files veterans James Wong and Glen Morgan at the helm, the movie is all but guaranteed to be entertaining and gripping. The plot works well as a whole, but some of the minutiae and details may make your brain hurt if you try to delve too deeply into them. Some impressive special effects and exquisite timing squeeze as much fun as possible out of the twists, turns, and thrills collected here, and the actors play their roles quite convincingly. Alex Chance Browning (Devon Sawa) obviously does not love to fly, but he shakes off several bad omens to board the plane taking a large group of his classmates to Paris. Just before takeoff, he has a premonition of imminent disaster and ends up getting himself, five classmates, and a teacher, thrown off the plane. While his fellow stranded travelers tell him off and ridicule his claim to have somehow seen the plane explode after takeoff, the plane does indeed explode just as Alex predicted. These six other people seem more upset than grateful to Alex for having essentially saved their lives, and he finds himself a social outcast and even a person of interest to the FBI. Things only get worse from here. His circle of seven survivors begins to die off one by one, and Alex begins to see a pattern in these events. He comes to believe that he somehow messed up Death's plan, and now Death is coming to claim the lives of the seven who were supposed to die in the plane crash. He figured out that plan once already, and he is determined to figure out whatever new design Death throws at him. If he and any of his friends are to survive, Alex must outsmart the Grim Reaper yet again, a tough task indeed. There is not as much character development as I would have liked in Final Destination, but this does keep one from getting too attached to a character slated to die. The relationship between Alex and Clear Rivers (Ali Larter) is especially ambiguous. One character really stands out in the movie, despite his relatively short appearance: Tony Todd (of Candyman fame). He plays a disturbingly dark, strange mortician whose ruminations about death really push the horror aspects of the movie to a higher level. The death scenes are, for the most part, quite delightful. One in particular occurs so suddenly and out of the blue that you have to just stop and give the moviemakers a little love. A decapitation scene came off a little unrealistically, but all of the other special effects were quite impressive. I have to say I really love the ending of the film; it is such a rare thrill to see a cold-blooded concluding moment rather than a sappy fairy tale ending. Speaking of fairy tale endings, that is exactly what the first cut of this movie had, along with a romantic element that ultimately found itself on the cutting room floor. Not only can you see the deleted scenes and alternate ending on the DVD, you can learn the reasons why the changes were made. The DVD includes a short documentary discussing the screen tests done for the film; as a result of these screen tests, the movie was altered rather dramatically in order to better please the intended audience. This documentary provides some great insight into how movies actually get made. A second documentary tells the story of a real-life "intuitive investigator." While this 19-minute feature is interesting up to a point, I really do not see why in the world it was included here. Back on the plus side, there are several commentaries of the movie included on the DVD. Final Destination is quite a good movie in and of itself, and this bounty of extra features makes the DVD a great purchase for those who enjoy psychological thrillers.
Rating:  Summary: Worst movie ever made? Quite possibly, yes. Review: I'm a horror buff, and I'm always open to different movies that involve some kind of gore, possible spychological suspense, and atleast good acting with a solid storyline. You know what this movie did? Made me feel stupid. Final Destination didn't even have something close to any intellectual level, and although I don't expect a horror movie to be smart, I expect the storyline atleast to be solid. Instead, these teenagers find that 'death' is constantly creeping up on them. Is this a good storyline? Yes, but not solid. Obviously, death is not a tangible form, which is an original thought, but it just doesn't work for this movie when they naturally take the advice from the Candyman, (Otherwise known as the Morgue keeper) who says cryptic stuff. This bothered me above all else, because who would take the advice from a complete and total stranger, even a morgue keeper? If somebody said to me, "Boy, death is a comin', and I be seein' you soon" I would naturally dub this guy a 'lunatic.' Do the protagonists? No! They actually take his advice, believing that he's all of a sudden a wise man or something, when they've never even met him! Some skepticism would have worked, you know, but did they throw in the slightest bit of skepticism? Oh no, that would make the characters half realistic! And we don't want that, because they're only gonna die anyways, so what does it matter, man?! The dialogue was completely and totally stale, boring, and, like every other thing in this movie, unrealistic. Were they intending this to be a kids movie before changing the rating? Bottom line is this:...this is bubblegum horror, candy-coded to make it look cool when really it just comes off as an awfully horrible hype that only eight year olds will find the slightest bit scary. Do you want some good, real, fun, disturbing horror or suspense? Try these movies below: Last House on the Left Texas Chainsaw Massacre Friday the Thirteenth The Excorcist Rosemary's Baby Wanna watch some 'recent' flicks that could be put in the horror or suspense genre? Watch the movies below: Jeepers Creepers Sixth Sense Signs The horror genre is in a slump right now...and its very, very unfortunate. The acting in Final Destination was just horrible, the storyline was sloppy (Although more original than most) and the acting was...disgusting. Just right out disgusting. I don't think I've ever seen such bad acting...I'm not even an actor, and I could probably act with more devotion! When the actors try to be good in this flick, the lines come out sounding exaggerated and too sappy...just don't watch it. It's a waste of time, believe me.
Rating:  Summary: One of the most underrated horror flicks of all time Review: Critical people call this movie stupid, or boring. There is never a dull moment in the film, and compared to other recent horror flicks. The bad reviewers seems to be the smallest of men. I recommend this film to any person who knows what a good movies is. Watch a good old fashioned slasher flick, anytime. This one is way better than the second one. You don't know the meaning of the word underrated until you've seen this movie.
Rating:  Summary: 180! Review: you should buy this movie it has less gore than the second one.in this one nobody gets split in three peaces or gets smashed to the ground by a window!the story is about a kid named alex who is also in the second movie as a different charecther called tim carpenter.alex and his class gets a field trip to paris but when he gets on the plane he falls aslepp and has a dream that the plane explodes so he get him and a few people off the plane and they blame him for the trip,BUT when the plane takes off it explodes!now people are afraid to even talk to him so later the people that got off the plane start to die one by one!I'll tell you their deaths,strangeled in a bath tub,hit by a bus,stabbed by a knife then burn and exploded,decapataded by train,hit by a falling sign,falling brick in the face.not showed,exploded by gas heather.showed in Final Destination 2.so please buy this dvd.