Rating:  Summary: Very Scary! Review: Saw this flick in the theater, some parts are so shockingly unexpected that several people screamed. Excellent!
Rating:  Summary: Cute, not more Review: So there's this guy that can see these events before they occur. He first learns about it on a field trip to France with his classmates. Fortunately, he and six others manage to get off the plane just in time to see it take off and burst into flames. Then, the prophecy stage presented by a mortician - each and every one who got off the plane will die, not unless they can break the sequence and live happily ever after. In a nutshell, the movie is very much alike most of the teenage horror movies lately (scream 2, urban legends - final cut etc.), but it has this spunk missing that's been lately missing from others. First, there are no famous actors getting slashed, and maybe that's a plus. How many times can you see Jennifer Love Hewitt or Courtney Cox Arquette running away from some raincoat guy holding a hook or some other sharp tool? Also, I find that these movies kind of make fun of themselves, this is embedded in the plot. And this one is more 'serious'. There's no joking about who's about to die, or 'if this was a lame movie what would happen next' kind of material, which gives the movie a sense of quality. I would sum this one up as a nice average+ thriller that's good if you don't have something better to do. I wouldn't add this one up to my own private collection though.
Rating:  Summary: This movies pretty darn cool.but................... Review: hey this movie is one of the freakiest jump out of your seat cause that crap was too weird movies to come along in a while type movies,until the first 45 minutes is up.Basicall this dude and his friends are supposed to die in aplanecrash.....they dont, so death is catching up to them cause they cheated it.But after you see the first person die,cmon you know who else is going to die and exactly when every time.LAME.But other than that this movie is darn cool.And how bout that ending?
Rating:  Summary: Best Thriller Ever? Review: First of all, anyone expecting Final Destination to be a horror movie will be disappointed. Instead, Destination is one of the best thrillers and over all movies ever. The idea of Death killing people because of it being their time is great and the plot twists that abound concerning who dies next are even better. The DVD takes the movie even further, however, by showing some of the deleted scenes and a great alternate ending (though one can understand why it was cut as it sets up for a sequel in many instances). The only downside to the movie is that it never reveals why the main character had the flash to start with, but you become so involved with the movie (and the fact some characters die with little warning) that you never think about it until the movie is over. This is a great movie for any one who loves smart movies.
Rating:  Summary: JCMICHAELS.COM Final Destination Review Review: There are two types of scary movies. The first is all about giving you a creepy feeling. The second is all about grossing you out. While some may prefer the latter it is the first that really sticks with you and Final Destinationdoes just that. The entire premise is creepy and thought provoking. Is there really a plan for all of us? Is our time so definite? Will I die only when this other guy dies first? Who is that guy? These are all questions that you will eventually be asking yourself throughout the movie and still be asking yourself days later.If you are at all like me and are mildly squeamish at the sight of prolonged death and torture sequences then be forewarned. There are two intense death scenes that left me gripping my blanket and clenching my teeth. It is untrue to classify this with any other teen-bopper movie since one thing was missing, a blatant onscreen romance between the lead character and a distressed female or vice versa. While there was onscreen attraction it never evolved into anything physical and kept the credibility of movie intact. If you have seen the DVD version of the movie and have played the deleted scenes, you have seen how the movie would have been completely destroyed. Overall I am pleased at how this movie made me feel during and afterward. This DVD, with all the extras (deleted scenes, commentary, games and more) and great transfer should definitely me included in your library.
Rating:  Summary: This movie rocks! Review: This movie is so-ooo scary. I can't say more without giving it away, but it's scary. Please do not watch if you are an old fart with heart problems! Oh, make sure you eat milk duds with this movie. JUST DON'T SCREAM WITH THEM IN YOUR MOUTH! Because you choking would ruin the movie for everybody else. If you are a fan of scary movies, this should be on your all-time top five. have fun~~~~~~
Rating:  Summary: It rocks! Review: The most unpredictable plot that I have seen in a long time. This movie knows no boundaries. The deaths are interesting and shocking. Some scenes have to be seen to be believed. The acting is very good and not overdone. This is a must see thriller!
Rating:  Summary: The best movie of the year! Review: When I first heard about this movie I thought it wouldn't be very good. But now that I rented it I thought it was awesome! It has good actors in it like Devon Sawa (Little Giants and Idol Hands), Seann William Scott (American Pie and Road Trip), and Ali Larter (Varsity Blues and House on Haunted Hill) and of course there are some other actors too but I'm not going to name them all. This is a very good movie. Go rent it and you will like it!
Rating:  Summary: Very Great Review: This Movie was great! If you like suspense you'll love this movie. There is not one part of the movie where there theres no terror,and its full of screams. IF you like scary movies and suspense you have to get this!!!
Rating:  Summary: You can't cheat Death... Review: THE PLOT: Devon Sawa is Alex Browning. He and his senior class are boarding a plain to France for a fieldtrip. As soon as they're on board, Alex has a vision: The plane explodes soon after takeoff and all aboard die. He, five of his friends and teacher Mrs. Lewton are dragged off the plane by security because Browning's panic attack. As they argue why they had to leave the plane, they are suddenly silenced by a distant explosion as the plane explodes for real. Alex Browning has saved their lives and cheated Death. Now, Death is after them for paybaxk. They chaeted him and he is not happy about it. He tries to get them all but can Alex cheat Death again? Can he save his friends? THE CAST: Co-starring Ali Larter as Clear who shares Browning's visions, Kerr Smith as Carter, a guy who blames Alex for the death of his friends and Tony Todd as the coroner who knows a little to much about the rules of Death.... The acting is actually average but... what do you expect from newcomers and Teen TV Stars? The appearence of Tony Todd is a joy for everyone who knows him and Ali Larter stands out as the best actress in this film. THE FILM: The film stands out as one of the most original horror movies of the 90's. There is no flesh and blood killer which makes the story more interesting. The death scenes are suspensful, gory and not without a sense of irony. The shock effects are rare but well planned and unexpected. The story has its flaws but the atmospheric cinematography lets you forget. You'll be on the edge of your seat from start to finish. However, the film loses its impact with repeated viewing. Also the characters are pretty flat but the story is too short for developement anyway. The reactions to this movie in the theater was awesom. So if you wnt to have a good time, invite some friends and put in this DVD. THE DVD: The DVD features include two documentaries, actor and director commentaries and isolated score with commentary by composer Shirley Walker. One of the documentaries is about how testscreenings can change a movie and that smaller companies, like New Line, have to rely on them in order to make profit. It is quite interesting to see what questions the testaudience has to answer and makes you kind of sad, that a bunch of people can change an entire movie. But it is a business and that is very well shown in this feature. The other documentary is about a female officer who fights crime with her psychic abilyties. She forsees events and can save lives through that ability like Alex in the movie. This feature also is pretty interesting, if you wanna believe in it os another question cause we know since blairwitch, that it is easy to fake something like that these days. The actor's commentary is fun to listen to cause they are pretty funny. Director's commentary is average but insightful. The 5.1 isolated music score is pretty good. Being a fan of film music I love that feature cause the score is not available to purchase. It is a mediocre score but "The march of Dead" is a beautiful theme which is basicly heard in different variations throughout the score. The DVD is definetly worth buying.