Rating:  Summary: Entertaining, scary fun! Review: Great stuff! Myself and my wife went to see this and were both very impressed and entertained at the same time. When a young student(Devon Sawa) has a vision of a plane he has boarded crashing in flames, he decides along with some friends, who reckon he has a real Cassandra complex, not to take the flight. Lo and behold, his premonition comes true, the plane blows up after takeoff. As he deals with the guilt of the passengers' deaths, and being tailed by the FBI who think he may have planted a bomb, his friends are dying in a particular order. One is strangled after slipping on running water, another is suddenly struck by a bus . . . can he save more from Death? This movie delivers all it promises - great special effects, notably in the plane crash scenes and gory ends for various characters, surprisingly good performances for this type of movie and plenty of sudden and unexpected twists and turns, not to mention a fair quota of shocks and impending doom! Well worth seeing late on a Saturday night, but don't expect to go to sleep soon afterwards . . .
Rating:  Summary: Entertaining Teen Gore Fest! Review: Written by 'X-Files' veteran James Wong, he does manage to add some supernatural elements and an undercurrent of creepyness to the film. While it lacks smart dialogue and originality, it does offer some genuine scares, the jump-out-of-your-seat kind. Plausible plot and premise. This one starts out very well, the first 20 minutes are a great way to start this film, but then takes the wrong direction and barely scores as a teen thriller. Entertaining and enjoyable if you don't pay much attention. The ending is also good, depending on which way you look at it. From a scale of 1-10 I give this film a 6!
Rating:  Summary: I wish it were still in theaters Review: This was such an awesome movie! I went just to humor my boyfriend (I usually don't like this type of movie, but I told him I wanted to see it) and ended up loving this movie. It really teaches you not to deny your "gut feeling." If the main guy did, he would've been dead and then-oops! no movie! And that would have been a true tragedy. I want to say more but if I do, I fear I'll ruin the plot for you. It's a movie that just has to be seen!
Rating:  Summary: Final Destination Review Review: Final Destination is a fantasic movie, filled with suspense, action, drama and comedy. I would highly recommend it as an entertaining and well produced film.
Rating:  Summary: Death is Coming Review: I thought this movie was excellent. I wont give the storyline away because i think all the other reviews have but I will say if you like SCREAM then you will definently love this movie it is full of jumpy scenes and is scary as hell. I has convinced me to cancel my trip to Europe which i was planning for next year. Go see this movie it is worth every cent.
Rating:  Summary: Awsome Thriller! : ) Review: This movie is the best movie i ever saw and will buy it when it comes out on video. Anyone that sees it is sure to think that it is the best teen movie of all time!
Rating:  Summary: I walked out on this awful movie. Review: I couldn't even make it through the first hour of Final Destination. What low-level garbage!This is nothing more than another dead teenager movie and it's not even a good one, at that. The acting was as edgy as a high school drama production. Devon Sawa makes his character about as interesting as a doorknob. The supporting cast is comprised of a handful of nobody actors whose verbal exchanges consist mostly of testosterone-laden threats of physical violence or homophobic, under-their-breath epithets. Stupid plot. No surprises. The person in charge of editing appears to have phoned in his work. This flik is worse than half of what they show on Joe Bob Briggs' MonsterVision (and at least he admits that the movies TNT airs on his show are mostly awful). Don't waste your time or money. This isn't even worth a video rental. Just go rent Scream again. Or better yet, go try to find a copy of "See No Evil" with Mia Farrow. Now THAT'S a scary movie.
Rating:  Summary: A well crafted film Review: One of the best things about this movie is it's interesting story line. Seems quite generic, they cheat death and death comes back for them. But it's not, the everyday things that could happen to anyone is really done by death getting it's revenge. From clipping nose hairs to a runaway train to a fried computer, this movie takes these things and turns them very deadly. My only complaint is how it ended, things were left undone, can we say sequel? But then again what horror movie doesn't keep the door open? GRADE: A-
Rating:  Summary: Why the heck are you still online? go see this movie! Review: This movie is funny and frightfully scary at the same time. It was really well done and definetly cahnges your point of view and can chill you to the bone or make you laugh out loud! I definetly recomend this movie if your looking for a fun, scary movie to make you scream and laugh. Go see this movie. NOW!
Rating:  Summary: Starts out well, but gets progressively worse... Review: From Final Destination's first few scenes, I initially thought it was shaping up to be a clever, thought-provoking drama. The first few scenes use a lot of imagery that suggests impending doom, and the plane crash scene itself was very well done. After the "survivors" are forced off the plane and then watch it explode a few seconds after take-off, the scenes following it dealing with survivor's guilt fooled me into believing this was going to be a serious movie. It wasn't until the survivors began dying one by one that the real purpose of the movie began to dawn on me. It was shaping up to be a clever, action-packed thriller instead of the clever, thought-provoking drama I had originally thought it would be. My first clue to the movie's real intention was the water ominously seeping out from the toilet and then retreating back underneath the toilet once it had done its job, hinting that Death himself had made that water seep out just long enough for his victim to slip on it. From that point on, Death hunts down the remaining survivors of the crash on the premise that they were supposed to have died on that plane with the rest of the passengers. With each death, the circumstances surrounding it became more and more elaborate to the point where I ended up turning my brain off and simply enjoying the ride for the second half of the movie. The reason I say it gets progressively worse is because of how it begins. It's almost like the person who wrote this movie was initially going to make it a serious look at death but then changed his mind after he had written the first few scenes. From the death of the first survivor, the movie gets more and more elaborate and more and more absurd until, by the end of the movie, I had lost nearly all respect for it as a quality film. However, the one thing it does have going for it is quantity. It has a lot of action, a lot of suspense, and, most importantly, a lot of gratuitous death to keep the audience entertained throughout. If you're looking for a movie with a thought-provoking look at death, watch The Sixth Sense. However, if you're looking for a fun, action-packed thriller to watch with your friends on a Friday night, look no further.